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Choo-Choo Page 3

by Amanda Anderson

  “I accept.”

  He lifted her and carried her to his bed. He spread her knees wide and knelt on the floor. He pressed his lips to her thigh and kissed his way to her drenched center. He groaned as he tasted her as if she were delicious, but still he made no move to enter her.

  His control astounded her as he suckled her until she thought she would lose her mind.

  Then she’d felt the cool metal of the little device he was ordered to learn to use.

  It cooled her desires only a little to remember that he belonged to another woman, but she pushed the thoughts out of her head as he pulled her hand down to her own sex and placed the little metal object in her hand.

  Then he had watched as she used the little vibrator to get herself off again. She hadn’t been shy this time. She had pulled his fingers to her body so he could feel the pulses of her orgasm. Then he had shown her how a man made love to a woman.

  Josie had never been with any man other than Eddie and the bastard boyfriend she had caught in bed with her mother only days after he’d taken Josie’s virginity. She’d run away after that and vowed to never let a man take anything from her again. She just gave it away to Eddie. It didn’t hurt her soul as much if she gave it away, but Choo-Choo was different. He’d tasted her and worshiped her long before he entered her body. Even then he was slow and easy with her. She’d never known sex could feel that way. Even now he held her to his side as he quietly snored.

  This had been a mistake. She didn’t want to feel anything for this beast of a man, she had thought he would be rough and it would be all hard sex, but he was so gently and caring that she was losing herself and it had only been a few hours.

  How could she ever let Eddie fuck her again after tonight? She couldn’t, but she had no choice. He would slowly kill her. She had vowed never to allow any man to do that to her, but now she knew she had no way out. Choo-Choo had captured pieces of her she didn’t know existed and Eddie would have the power to destroy her now.

  She felt panicked as the thoughts rolled through her mind. She couldn’t do this. She had to go back to Eddie. She would figure it all out. She would go back to her original plan and just run away. She couldn’t bring trouble for Choo-Choo just to use him.

  She felt tears burn her eyes and tried to shake them away. She would sneak back to Eddie, but she wanted to be selfish just a little bit longer.

  She rolled over and began to stroke Choo-Choo’s impressive dick. He groaned and opened one eye.

  “You tryin’ to kill me woman?”

  ‘No,” she whispered, her voice thick with tears. He didn’t notice. “Will you let me do something?”

  “Anything you want Goldilocks, I’m all yours.” He stretched his massive arms over his head and gave her a sleepy, lopsided smile.

  Josie grinned and kissed his chest. She climbed up to straddle his hips and took him into her body. She would leave him with good memories of her and maybe someday she would see him again and he would remember her.

  “Does that make you a big ole bear?” She asked, referring to her nickname.

  He hissed as she slid down his rigid cock. “Easy baby, there’s no rush.” His hands found her hips and he started a slow rhythm that had her moaning. “See baby. Slow and easy feels real good.” He rolled his hips slowly and proved his words to her.

  Josie had wanted to ride him. She’d wanted to love him as well as he’d loved her, but it just ended up being him loving her again. She came around him and he let out a loud grunt as he pulled her down on his dick and held her there with his hips barely moving as she milked him.

  “You feel so good Goldilocks. How the fuck am I going to feel this good with another woman? Ever? Fuck.”

  He erupted inside her and she couldn’t hold all of him. His juices ran out of her and coated his balls as another orgasm ripped through her. Her head fell back and she moaned his name over and over as each wave crashed over her.

  The door flew open and Josie knew she was dead by the look in Eddie’s eyes. She had disrespected him and he would kill her for it. That was the one rule she had never broken. Never fuck around.

  But it had been worth it. Death was better than being his whore.


  Josie stood naked in front of the club house. She was freezing her ass off, but she was alive, for now. Eddie had dragged her from Choo-Choo’s bed by her hair and hadn’t given her a second to grab any clothes.

  Choo-Choo stood restrained between two of his brothers with rage in his mismatched eyes.

  “Let her put some fucking clothes on you son of a bitch.” He raged and the men holding him strained to keep him from charging Eddie.

  “You son of a bitch. What kind of club are you running here Preach? We come here to talk peace and I find my woman in that fucker’s bed? You dare disrespect me and my club like this?”

  Preach looked tired. “She ain’t patched Eddie. That means free game. Brand new fresh pussy. Choo-Choo didn’t force her so I don’t see the problem. You know the score. Pussy is pussy if it ain’t patched. Even Prez pussy.”

  “He did and I want his blood for it. I want his fucking blood. My woman wouldn’t dare fuck that piece of shit on her own.”

  He slapped Josie across the ass. “Tell the man that big bastard forced you Jo. Tell him.” He squeezed her ass until she gritted her teeth to keep from crying out in pain. She felt the cold air on her thighs and her face flamed, she knew they were still coated with the evidence of her crimes and everyone could see it.

  Josie shook her head. “He didn’t force me. I went to him willingly.”

  This time the slap came to her face and sent her sprawling across the graveled parking lot.

  Choo-Choo roared, but his brothers held him back.

  “That’s enough!” Preach roared and everyone in the yard froze. “I can see that this talk is over and to be honest it wasn’t going well before this shit went down.” Preach waved his hand around the yard to include everyone standing as if they were about to wage a war. “Get the hell off my land and don’t come crying when the Devils come knocking. And dress that fucking girl before you put her on that bike or leave her ass here.”

  “Put something on Jo, but it won’t matter for long.”

  Josie scrambled to pull clothes out of the saddle bag before Eddie could reach her. She managed to find her leggings and an old t-shirt, but it was better than nothing. She had no shoes, but she found a pair of socks too. It really didn’t matter. She would be dead soon anyway. She knew it. If she even made it out of West Virginia she would be surprised.

  “Preach you can’t let him take her. Goddamn it Preach.” Choo-Choo was furious.

  Josie looked up at him after she climbed on the back of Eddie’s bike. “Bye Choo-Choo and thank you.” She wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

  “Bye Goldilocks. Stay brave and strong for a little while ok? It will be ok. I promise you that.”

  “You fucking pussy! You step foot near my woman or my club and I’ll have your balls. This ain’t over!”

  Eddie spun gravel as he pulled out of the compound and Josie let herself grieve for a man she had barely known.

  “What the fuck were you thinking Choo-Choo? This sort of shit isn’t your usual thing. Fucked up that goddamned deal. You know better than that shit. He’d the goddamned President of the Bastards and you thought it would be fine to fuck his woman?” Preach paced the room as the brothers sat around the big oaken table.

  “That deal was already fucked.” Shadow put in. “Nobody wants to deal with those fuckers. That girl isn’t safe and she sure as shit didn’t look happy.”

  “Yeah I fucking know that too. Mrs. had to be here for this shit. I won’t get laid until I get that fucking girl back or at least make sure she has an option and I can’t get it at the bar like you pussies can so I need to hear how the fuck we can snatch that girl without causing a fucking war.”

  Moose snorted. “Not all of us do that shit Preach. Bambie may look sweet, but s
he’d kill my ass if I fucked around.” Moose rubbed his jaw as if it was sore. “Got a mean streak a mile long and all you fuckers fooled. Best thing that ever happened to me.” He grinned. “Plus, pretty sure there’s already war so who the fuck cares.”

  A few of the men chuckled. Bambie was a tiny thing and as sweet as sugar, but Choo-Choo had never seen her mad. Women were a mystery.

  “Fact is this ain’t our fucking problem. We can’t go into their house and steal their girls. That shit gets around. She has to leave on her own. We can send a couple of boys to keep an eye out and give her a hand if she does, but that’s the best I can do. We can’t have that hanging over our heads. She’s just one fucking whore. I ain’t got time for this shit.” Preach spat. “Fact is, I’ll be surprised if she makes it a hundred miles alive.”

  Preach looked pissed about it too.

  “Choo-Choo, did you do anything other than fuck that girl? From the way you looked like you wanted to rip Eddie’s head off, I assume you at least talked.” Spec asked with a tilt to his head that said he was working something out.

  Choo-Choo nodded. “We talked. We talked a lot.”

  “She got the balls to run?” Law asked as he lit a cigarette and took a long pull. “Might solve this little disaster for us if she’s got any guts.” He shrugged. “If not, I don’t see what the fuck we need to get involved for and I don’t know why we are sitting here wasting our fucking time talking about it.”

  “She’s got spunk, but Eddie keep her locked down pretty tight. She tried to get away once and he almost starved her to death.” Choo-Choo felt something like panic. If his brothers didn’t want to help then he would go it alone.

  “Fuck.” Moose crossed his arms looking fierce. He couldn’t stand the sort of man that mistreated a woman and had broken a few noses to prove his point over the years.

  “Could offer a trade. We got a few I wouldn’t mind seeing traded off. Peace offering sort of deal.” Mike put in. “Give them a couple for that one, if Choo-Choo’s got a hard on for her.”

  “What the fuck are we doing worrying about one whore from Texas? Choo-Choo, man you got my respect, but stick your dick in another pussy man and move da fuck on.” Gator drawled with his thick Cajun accent. “We got bigger fish to fry if you ask me.”

  Preach nodded. Choo-Choo knew that Mrs. was a force to be reckoned with, but this was a motorcycle club, not a garden party. He knew by the look on Preach’s face that he was on his own.

  “I can’t start a war over a bitch. I’ll send Sniper to give her a message and that is all I can do.”

  He didn’t look happy.

  Lawless let a grin curl his lips. “Too bad for you old man. When you tellin’ Mrs.?”

  “Fuck you Law.” Preach said without heat. Law got most of his pleasure at the expense of others.

  “Just want to make sure I’m not around, that’s all. I hate it when mom and dad fight.”

  Moose snorted a laugh and even Shadow looked amused.

  “I’ll just tell her you all voted me down.”

  “Now dad, you wouldn’t do that to your sons.” Law drawled as he stood. “We got any real shit to talk about or was all this just about Choo-Choo’s pussy?”

  “Get the fuck out of my sight.” Preach frowned, but he too looked amused. Only Choo-Choo felt like grit.

  Everyone stood to leave, but Choo-Choo.

  Preach leaned back in his chair and regarded Choo-Choo with a knowing look.

  As soon as the door closed behind the last brother Choo-Choo spoke up.

  “What if I claimed her as my old lady?” Choo-Choo asked.

  Preach shook his head. “If you want her to know something, send it with Sniper, but we can’t be a part of anything right now. She shows up on her own,” he shrugged his shoulders in his black t-shirt making his leather cut shift. “I won’t have a problem with it, but we don’t know her and she will need to be watched, same as anybody. Making her your old lady won’t earn her any respect around here. Rena would eat that girl for lunch. If she ain’t got the balls to leave that fucker, she won’t be any good to you. A man needs a woman who has his back.” He shook his head. “That girl was scared and if I had my guess, she thought you might be her out.”

  Choo-Choo felt that old feeling crawl up his back. Preach might be right. Why would a woman who looked like Josie want a man that looked like him? She wouldn’t, not unless she wanted something.

  All the determination drained out of him. She had used him...but then she hadn’t. The last time they were together flashed back to him. He’d thought she’d been crying when he woke up, but she had been stroking his dick so he’d lost his ability to think.

  His emotions swirled until his head started to pound.

  Did it matter? Did any of it really matter? She was in trouble and he could help her. Shouldn’t he do that even if she had just used him? She was obviously scratching to find a way out.

  He knew the answer. He couldn’t let her live that way. It didn’t matter if their time together had meant nothing to her, it had meant something to him.

  He looked up and found Preach watching him.

  “Aww fuck.” Preach ran his hand over his face. “I don’t want to know and if you cause a fucking war over this woman I’ll have your ass for it.”

  Choo-Choo just nodded as he stood and hurried out the door. He had to find Sniper.


  Josie was frozen. She could barely keep herself from falling off the back of Eddie’s bike. The icy wind cut through her clothes until she feared she would lose her extremities. She had never been so miserable in her life.

  Eddie pulled off the road and stopped at a rundown gas station about a hundred miles away from the Defenders’ compound. It was the first time he had looked at her since he’d slapped her in the yard.

  His scowl was dark. He grabbed her hair and jerked her off his bike with a force that made her want to scream, but she stayed quiet. Her frozen legs would barely hold her up as he turned her around and ripped her pants down to her knees. The cuts on her ass from the graveled yard she had skidded across had bled and stuck to her pants. They burned with new fire as Eddie jerked the fabric away and bent her over the seat of his Harley. She was glad for the numbness that still clung to her body as he slapped her ass as hard as he could until he was out of breath and panting. Her legs shook, but she remained as still as she could. She heard the jingle of his belt and gritted her teeth. She had endured him more times than she could count, this was just one more time…

  He slammed into her with a grunt and pumped his seed into her within a few strokes. He always got off on spanking her and this time had gotten him more excited than usual. It wasn’t until he pulled out of her that she heard another jingle. She struggled to stand up, but Eddie kept his hand on her back, holding her in place.

  She heard the high pitched keening from Frog a moment before she felt him slide into her. She wanted to wretch. She wanted to rage, but she couldn’t move with Eddie’s hand holding her down. She opened her eyes to see Poole standing just to the side with his dick already in hand.

  “Been waiting for this for a long time bitch.” He sneered as he watched Frog pump into her.

  Josie shivered. This would be her life if she didn’t get away. She heard Frog groan and slide from her body. Poole was bigger than Frog and Eddie and he wanted to hurt her with his size, but Josie was hurting so much on the inside that she didn’t even feel him rip into her. She felt all of her hopes and dreams turn to sand as she tried to grasp them. How would she ever escape this and where would she go if she did?

  Poole had a hard grip on her hips and began pulling her into him with a force that would leave bruises all over her, but bruises on the outside healed.

  She looked up to find Eddie’s eyes dark with something she had never seen before. Hatred.

  Frog laughed a high pitched, demented sound that made Josie shiver.

  “I want another go Poole, hurry up.” He whined.

�Go fuck Lippy for a while. You know you love her ass better than pussy anyway, you weird fucker.”

  A light lit in Frog’s eyes as he looked over to the woman that stood obediently by Poole’s bike.


  Josie saw the woman pale and understood all too well.

  “Time to get those knees bloody girl.”

  Josie watched as Lippy shook her head, but Frog just slapped her and pushed her to her knees on the cracked asphalt. Josie couldn’t pull her eyes away from the scene. It must have been what she looked like so many times, pathetic.

  Josie snapped her eyes closed. She wouldn’t watch another woman’s shame and she would never be a victim again.

  Poole finished behind her and grunted a long, low laugh.

  “No wonder you ain’t shared that.” He said to Eddie as he stroked his fingers inside of her and up the crease of her ass. “That’s fine snatch brother. You ready to discuss business? That pussy could buy you a lot of respect and favors in the club.”

  “I don’t give a fuck what happens to her. Bitch deserves it. Let’s talk.”

  Josie had expected them to let her up, but they kept her where she was. They talked about deals and using her as bait all while Poole stroked her. Her life was over. She would be nothing more than a party favor now.

  “I think your bitch could ride with me a while Eddie, let you cool off.”

  “What the fuck do I care.”

  Josie looked up and for a second saw hurt on Eddie’s face. He must have cared for her in his twisted way. That was just sad.

  Poole pulled her up against his chest as Eddie stomped off to the store.

  “You can have her.” He said over his shoulder and Poole’s grip hardened.

  “You are mine now bitch. I plan to make a shitload of money off you and you are going to do exactly as I say. Do you understand me? Maybe if you’re real good I won’t kill you like I’d planned.”

  Josie shook her head.

  Poole laughed in her ear. “You just became the club’s newest whore and I’m claiming first dibs. Eddie just don’t know what he’s doing and he just lost a fortune.”


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