Little Suckers Bite Too (San Francisco Vampires #6) (Vampires of San Francisco series)

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Little Suckers Bite Too (San Francisco Vampires #6) (Vampires of San Francisco series) Page 2

by Jessica McBrayer

  “Isn’t our appointment in two hours?” Hannah asks me.

  “Yes, but these twinges don’t sound good and I don’t want to wait.”

  The receptionist is happy to accommodate us and even puts our luggage in their staff room and watches Hades for us. He happily goes behind the desk with her. Everyone stops to pet him as they go by. He’s in seventh heaven. The nurse leads us to an exam room and I help Hannah change into a gown.

  Hannah’s stomach is huge. Much larger than I thought it could ever grow. I find it fascinating and she has never been more sexy to me than when she is swollen with my son. My son. I still can’t get over that.

  The doctor walks in and doesn’t look happy.


  Dr. Hildebrand looks upset. Diel is practically coming apart at the seams and I am the one who is calm. That’s a first.

  “I hear you’ve been having some discomfort and cramps, Hannah?” Dr. Hildebrand asks.

  “Yes, for about a week now.” Diel growls. Most likely because I haven’t told him. “They started as just fleeting moments. Nothing to get worried about, I thought. But now they are stronger and I am having several a day. They are getting painful too.”

  “I think these are contractions you are having and it’s much too early for the baby to be delivered. I’d like you to go at least two more weeks…”

  “But won’t that be a week early?” Diel interrupts.

  “Yes, but the baby will have the best chances at that point. He may be a little small but everything should be developed by then.”

  “What happens if I deliver now?” I ask.

  “If the baby needs lungs, they will not be developed yet. The baby will be too small and will have a fifty-fifty chance of survival. Remember that vampire pregnancies are much shorter so the baby needs as long as possible in the womb. Boys develop more slowly too.”

  “Yes, I remember. What do we do now,” I ask as I take Diel’s hand for support. He looks very pale.

  “Is Hannah in danger?” Diel asks.

  “Not really. The danger is to the fetus. I’m putting you on bed rest for the next two weeks and suggest you stay in Hell until you deliver. Do you have arrangements made for this?”

  “Yes, we are supposed to be renting a house for a month. I’m sure I can get it early and for as long as we need. We have some friends who will be with us for the birth. I should probably contact them to start moving them down,” Diel answers. The house is news to me. Sneaky Demon thinks of everything.

  “I want them early if they will come. I will be bored to death in bed.”

  “You will be able to get up for the bathroom and to shower but the rest of the time you need to be in bed or lounging somewhere on a couch,” Dr. Hildebrand explains. He walks up to me and pats my knee. “It will be okay, Hannah. You just have to rest and let that baby boy finish growing. I need to do an exam now to make sure everything is okay.” He looks at Diel. “You staying or going?”

  “Staying,” Diel says defiantly. I have to cover up a snicker. He gets a little squeamish sometimes. The birth should be interesting. Ha!

  “Lie back, Hannah, let’s see if the baby has descended and if you are dilated. That will give us a closer idea of where you are.”

  I lie back on the table and assume the position. Gods, I hate this. Feet in stirrups and open wide for all of Hell and back. At least the doctor puts a nice soft blanket over me so he can be as discreet as possible.

  He does his exam and frowns briefly. When he is done he pulls the blanket down from my belly and measures it. Then he listens to the heartbeat. I have to say that it is reassuring to hear. When he’s done he looks at us.

  “Hannah and Diel, I’m so glad you had an appointment today. Hannah is already two centimeters dilated and the baby is descended. The baby is measuring quite large and we may have to do a caesarian section as Hannah is so small. We’ll see. But for now, I want total bed rest and I will be stopping by every few days to check on her.” He goes to the sink to wash his hands. “If you have any more contractions, you need to call me immediately. There are things we can do to stop them.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Hildebrand. I’ll text you the address and you have our phone numbers,” Diel says. He is so white, all the blood drained from his face but he is holding on. I am so proud of him. I know how scared he is. I would be the same way about him. And I’m just as worried about the baby.

  “Rest, Hannah. Lots of rest and make sure you keep drinking fluids of some sort and I want you to feed every three days too. I’ll see you soon.”

  The doc leaves the room then and Diel is on me like a vamp on a warm blooded snack.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?” he asks. He holds my hands like a life line.

  “I’m fine, Diel. Little Henley just wants to meet us early.” I smile at him and squeeze his hands. He’s not relaxing though. His tension shows around his eyes. “Diel, honey, you have to relax. It stresses me out and that’s not good. We’ll just lay low for a couple of weeks. No problem. Now, tell me about this house.”

  “Uhm, house may be an understatement. It’s more of a mission statement. Architectural Hell did a piece on it. The owners plan on selling it but have graciously rented it to us for a month. I know if I call and explain what’s going on I’ll get it for longer.” He runs a hand through my hair and gives me a chaste kiss. “It’s big enough for everyone to stay with us while they’re here.”

  “That’s so you, sweetheart. Always taking care of things. I can’t imagine Lily wants to stumble around Hell again. I’m floored that she is willing to return. She sure loves me.”

  “Everyone loves you, Han. You’ll have a house full of nurses at your disposal with all the worrying everyone is going to do,” Diel says as he helps me take the robe off and re-dress.

  “Oh, Goddess, you have to help keep them distracted. I’ll suffocate.”

  “I’ll type up a schedule if I have to,” he says and finally smiles.

  “We better go rescue the office from Hades. He’ll have matched up everyone by now. Too bad most of the people here are already married.” I laugh and think of my poor underused puppy. His ability as a match maker is part of the reason Diel and I are together.

  “Come on, babe. We have some calls to make and a house to get you settled in.” He rubs my belly and bends down to talk to it. “You stay in there Landon.”

  We both look at each other.

  “Nah,” we say at the same time. I break into giggles and Diel grins at me.

  We snag Hades and grab a taxi for the car rental dealership called Hurts. I know, what were they thinking? The parallels here are ridiculous.

  We rent an SUV so Hades has room and we can move people around. Then we head to a restaurant so Diel can eat and we can make arrangements for the house. Diel makes phone calls between bites of his steak. I never did ask whether they use beef down here or some weird hell-beast. I don’t think I want to know. It’s one thing to feed it to my Hell Hound and quite another knowing that Diel is eating it and I will then drink it from him. Euww…

  I call Lily since I have nothing to do and they will need time to speed up their arrangements.

  “Lil, it’s Hannah.”

  “Ganja momma, what’s shaking? I thought you were in Hell. What’s wrong? OMG did you have the baby without me? Are you okay? Speak to me, ganja girl.” Lily’s voice is high pitched and precariously close to hysteria.

  “Relax, I’m still pregnant…”

  “Oh, thank the Goddess,” she interrupts me. I can hear Sebastian cursing in French and Lily explaining that I am all right.

  “Well, things aren’t perfect though. I’m restricted to bed rest for the next two weeks and I’m already dilated and the baby has dropped.”

  “Merde, I knew something was wrong,” she says getting all gaspy. I’m worried she’ll try breathing and hyperventilate.

  “Did you just cuss in French?” I ask her trying to make her calm down.

  “I’ve been
hanging out with Sebastian too much,” she says and laughs. “When and where do you want us, because you know we’re coming.”

  “We will have to liaise with Aidan. He will have to pop Hades back and forth in order to get everyone down here. Diel’s rented this huge house so everyone can come. I just need to know when you can get to the portal, so we can work out a schedule.”

  “I know that Sebastian and I will be coming. Julian and Helena too. I’m not sure about Andrew and Liam. Andrew said something about not being able to respect you if he has to look at your girly parts. I think he is just scared you won’t love him as much after the baby comes,” she laughs. I hear her walking from room to room repeating what is happening and getting affirmatives from everyone but Andrew and Liam.

  “Andrew says he can’t wait to be an auntie but will stay here and hold down the fort,” Lily says and then giggles. Her giggle is like a balm, settling me. It will be great to have some serious girl time.

  “Tell Andrew that I understand and we will see him top side soon.”

  “Okay. I’ll call Aidan and figure out when we can be there. You let me worry about us. You rest. Love you. Ciao.” And she is gone.

  I look over at Diel who is finished with his meal and watching me intently. He is still tense and probably will be until I give birth. But so help me if he is this anal when the baby is here, I will kick his butt.

  “I’ve already called Aidan. He should be at the manse by now and was a little anxious about you.”

  “Lily was too. They’ll feel better when they are here and see I’m okay,” I say with confidence I don’t feel. Diel sees through me.

  “I know I’m acting freaked out but I know deep down that everything will be okay, babe. We just need to get you settled now. Come on, the house is ready,” he says as he helps me up. I can barely steer the tugboat I have become. Thank goodness about a vamp’s ability to heal quickly. No stretch marks and thirty minutes after delivery I will be back to normal.

  We’re back in the SUV after stopping at our favorite butcher’s shop to load up on meat for Hades and these huge femurs that he adores. We lock everything in the luggage carrier on the roof. Otherwise Hades would chew through the seat to get to them. Diel packs it all down with ice, explaining that we have to drive for a bit as the house is on the outskirts of the city.

  The house. It’s not a house, it’s a freaking mansion. It is beautiful though. I can see why it was featured in the magazine. It has nine bedrooms with en suite bathrooms in each plus three additional bathrooms on various floors. Huge windows everywhere showing a dazzling view of the city in the front and the demon-made lake in the back. Tons of birds scatter off the water when Hades jumps in barking. Birds of every color and shape. Some I’m surprised can even get off the ground with their body to wing proportions so out of whack. Hades is happy though. The violet hued grass will take some getting used to. Trees looking like they have gemstones shaking in the breeze. I know that it is just the colorful leaves but they sparkle here.

  While Hades is occupied, Diel carries all the meat in and stores it in a huge subzero refrigerator. He checks that the fridge has been fully stocked for him and it has. Next he grabs our luggage and picks me up. I squeal at the unexpected jump. I’m quite a handful now but he easily carries me up some stairs.

  “I don’t want you walking up or down the stairs. I’m going to set up some baby monitors so I can hear you from anywhere in the house. All you have to do is call for me. I’ll have Aidan get them for us. We’ll need them anyway when the baby comes,” he says, looking at me sternly. I know this is not a fight I will win because he is determined. I will just remember to turn them off when I have visitors. I don’t want our conversations broadcast throughout the house.

  “Which room is ours?”

  “Let’s explore and pick the best. Hopefully there will be some with a view that you can choose from.”

  We go through all the bedrooms and find the master. It’s done in pale blues and cream. Very soothing. It is situated in the house so that it has a view of the city and of the lake. The room is huge. With a sitting area, huge four poster bed that is easily bigger than a king. The bathroom is all marble and has a separate shower and tub. The tub is in its own room with a view of the lake and wildlife. There are steps going up to it and it is surrounded by candles and expensive bath oils. I can’t wait to try it.

  “You’re dying to try it aren’t you? Why don’t I run a bath for you, babe. You can relax while Aidan and I ferry everyone here and get them settled.” I could get used to this pampering gig. Diel is so considerate of my needs. I need to find a way to reciprocate.

  “That would be heaven, honey. When is Aidan supposed to be here?”

  “He’s texted me that he picked up Hades and is heading over to the portal. He’s gathered everyone at the portal,” Diel says with a grin.

  “Efficient. You two should start a business,” I say trying to hide my sarcasm. I shouldn’t feel that way but I feel left out of everything. I suppose I need to get used to it.

  “Babe, I know you’re feeling helpless but don’t. You are doing the hardest job right now. Keeping Ferdinand safe is a full time job right now.”

  “X-nay to Ferdinand. Yeah, so not naming him that.” I laugh and Diel swoops in and kisses me til my toes tingle. When he steps back to fill the tub, I’m in a daze. Love that Demon.

  “How about some lavender oil?” he asks.

  “Perfect, Diel.”

  “Okay, let me help you out of these clothes. By the way, I’ll open a portal to our house and get us more clothes. Until then you can work with what we’ve brought,” he says while he pulls my t-shirt off. My belly is in full view and he rubs it gently, bending down and kissing it. I run my hands through his hair, sighing.

  “I love you, Diel. So much.” Dammit, here come the tears.

  “Shh, shh, my beautiful wife. Nothing to cry about. Everything will be fine.”

  “I just love you so much, it’s overwhelming,” I half whisper, half sob.

  He pulls me into a gentle embrace and kisses my hair, my neck, my shoulders and then my mouth. Goddess, I love him.

  “I don’t want you getting in or out of the tub without help, please. Especially with the oils being used. It will be slippery and I don’t want to risk you falling. Please?”

  “Not a problem. Make sure Lily comes up to keep me company if you are busy. She can help me.” I shimmy out of my skirt and then struggle out of my panties and bra. I look in the mirror, stunned at how big my belly has gotten and how large my breasts are. They are so sensitive and Diel knows it and uses it against me. Lucky me.

  Diel takes my hand and helps me step into the tub. It feels so fucking nice. I sink down to my neck and let my limbs float in the warm, sweet-scented water. Diel is grinning at me.


  “You. You get so much pleasure from something so simple. I’m just happy about that.”

  “You would too if your body were so huge and you couldn’t see your feet anymore,” I mumble grumpily. He pats my head, which pisses me off for no particular reason.

  “You’re still the most beautiful woman I have ever known, even more so now.”

  Okay, so he redeemed himself. I hear a racket coming from downstairs. Barking and voices all talking at once. One rings out above them all.

  “Everyone. Quiet yourselves down. Stress and premature labor don’t mix. I’ve read all about this. I’m an expert. Diel! Where the hell is my bestie?” Lily yells at the top of her lungs.

  Diel rolls his eyes and I start giggling again. He gives me an indulgent smile.


  I give Han a quick kiss and make my way down the stairs as fast as I can. Hoping to stop Lily from yelling again. I know she is just worried, but man can that woman yell when she wants.

  I enter pandemonium in the foyer. Pure chaos. Everyone is talking over everyone else. Bags are piled high, Hades is barking and Aidan is manifesting items like crazy, most
ly baby related and in blue.

  I whistle loudly and all heads turn towards me.

  “Everyone, calm down. Let’s get you and your luggage into your rooms. Hannah is taking a bath, Lily, and asked that you keep her company. If you would also aid her in getting out, I would appreciate it.” I quickly organize and the noise level drops. Hades is still barking and flames are shooting everywhere. Aidan puts them out just as fast but I turn Hades free to roam the estate.

  With that taken care of I point towards the stairs. Lily is in front, anxious to get to Hannah. I politely show her into our bedroom.

  “Thanks, Diel,” she says as she breezes past me. I feel a bit better knowing someone will be with Han.

  “Diel, just point me to a room that Lily and I can crash in. I’ll put our clothes away and let you get things settled,” Sebastian says. I knew I liked him. I appreciate his cool head – now that his French temper has cooled after his triangle with Aidan and Lily. I let him in the green room which happens to be next to ours. I know Lily and Hannah will want to stay close.

  “Diel, darling, I’m sorry we’ve created so much turmoil. I promise we will settle down,” Helena says sweetly.

  “It’s okay, Helena. Just takes some adjustment.”

  She pats my arm as she walks by. I put them in the red room, down the hall with a view of the city. Lily and Sebastian will see the lake. And finally there is Aidan.

  “Just stick me somewhere, Diel. I’ll probably change it anyway.”

  “Just put it back when you are done. We had to put a major deposit down and signed a contract in blood that we wouldn’t change anything or break it.”

  “Not a problem, my friend,” Aidan says with a wicked glint in his eye. I’m worried.

  “I was wondering if you could help me with something. I want to put baby monitors into all the common rooms and our bedroom so that I can hear Hannah if she needs me. Think you could help me out with that?” I ask.


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