consensus, 149–50, 254, 260
Conservative Associations, 276
Conservative Board of Finance, 267
Conservative Party: general election (1935), 25–6; general election (1945), 43–7; Conference (1946), 47–8, 68; Industrial Charter, 49–50; Conference (1948), 62; ‘lower than vermin’, 69; manifesto (1950), 70; general election (1950), 71–3; general election (1951), 75; National Union Executive, 75; general election (1955), 87; Conference (1957), 92; manifesto (1959), 93, 111; general election (1959), 99–101, 114; policies during 1960s, 114–15; Africa policy, 114–15; Conference (1961), 119; Conference (1963), 128; leadership succession (1963), 128–31; general election (1964), 131–2; in opposition, 133; leadership election, (1965) 133–6; Conference (1965), 136; Conference (1966), 139–40; Conference (1968), 148; manifesto (1970), 160, 194, 197, 224; general election (1970), 161–3; education policy, 167; manifesto (February 1974), 235–6, 246, 322; general election (February 1974), 235–9, 327; manifesto (October 1974), 242–50, 257–9, 300, 322; Heath’s policies, 241; general election (October 1974), 260–1; leadership question, 261–71; leadership election, 271–81; Heath’s position, 283; Conference (1975), 291; incomes policies, 300–4; Conference (1975), 305–9; Conference (1976), 316, 407; European referendum, 330–6, 338–9; Grunwick dispute, 397; Conference (1977), 403–4; Conference (1978), 414–18; trade union policy, 423–5, 454; manifesto (1979), 435–9, 447; general election (1979), 439–61; Europe policy, 473, 487
Conservative Political Centre (CPC), 75, 148, 255
Conservative Research Department, 161, 248, 252, 292–3, 306, 410
Conservative Trade Unionists’ rally (1979), 457, 458
Cook, Beryl, 65, 67, 79
Cooke, Robin, 276
Cope, John, 268
Corfield, Fred, 206
corporal punishment, 116–17, 151
Corrie, John, 325
Council of Europe, 525
Council of Legal Education, 79
Coward, Noël, 14
Crafts, N.F.R., 576n
Crankshaw, Edward, 309
credit controls, 115, 213
crime: rate, 540–2, 550; juvenile, 551; causes, 551–3; cutting, 557–9
Criminal Justice Bill (1961), 116–17
Cripps, Sir Stafford, 52, 55
Croatia: recognition of, 490, 495; independence, 512; war, 514; Serbian attack, 534
Crosland, Anthony: at Oxford, 49; comprehensive education, 168; rates, 247–8; on MT’s manifesto proposals, 250, 258; death, 396
Crossman, Richard, 124
Cullen, Muriel (née Roberts, MT’s sister): childhood, 3–5, 15, 16; penfriend, 26; work, 32, 52; car, 74; marriage, 104; mother’s death, 107
currency: convertibility, 86; sterling crises, 312, 315; single European, 333; EMS, 338, 339–40, see also Exchange Rate Mechanism
Czech Republic: national identity, 525; economy, 591, 592–3
Czechoslovakia: German occupation, 27; Havel Presidency, 508; national identity, 524; privatization, 590
D-Day landings (1944), 41
Daily Telegraph, 149, 273, 278, 293, 335
Darbishire, Helen, 40
Dartford, 63–8, 71–5
Davidson, Lady (Mimi), 48
Davies, John: Technology, 200; Heath’s reforms, 203; UCS, 214–15; miners’ strike (1972), 217; Industry White Paper 220; Industry Act, 220–1; successor at DTI, 224–5; general election (February 1974), 233; dropped from Shadow Cabinet, 242; MT appoints as Foreign Affairs spokesman, 320; illness, 320, 418; death, 418; Stepping Stones discussions, 421
Day, Robin, 42–3, 236, 300, 424, 449
de Gaulle, Charles, 126–7, 207
de la Mare, Walter, 8
De L’lsle and Dudley, Lord, 57, 398
Deakins, Eric Petro, 100
death penalty, 151–2
Declaration of Intent, 138
Deech, Ruth, 563n
Deedes, William, Lord, 293
defence spending, 531–6
Dej, Gheorghe, 354
Delors, Jacques, 487, 509
democracy, 524
Deng Xiao Ping, 389
Denmark, Maastricht referendum, 492, 494
Denning, Lord, 504
Depression, 23–4, 566
deregulation, 568, 578
detenu, 348–9, 350–2, 364, 388
devaluation, 50, 70, 160
development planning, 586–7
devolution, 285, 321–7, 328, 430–2
Diamond, Jack, 139
Dicey, A.V., 84–5, 332
Dickens, Charles, 19
direct grant schools, 159, 167, 173
Disraeli, Benjamin, 118, 259
divorce: law reform, 151, 152, 548, 563; rate, 548
Djilas, Milovan, 370–1
Dobbs, Michael, 441
dock strike (1972), 222
Docker, Lady, 78
Dodd, Ken, 459
Dodds, Norman, 71–2, 75
Donat, Robert, 15
Donnelly, Desmond, 153
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 310
Douglas, Roger, 586
Douglas-Home, Sir Alec (Lord Dunglass, Lord Home): OUCA, 48; Yalta Agreement vote, 57; widows’ earnings rule, 123, 130; becomes PM, 128–30, 280; Foreign Secretary, 130, 199, 282, 375; MT’s high opinion of, 130, 144; general election (1964), 131, 133; stands down, 133; Middle East policy, 230; leadership election review, 266; devolution proposals, 321
Drinkwater, John, 8
drugs, 153
du Cann, Edward: 1922 Committee, 225, 264, 285, 289, 335; refuses to join Heath’s Shadow Cabinet, 264; leadership election (1975), 269–72; MT’s leadership, 285, 289; EC referendum, 335
Dunglass, Lord, see Douglas-Home
Eccles, David, Lord, 165
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), 483, 485–6
Economic Club of New York, 478
Economic Dining Group, 265
Economic Policy Committee of the Cabinet (EPC), 195
Economic Reconstruction Group, 298, 300, 403
ECU, 485
Eden, Anthony (Lord Avon), 48, 75, 86, 89, 91, 130
Edinburgh, 296
education: selection, 157–9, 173–4; comprehensive plans, 157–8, 168–74, 188; Plus, 157–9, 169, 191; primary schools, 158–9, 167, 182–5, 192; school leaving age, 159–60, 167, 192; egalitarian policies, 166; higher, 167, 183, 191, 192, 193; HMI, 173; Assisted Places Scheme, 173; grant-maintained schools, 173; vouchers, 173, 191; teacher training, 176–8, 190, 192; school meals, 179–81, 192; school milk, 179–82, 189; school building programme, 183–5, 189, 190, 191–3; student unions, 185–7, 189; teaching of reading, 189; use of English, 189; White Paper (1972), 190–1; student loans, 191; spending cuts (1973), 191–3; promotion of competition, 575
Education: A Framework for Expansion, 190–1, 193
Education Act (1944), 44, 170–9
Education Act (1976), 172
Education and Science, Department of (DES), 157–8, 165–93
Education Bill (1970), 158
Edwards, Nick, 403
Egypt: Suez crisis, 88; occupation of Yemen, 88; Yom Kippur War (1973), 372–3; MT’s visit (1976), 373, 374–5
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 89
Election Call, 236, 449–50
elections, general: (1935), 25; (1945), 33, 43–6; (1950), 70–3; (1951), 75; (1955), 87; (1959), 93, 99–101, 114; (1964), 131–2; (1966), 137; (1970), 161–3; (February 1974), 235–9; (October 1974), 250, 257–61; (1979), 435–61, 571; see also by-elections
Elizabeth II, Queen, 78, 91
Elton, Lord, 55
Ely by-election (1973), 226
Erhard, Ludwig, 253, 343, 344
Esposito, J.L., 536n
Ethiopia, 371
European Assembly, 326–7, 328, 337
European Central Bank Board, 486
European Commission, 489–90
European Communities Act (1972), 209, 210, 504
an Community (EC): membership negotiations (1961–63); 117, 126–7, (1970– 72); 201, 207–11; Heath’s attitude, 126, 134, 207, 211; MT’s attitude, 126–7, 470–507; Britain’s entry, 176, 211, 496, 500; budget, 208; sovereignty issue, 209–10, 237, 497, 504; British referendum, 283, 330–5; single currency, 333; federalism, 470–1, 473, 476, 496; protectionism, 476, 502, 595, 597, 599; Maastricht Treaty, 481–8; British ‘opt-outs’, 484–5; policy in former Yugoslavia, 494–5; Single Market, 497, 502, 503; trade balance, 498; ‘two der’ concept, 500, 501–2
European Councils: Paris (1972), 496; Rome (1990), 500, 509
European Court of Human Rights, 399
European Court of Justice, 210, 333, 482, 497, 504
European Democratic Union (EDU), 340, 346–7
European Economic Area (EEA), 505
European Free Trade Area (EFTA), 126, 134, 505
European Monetary System (EMS), 338, 339–40, 596; see also ERM
European Union of Women, 127
Evans, N.R., 585n
Evening Standard, 131
Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), 477, 485–7, 492–4, 501, 570, 596–7; see also EMS
Ezra, Derek, 215
Factortame case, 497, 505; see also Merchant Shipping Act
Fair Deal at Work, 160
Fairgrieve, Russell, 325
Falklands War, 567, 583
family: institution of, 522, 540; one-parent, 538, 539, 544–5, 549, 561–3; welfare dependency, 544–5; changes in demographic structure, 548–50; strengthening, 561–4
Family Credit, 560, 599
Fanfani, Amintore, 345
Fanfare for Europe (1973), 211
Faraday, Michael, 176
Federal Reserve Board, 590
Federation of University Conservative and Unionist Associations (FUCUA), 47
Feiling, Keith, 42
Ferrier, Kathleen, 38
Finchley: MT’s selection, 95–7; MT’s adoption, 97–8; Jewish community, 98–9, 230, 374; Liberals, 98–9; general election (1959), 99–101; general election (1964), 131–2; general election (1966), 137; ‘brain drain’ from, 154; general election (1970), 162–3; general election (February 1974), 237–8; general election (October 1964), 258, 261; general election (1979), 458, 459–60; MT stands down, 488
Finchley Golf Club, 98, 131
Finchley Press, 97
Finsberg, Geoffrey, Lord, 266
Fitt, Gerry, Lord, 431
Fletcher, Mrs (Dartford), 63
Flowers, Sir Brian, 175
Foot, Michael, 29, 207, 260, 328, 432
Ford, Gerald, 348, 357, 360–1, 365, 375
Ford, Henry, 443
Ford, Mrs Henry, 465
Ford strike (1978), 413, 415
foreign policy: MT’s five tenets, 518–36; role of US, 518–19; balance of power, 519–21; nationhood and national sovereignty, 522–7; freedom, democracy and human rights, 527–30; defence, 531–6
Fowler, Norman, 289, 311, 575
Framework for Government Research and Development, A, 174
France: Suez crisis, 88, 89; MT’s visit (1975), 337; EC role, 473; Hoover-Europe transfer, 484; Maastricht referendum, 492, 494; Gulf War, 499, 511; EC policies, 500, 595; constitutional law, 504–5
Franco, Francisco, 24, 341
Fraser, Hugh, 276, 277, 278
Fraser, Malcolm, 386–7
Freitas do Amaral, Diogo, 340–1
Friedman, Milton, 386, 567, 596
Frost, Gerry, 252
Fry, Christopher, 38
fuel crisis (1947), 50
Fukuyama, Francis, 517
Gaitskell, Hugh, 93, 128
Gandhi, Indira, 384–6
Gandhi, Rajiv, 385, 585
Gandhi, Sanjay, 385
Gang of Four, 389, 391
Ganić, Ejup, 514
Garbo, Greta, 14
Gardiner, George, 273, 278
Garner, Tony, 443
Gatehouse, Stella, 45
GATT, 471, 476, 502–4
General and Municipal Workers Union, 446
General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 555
General Strike (1926), 126
George V, King, 20
George VI, King, 22
George-Brown, Lord, see Brown, George
Germany: Hitler, 26, 31; invasion of Czechoslovakia, 27; invasion of Poland, 28; MT’s visits (1975, 1976), 341–5; incomes policy, 403–4; EC role, 473–4; Deutschmark, 477, 478, 483, 487, 506, 570, 596; MT’s Hague speech, 490–1; Bundesbank, 492; monetary union, 500; constitutional law, 504; reunification, 508; balance of power, 520; model of capitalist system, 594–6
Giant’s Strength, A, 110, 205
Gibson, Guy, 32
Gillies, Dorothy, 34
Gilmour, Ian, Lord: election manifesto (1974), 247; MT’s Shadow Home Secretary, 286; CRD, 292; incomes policy, 301, 430; Shadow Defence, 310; devolution issue, 323; Stepping Stones discussion, 421, 422
Ginsburg, Alexander, 371
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 337
Gladstone, William Ewart, 176
Gligorov, Kiro, 370
Glover, Douglas, 318
Glover, Eleanor, 318
Godber, Joe, 242
Goldsmith, Sir James, 596, 597–600
Gollancz, Victor, 28
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 513
Gormley, Joe, 218, 226
Gouriet, John, 399
Graham, Billy, 458
grammar schools, 157–9, 167, 170–3, 188–9
Granada 500, 459
Grandes Conferences Catholiques, 347
Grant, John, 63
Grantham: history, 19–20; Second World War, 32–3; by-election (1942), 33; influence, 565–6
Gray, Hamish, 325, 326
Greater London Council (GLC), 396
Griffiths, Brian, 303, 556
Grunwick dispute, 288, 312, 368, 397–403, 428
G7 Summit (1977), 367
Guinea Club, 273
Gulf War, 474, 499, 508, 510–n, 533
Hague, Douglas, 254
Hailsham, see Hogg
Haiti, intervention, 535
Haley, Bill, 77
Hall, Henry, 15
Handel, George Frideric, 9
Harding, Miss (KGGS), 18
Hare, John, 79, 82–3, 85
Harris, Sir Arthur ‘Bomber’, 32
Harris, Kenneth, 43
Harris, Ralph, 254
Harvie-Anderson, Bettie, 130, 322
Haskins, Minnie Louise, 23n
Hastings, Max, 263
Hattersley, Roy, 191
Havel, Vaclav, 508
Havers, Michael, 332
Haydn, Joseph, 9
Hayek, Friedrich August von, 50–1, 56, 85, 253, 604
Hayhoe, Barney, 399
Heald, Sir Lionel, 111
Healey, Denis: on inflation, 258; Budget (1974), 265–6; Commons exchanges with MT, 265–6, 273–4; Howe as Shadow Chancellor to, 288; incomes policy (1975), 302–3; mini-Budget (1976), 320; Budget (1977), 395; on MT’s immigration interview, 408; on ‘Labour Isn’t Working’ campaign, 411–12; election campaign (1979), 445; public spending cuts, 568
health, see National Health Service
Heath, Edward: general election (1950), 68; One Nation, 86; relationship with MT, 98, 142, 143–4, 163. 189, 267, 282–3, 307, 475; EEC negotiations, 126, 134, 201, 207–11, 330; leadership election (1965), 133–6; general election (1966), 137; Shadow Cabinet, 137, 141, 142, 143, 160; immigration issue, 145–7; CPC lecture, 148; Buckingham University issue, 159–60; general election (1970), 160, 162–3; science policy, 174–5; Nobel Prize winners dinner, 175–6; education policy, 183, 188–9; PM (1970–74), 194–236, 299; incomes policy, 195–7, 219, 224–8, 255, 415–16; European policies, 207–11, 330–1, 334–6, 339; general election (February 1974), 236–9; Leader of the Opposition (1974), 240–1; Shadow Cabinet (1974), 240–2, 255, 267; leadership question, 241; housing policy, 244, 246–9, 258; CPS, 251–2; Joseph’s speeches, 253,
255, 257; general election (October 1974), 257–61; leadership question, 261, 263–5, 267, 270; leadership campaign, 274–8, 280; MT’s leadership, 282–3, 304, 305, 307; early career, 291; economic policies, 299, 300, 304; Party Conferences, 306; Party Conference (1975), 307; devolution policy, 321–2, 325–6; Conference speech (1978), 415–16, 418; general election (1979), 456
Heifer, Eric, 3
Helsinki Agreements, 338, 349–53, 509
Helsinki Group, 371
Hemel Hempstead constituency, 94
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Schools (HMI), 173
Hersey, John, 53
Heseltine, Michael: Heath Shadow Cabinet, 242; MT’s Shadow Cabinet, 287; industrial policies, 287, 300, 319–20; British Leyland, 300; Mace incident, 314; replaced by Biffen, 319–20; criticisms of trade union leadership, 424; election campaign (1979), 446
Hibbert Journal, 19
Higgins, Terence, 195, 227
Hillary, Richard, 30
Himmelfarb, Gertrude, 545
Hindley, Brian, 599
Hiroshima (1945), 53
Hitler, Adolf, 11, 22, 24, 26–8, 29–30, 54
Hodgkin, Dorothy, 38–9, 175
Hogg, Quintin (Lord Hailsham): Oxford election campaign (1945), 43; leadership question (1963), 128–9; race relations legislation, 146; Lord Chancellor, 199–200, 289; MT’s leadership, 284
Hoist, Gustav, 38
Home, Lord, see Douglas–Home
Home and Social Affairs Committee of the Cabinet (HS), 186–7
homelessness, 328
homosexuality, 150, 152, 548
Hong Kong: future of, 530; economy, 584; currency board, 590
Hoover-Europe, 484
Hornsby-Smith, Pat, 68–9, 112, 117
Hoskyns, Sir John, 420–1, 422, 442
Houghton, Douglas, 124
Housebuilders’ Federation, 258
housing: property-owning democracy, 75, 243; high-rise, 117; council rents, 224; mortgage subsidy, 226, 227, 243, 245; mortgage rate, 226, 236, 243–4, 247, 249, 258; policy group (1974), 242–50; house values, 243; council house costs, 244; mortgage tax relief, 244, 245; right to buy, 245–6, 575; homelessness, 328; benefit, 543; single parents, 561–2; reduction of rent controls, 575
Housing Finance Act, 224
Housing Research Foundation, 244
Hoveyda, Amir Abbas, 382
Howard, Leslie, 14
Howe, Derek, 434, 441
Howe, Geoffrey: A Giant’s Strength, 110; EC Act, 210; Heath Cabinet, 225, 287–8; Steering Committee, 242; Joseph’s Preston speech, 255; leadership election (1975), 271, 278, 28ofn, 284; Shadow Chancellor, 287–8, 290; Economic Reconstruction Group, 298, 403; trade union policy, 301, 430; incomes policy issue, 303, 311, 317, 403–5, 438; The Right Approach, 316–17; EMS, 339; The Right Approach to the Economy, 404; Party Conference (1978), 415; manifesto (1979), 436, 438–9, 447; election campaign (1979), 447; Chancellor, 568; Budget (1979), 571
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