Sun Stealer. Walking In Circles

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Sun Stealer. Walking In Circles Page 5

by Mani, A.

  “Dark beast has another press conference this afternoon”, I informed Leo and Leonard.

  Both of my beloved men were sitting at the parlor, getting to know each other. I told my son he could trust Leonard, that he was the only one who knew my secret.

  “This time I will definitely need my red dress”, I smiled at Leonard, “I need to see his first expression once he notices I am standing near our son”.

  “Just remember he may not know anything and this could be shocking for him so please be gentle, Almas”, Leonard asked me.

  “Hey, that’s the skinny geek we found online!” Diamond entered the house.

  “Leo, please meet our sweet guest, Diamond, who doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut”, I smiled at him.

  “Leo? Wasn’t his name Liam?” she wondered.

  “Yes… yes it was. Liam is his stage name…” I tried to explain without arousing her suspicion.

  “Oh, speaking of stage names, mine is Diamond. I used to be a big singer until my identity was stolen. Do you think you could help me with that? You work for the system right?” she asked him.

  “Not now Diamond! We need to get to the city”, I got out of my bedroom.

  “Look at you, all dressed up. You allow her to walk around like that in the city of sins?” she turned to Leonard who couldn’t stop laughing.

  “Goodbye Diamond!” I shouted with a smile and waved at Leonard.

  “Goodbye and good luck!” Leonard blessed us.

  The place was packed and we couldn’t move. Leo and I tried to push ourselves to front raw so we could grab Dark beast’s attention.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to begin”, the host announced and the hustle slowly faded out at the auditorium.

  First came to the stage, my dear friend Kujo followed by some guards and after a long moment of anticipation he finally arrived. Dark beast, my love, the father of my child, he took the stage with all his glory.

  He greeted everybody and started his speech. I didn’t hear what he was saying and I didn’t care, all I wanted was one glance. I stood there on the front raw next to my son and just kept on gazing into his eyes, waiting for him to notice me.

  Finally, it happened. He saw me. Our eyes connected and he paused. Suddenly, there was nobody else in the hall but the two of us. He scanned me from head to toe and I could notice he was amused by the sight of my red dress. The last time he saw me wearing it, I tried to kill him. That was also the time I had realized, I was falling in love with him.

  I drew near my son to let Dark beast realize we were together. I had to capture his first reaction. Did he see him before? Did he know that was his son? But all I got was an envious look. He couldn’t tolerate the sight of another man near me and I could see it tore him inside.

  “The beast…” the host interfered, “Would you care to continue?” he asked and Dark beast went on with his speech.

  I signaled my son it was time for us to walk out the place and we both tried to pull ourselves out through the massive crowd. We managed to reach the exit when suddenly two guards stopped us and escorted us to Dark beast‘s office.

  “Wait here!” they ordered us and left.

  “He didn’t recognize you Leo. I don’t think he knows… but he is about to find out”, I stated.

  We waited for a long hour until finally the door opened.

  “Almas!” Kujo greeted me with a big hug, “It is so good to see you again!”

  “You thought of leaving without saying goodbye?” Dark beast raised his voice. He was still standing at the door and gazed at Leo. I could sense a little bit of anger in his voice.

  “That was a very nice speech,” I changed the subject and tried to grab his attention.

  “Thank you and who is your nice friend?” Dark beast didn’t take his eyes off Leo.

  “You don’t recognize him?” I asked after a long pause.

  “I am sorry, have we met?” he approached Leo to shake his hand.

  Leo looked at me. He didn’t to know how to react.

  “Yes you have but it was a long time ago. You used to sing to him when he cried… you used to hold him and play with him for hours…” I answered with tears in my eyes.

  “Is this some kind of a sick joke?” Dark beast looked at me.

  “My love, I have found our son. He was stolen from us by your mother!” I cried.

  “What are you talking about?” he yelled at me.

  “Why didn’t you tell me she was alive?” I yelled back, “She took our son Dark beast! He was with her the entire time!”

  Dark beast turned his back on me and didn’t say a word.

  Kujo looked at me and couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

  “Leo? My lost nephew?” he mumbled and walked closer to him to take a good look.

  “Look at his eyes…” he finally said, “He has your eyes, Dark beast!”

  Dark beast turned around and looked at him.

  “Did you know he was alive? Did you know your mother had him?” I asked firmly.

  “No Almas! I had no idea!” he shouted.

  “So what were you doing at her house?” tell me!” I urged him to speak.

  “I was lost!” he finally shouted, “I have walked alone with no direction in my life for so many years until… until one day she appeared at my door step. I was yeaning for a friendly face from my past that I automatically embraced her. After all, that was my mother. I was happy to find out she was immortal as the rest of us and she promised to help me. She said it was time for me to become the man I was supposed to be, to become a leader. And that gave me hope. That gave me a reason to wake up in the morning and live life”, he explained with tears.

  “She could have given you your son, my love. That would have been a damn good reason for you to live, don’t you think?” I said with anger.

  “I can’t believe this… I can’t believe she did that…” he mumbled.

  “You don’t believe us?” I raged, “Can’t you see? She had a plan! A plan that didn’t even concern you. You were just a tool! Since the days of old Anomaly, she wanted to rule the land and never forgave me for ruining her scheme. She couldn’t bear the fact that I had stolen your heart and that we were happy together so she stole our baby!”

  “So all these years, you have accused me of a crime I didn’t commit? All these years I was alone in this world… you left Almas! You didn’t wait for me!” he yelled.

  “My love, we were both victims of the circumstances but it is all over now. We are back together; we can start all over again. Leo and I, we have a plan…” I started telling him but he stopped me.

  “No Almas. No. I have a new life now. I have managed to pick up the pieces and move on. I can’t go back now… I don’t wish to go back”, he whispered and then turned to our son with tears.

  “My son, forgive me for everything and believe me when I say, I have searched the entire world for you and I had no idea she was holding you”.

  We all kept quiet for a long moment.

  “Can you blame me?” I finally asked him, “Can you blame me for accusing you of that crime? You have it in you Dark beast! You cannot escape from the truth. You have this attraction to power and control. You have always wanted to rule the land of Anomaly! And deep down I knew very well the man you were, I just never thought you would prefer it over us. What do you have here? A corrupted government with a wounded society? I am offering you life!” I raged.

  “Yes, it is a rotten world but you know the old saying Almas; If you can’t beat them, join them!” he stated.

  “So I wish you all the luck in world. I am happy you have found peace”, I said to him and walked outside together with Leo, “And by the way, you quoted it wrong. It is ’If you can’t beat them, join them and then beat the hell out of them!’” I stared at him for a moment and closed the door after me.

  “Why didn’t you tell him Almas? Why didn’t you tell him all of his supporters are faked?” Leo asked me as we left the building.

  “I couldn’t…” I mumbled.

  I have hurt my man too many time, I wasn’t about to do it again. If he was happy with his life, I would be the last one to shatter his dreams.

  “Dark beast, I didn’t want to say anything in front of them but once the campaign is over, I quit”, Kujo informed Dark beast.

  “Quit? Why?” Dark beast wondered.

  “Almas and Leo’s visit made me realize something important. I should try to save Daria. I should do anything in my power to reunite with my woman and my son”, he explained.

  “Daria… or Almas?” Dark beast gazed into his eyes.

  Kujo paused for a long moment. He couldn’t believe Dark beast brought it up again.

  “Let me tell you something my friend. You were always like an old brother to me, I looked up to you! It is no secret what I feel about Almas but I will never, ever cross that line!” he stormed out of the office.

  “Is this my favorite nephew in entire world?” I walked towards the young gang standing in the corner of the street.

  “Aunt Almas? Is that you?” Adam asked with joy.

  “Yes it is! Come give me a big hug!” I smiled at him.

  “Well first let’s be accurate! I am your only nephew!” he laughed and ran towards me, “How are you aunty? I have missed you!”

  “Well, the feeling is mutual”, I said and kept looking with worry over to the gang he was hanging with.

  “What is it Almas? Did mother send you here? Is that it?” he asked with anger.

  “On the contrary, my love”, I smiled at him, “I need your help and… I would like you to meet somebody”, I signaled Leo to approach us.

  “Adam, meet your lost cousin Leo”, I introduced him with excitement.

  “Leo? I don’t understand…” he stuttered.

  “Well it’s a long story. Why don’t you join Leo for a nice ride and he will fill you in with all the details. We don’t have much time and I need to inform your mother and Sag”.

  “Inform? What is going on aunty?” he wondered.

  “Just trust me, my love. And you two behave okay?” I winked at them as they entered Leo’s car.

  I sent Leo and Adam back to the valley to bring Leonard and Diamond to the city. We needed all the help we could get. I wrote a note to Leonard with the plan’s details and some items I needed him to bring with him to town. We were all about to meet each other at the club.

  Nineteen eighty-four was full of guests. It was the weekend and therefore the busiest night of the week. All members gathered along to celebrate their time out. I have noticed Diamond and Leonard had entered the club and waved at them.

  “Diamond, thank you for coming. This is Sag; he will be running the show tonight. I need you to be on stage and follow his instructions, okay love?” I asked her.

  “You bet it‘s okay!” she answered and jumped on stage with joy. She was so excited to hold the microphone again and practice her singing.

  “Did you get me everything?” I asked Leonard.

  “It’s all in here my love”, he handed me my bag.

  “Wish me luck”, I winked at him and walked towards the dressing room.

  “Are you sure about this?” Daria asked me with concern as she helped me get ready.

  “Like never before”, I smiled and kept brushing my hair.

  “I will be right down the bar, in case anything would go wrong”, she informed me.

  “Don’t worry! Soon, everything will be over”, I stared at the mirror.

  Who would have thought, I would be wearing it again? The Sun Stealer outfit. The audience would probably think it was a new dancing costume, but who ever needed to know to truth, knew it. I was the Sun Stealer, the brave fighter from Anomaly and at that moment, I was the hunting tiger and they were my prey.

  The music began and it was my cue to get out there. I marched out with confidence. My eyes were focused on the target and I searched for Eve in the crowd.

  “It is you and me now!” I held her arm and pulled her to the bar.

  “My pleasure!” she answered with excitement.

  I looked at Sag and signaled him to begin. I asked him to play that old beat of his, the one that only he could produce, the one that had the ability to arouse the devil himself. Diamond accompanied him with her angelic voice and together we set the stage of our planed battle.

  I started moving the way I knew so well. I allowed my body to surrender the beat only to let everyone know, I was not the prisoner but the ruler. I dominated the stage. Eve tried to follow my steps and stick out to the sounds of the cheering crowd. She climbed on the pole and showed off her skills. But she couldn’t beat me. That was my planed game on my field and I wasn’t about to lose.

  I saw Leo and Adam coming closer to the bar and knew this was my cue. I took a spin on the pole and kicked Eve in the face with my high heel shoe. Eve lost her grip on the pole and fell to the ground. I quickly jumped after her.

  “This is for Dark beast!” I whispered in her ear.

  “And this…” I smacked her face with my fist, “This is for ruining my life!”

  A big commotion began at the club as two guards jumped over the bar and tried to set Eve and me apart. I kept hitting her with all of my powers knowing I could never do harm to the immortal. But I didn’t mind, I was hooked by the feeling of striking back.

  “That’s enough ladies! That’s enough!” the guards shouted.

  “I am done! I am done!” I raised my hands and gazed into her eyes. I could see she wasn’t ready for this and I enjoyed every second of it. I left the club with a big smile on my face and waited for my partners in crime to join me.

  “Mom! You were a beast!” Leo came out and hugged me.

  “Leo, that’s the first time you have ever called me mom!” I cried with joy.

  “You were amazing aunty!” Adam came out with Daria in his arms. She was so thrilled her son came back into her life again.

  “Now what?” Daria asked.

  “Now we allow Leo to lead the way”, I smiled at my son.

  “Almas! Almas! I recorded everything! Every move you took girl, I am telling you, if you upload this to the main network, you will get millions of supporters! I am telling you…” Diamond kept talking but I just grabbed the phone from her hand and smashed it to the floor until it broke.

  She was shocked for a moment and then said:

  “Okay first, you need to chill and second, that wasn’t my phone!” she made everybody laugh.

  I took her aside and talked to her privately.

  “Diamond, what if you’ll get all of your supporters back just as I have promised you? What would you do with it?”

  “Girl, what are you talking about? I will be in cloud nine! I could finally reach fame as I planed to“, she answered.

  “Diamond, I can not tell you what to do with your life but I need you to know something. I heard you sing and this is not just a talent, this is a gift. You were gifted with an angelic voice and you need to use it. Use it Diamond! Sing! This is what you are here for. Don’t be consumed with things like support or fame because you are not defined by it. You define yourself and you have everything you need inside you”, I held her face and kissed her cheek.

  “Okay, you are starting to scare me Almas… Is this a goodbye?” she asked with sadness.

  “Goodbye? I am afraid I am not familiar with this concept”, I winked at her.

  “And you!” I turned to Leonard who waited patiently for his turn, “How can I ever thank you?” I asked with tears in my eyes.

  “I need to thank you my love”, he tried to be strong for the both of us and smiled, “Thank you for brightening an old, crippled man’s days with that beautiful smile of yours and these amazing, caring eyes”, he held me tight.

  “Who are you calling old?” I whispered and tried to make him laugh.

  “This is not a goodbye! I will forever carry you in my heart”, I kissed him.

  “Diamond, would you mind taking Leonard back
to the valley?” I asked her.

  “Sure. Come on sugar Leonard”, she grabbed his wheelchair and started walking towards the bus station. He looked into my eyes with a smile and didn’t let go. Deep down he knew, that was the last time we would ever see each other. I waited until they disappeared in the horizon and followed Leo, Adam and Daria.

  “Little Miss Diamond, I would like to thank you for everything!” Leonard held Diamond’s hand.

  “You too? Man, what is going on? Everybody is thanking me and saying goodbye… is the world ending? Because I am having a cheat day if it is!” she made him laugh.

  “No my friend. Everything is fine. I just need to make a little stop before we drive back home, do you mind?” he asked her.

  “Not at all but then we go have a burger and a pizza, agreed?” she pointed her finger at him.

  “Agreed!” he laughed.

  “Mr. Leonard, it is an honor to meet you and have you in my humble office”, Dark beast greeted Leonard with a big smile.

  “Thank you for having us!” Leonard replied.

  “I heard you were a brave soldier in the army. That was how you were injured?” he wondered.

  “Mr. Beast, I am an old man so I’ll just cut to the chase!” Leonard surprised Dark beast and Diamond with his response.

  “It’s about Almas!” he said.

  “Almas? He knows Almas?” Diamond raised her voice.

  “Do you know Almas?” Dark beast wondered.

  “There is something you need to know about Almas…” Leonard continued.

  “She pole dance!” Diamond interrupted him, “Like a goddess! I mean first you think this is belly dance and then it’s on a pole so…” she kept going with admiration, trying to imitate my moves.

  “Miss Diamond, would you mind waiting out side?” Leonard asked her politely.

  “Sure. And Mr. Beast just so you know, I would have supported you had my identity wasn’t stolen!” she closed the door after her.


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