Dungeon Love [The Dom's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dungeon Love [The Dom's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Cara Adams

  “I could tell. You liked the stage show, did you?” asked Darcy.

  “I did. It told its own succinct little story in an appealing way.”

  “I think what you really liked was Juliana,” said Violet.

  “She’s a very beautiful woman.” He hoped he wasn’t blushing. His dick was as hard as a rock, and he longed to unzip his pants and give it some more room to stretch.

  “Go for it. She’s not in a relationship. Or, at least, she wasn’t a week ago,” said Violet.

  “Really? A woman that attractive? Wow.”

  “I wonder if it’s because she’s a Domme. Some men fantasize about being with a Domme, but a lot of men like to think they’re the ones in control in a relationship,” said Raff thoughtfully.

  I wouldn’t mind as long as we were equal partners in the decision-making. Not that I’d be lining up for her to practice her whipping on me.

  * * * *

  Juliana stripped out of her costume and showered then dressed in her regular clothes, tying her hair up again. She seldom wore her hair out. It was too hard to keep neat, and it got in the way whenever she bent her head down to use the computer or to write. But for the stage show it was perfect. Her mass of bright red hair drew everyone’s attention and let her concentrate on laying her strokes with the whip exactly where they needed to go. That was much easier for Beckett, who really was a Dom, than for her, who hadn’t had all that much practice with a whip. But she was a very precise person, with good hand-eye coordination, so she’d been able to do it exactly right. That pleased her, as well as gave her a lot of relief.

  Unfortunately the ploy hadn’t gotten her any closer to Beckett. When they’d rehearsed the scene, and again tonight, he’d played his role impeccably, but there’d been not the slightest spark of interest in her as a person.

  Juliana sighed. Well, there was still tomorrow to go. They were playing the late stage show tomorrow, which meant a lot more time to fill in between when she finished work and when she needed to get ready for her act. She thought of suggesting Beckett join her for a meal but decided not to say anything. She didn’t want her emotions in a mess or she might spoil the act. But afterward, yeah, maybe afterward she’d suggest they have a drink to celebrate or something. She’d gone to a lot of effort to make contact with him like this. To try to get him to see her as a real person. She wasn’t ready to admit to failing just yet.

  Juliana’s Friday was very busy. It was a popular time for clients to visit The Dom’s Dungeon, getting a head start on their weekend. She was surprised that, when Adelaide arrived to take over as her shift ended, Darcy Nelson’s right-hand-man was waiting to speak to her. She really didn’t know him at all. He wasn’t a regular customer of the club, and she had to think hard to remember his name.

  “Hi, Jason. How can I help you?”

  “I was hoping you’d agree to have dinner with me here tonight. I know you have a stage show on later tonight, and I thought maybe I could spend some time with you before you need to rehearse or whatever.”

  “You want me to have dinner with you?” That wasn’t what she’d expected him to say. Well, she hadn’t expected him to talk to her at all, but if he had spoken to her, she didn’t think it would be to ask her to eat with him.

  “Yes, please. I know you’ll be very busy later, but I hoped you might have some free time first.”

  Juliana smiled at him. Actually she had hours and hours of free time, and it had been a hell of a long time since any man had asked her out to dinner, even here at the club.

  “Thank you. I’d like that.”

  Jason gave her such a beautiful, full-face smile that her belly clenched. He was incredibly handsome when he smiled. His short brown curls framed his friendly face, and his brown eyes sparkled with happiness. He was so happy she couldn’t help but be happy as well.

  The next few hours were the most amazing time. Juliana didn’t think she was particularly vain, but there was something very flattering to the ego about dining in public with a man who clearly adored her and wanted to please her. Of course, the relationship wouldn’t continue. He’d learn only too soon how fallible she was. That’s she wasn’t even a Domme. But these few precious hours of being treated like a princess were something to be treasured.

  Juliana knew she wasn’t particularly beautiful. Some people considered her mane of bright red hair to be an asset, but to many others, it was weird. She’d spent most of middle school being called a “ginger” even though her hair had never been the slightest bit orange. It’d always been definitely red. But where many redheads put brown dye on their hair and could disappear into a crowd, Juliana’s only experience with brown hair dye had been a miserable failure. Not only hadn’t it muted the red in her hair very much, it’d washed out in a few weeks, instead of a few months as the box had promised.

  As she and Jason sipped their coffee after the meal, he reached out and held her hand, smiling into her eyes, and said, “I like you very much, Juliana. Can I take you on a real date on Sunday, please?”

  “What did you have in mind?” she asked and then realized that sounded rude, as if she’d only go out with him if she was interested in where he would take her. She grimaced. Damn. Where had her manners gone?

  “That was my next question. Where would you like to go? What sort of things do you most enjoy doing? Outside the dungeon that is.”

  She laughed. Of course, he didn’t know she wasn’t a Domme, and here and now were definitely not the right time and place to explain it to him. But what did she like doing? She wasn’t a teenager anymore to sit in the backseat of a car and make out.

  “I don’t really know. I’m truly enjoying sitting here now with you. If the weather is fine, it might be nice to go on a hike somewhere. Not too long a hike, just a few miles to a lookout or walking through gardens or something like that?”

  She hoped she didn’t sound stupid, but really, she hadn’t expected him to ask her on a date, and she really couldn’t think of anything in particular she wanted to do.

  “I’ll think of something and let you know.”

  “That sounds good.”

  “Will you dance with me now?”

  Juliana stood up and let him lead her onto the dance floor. He held her lightly, gently, as if she was fragile and might break. Or maybe as if he was worried she’d want to step back out of his arms and he didn’t want to prevent her. The second dance was slower, and she moved a little closer to him, letting him wrap his arms around her more firmly. She rested her head on his shoulder. He smelled really nice. All man, but spicy as well. He still held her so nicely, as if she really mattered to him. That was incredibly erotic—the thought that a man, almost a stranger, was so prepared to protect her.

  Perhaps this was what she needed. Perhaps it was time to forget all about her need for a Dom, for Beckett, and concentrate on Jason, who seemed to want her. She’d lived a pretty much vanilla lifestyle all her thirty years. Maybe it was time to give up on dreams of being a submissive and settle for being in a straight relationship.

  How could she not respond to a man so sweet and caring? Besides, when his body brushed against her as they danced, she could tell he was very aroused. She was just as aroused, by his loving kindness and smiling face. She knew that if he took her to bed he’d ensure it was an extremely pleasurable occasion. Not that she was going to bed with any man ever on a first date. But, still, she couldn’t help but notice how they both felt.

  When the band stopped, she and Jason walked back to their table, and Juliana sighed. “This has been a very pleasant evening, thank you, Jason. But I need to go and get ready soon.”

  “Of course. I’m so glad you agreed to spend this time with me. I like you very much, and I’m looking forward to our date on Sunday.” He picked up her hand and kissed the inside of her wrist. Then he held out both his hands to her. “May I kiss you properly?”

  “I’d like that.”

  She moved into his arms and lifted her lips for his kiss. Juliana
had no idea what kind of a kiss it would be, but assumed it’d be more than air kisses against her cheeks or he wouldn’t have bothered to ask.

  Instead it was the sweetest, gentlest of touches of his lips against hers. Firm enough that she knew he was there, but so light that she longed for more. Guessing it was his way of asking her permission, she pressed her mouth back against his. Immediately he licked the seam of her lips and slid his tongue inside, possessing her completely, but only briefly, before stepping back from her again.


  She wasn’t sure if he was asking or telling, but she nodded anyway. “Sunday.”

  On slightly wobbly legs Juliana left the Stage Lounge and headed to the staff change rooms to get into her costume.

  * * * *

  Beckett spent some time rehearsing in his dungeon after his final client left. He needed to get ready for the show, but he had enough time to grab some food and a coffee before then. What he didn’t have was time to get changed into street clothes and then change back again. Well, too bad. He’d take the food back to the staff break room instead of eating it in the Stage Lounge, and if people stared at him ordering a meal at the bar, it was too bad.

  As he got to the doorway into the Stage Lounge, he saw Juliana, still in her uniform, talking to Jason. I didn’t realize they knew each other. But then, since she’s the club’s receptionist, likely she knows everyone.

  He was just about to shrug it off when Jason took Juliana into his arms and kissed her. It was a proper kiss. Beckett could tell that even at this distance. When she turned away from him, Jason’s gaze followed her across the room. If Beckett wasn’t mistaken, Juliana’s knees were a little wobbly as she started walking. That must have been a hell of a good kiss. He was certain she’d been kissed often enough to be impervious to an average kiss.

  I should be the one kissing her. She’s mine. And she won’t be a fucking Domme either. She’ll submit to me.

  Except how could that be? Unless she was a switch. But why would she put on a show as a Domme if she was a switch? Fucking hell. Jason was his friend as well. Or, at least, they were on the way to being friends. The evening they’d spent together had been a great time, and he’d planned to invite Jason out for a meal again someday. But it looked like Jason had another interest. A redheaded interest.

  Well fuck. She’s mine dammit. Beckett frowned. He might just change up the end of their stage show tonight and show her who was really in control.

  Forgetting all about food, Beckett turned on his heel and marched back down the stairs to Dungeon One again. It was time to plan a few changes to the ending of their scene—an ending that put the redheaded Domme in his arms where she belonged. And under his control as well.

  * * * *

  The beginning of their stage show went exactly as planned and exactly as it had the previous day. They arrived from different areas of the Stage Lounge, each demonstrated their skills to the audience, and then they battled each other for the audience’s admiration.

  Juliana acted exactly as they’d planned and he did the same, the choreography giving him plenty of opportunity to demonstrate his skills with the whip. Every now and then the crowd broke into spontaneous gasps and clapping, which showed they were paying close attention to the display.

  But as he and Juliana moved toward the conclusion, Beckett sensed an extra tension in Juliana. She was always very focused, very intent on her steps and her actions. To the audience it might seem as though she teased and paced around him gracefully and nonchalantly. But up here on the stage with her, he could tell that every step she made, every hand and head movement, was precisely choreographed.

  She might be smiling prettily, but the tension showed in her eyes, and he was the only person close enough to know. Had she guessed he planned to alter the ending of their scenario? Was that what had her worrying? Was he giving off vibes that she could pick up warning her he was going to depart from the script?

  As the assistants stepped back and displayed the sheet showing their neat parallel lines on it, Juliana cracked her whip out and wrapped it neatly around his waist. As if she’d guessed he’d never agree to be reeled in, she moved closer to him winding the whip around his waist as she did, and openly flirting with him.

  The audience had been clapping already, but now they clapped harder.

  Damn the fucking woman. This was going to make it ten times harder for him to add the new ending he’d planned.

  Instead of shaking hands, as per the script, she lifted her lips to kiss him.

  Aha. That was her undoing. This was how he’d rearranged the ending. He lifted her up, but instead of kissing her, he threw her over his shoulder in a modified fireman’s carry, holding her knees tightly in one hand and letting her body hang down his back. Then he left the stage to a lot of clapping, foot stomping, and cheering.

  He put her down once they reached the private hallway that led to the staff change rooms and break room.

  “You stupid moron. You’ve spoiled everything.” Juliana slid off his shoulder and rammed her knee into his balls before running into the female change room.

  No one had ever done that to him before. The pain was intense, but the shock was almost as bad. Beckett grabbed his balls, cupping them gently, and only just managed not to drop to his knees in agony.

  “I don’t think she appreciated that.”

  Beckett looked up, still hissing from pain, to see Jason standing in the hall watching him.

  “Ya think?”

  Chapter Three

  Beckett’s voice was high and squeaky like in a cartoon, but Jason had no urge to laugh at his friend’s unfortunate circumstances.

  “I feel for you, man. That happened to me once, at baseball. I’ll get the bartender to bring you an icepack.”

  Beckett dropped to his knees, still cradling his gonads.

  Jason hurried back to the bar to ask for ice. Poor Beckett. That had to really hurt. But what a woman Juliana was. Clearly pissing her off was a bad mistake. He made a mental note to never ever upset her plans in a dungeon scene. Well, maybe he’d just totally avoid dungeon scenes. That might be a hell of a lot safer, or likely he’d end up like poor Beckett, able to sing soprano in the local college choir.

  He waited at the bar until it was his turn to be served and then said, “Beckett’s hurt himself. May I have an icepack for him please?”

  “He’s not badly hurt, is he? We don’t need to call 9-1-1?”

  Jason didn’t think Beckett would want the whole world knowing he’d been kneed in the nuts by an angry woman. “No, just a bruise.”

  That seemed the safest response.

  The bartender got a baggie of ice from the freezer, wrapped it in a bar towel, and handed it to Jason.

  “Thanks. I’ll bring it back when he’s done.”

  “No hurry.”

  Fortunately there were other people waiting at the bar so the man wasn’t inclined to ask Jason any more questions. He headed back to the staff hallway where Beckett was leaning against the wall, his legs widespread, but his hands no longer holding himself.

  “Give me your arm and show me which way to go.”

  “I can walk now.”

  Beckett’s steps were very different from his usual marching and stomping stride, but they made their way down the hallway to the men’s change room. Beckett took a swipe card out of his pocket and opened the door. Jason held the door open with one hand, the icepack in his other hand, and let Beckett walk through.

  The big man shuffled across to the nearest bench, unzipped his leather pants, and held out a hand for the icepack. He sat on the bench, legs splayed wide apart, the icepack resting against his black briefs.

  “Fucking hell. I’ll be the laughingstock of the dungeon any minute now. What the fuck is wrong with the woman? Why did she do that?”

  Jason sat beside him on the bench. “I don’t see why anyone will find out. I just told the bartender you had a bruise. He was busy. Likely he’ll forget all about you
pretty soon. And I don’t see Juliana talking about it. You annoyed her. She let you know that. Situation dealt with. Mind you, I’d be real careful about antagonizing her again.” Jason grinned at Beckett.

  The big man looked angry for a few moments then sighed and finally grimaced. “She moved damn quick to attack me, I’ll say that for her. I never saw it coming, and I’ve got fast reactions. Fuck, my balls hurt.”

  “Yeah. I remember the pain quite clearly from my experiences in baseball. It gives a whole new meaning to the term ‘blue balls’.”

  As Jason had hoped it would, that made Beckett smile.

  “So how did you end up getting kneed in the nuts?”

  Jason laughed. “We won, and in my excitement, I kissed the nearest cheerleader. I think she was enjoying it until her boyfriend headed toward us. That’s when she changed her mind.”

  Beckett laughed. “So never kiss a cheerleader?”

  “Never a kiss a cheerleader when her boyfriend is nearby.”

  “And don’t fuck with a public dungeon scene when working with a Domme.” This time the Dom sighed. “I’d originally planned to kiss her. I should have stuck with that idea. Likely she’d have accepted a kiss.”

  “When she looked up at you, I thought that’s what she wanted. I’d just kissed her. I was jealous.”“You kissed her? Tonight?”

  “Yes. And she didn’t—” Jason waved at the icepack and then thought maybe that sounded cruel so he added, “That’s why I think a kiss would have been accepted.”

  Beckett turned slightly on the bench to face Jason more fully. “Are you dating her?”

  Jason frowned. Was he? “We had dinner together here tonight. I don’t know if that counts as a date. But Sunday we’re going hiking. That will be a date. Why?” Suddenly Jason felt worried. Did the big Dom want his woman? She was so beautiful and so feisty. Already he knew categorically that he wanted her, Domme or not. But likely she’d prefer to date his large friend, notwithstanding the icepack situation. A Dom would understand her needs better than an ordinary man such as himself.


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