Dungeon Love [The Dom's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dungeon Love [The Dom's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Cara Adams

  Rolling onto her side, Juliana looked over at Beckett. Of course she’d seen his chest before as he went bare-chested as a Dom. But his thighs were as thickly muscled as she’d expected and his cock as long and thick as Jason’s.

  Beckett disposed of the condom, and she stared. “You aren’t circumcised.” She wiggled closer and stroked his cock, rolling the foreskin down and looking at the cockhead then letting it come up again. He was still half hard, and she experimented with his foreskin again before sucking him into her mouth. His flavor was quite different from Jason’s. He was more spicy and salty than anything else. She licked inside the foreskin and over his cockhead one last time before lifting off him.

  “Why weren’t you circumcised as a baby?” she asked.

  “Military family.”

  “Yes, you told me that before, but so what?”

  “Were you born in the Middle East?” asked Jason.

  “What’s that got to do with it?” asked Juliana.

  “I was born in Germany, and most Europeans aren’t circumcised, so I wasn’t done. Jason mentioned the Middle East because often circumcision there is a religious ceremony, but my family isn’t religious either.”

  “Okay. I guess, since you hung out with the kids of other military families, you all matched and would have fitted in all right. Anyway I win. I have one of each.”

  Beckett and Jason laughed.

  “We’d better get dressed, I suppose.”

  “And eat. I’m starving,” said Jason.

  Juliana looked down at the blanket. She had so much to think about. The sex had been amazing, but was she any closer to having Beckett as her Dom? Might that put a wedge between her and Jason? She could never hurt him, but she’d longed for a Dom for so long she wasn’t ready to give that hope up yet.

  Chapter Four

  Jason’s wildest dream had just come true. He’d scarcely dared to hope that he could touch and hold Juliana today, but not only had he done that, she’d also placed her luscious lips around his dick and given him the best orgasm he’d had in a very long time. The only thing better would be actually fucking her, and maybe that would happen next time. Because there sure as hell would be a next time. He’d move heaven and earth to make it happen. Although he was certain Beckett felt the same and together they could achieve anything.

  He needed to tell Beckett that he wanted to watch their dungeon scenes, but there was no rush to organize that. Right now they should relax and enjoy just being together, maybe talk about something general that wouldn’t make any of them uncomfortable.

  Beckett had bought a lot of delicious food with him, and they were all filling their plates with their choices. Personally he wanted some of everything. Buffalo wings with a chili sauce to dip them into, cherry tomatoes and spiced olives, celery sticks and a cream cheese dip, man-sized ham and salad-filled croissants, strawberries, and watermelon.

  “Beckett, you said you were planning a garden. What kinds of things are you thinking of planting? I’ve always thought I’d like a vegetable garden. I like the idea of eating produce I’ve grown.”

  “That sounds nice, but do you like the idea of weeding it, and watering it, and all that sort of thing as well?” asked Juliana.

  Jason shrugged. “I don’t think it’d bother me. It’d kind of be a hobby and the growing season’s only for a few months of the year. I’d get winters off.”

  “You aren’t interested in gardening, Juliana?” asked Beckett.

  Jason watched her face. She was eating a croissant filled with cream cheese, shaved ham, iceberg lettuce, and sliced tomatoes. Her eyes were closed, and she was chewing her food with a look of happiness on her face. Damn she made eating sexy. Right now he wouldn’t have minded swapping places with her croissant.

  She opened her eyes and licked her lips, causing his dick to leap in excitement, then said, “I wouldn’t mind helping from time to time, but I don’t think I’d like knowing that every Saturday I need to tend the plants. It wouldn’t be fun then. It’d just be another chore like laundry or vacuuming the floors. But on a pleasant day like today, being outside doing some gardening might be fun.”

  “What else would you like to do for fun, Juliana?” he asked her.

  She sat up straighter and looked serious. “For a long time I’ve wanted a Dom of my own. That was why I went to all those workshops learning about BDSM. So that when I chose a Dom I’d know I was getting a true Dom, not some wannabe or an asshole who only thought he was a Dom. That’s why I want Beckett as my Dom. I want someone I can trust.”

  Beckett looked at Jason, and Jason nodded. “I’m okay with that, but if we’re truly to be in a relationship, I’d want to be in the dungeon as well. I wouldn’t say anything or interfere in anything that Beckett said or did. I just want to be included. I think I’d enjoy watching.”

  “It might be hard not to comment,” said Beckett.

  “Not half as hard as being excluded.”

  “That’s true. Juliana, would you be okay with Jason watching you?”

  “I agree that it’d be totally unfair to exclude him. So, yes, I agree.”

  Jason was relieved. He didn’t think he could cope with the thought of the two of them spending hours in the dungeon without him. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust them. He knew Beckett’s honor as a Dom would ensure he played fair. But it was part of their lives, maybe even one of the most important parts, and he needed to understand it to maintain their relationship.

  “What kinds of dungeon experiences are you expecting, Juliana?” Beckett asked.

  Once again Jason watched her. He liked that she thought before she answered questions, but he also liked that she seemed sure of herself. Her mind was decided.

  “I want to hand over all my concerns and worries. I want to be freed of stress and strain. I want to simply be while my Dom shows me the true release that comes from submission.”

  “Being sent to subspace can be quite extreme.”

  “I know. But now there will be two of you to look after me, won’t there?”

  “I’d like that. I’d be happy to help with your aftercare,” said Jason, knowing it was true.

  “Very well. Next Sunday at ten, I’ll meet you both in my dungeon. Dungeon One.”

  Jason hissed out a breath. Wow. Just like that it was arranged. However… “Sunday is a long time to wait for me to see you. Why don’t we have dinner together somewhere on Wednesday to break up the week?” asked Jason.

  “I’m working nights this coming week, sorry,” said Juliana.

  “Lunch?” he suggested, looking at Beckett.

  “Wednesday noon would work, but why don’t we meet at the dungeon? Or will that be too long a commute for you?” asked Juliana.

  “For the next few weeks we’re renovating an office building right in the city, so noon works for me, but I really need to meet in a more casual setting. Likely I’ll be a bit too dusty for The Dom’s Dungeon, and I won’t have time to shower and change.”

  Likely he could take a longer break, but he didn’t really want to. It meant the other men would have finished eating and started back at work without him. Jason always liked to feel he was doing his fair share of the work.

  “That’s fine. Just let me know where to meet you.” Beckett pulled a Ziploc bag out of the picnic hamper with slices of watermelon in it. “More dessert anyone?”

  “Yum.” Jason was always ready for more watermelon. Juliana smiled and took a piece as well. Jason relaxed. His life was looking pretty damn good right about now.

  * * * *

  Juliana was sitting at the computer behind the reception desk checking Tuesday’s bookings toward the end of her Monday night shift. This was always one of the last tasks to be done each day. Everyone on the staff needed to know the schedule for the next day. Especially in which dungeon or party room the events they were rostered to work at were to be. It was after midnight, so technically Tuesday already, and people were leaving now after the late show. Few people arrived afte
r midnight. Actually not many arrived after the late show began. That usually symbolized the final activity for the day.

  Several guests were talking and laughing loudly so she stepped up to the counter in case they needed to book a taxi home. The loudest man definitely sounded as though he shouldn’t be driving. Three men walked over to the elevator down to the parking lot. One, the loudest man, seemed a little unsteady on his feet, but the other two with him were much more sober so she assumed they’d all be fine.

  The loud man said, “The show tonight was good, but I liked Friday’s show better. Ha-ha-ha. I bet that little bitch was flat on her back getting the fucking of her life from the Dom two minutes after that act finished. Ha ha ha. Serves the little bitch right for thinking a woman is of any use at all except for in bed. Ha-ha-ha.” He rubbed the front of his pants suggestively.

  Juliana sank back onto her stool. Is that what everyone thinks? That I was just asking Beckett to fuck me? And he did fuck me. Not only that but he simply said he wanted to. Jason made it clear he likes me, but all Beckett said was that he wanted me. Is that all it was? Him showing his supremacy?

  Juliana felt a strong urge to cry, but refused to give in to it. She stood up again, straightening her spine and breathing deeply. The facts. What are the facts?

  He did kiss me nicely.

  But was that just to ensure I let him fuck me? He only said he wanted me, remember? It was Jason who said I meant something to him.

  Juliana shook her thoughts off. Her shift had only another hour or so to go before it was over, and her work wasn’t completed yet. She didn’t have time to pay attention to the ravings of a drunk misogynist.

  But all the way home, the thoughts kept running through her mind. Had she made a terrible mistake? She’d practically thrown herself at Beckett. She couldn’t really blame him for taking what was offered. She hated that he might think she was a tart, but even worse, much worse, was the thought that everyone at The Dom’s Dungeon would feel about her as the loud man had done. That everyone would think she was easy. In truth, she was almost the opposite. She wasn’t a virgin, but she’d never been the kind of person who had one-night stands. She kept sex for men she was in a relationship with, men who meant something to her.

  Jason and Beckett do mean something to me!

  But is what we have a relationship?

  We’re meeting for lunch on Wednesday and then a dungeon scene on Sunday. I’ve waited so long for my own Dom. It’s what I really, really want.

  But no matter how often she told herself that, Juliana felt uneasy. Had she jumped into this relationship blindly, overwhelmed by her need for a Dom, and thrust herself on a man who didn’t give a shit about her as a person? Whereas Jason did care about her. Maybe she should forget about the dungeon and concentrate on getting to know Jason better.

  * * * *

  Beckett was supposed to be planning the perfect dungeon scene for Juliana. It had to be something to highlight for her the true power of giving herself over to a Dom who would release her from stress and help her achieve spectacular orgasms. But it had to be done in such a way that Jason could see her pleasure and understand it, that he could share in it to some extent. And that wasn’t going to be easy.

  Beckett had worked with women in relationships occasionally, where their partner had wanted to be in the dungeon and participate in some way. That was manageable. He usually had the partner insert a vibrator or arouse the woman in some way in tandem with the lesson he delivered. The woman’s partner could tongue fuck her or finger her while she was being paddled or whipped or he could torment her breasts. There were dozens of ways he could share in the scene.

  But Jason only wanted to watch. So the scene had to be something to appeal to a voyeur. Jason had to know, simply from watching Juliana, that she was aroused and that the submission was fulfilling her needs. Juliana’s stimulation had to be visible, discernible, and understandable. And arranging that was difficult.

  Beckett had enjoyed the picnic with Jason and Juliana. It’d been a very long time since he’d done such a thing as eat a picnic lunch or even go on a hike. As a wolf he sometimes needed to run in his shifted form, but mostly he ran in human form just like any other jogger in the neighborhood.

  Because of his father’s military career, Beckett didn’t have traditional pack lands where he could visit and run with his pack. In his mind, his pack was the BDSM club, and Simon was his Alpha. When the urge to run in shifted form was no longer able to be denied, he’d drive a long way out into the country, pitch a tent, and then run through the night, hoping any hunters were sound asleep in their beds.

  None of which was any help to him in dealing with the need to plan a scene for Juliana and Jason.

  Beckett got out of his chair and paced around his living room. He loved his house. He really felt at home here now, even though the renovations were by no means finished. At least the fucking roof was fixed. That was a start. He still had a passel of empty rooms upstairs and no real idea of what they’d be used for. Maybe he, Jason, and Juliana would have a room each as their personal space as well as sharing the master bedroom.

  He ran up the stairs and switched on the lights in the various rooms. He was already using the master bedroom as his own, but it’d be easy enough to shift his gear into one of the other rooms. That was one advantage about a military upbringing. He knew how to pack and unpack faster than lightning. He also hadn’t collected the shitload of junk the average person his age, thirty-five, had accumulated. Knowing he’d have to pack it all and unpack it again had taught him young that it was much easier to borrow stuff than to collect it himself. While that meant his house was half-empty, it was a damn good thing if he was going to invite two people to move in with him. Likely between them they would have all the extra furniture and equipment they’d ever need to use.

  Beckett stopped still, his jaw falling open. Was he really thinking about sharing his woman and his house permanently? Him? The Dom, the wolf, the man who never willingly shared anything that was truly his? But Juliana wasn’t his. She was herself. And Jason loved her and desired her as much as he did.

  Besides, he liked Jason. The builder was fast becoming his best friend. So—yes he was planning to share. Fucking hell!

  As he looked at the rooms again, he decided to leave the corner room with a view over the backyard for Juliana. He could picture her sitting in the window and looking out as he and Jason did yard work. While Jason had spoken about growing vegetables, he’d been thinking about planting some trees. Trees he could watch grow from tiny seedlings to spindly saplings and finally to huge shade trees. He loved the idea of tottering out into his yard as an old man and sitting under a huge tree, knowing he was the person who’d planted it fifty years before.

  Stability, permanence, growth. That’s what he wanted in his life now.

  He chose one of the other rooms for himself and decided he’d better buy himself another bed. Or maybe he’d buy a new bed that would be exclusively theirs—his, Jason’s, and Juliana’s—and move the old one into his new room. Yes. That’s a much better idea.

  Beckett smiled. Already he could picture the three of them all living here, putting down the roots he’d so longed to have for years.

  * * * *

  Jason’s day had descended rapidly to shitty and was currently hitting a new low below even that as he stood in front of the company’s client.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am, but the plans I have don’t say anything about a swimming pool. There was no swimming pool included in our quotation for the work. I can show you the signed contract if you’d like to see it.”

  Jason scrolled through his cell phone and brought up the relevant e-mail. “See here, ma’am? Here’s the plan. Offices, break room, bathrooms on the first floor. More offices, more bathrooms, and a conference room on the second floor and the manager’s flat on the third floor.”

  “That’s exactly right. As part of the manager’s flat, I want an infinity pool on the balcony. Geoffie
promised I could decorate the flat however I want to, and I want a swimming pool. Everyone has an infinity pool these days.” She batted her blue eyes at him, eyes enhanced by extremely long, manifestly fake eyelashes, but Jason shook his head.

  Apart from the fact the only eyes he planned to lose himself in were Juliana’s, he was way too smart to get involved with the manager’s girlfriend. Or whatever she was.

  “No, ma’am. No pool is in the plans.”

  She pouted, waggled her breasts at him, coaxed, cajoled, screamed at him, and finally burst into tears. He wasn’t moved. He was sorry she was upset, but not sorry enough to go against a signed contract. Especially for something as difficult and expensive as a swimming pool.

  He left her and went back downstairs, glad the rest of the crew had kept working during the drama. Unfortunately, the next thing he knew, the manager himself was there, yelling at him for upsetting his lady friend. Again Jason explained that no swimming pool, infinity or otherwise, was in the contract.

  “Barbie wants a pool, so she can have one. Add it in.”

  “I’ll need to get the boss to do that.”

  “Get him now. Barbie’s crying, and I can’t have her upset like that.” The manager stomped out of the room.

  Jason tried hard not to roll his eyes, called Darcy, and told him about the problem. By now all work on the project had stopped, and the construction crew stood watching him like he was on the stage at the BDSM club in some kind of dramatic scenario.

  “Okay, I’m on my way, but you’d better warn Allegra. The contract will need to be rewritten.”

  Allegra was the attorney they used. He called her and left a message on her voice mail.


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