Dungeon Love [The Dom's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dungeon Love [The Dom's Dungeon 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Cara Adams

  “Hey! What’s going on here?”

  Chapter Six

  Juliana jumped to her feet at the loud male voice calling from the turn-around where their truck was parked.

  A man in a ranger’s uniform was coming across the grass toward them.

  “Nothing’s happening here. What’s the problem, Ranger?” she asked in her most professional receptionist voice.

  “I saw the truck come down here a while ago and not come back. I wondered if you’d gotten into trouble. You aren’t allowed to drive off the track you know.”

  “As you can see, we stayed on the track,” said Beckett. Juliana thought he sounded a little grumpy. Likely that was because he was naked right now.

  “Where are your clothes? What are you doing?”

  “As you can see officer, I’m fully dressed. He has a skin allergy and is supposed to get sun on his body to help it heal faster.” Juliana was surprised at how fluently she lied.

  “It’s not contagious, is it?”

  “No, no nothing like that. It’s a kind of eczema.” And I hope he doesn’t ask any more questions because I have no idea what to call this fictitious disease.

  “It’s caused by lack of Vitamin D,” added Jason helpfully, coming to stand beside her.

  “Oh, okay. Have a good day then. Since there’s no problems, I’ll be on my way.”

  “Thank you for checking on us,” said Juliana, still in her professional voice.

  Jason walked across to the truck, grabbed Beckett’s clothing, and took it across to him. “Sorry about that,” he said.

  “It’s not your fault,” said Beckett.

  “Oh my God. What if he’d come last time when we were all naked?” said Juliana, dropping back down onto the grass.

  “That would be because we’re all Vitamin D deficient.” Jason grinned at her and then laughed.

  “The next time we have sex, it’ll be in a bed with the door locked.” Juliana was firm about that. Beckett seemed to have taken this well, but her nerves wouldn’t stand any more outdoor sex.

  “So does that mean you’re happy to continue on with the three of us together? You haven’t yet answered Jason’s question,” said Beckett.

  “Jason’s question? That’s right. What was holding me back.”

  This was going to be difficult. He deserved an honest answer, but she didn’t want to make him angry. Especially she didn’t want to have him walk away from her and Jason when she was still working through the issues herself.

  Juliana answered slowly, thinking as she spoke. “I like that you’re in control in the dungeon, Beckett. I’ve been looking for a Dom for a long time, and today, my very first dungeon scene, was everything I’d ever imagined it to be. I want you to continue as my Dom. I want to keep learning, growing, and experiencing the dungeon with you.”

  “But?” asked Beckett.

  “You can be very demanding outside the dungeon. Bossy, pushy, arrogant even. I guess it’s just that you are truly a dominant person. I don’t want someone telling me what to do at work. Apart from my managers that is. I need to be in control of my own life. I don’t think I could ever live like Ryia did with a husband who told her what to wear, what to eat, when to shower.”

  She held up her hand, half expecting him to butt in on her, but he remained silent.

  “I know Ryia’s ex-husband was an asshole, not a Dom. But I also know that some of the subs who visit The Dom’s Dungeon live like that. But they live those lives by choice. I could never choose that lifestyle. I want to be a submissive in the dungeon and my own person outside it. Can you deal with that?”

  She waited, trying to watch both him and Jason. Jason’s head was bowed, but his shoulders didn’t look tight, so she didn’t think he was angry, just giving them both some privacy.

  Beckett had made no attempt to get dressed. It seemed he was analyzing what she’d said. She waited patiently for him to reply. Finally he nodded, picked up his briefs, and stood up, sliding them up his legs as he did.

  “I understand what you want, and I’m happy with that as a deal. I won’t accept disobedience in the dungeon unless it’s part of a structured scene. But I don’t want to control your daily life either. Again, that is unless it’s part of a scene we’ve all agreed to play. Maybe one day I will send you to work with a vibrator tucked up inside your ass and every now and then Jason or I might make it vibrate. Or perhaps there will be a time when I command you to stay naked in the house all day for a game Jason and I might play with you. But I have no desire to control you as part of your everyday life. I won’t be trying to control Jason either. I’m sorry if I’ve been rude to either of you. I know I tend to be a little bossy at times.”

  Juliana didn’t know whether to be grateful for what he’d said or to laugh at the “a little bossy” phrase. He was the most demanding person she’d ever meet. And she worked in a BDSM club and met a lot of Doms and Dommes every day.

  “You mentioned a bed and a bedroom. Would you both like to come to my house now? I could show you my bed.”

  Juliana looked up into Beckett’s face and then across at Jason. Jason jumped to his feet and held out his hand to pull her up.

  “Yes.” She’d thought about genuine double-penetration sex. Maybe now it would happen.

  * * * *

  Jason had been to Beckett’s house twice. Once to cover the roof when it rained and the other time to collect the dried tarpaulins. But he had a good memory for places and found his way there without needing to ask directions from Beckett.

  He liked Beckett’s house. It was beginning to look more and more as though he’d be living there soon—although that was a discussion they hadn’t had yet—but it was fine by him. The lease on his apartment ran out in about two months, and he’d be happy to move in then. Of course, it all depended on Juliana. The entire relationship centered on her. She was the one both he and Beckett loved.

  He stopped in the driveway, but Beckett said, “Go on round back. Since my car’s still at the dungeon, you might as well park in the carport.

  “You haven’t considered building a garage? It’d keep the snow off your vehicle in winter.”

  “When you move in, maybe you can build one. Big enough for all our cars,” suggested Beckett.

  “Likely that’d be less work than digging them all out of the snow for a couple of months a year.”

  “I have a powerful snow blower, but you could still be right.”

  “That’s why I live in the city. I can leave my car in the basement at The Dom’s Dungeon, and catch the bus,” said Juliana.

  Jason grinned at her. Already he could think of games they could play in the snow together. Especially with a snow blower. Winter could be a lot of fun.

  They walked inside and up the stairs. Beckett took them into a room he hadn’t been in before. That wasn’t surprising. He’d been here to clean up rain leakage, not look at the place. He caught his breath as they entered. Chains hung from the ceiling, and bolts in the floor were obviously placed so that manacles could be attached to Juliana’s ankles.

  “Would you like to play a game before we go to bed? I think it might heat you up quite nicely. If you do it right, it’ll heat up Jason as well.”

  Jason was already hot just imagining what might be about to happen.

  “Yes, Sir.” Juliana’s voice was scarcely above a whisper, and her tongue flicked out over her lip in a way that made Jason’s dick wake up and stretch. Damn, she was sexy.

  “Why don’t you get undressed then?” Beckett suggested.

  Jason wouldn’t have minded getting undressed as well, but this was Beckett’s scene, and he wasn’t going to risk spoiling it for all of them.

  Jason walked to the corner of the room where there was a chair. Since the room had been set up in a particular way, Jason was certain it was where he was meant to sit and watch. He settled his butt on the chair, spreading his legs wide apart to give his dick all the room he could. He was hard and ready for action, and she wasn’t ev
en completely naked yet.

  He was surprised when Beckett handed her a pile of paper. Another one of those hospital gowns? What for this time?

  He sat silently as she undressed and put on the oversized paper gown. Beckett locked her wrists into the chains and her ankles into the manacles. Once again Beckett filled her mouth with a ball gag. Actually, that was a damn good idea. The house sat on its own allotment of land, but likely if she screamed loudly enough, someone would call the police. He really wouldn’t want to be interrupted in the middle of this, and neither would Beckett or Juliana.

  Jason’s mouth fell open, and he had to work hard not to speak when Beckett turned around from a closet he’d been fiddling in and was holding two enormous knives. Much larger than carving knives, these were fighting knives or maybe Bowie knives. Maybe he was going to cut this gown off her instead of whipping it off her. But Jason didn’t really understand what the big deal was except skill in not cutting her skin, he supposed.

  “Knife play is all about fear. These knives are very, very sharp. The sub must stand completely still, but she also has to trust her Dom that, if he cuts her skin, it will be sexy, not disturbing. See how sharp this blade is.” Beckett held it up close to Juliana’s face.

  “Now feel how sharp it is.” It seemed to Jason that Beckett barely touched her hand, but there was a tiny line of pink on her skin. He’d deliberately cut her, but so shallowly it’d heal up almost instantly. Still, he had cut her. The knife was indeed incredibly sharp.

  “Stand very still. If you move at the wrong moment, anything could happen. The knife might cut an artery or amputate a finger or toe. Do not move? Understand?”

  Juliana nodded.

  Jason wanted to tell Beckett to play another game. His heart was pounding so fast he felt ill. But it was Juliana’s choice, and she’d made no attempt to stop the action. He’d noticed Beckett place the dog clicker in her hand as he’d locked her in the chains. Beckett hadn’t said anything this time, but Juliana’s wishes would be obeyed. Her eyes were round and huge. Jason thought she was more intrigued than fearful. He was ready to call the whole thing off, but he had to trust Beckett. He knew Beckett would never deliberately do anything to damage Juliana. He also knew Beckett had planned this scene. Therefore it followed that he knew exactly what he was doing. As long as Juliana remained still. If she moved at the wrong time, this could go really badly.

  Jason sat perfectly still, willing Juliana not to move. He kept his lips closed tightly so he didn’t make a noise that might distract either Juliana or Beckett. He was determined not to cause trouble for either of them. But inside he was almost sick with fear. If this scene was all about fear, it had him terrified.

  Beckett walked around and around Juliana every now and then slashing at her with one or the other of the knives. The movements seemed casual to Jason, but after a while he realized there was a pattern to them. When Beckett used his left hand the knife would sometimes touch Juliana’s skin, although it never cut her. But when he used his right hand, pieces of paper would be sliced off the hospital gown.

  Gradually the gown was removed. Sometimes in narrow slices, sometimes in chunks, sometimes in pieces almost like confetti they were so small. Jason found himself leaning forward in his chair as Beckett gradually carved away the last pieces of the dress. He ran a knife straight down Juliana’s chest, from her neck to her belly button, removing the last few pieces of fabric. Jason stared at Juliana. There was no blood on her, yet Beckett had used his right hand. Maybe the knife hadn’t touched her skin at all. Maybe Jason simply hadn’t understood what Beckett was doing.

  Now his fear was under control, and Jason was fascinated by the scene. Beckett touched the knives to various parts of Juliana’s body. He laid the flat of the blade on her butt and scraped her side with the back of the knife. Juliana wouldn’t know what Beckett was going to do. Jason could see what Beckett was doing, but Juliana couldn’t see. She had to trust him.

  Beckett was almost dancing around her now, flashing the knives toward her and away from her as well as in the air, occasionally touching her, scraping her skin, or resting the point on her body somewhere. He stopped with the knives crossed over her heart.

  “You did very well, both of you.” Beckett put the knives back in the closet.

  “You’re lucky I didn’t shit myself with fear when you first waved those knives around,” Jason replied.

  Beckett looked at him. “I knew you were made of sterner stuff than that. I knew you’d cope.”

  Beckett took the ball gag out of Juliana’s mouth and collected the clicker, putting them away in the closet before bending down to unlock her ankles.

  “I knew you would manage as well. Did it arouse you?” Beckett’s nose was almost level with Juliana’s cunt. Jason was damn sure Beckett knew the answer to that question.

  “Yes it did. At first it was frightening. But it didn’t take more than a few moments for me to work out the knife in your left hand was blunt.”

  “Dammit, I knew you were smart.”

  * * * *

  Juliana had trusted Beckett not to hurt her, or not hurt her other than in an erotic way. She’d had a vivid memory of watching a circus on television, and of a man who was blindfolded and threw knives at a woman, outlining her shape against the wall she stood in front of without touching her. At the time she’d thought it was amazing. Now she had an inkling of the enormous amount of confidence that circus woman had placed in the skill of the performer. She had confidence in Beckett. But what if she sneezed at a critical moment? Or even worse, if he sneezed?

  Nonetheless he’d taught her a lot, and she’d also gotten an appreciation for Jason’s stoicism and trust as well. If they were to be a true ménage, Jason had to trust Beckett, and it was clear that he did.

  “Come with me.”

  Beckett took them into the master bedroom. It was a large room with a big window overlooking the road. There was a wall of closets and a door, which likely led into a bathroom. Beckett closed the drapes and turned the lights on. He pointed to the closets and said, “I thought maybe you could put mirror doors on them, Jason. That would enhance the pleasure for all of us.”

  “Hell, yes.”

  They all at on the bed, and Beckett said, “Juliana, tell me how you felt about that scene.”

  She’d been thinking about it non-stop ever since she’d worked out one of the blades was blunt. “At first I was very scared, but because we’d done the scene with the whip, I trusted you to have the skill and dexterity not to hurt me. Once I noticed the blade, I wasn’t scared anymore, but that didn’t negate my trust in you.”

  “Good. Jason?”

  “The same here. I was terrified for quite a while. I knew you wouldn’t deliberately hurt her, but I worried about if something went wrong. Like if I distracted you and it’d be all my fault. But once I understood you were only cutting with the one in your right hand, I relaxed some.”

  “Would you ever want to do that scene again, Juliana?”

  “It would never be so powerful again. The power was in the shock effect. But maybe sometime we could.”

  Their answers seemed to have pleased Beckett, or eased his concern because he said, “Jason and I need to get undressed. After an intense scene, the best relaxation is good sex.”

  Juliana was ready for sex, and she knew it’d be good. Besides, she was aroused. Strange as it might seem, Beckett cutting the paper dress off her had been erotic, and knowing Jason was watching made it even more exciting. She climbed onto the bed and slid into the middle, pushing the bedding down as she settled onto the mattress. The sheets were cool and slippery and smelled nice. There was nothing sexier than freshly laundered linens.

  “Are you ready for double penetration, Juliana? Both of us inside you together, Jason in your cunt and me in your ass?”

  Juliana’s breath hitched, and she had to swallow hard before she could answer. “I’ve been waiting for this.”

  “Well, the waiting time is almost ov
er. Jason, why don’t you distract her while I get her ready?”

  Before she could complain, Beckett slipped a blindfold over her eyes and snapped handcuffs on her wrists. “That’s not fair. I want to play.”

  “When we’re ready to start, you can. But for now, I have work to do, and Jason is the one who gets to play.”

  Juliana guessed that if she kept grumbling Beckett would put the ball gag back in her mouth. He seemed to like using it, and she didn’t want it right now. She wanted to kiss and be kissed.

  There was movement on the bed, and then Jason pulled her over his body. She rested her knees either side of his hips and hooked her cuffed hands around his neck. Then she lifted up her mouth for one of his wonderful drugging kisses. He was so gentle and sweet, yet invariably his kisses revved her engine fast. This time was no different. His lips pressed against hers, and then his tongue slid into her mouth, possessing every inch of her thoroughly, teasing and tasting her. She responded by trying to catch his tongue and suck on it and then by tongue fucking him in return.

  When their lips broke apart, Jason gripped her head, kissing her nose and forehead, her cheeks and jaw line. He cupped her breasts in his hands and sucked each nipple before tweaking and teasing them, tugging gently on them as he sucked on an earlobe, and then kissed her once more.

  All the time they were kissing, Beckett’s large fingers were exploring her back door. He slathered lube on her muscle ring, and then pushed a finger inside her. It hurt just a little at first, but soon she was pushing back on his finger as he opened and softened her muscles and then lubed the walls of her dark channel.

  Her cunt was damp with her cream, and she needed a whole lot more but knew it wasn’t time yet. She rubbed her pelvis over Jason’s cock, wanting him to know how wet and ready for him she was.

  He dropped his head to her breasts and sucked her entire areola into his mouth. He flicked the nipple with his tongue and then pressed it to the roof of his mouth, which made her groan with the intensity of her pleasure.


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