Sphinx Transformed (The Sphinx Warriors Series Book 3)

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Sphinx Transformed (The Sphinx Warriors Series Book 3) Page 3

by Christine Murphy

  Working through the Warrior’s Link and verbal coordination, everyone settled into strategic position. Not too soon either, Joshua noted, when the Gate’s Center wavered and the background of a dead and rocky world could be seen. Wraith squatted just beyond the entryway to Earth, the red volcanic ash rock their only color to a barren backdrop. The spiraling Gate appeared to fight the opening for a moment and then the Dimensional Gate stabilized and finished exploding outward. With a now-open Gate, dozens of Wraith streamed into the Staging cavern in attack mode.

  Well, let the fun begin. Joshua thought sarcastically. He raised his Power Sword roaring a battle cry and dove into the chaos. Battle cries from the other men echoed off the Cavern walls and the high-pitched screeches of the Wraith were painful to his hearing. He wanted to be able to cut out all of the creature’s throats just to stop the sound. His blade sliced down doing just that to a charging Wraith and the start of the bloody fight was officially underway.

  The ring of metal on metal and the shouts of Warriors and Guardians coordinating verbally and through the Link kept his concentration focused. His swings and cuts with his Power Sword were sure. Overhead swings, jabs, downward thrusts, and other combinations kept the Wraith at bay. Those stupid enough to get closer to him ended up with a Power Sword guard in the side of the head or one of his throwing daggers through the chest. No Wraith would ever get close enough to touch him. He was determined to kill them all. Over and over, he took Wraith down while coordinating with the other Warriors and moving his position closer to the front of the battle while the others kept a gap so he didn’t end up trapped. It was exactly according to Michael’s plan except for the fact the Wraith just kept coming and coming.

  More and more Wraith poured from the Gate until Joshua thought they were going to be defeated just by the stench of the creatures alone. Everyone held fast though and pushed the onslaught back. Joshua dug in, determined to hold down his position even though he could feel his energy start to waiver. When three Wraith tried to pin Joshua down shoving him back with their weapons and trying to grab him with their clawed hands, he lost it.

  His fury at the situation and knowing one of these damn abominations had taken Alexandria fired up his inner Sphinx. Growling and snarling over the loss of Alexandria, his beast tapped into his Life Power, and after that, everything went south. All he could see was red and the desire to destroy as many Wraith at once screamed through his system. The Power Sword he held in his hands began to glow when the energy spiraled and centered into the blade. He smiled wickedly at the Wraith knowing they were about to meet their maker.

  Joshua, damn it. You’re almost in position. Don’t blow it now. Michael shouted at him through the Link.

  Joshua knew there was something he was supposed to do but he was so lost in the intense energy spinning within him all he wanted was to release it into the enemy. He swung his white hot glowing blade back and forth in front of him with both hands. The Wraith had little choice but to back out of his way. When the energy emanating from the Sword touched them, their skin sizzled. The sound was gratifying and he juiced up the Power Sword more.

  Shit. Joshua! Do you want Alexandria back or not? This time Michael’s command got through to him.

  He paused in his forward movement realizing he had almost screwed up. It was difficult but he drew down the Power which was violently humming in his Sword. Leaving just enough in the Sword to give it a slight glow and to be ready for action, he continued to battle against the Wraith. Not taking long, he reached his required position right in front of the Gate near Khenti Michael.

  Joshua glanced over at Michael for his order and didn’t have to wait long for his leader’s growled, “Joshua, now!”

  “Shit, yeah.”

  Pushing a bit more energy into his Sword, Joshua released a Power Burst directly into the group of Wraith between him and the Gate. Wraith flew everywhere, bits and pieces of burned flesh and body parts scattering throughout the Cavern. A Power Sphere followed shortly after impacting several more Wraith.

  “Go Eleina,” Joshua muttered.

  It was good to see Eleina up to full speed as a Priestess Warrior again. For a while, it had been touch and go on her living but, damn, ever since Joining with Jacob, the woman was a force to be reckoned with. Concentrating on directing his energy into his Sword again, he shot out another Burst of Power and then Eleina followed again with her Sphere. Back and forth, they hammered away at the Wraith in their concerted effort.

  His next Burst hit directly on a half dozen Wraith still in the action of stepping across the Dimensional Gate threshold. The Power exploded outward disintegrating the Wraith and causing the Gate to shimmer. A furious female scream suddenly echoed from the other side of the Gate. Everyone in the Cavern froze in place and Joshua had a premonition his entire world was about to shift.

  Unable to help himself, Joshua was transfixed staring at the Gate. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t breathe. Before his eyes, a black haired beauty stepped up to the opening with the Wraith leader, Turin. Turin grabbed at her as if he was trying to pull her back out of view. Her eyes glittered with rage as she scanned the cavern. He suspected she was looking for the source of attack to the Gate and knew it wouldn’t take her long to figure out who did it since his energy would have produced feedback if she had been connected to the Gate.

  “Lexi,” Joshua whispered.

  She was here. Lexi was within his reach. He stepped forward but stopped when her angry stare turned on him and he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. This was not the Alexandria he knew and there was definitely no recognition in her eyes.

  Eyes that were not the deep blue he remembered but now a reddish black which whispered to him of Wraith eyes. Except the whites of hers still showed. The change in her had not stopped there. Her entire body was different. No longer was she overly petite and tiny like a teenager, but her body had filled out with strength and womanly curves. Her skin was paler, but thank the Ancients, not the color of the Wraith’s gray skin. Even her hair was more lush and longer. The blue-black strands were free and flowing down her back to her waist. This was Alexandria but not his Lexi. What the hell had Turin done to her?

  He growled furiously ready to propel himself at Turin, but Raven flew by him before he could even move an inch. No doubt, Raven still wanted to kill Turin. Unknown to everyone including Raven, Turin had been revealed as Raven’s half-brother. Before Raven reached Turin, though, Michael and Hunter grabbed the Warrior pulling him back. Probably a good thing, since Joshua realized it was probably another trap. Either way, Turin quickly faded back out of view but not before Joshua noted the patch over his left eye.

  Joshua smiled. Score one for Jacob. Jacob had attacked Turin that fateful night when two Gates had opened and Turin had threatened Eleina. But Eleina was safe now and Alexandria was not. He could hear Turin yelling for her, but she appeared to be ignoring his orders.

  Alexandria turned away from Turin and focused her scan on the rest of the Cavern. Appearing to find what she was looking for, she stepped fully into the Cavern. Joshua wasn’t sure what she was after but the condition she was in told him she wasn’t in control of herself. Breaking into a full run, she reflexed her hand forming a Power Sword. A Power Sword which formed into cold black metal with a black crystalline blade.

  “What the hell?” Joshua shouted to the others.

  When he realized her target was Khenti Michael, he shot across the small distance to intercept her. What he was going to do, he wasn’t sure but he knew he couldn’t kill her. Or possibly even hurt her.

  “Out of my way!” He yelled in frustration as Warriors and Guardians converged in his way.

  “Sorry, man. I can’t take the chance of you not reaching her and Khenti Michael must be protected!” Hunter shouted right before he slammed his Power Sword guard into the side of Alexandria’s head.

  Absolute fury ignited in Joshua, sending him over the edge of his control when he saw Alexandria collapse to the fl
oor, blood flowing freely from her head. How he managed to reflex his Sword out of the way or even had enough sense left to do it before he tackled Hunter to the ground he didn’t know. His love for his fellow Warrior was probably the only thing that had saved Hunter, but Joshua still proceeded to beat the hell out of him.

  Chapter Two

  “I repeat. I’m not going anywhere.” He sternly directed his answer to Jenny who was scanning him with the damn medical device again.

  “I’m conscious and breathing and I’m not going anywhere until I’m sure Alexandria is okay.” He looked down at Alexandria’s unconscious form again for the hundredth time since they had brought her to medical. She was back and he still couldn’t believe it, although she wasn’t in good shape. The side of her head looked like hell with all the swelling and dried blood caked in her hair. It was taking longer for her injuries to heal than normal and the fact was worrying the hell out of him.

  He wanted to see her awake and back to his normal Lexi. But he doubted that was going to be the case. Even if she came out of unconsciousness, she would stay strapped down to the gurney. She had tried to attack Michael, acted too much like a Wraith, and had only appeared to have the intent to help the creatures. Not only that, Jenny had sedated her with a strong medication which could even knock out a Sphinx Warrior. Jenny was taking no chances.

  “Man, give Jenny a break. She’s just doing her job and looking after your hard-headed ass.” Hunter rasped from his perch on another gurney while his body did a quick mend from Joshua’s beat-down. Joshua glared at him, still highly upset one of his best friends had clocked the woman he cared about and had been protecting most of his adult life .

  “Like you’re one to talk. And what the fuck was that all about. I should have beaten you harder. Hitting Lexi…” He cleared his throat, “…hitting Alexandria like that.”

  If it weren’t for the fact he was running on zero Power, he would have gone over and punched the man again.

  “Damn, it, Joshua. What would you have had me do? She was moving too quick and you wouldn’t have made the distance in time. Khenti Michael had shock all over his face and his gears hadn’t appeared to be spinning too fast for the situation. I could have killed her you know, but that wasn’t my intent.”

  Hunter ran his hand through his black hair on the side which was streaked with silver. “We all care for her and pray to the Ancients for her recovery.”

  Sighing heavily, Joshua leaned forward on his knees. “I know, Hunter. You did exactly what you were supposed to do. Protect our Khenti no matter what. If it had come down to her or Khenti Michael…”

  Joshua swallowed convulsively. He had to say it. Had to say the words young Warriors in training learned for this particular painful situation.

  “A Warrior must be proficient in order to protect his or her Khenti.” He paused, hanging his head and whispered, “No matter what the cost.”

  “No matter what the cost,” Hunter echoed. Joshua could hear the deep pain reflected in Hunter’s words.

  He had to give the man a break. It wasn’t his fault things had happened the way they did.

  “Look, Hunter. I’m sorry I put the beat-down on you. I really haven’t been myself lately. You did the right thing.”

  “No. I deserved it. Besides…” Hunter smiled crookedly, “…if I hadn’t been pre-occupied, I would have beat your ass hands down.”

  Joshua rolled his eyes. “Give me a break.”

  “Good to hear you two have kissed and made up.” Joshua stood up quickly when he heard Michael’s voice. He felt instantly light headed and was unsteady on his feet.

  Michael rushed forward and pushed him back down into the chair.

  “Easy, Warrior.”

  Michael moved over to where Alexandria lay so quietly and hovered over her. Joshua could see the shadows pass across his expression.

  “How's she doing?” Stormy stepped from behind Joshua. He hadn’t realized she had accompanied Michael. Glancing at their Power Keeper, he could see her exhaustion. She had circles around her eyes and was pale. Moving over to Michael’s side, she grabbed his hand and he pulled her against his side.

  Jenny looked up from her work of cleaning Alexandria’s head wound. She put the bloodied gauze down on the wheeled medical tray. “Considering what she’s been through, she’s doing as well as can be expected.”

  Joshua dreaded the next question he knew was coming. The question he had been too weak to ask himself.

  “What’s caused this change in her?”

  Even in the face of this nightmare, his Khenti could cut straight to the point. No matter how painful the answer was going to be.

  Jenny picked up a new piece of gauze and continued with the disinfection of the wound. She blew out a breath like she was looking for her courage. “I ran some preliminary tissue and blood tests from the wound. They’re only preliminary but I’m sure what the outcome will be.” Her eyes became sad and she looked up at Khenti Michael. Joshua could feel his stomach lurch and he clenched his fists in dreaded anticipation.

  “Her genetics have been tampered with.”

  The growl escaped Joshua before he could stop it. The group turned and looked at him but he wasn’t going to apologize for his outburst. He crossed his arms over his chest in an effort to slow his heart rate.

  “Continue,” he said quietly, even though he only wanted to shout.

  “When I said tampered with, I was referring to a form of mutation. Somehow, her Sphinx DNA has been intertwined with Wraith DNA and her Sphinx DNA has become almost non-existent. That’s why she isn’t healing very quickly and her physical appearance has changed. The physical is minimal but…”

  Sadness crossed her expression, “…the damage to her Sphinx side is significant. I don’t believe there’s anything left of her inner Sphinx according to the Power readings.”

  “I’ll kill Turin.” Joshua shouted coming to his feet. A big mistake. He suddenly was seeing black spots and quickly had to sit back down in the chair.

  “Stand in line, Joshua. We all want to kill him.” Michael growled hugging Stormy closer.

  Joshua watched the two of them and the obvious love they had for each other no matter what was occurring around them. Michael bent down and kissed her forehead, tucking a loose gold blond strand behind her ear.

  Stormy smiled at Michael and then wiggled out of his arms. She approached Joshua and before he could scoot out of her reach she grasped his arm pushing Life Power into him. He jumped up breaking contact with her and evaded her attempt to touch him further.

  Michael shouted at her but being the stubborn Power Keeper she was, she continued to stalk him.

  Stormy reached out and begged, “Joshua, you need Life Power. I’ve never seen anyone look as weak as you do. Please let me help you.” She followed him around the room but Michael finally captured her hands.

  Joshua tried to reassure her. “Listen to me. I’m weak but I’ve been worse. A couple of hours of sleep and my body will naturally pull enough Power from my surroundings to give me enough to stabilize. I normally have the ability to draw a small amount, but haven’t been sleeping all that much. Please, Stormy. I appreciate your concern and would take a Transference any other time, but…not to be rude, have you looked into the mirror lately?”

  Her shoulders slumped and she sagged into Michael’s arms.

  “I have, but everything screams in my system to transfer Life Power. That all of you need Life Power. Even Michael won’t let me help him.”

  Michael intervened grabbing her chin and forcing her to look at him. “Angel, how are you going to help us at the key moment if you go down? We need you, but you need to rest. Please.”

  Joshua didn’t know how his leader did it, sharing his Mate with the other Warriors for Life Power. He staggered back over to the chair sitting down heavily.

  “And besides, didn’t Ethan say we had a break because the Gate’s energy calmed back down and has nearly dropped off the chart?”

“Yes. That’s correct. Ethan explained he suspected Alexandria was a part of the Gate’s unusual behavior opening so often.” Joshua noted how Michael stroked Stormy’s back while he spoke.

  “She’s always been able to change Life Power and direct it into healing, so perhaps whatever change was made to her DNA allowed for her to interact with the Gate’s energy. Just as Stormy can hold the Gate open when it destabilizes, Alexandria figured out a way to actually open the Gate from the Wraith side.”

  Joshua rubbed at his eyes. He really did want to stay near Alexandria but if he didn’t crash, he was going to pass out. His body was failing him. He was even weaving in the chair. It would feel so good to crash and not have to wake up for a while. A hand on his shoulder made him realize he had done just that and nodded off in the chair for a moment.

  He looked up to find Michael holding him by the shoulder so he wouldn’t fall to the floor.

  “Josh, let me and Stormy watch over Alexandria for a while. Once you’ve rested enough so you’re not going to end up as another patient, then you can come back and relieve us. I promise we’ll let you know if anything changes.”

  Joshua nodded his head. “Yeah. You’re right. I’m of no use right now and who better than her brother to watch over her. Please let me know if anything changes.”

  “I will.” Michael pulled him up to his feet. “Are you sure you can make it back to your room?”

  “I’ll take him.” Joshua looked over to see Hunter up on his feet. His injuries from the battle against the Wraith and the beating were almost gone. His Sphinx healing ability had performed miracles on the man’s face in record time.


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