The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4)

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The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4) Page 6

by Roseton, Jenn

  Ellie opened the door before Katerina had a chance to knock.

  “Hello, Ellie.” Her mother smiled at her with such warmth that Ellie felt it all the way to her soul.

  “Hi.” Ellie’s voice was just a murmur. The subtle scent of the spicy floral perfume her mother wore teased her senses

  They stood staring at each other for long seconds before Ellie remembered her manners. “Come in. Would your - friend - like to come in too?” She looked toward the car.

  Katerina laughed. “That is Trevor, my bodyguard. He is happy to wait in the car and give us some privacy.”

  Ellie frowned. “But I thought the danger was over?”

  Katerina waved her hand. “Yes, but one can never be too careful. Especially these days. Perhaps, in time, I will no longer feel the need for security.”

  She supposed Trevor had waited in the car yesterday, too. Leading the way to the kitchen, Ellie gestured to a chair. “Would you like some coffee? We can sit in the living room if you prefer.”

  “Here is fine, Ellie.” Her mother sat at the kitchen table, as if it were a totally normal occurrence, and not as if she were used to living in a finely furnished palace - at least, Ellie assumed Katerina had lived in a fancy palace with staff to cater to her every whim.

  Ellie busied herself with the coffee machine. Now that her mother was here, she didn’t know what to say to her. Peeking over her shoulder, she saw her mother sit at the table, her hands clasped in front of her. Perhaps her mother didn’t know where to begin either. The buzz of the coffee machine broke the silence.

  Ellie carried two cups of coffee to the table and sat down opposite Katerina.

  “Thank you.” Her mother smiled at her again.

  Ellie couldn’t help wondering if her life would have been much different if her mother had married her father, instead of marrying Prince Jorge. And abandoning her.

  Katerina stirred her coffee. “You must have a lot of questions,” she said, looking at Ellie over her raised cup.

  Ellie nodded. During the night, she’d thought of nothing but questions. Now, she found it hard to start. “Who decided on my name?” She finally asked.

  “Your father and I both did.” Her mother carefully put down the coffee cup. “Your name, Ellie, means beautiful one. When I held you in my arms, you were the most precious thing in the world.”

  Yet her mother still gave her away. Although Ellie had understood, to a certain extent, her mother’s decision all those years ago, she couldn’t help feeling hurt. What if her father had felt the same way? What if Dad hadn’t wanted her? Would she have grown up with her grandmother, or would she have been placed into foster care?

  Just the thought of that possibility brought a tell-tale prick of moisture to her eyes. She willed it away, not wanting to be even more vulnerable before this charming stranger, even she was her mother.

  Before she think of something to say, the grumble of a car engine caught her attention. Ellie frowned. Logan hadn’t mentioned expecting anyone today.

  Jumping up from her seat, Ellie headed to the living room and peered out the window.

  “Is someone arriving?” Her mother asked from behind her.

  “Yes.” Ellie watched a cab stop behind her mother’s car and saw a tall man in his late fifties with short salt and pepper hair get out the passenger side. It couldn’t be.

  She raced to the front door and barreled down the path. “Dad!”

  Her father caught her to him, giving her a bear hug that threatened to crush her bones. She savored his warmth, his closeness, before remembering that yesterday he’d been in hospital recovering from a heart attack. And that he’d lied to her her whole life.

  “Are you okay?” She pulled back, watching his face closely. “What are you doing here? Did they discharge you already?”

  Nicholas Sterling laughed. “One question at a time, honey. I’m okay. The doctors discharged me yesterday afternoon and okayed me to fly to see you. But I have to be careful with some things.” He patted his chest. “Not too much stress. But I feel a lot better.”

  “Maybe you should cut down your hours at work.” Ellie narrowed her eyes. Her father could be something of a workaholic.

  “I‘ll think about it. Really.” He patted her shoulder. “But I wanted to see you. And tell you that you’re not in danger any more.”

  “I know.”

  “How do you--”

  “Hello, Nicholas.” Katerina walked down the path and stood next to Ellie.

  “Katerina.” Her father staggered back a step, looking as if he’d just been sucker-punched. His face, already pale from his time in hospital, whitened even more. “What … what are you doing here?”

  “Visiting my daughter. You and your mother did a fine job raising her.”

  Ellie watched her parents stare at each other, as if neither of could wrench away their gaze.

  Finally, her father realized she was still there. “Where … where’s Logan?” he asked hoarsely.

  “In the barn,” Ellie replied.

  “Does he know your mother is here?”

  “Of course.” She realized this trip had taken more out of her father than he let on. Gently taking his arm, she said, “Come inside and have a cup of tea or hot chocolate.” She looked at him warningly. “I don’t think you should have any coffee.”

  “All right.” Still looking shell-shocked, he allowed her to help him into the house, Katerina walking closely on his other side.

  Ellie found herself making a weak cup of tea for her father, wondering if perhaps she should fetch Logan. Although she was trying to hide it, her emotions were in a whirl, even more so now that her dad had suddenly appeared. Although she was glad he seemed okay, she now had questions for him too. It was turning out to be quite a family reunion.

  Placing her father’s tea before him, she sat down next to him. Katerina sat opposite, in the same chair she’d occupied earlier.

  “I imagine you have a lot of questions,” her father said, before sipping his tea.

  That was an understatement. “You lied to me.” Ellie couldn’t keep the hurt out of her voice. “You made me believe my mother died giving birth to me.” She took a deep breath. “I always thought I’d killed her.”

  “Oh, Ellie.” Her father gathered her in his arms. “I’m sorry. I never meant you to think like that. Your mother and I thought that was the only explanation we could give you. It was important as few people as possible knew you were her daughter.”

  Ellie tried to stem her tears.

  “I’m sorry, Ellie,” Katerina said softly. “I never wanted to hurt you. But your father and I thought that him bringing you up on his own was the only solution.”

  “But what …” her breath wobbled, “what if you hadn’t wanted me, Dad?” Her tiny voice was muffled against his jacket but from the way his body tensed, she knew he’d heard every word. “Would you have … given me away too? Like … like my mother did?”

  “Never,” he said fiercely, holding her to him even tighter. “From the moment I knew your mother was pregnant with you I vowed I would do whatever it took to be your father in every sense of the word.” He drew back from her, so she could see his face. “I begged your mother to marry me, but she couldn’t.” He shared a look with Katerina. “Your mother told me to take good care of you, and she hoped that one day she would be able to meet you.” His tone was wry. “I guess that day has come.”

  “Your father would never have abandoned you.” Her mother spoke. “And you have no idea how often I wished I could change my decision. From the moment I met your father, I knew he was an honorable man, and that was one of the qualities that attracted me to him.”

  Ellie watched her parents exchange a glance across the table. A look that spoke of all they had shared, what they had lost, and a glimmer of hope for the future.

  “Did Grandma know?” Ellie asked. “What about Uncle Mark?”

  “Yes, your grandmother knew.” Her father sighed. “I swore her to secr
ecy. And while she didn’t exactly approve of the situation, she did her best for you. But your uncle didn’t know, although he might have had his suspicions. But he knew not to talk about it.”

  “I know grandma did her best,” Ellie replied softly. Her grandmother had been a large part of her life, never giving Ellie an inkling that there was more to her background than what she‘d been told. Her death three years ago had been a great loss.

  “I love you, Ellie,” her father reassured her. “Never forget that.”

  “I won’t,” she replied. Although part of her still felt angry and betrayed at the lies she’d been told, she didn’t doubt her father’s love for her. And her mother’s? She guessed time would tell. She took a deep breath, striving for a lighter tone. “Does this mean I’m a princess?”

  Her dad smiled, as she hoped he would. “Katerina?”

  “You’ll always be my princess,” her mother replied. “Although you have royal blood, because you weren’t born in wedlock, you can’t inherit the throne or a royal title. Those are the customs of my country.” Her eyes misted as she gazed at Ellie. “But you were born in great love.”

  Looking at her mother, Ellie was struck once again by how similar their looks were. “We look a lot alike,” she murmured.

  “You’re practically the spitting image of your mother when she was twenty-one,” her father said.

  “And that didn’t bother you?” Ellie asked.

  Her father laid his hand on hers. “Not in the least, honey. In fact, I found it comforting. I certainly didn’t mind being reminded of my love for your mother.”

  Her parents exchanged another look across the kitchen table, making Ellie wonder if perhaps she should give them a minute to themselves. Before she could say anything, Logan walked into the kitchen.

  “Everything okay?” His glance swept all three of them, finally resting on Ellie’s face.

  She nodded, unable to speak for a moment.

  Her father stood. “Thank you for taking care of her, Logan.” He held out his hand.

  “No problem.” Logan shook Nicholas Sterling’s hand. “Should you be out of hospital? Ellie was concerned when she couldn’t get through to you this morning.”

  Her father shrugged. “The doctors didn’t give me too much grief about it. And I wanted to see Ellie as soon as possible and tell her the danger had passed. I received confirmation this morning from a contact in Mulzonia. Apparently, Gregor is satisfied now he’s got the throne and will no longer be a threat.” He paused. “But I guess you already know that.”

  Logan gave a noncommittal shrug. “Yeah.” He hesitated. “So what are your plans now?”

  Ellie looked at Logan, then her father, before swinging her gaze to her mother. She hadn’t even thought about what would happen next. Now that Dad seemed okay, there was no longer a threat hanging over her, and she’d met her long lost mother, everything was over. Wasn’t it?

  She could return to her apartment in Virginia and try to enjoy what was left of her vacation, before returning to work.

  And never see Logan again.

  Disappointment flooded through her. She and Logan had barely gotten to know each other, and now it looked like she’d be leaving.

  She didn’t want to leave. Not yet.

  “I guess I’ll catch a flight home. And make an appointment with my doctor,” her father added reluctantly. “Katerina? What are your plans?”

  Ellie was surprised to see a faint blush steal over her mother’s cheeks. “I would like to get to know my daughter better.” She looked into Ellie’s eyes. “If she’ll allow me to.”

  Ellie found herself nodding. Although she was still trying to come to terms with the fact that she had a mother who’d given her up in order to serve her country and who had just abdicated the throne, and was possibly still in love with her father, Ellie realized she would like to know her mother better, too.

  “Ellie’s welcome to stay here as long as she wants,” Logan said quietly.

  Ellie snapped her head around, studying the expression on his face. The offer seemed genuine. Did Logan merely feel sorry for her, or was it possible that he felt something for her? Don’t get your hopes up. He’s just being a friend.

  “Thank you,” she murmured. “Maybe I could stay a few more days?”

  A smile etched his face. “Sure.”

  Only the sound of her father clearing his throat brought her attention back to the matter at hand.

  “Well, it looks like everything’s settled.” Her dad turned to her mother. “Are you staying locally, Katerina?”

  “Yes. At the inn at Elk View Corner.”

  “That’s not too far from here,” Logan said.

  “No, and it is quite a charming drive,” her mother agreed.

  “I’ll follow you out.” Her father stood next to Katerina. “Perhaps we could have another cup of coffee at the inn and discuss …”

  “Yes, I’d like that.” Her mother smiled up at him.

  Ellie watched her parents’ exchange. Was it possible that they were rekindling their feelings for each other? She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. On one hand, she’d be happy, because what child, no matter their age, doesn’t want their parents to be together? On the other hand, this was all so new, so raw, that she didn’t think she could entertain thoughts about a romance between her parents. Not yet, anyway.

  She hugged her father one last time, then turned to her mother. They both stepped awkwardly toward each other, then her mother kissed her on the cheek. “Tomorrow, Ellie? May I see you?”

  “Okay,” Ellie murmured aware that Logan stood behind her.

  He said goodbye to her parents and they walked them out to their vehicles. Ellie waved as first her mother, then her father’s cab drove back down the driveway.

  “Well.” Ellie turned to Logan. “I guess that was my parents.”

  “Yeah.” The expression on his face was close to the emotions swirling inside her: relief, hope, bemusement. “I guess so.”


  The rest of Ellie’s vacation on the ranch seemed to breeze by. She saw her mother a few more times, and each time her feelings of betrayal and anger slowly started to fade as she grew to know Katerina. Besides their coloring, Ellie discovered they had a lot in common. Her mother enjoyed painting and sketching as well, although she confessed she’d had no formal training. She’d admired Ellie’s quick sketches of the ranch and the horses, and they’d spent an enjoyable afternoon sketching the scenery.

  Their laugh was similar, too. The first time Ellie heard her mother laugh, she would have described it as silvery bells. When she told her mother what a pretty laugh she had, Katerina informed her with a smile that Ellie’s laugh sounded just like hers.

  When she wasn’t spending time with her mother, or doing ranch chores, Ellie went horse-back riding with Logan. Although they hadn’t kissed again, and sometimes she wondered if they ever would, she enjoyed the time they spent together. She appreciated his quiet strength and knew she would miss him when she returned home. More than miss him.

  What would have happened if her mother hadn’t turned up? Would Logan have invited her to stay longer at the ranch when it turned out the danger had passed? Or would he have waved goodbye to her and gone back to his quiet life? Alone.

  Ellie would always wonder if something could have developed between her and Logan. If he liked curves.

  When she’d first arrived at the ranch, she couldn’t wait to go home. Now, she didn’t want to leave. At all. But she knew she had to. She had a job to return to, for a start. Her father lived a short distance away from her apartment, and now she had a mother she was slowly getting to know.

  Since meeting Ellie, Katerina had rented a luxury apartment in Virginia, sight unseen, almost equi-distance between Ellie and her father. She planned to move in shortly after Ellie returned home. Ellie wasn’t sure if her parents had actually seen each other again since that emotional day, but every time she saw her mother, Katerina usually
mentioned her father in conversation

  She guessed she’d just have to ask her dad about it when she arrived home later that day. Her mother had offered to drive her to the airport, but Logan had already informed her that he would be the one taking her to catch her plane.

  After breakfast, Logan carried her suitcase to the SUV. “Ready?”

  “Ready,” she confirmed, her eyes sweeping over the old farmhouse. She’d already said goodbye to Salt and Pepper earlier that morning.

  Logan ushered her inside the vehicle, then looked over at her before he started the engine. “You’re welcome here any time.”

  “Thanks.” A soft smile touched her lips. Things had definitely changed between them in the last two weeks. She doubted he would have said that on the first day she arrived. Now, he seemed just as reluctant to see her leave as she was. Or was it just her imagination?

  They didn’t talk much on the way to the airport. Ellie looked out the window, wondering if she would come back one day. Although she and Logan had become friends, she suspected that was all he felt toward her. Too bad she couldn’t say the same. She ached for him to take her into his arms and kiss her once more, to touch her, flirt with her, but Logan kept his eyes on the road, his driving sure and steady.

  Over the last few nights, she’d started dreaming about him. Naughty dreams. But, she guessed, that’s all they would ever be. Just night-time fantasies. Besides, he probably wasn’t into curvy girls.

  Once they arrived at the airport, Logan stayed by her side while she checked in. “Call me when you get home.”

  She looked at him in surprise.

  “I want to make sure you had a safe flight.”

  “Okay,” she replied, touched at his thoughtfulness. Over the last two weeks, he didn’t seem nearly as gruff and grumpy as he had been when they’d first met. She didn’t know if it was because of everything that had transpired with her parents, or if he just took a while to open up to people. Whatever the reason, she liked the result.


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