Scorpios and Sapphires

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Scorpios and Sapphires Page 15

by L. B. Simon

  Aidan was pleased to see that she was radiating determination now, having accepted that her old life was over.

  "I’ll keep digging; hopefully, I’ll find something useful."

  "Thank you, sis, I appreciate that! We are beginning phase two in the morning, except for Savy and Mélisande; you two are up immediately. Excellent work team, we are getting closer to getting this solved. Meeting adjourned."

  Chapter 40

  Savy immediately grabbed Mélisande by the hand and pulled her to the couch. She put the laptop on the coffee table. Three audio lines filled the screen. Savy watched as everyone called it a night, leaving for their rooms and homes. Once alone, Savannah confronted Mélisande.

  "Be kind to my brother," she hissed, "I don’t think he can handle another heartbreak. He is a good guy, and there aren’t many of those out there! So, don’t hurt him!"

  "I have no intentions of hurting your brother. I think even you can see, by now, that I am the one who is being set-up here." Mélisande stared her straight in the eyes. "If there is a future for your brother and me, it will wait until this is over. I will not have this hanging over us, so I hope this is reassurance enough for you."

  "Thank you! And you can call me Savy." The girl nodded and switched her focus to the laptop screen, then glanced back at Mélisande. "We will figure this out, I promise you."

  "Thank you! This means a lot to me!" Mélisande was touched by the unexpected kindness that Savannah offered.

  "All right." The girl’s face morphed into a mask of indifference. "Let’s do this in shifts. I’ll take the first watch. I’ll wake you up if there is something, otherwise, we will switch at midnight. Is that okay with you? I do need to get some sleep tonight as I have been working almost nonstop since I got here."

  "Of course, let me know when you need me." The heiress smiled and went to her room.

  Mélisande thought that she would not be able to sleep, seeing how early it was, but shortly after she stretched out her aching limbs on the bed, she dozed off. She awoke to Savy shaking her, a teasing smirk on the girl’s lips as if knowing that a day with Veritas was exhausting.

  In silence, they went to the living room and Savy handed her a pair of headphones. Belmont’s voice sounded in her ear. Savy also handed her a pen and paper.

  "Relax darling! Everything is going according to plan. Old Belmont will sign everything over to you when you visit him. Yes, it’s all that there is to it." The man laughed. "We will have you throw a huge party to celebrate your new inheritance. Do you want to do it there or here at the mansion? Of course, you can! The house is all yours! Three weeks is more than enough to plan a soirée in your honor. I just hope you will want to keep an old coot like me around, once you will be the mistress of this house. Will you stop worrying! How about you tell me what you are wearing instead…"

  Mélisande ripped her earpiece out.

  "Ew!" Savy made a face, throwing her earpiece away too. "Ew ew! How about we switch to the other room now. There is activity in there too. Maybe it’s Samuel."

  "I think that is a good idea!" Mélisande agreed but heaved a sigh. "So, my dearest papa has all forgotten about me. How wonderful… It can only be Céline whom he is talking to. She will have a reception in my house. My God! It’s as if I never even existed!"

  "I am sorry, but you have us now and we got your back! Listen…" Savy features tensed, as she pointed to her ear.

  "I’m here if anyone is listening." Came a man’s whisper in English. "Belmont is close by, so keep your fingers crossed that I don’t get caught." There was a shuffling sound. "I hope this works." A few muttered curses shortly followed this, and then a click. "I’m in."

  They could hear Samuel flipping pages. The two women exchanged a glance and a smile.

  "What is that?" Mélisande pointed to a moving wave in the third box on the screen.

  "That must be Fifi’s room." Savy switched to it. "Oh-oh! A door just closed, and the room is silent. I’m afraid that she is on the move." The two exchanged a worried look.

  "What are the odds that she is going up to see father?" Mélisande wondered.

  "Go get Aidan’s cell," Savy ordered, but Mélisande hesitated. "Go! Samuel might be in hot water if we don’t warn him!"

  Mélisande hurried to the adjoining room and slipped in quietly. Aidan was sound asleep, a leg peeking out from under the sheets and his bare back in the open. She found what she was looking for on the bedside table and hurried out, her heart pounding.

  "How will we know what is the number?" Mélisande handed it to Savannah.

  "It will be the only one I don’t recognize. Let’s hope Samuel has the mobile with him and that he left it on vibration."

  "What is going on?" Mélisande returned her earpiece.

  "Nothing yet." Savy hesitated her fingers over the keypad. "I don’t want to jump the gun."

  "Is father still busy?"

  "I’m not sure. We should listen in, but I’m scared of what we will hear."

  "I know… Please let him be done…" Mélisande prayed.

  No such luck, but an instant after they started listening, the door creaked open, and Belmont hurried to finish the conversation.

  "Are you done with that whore?" Fifi demanded.

  "That whore is your ticket to wealth," Belmont groaned.

  "Yeah… That is what I have been hearing for years! It’s either one whore or another, all tickets to my wealth," she groaned. "What did you do with the cash?"

  "It’s in the Cayman’s safe and sound."

  Mélisande paled; so, it had been her father at the bank. She couldn’t breathe for a moment, and her vision blurred with tears. She had told herself that it couldn’t be, that some stranger wore a similar hat to his… But no; it was him. Savannah reached out and held her hand.

  "Did you add it to the ledger?" Fifi demanded.

  "Not yet. It was a busy day."

  "You are not busy now, are you?"

  "Well, I had some ideas…" There was some smooching sound.

  "Stop!" Fifi laughed. "Seriously, stop! I mean it! Get the paperwork done, then you can get to sample this."

  Mélisande and Savy exchanged panicked glances; the ledger was most likely stored in the office. Samuel needed to be warned. Savy texted Samuel one word; hide.

  "You run a hard bargain, woman," Belmont growled.

  They switched to Samuel and heard rushed sounds, then a door shutting. A moment later, Belmont entered the office.

  "I will be seeing her next week."

  "I don’t see why you need to see her so often! And, what about the police? What if they are watching her?" Fifi argued.

  "I haven’t seen her since that day. And there is no reason for me to hide from the police. Who would think of me, a loving father as a suspect? I have a houseful of alibis, and the brat taking off is perfect, makes her look guiltier by the minute. Everything is going according to plan; remember I am doing this for us. You will thank me in five years."

  "You expect me to sit around here quietly for another five years?" Fifi’s tone pitched high with anger.

  There was the sound of keys and a drawer was pulled out.

  "Yes, woman. You can’t just get where we want to be overnight," he bellowed as something thudded on the desk.

  "It’s been way too many nights."

  "Oh, stop being so cross!" A book was shut. "There are four million euros in the Caimans. Happy? Now come here."

  "I’ll see you in your room!" Fifi huffed and a door slammed.

  "Ah! These women!" Belmont snarled.

  They heard the man close the cabinet, turn a key, and follow Fifi out, locking the office door behind him.

  Mélisande and Savy fell back, relieved.

  "Can we listen to both rooms separately?" Mélisande wondered.

  Savy nodded then typed on the laptop.

  "You listen to Belmont and I will listen to Samuel. My French is not the best."

  "That is fine. They are both in the room now. Talking abo
ut firing Samuel. Fifi fears him, she thinks that Samuel is on to her. Is he okay?"

  "Yes, there is movement in the room, and I think he just unlocked the cabinet, again."

  "Good. Father wants to keep him on for another few days, in case I show up. He wonders where I have gone... God! I had thought that he loved me…" Mélisande’s hands began trembling.

  "If it’s too painful, I can do this by myself," Savy offered, concern in her eyes.

  "It’s okay. Now I know better. Can’t believe Maman stuck with him all those years…" Tears began running down Mélisande’s face.

  "Samuel just confirmed that everything is okay. He is continuing taking photos."

  "And these two are getting disgusting again." Mélisande removed her earpiece.

  Chapter 41

  "Where is my phone?" Aidan strolled into the living room.

  "We had to text Samuel; he almost got caught." Savy raised the cell for him to see.

  "Next time wake me up!" Aidan sat down. "Anything?"

  "Belmont confirmed that he had transferred the money to the offshore account." Savy went on to tell him everything they had heard.

  "Belmont and Céline… A reception you say?" Aidan stared at the opposite wall thoughtfully. "That is wonderful! If only we could keep them from getting their hands on the house immediately… I might have an idea. Let me run it by Phil, first."

  "Wait! Samuel is swearing profusely. Listen!" Savy plugged in the speakers so everyone could hear.

  "Merde! I really hope that someone is still listening! I want a meeting tomorrow at ghost town, usual time, Méli knows. I hit gold. But make sure she stays put, someone else comes," he added sternly. "Good night!"

  The door was unlocked and they heard Samuel leave.

  "Ghost town?" Aidan arched an eyebrow.

  "Père Lachaise Cemetery, Grand-mère and Adeline’s grave at 8:15 a.m. We usually go there together once a month. I can not believe I’m going to miss it."

  "I’m sorry." Aidan touched her arm. "Savy can you go? I have everyone on a shift."

  "Sure. Where is it?"

  Mélisande gave Savy detailed directions.

  "I better get some sleep then. See you in the morning." Savannah left.

  "Was it you, in my room?" Aidan sat down next to Mélisande as she nodded. "I thought so. Was it bad, hearing all that?"

  She just shrugged.

  "I’m sorry. I need your help, I wish I had more people, but unfortunately, I don’t."

  "It is okay. I can do this!"

  "You don’t seem too startled by the fact that your father is behind all this," he remarked, his gaze kind.

  "I recognized him, or rather the Fedora, on the bank footage," she admitted.

  "Why didn’t you tell me?" He reproached gently.

  "I just couldn’t believe it! Saying the words… it would have made it real… I needed the lie at the time; that it was someone else, that he was being set-up too…" Unchecked tears rolled down her face. "That it was I who was insane! How could a father do such thing to his own child?" She stared at Aidan, desperately wanting answers. "Are fathers not supposed to move mountains for the sake of their children and keep them safe? My father; he does not care about me, does he? Never did! I am an orphan, I have been for the past twelve years, I was just too dumb to see it."

  "Don’t say that!" Aidan clasped her hands. "There was never any reason for you to question his sincerity."

  She nodded, trying to calm down.

  "I need to tell you something else…"

  Aidan waited silently for her to go on.

  "I worked with Veritas today. In the kitchen." Mélisande confessed, avoiding his eyes.

  "I figured you were out and about with that bandage on your finger." Aidan ran his hand over the stubble on his cheek. "It is a good idea for you to learn new skills. You will need them for what I have in mind."

  "What is that?" Mélisande brightened up.

  "It’s a surprise!" Aidan’s mobile buzzed. "Aidan Carver. Yes, I am up. Sure, I can meet you in half an hour." Aidan ended the call. "Lachance; got to go see him now."

  "But it is the middle of the night!" Mélisande’s brow furrowed.

  "Duty never takes a break! Will you be all right?" He touched her face.

  "I’ll keep watch on this…" She pointed to the laptop.

  "No. We will have it reviewed tomorrow. I need you to rest so you can work with Veritas in the morning."

  She nodded.

  "Good-night, then. Try to get some rest!" Aidan leaned forward and kissed her forehead, before heading out the door.

  Chapter 42

  Savannah had gotten out at Philippe Auguste Metro station a half hour earlier, which was the closest exit to the meeting spot and watched the cemetery. Samuel had arrived some ten minutes ago, but she wanted to make sure that no one had followed him.

  She entered through the main entrance gate that welcomed visitors to Père Lachaise Cemetery. She walked the cat stones amongst the tombs, the statues; some headless angels or bodies missing limbs, weeping and desperate stone figures throwing themselves at the graves of loved ones. There was a sense of peace in the air.

  Savy was careful to follow the directions she was given, as with all the little paths and mausoleums surrounding her, it was easy to get lost. She headed to a newer section, an area where the old bones had been moved to make a place for new ones and climbed up the hill on the little paths that snaked amongst the resting dead. She finally caught sight of Samuel, standing solemnly by a large monument with an angel gazing over the resting place of Adeline and Delphine Belmont.

  Samuel had his back to her, but she could tell he was sad, by the slouching of his shoulders and how his head hung low. He probably wondered if anyone was going to come.

  He must be lonely, she thought, a boy who lost all the women in his life, even Mélisande. He had mentioned that he was Roma, and Belmont hated him for this. Did others treat him like a pariah too because of his background and skin color? Savannah hurried her step; suddenly feeling that he needed reassurance, which was silly, she chastised herself, she did not even like him.

  "Excuse me!" She called out. "Do you speak English?"

  Samuel’s dark brooding eyes met hers. Then, recognizing a familiar face, his whole being seemed to light up.

  "Yes!" He grinned broadly. "What can I help you with?"

  "It’s silly, but I am lost," she giggled like a school girl. "This cemetery is just way too big!"

  "What are you looking for?"

  "Well, it’s a bit embarrassing, but I am a Jim Morrison fan, and I would like to visit his grave. Do you know which way it is?" She lifted a shoulder playfully. "I am completely lost!"

  "Sure, follow me. It’s a bit of a walk, though."

  They walked in silence for a while.

  "Where are you from?" Samuel wasn’t sure how these things worked so he opted for small talk.

  "Toronto, Canada," she answered honestly.

  "Staying long?"

  "Not sure yet. Guess it depends on what Paris has to offer. I’m Savannah, by the way."

  Samuel shook her hand. He was surprised to find something in her palm. He slipped the object into his pocket.

  "I’m Samuel. Nice to meet you." They walked on some more in a comfortable silence. "So, is it your first time in Paris?"

  "No, actually. I had been here several times. But I never got to really see the city."

  "Ah! Business then. That was going to be my next question, business or pleasure."

  "I love cars!" Savy beamed, "especially love your Citroën. Such James Bond cars."

  Samuel blinked at her sudden shift in topic.

  "Hey! My colleague Fifi drives one! A good car." He nodded, understanding dawning on him; he had a GPS tracker in his pocket.

  They walked on for a long while, talking about life in general. They found the grave of Jim Morrison, and Samuel offered to show her the graves of Molière and Chopin. Savy had the impression that Samuel did not want
her to leave.

  "And this grave over here, shaped like a prison, belongs to François-Vincent Raspail. He tried to change things in France and as a result, he spent many years behind bars, as well as in exile…" Samuel pointed to a tomb flanked by a figure reaching into the cell through the bars.

  "Poor man! Couldn’t they make his last resting place a bit cheerier?"

  Samuel laughed seeing Savy’s horrified expression.

  "Should we sit down a bit?" She moved to a bench after a moment, one of many that offered some respite for those taking a stroll in the immense cemetery.

  Savannah placed her purse between them opening the flap, and pulled out a packet of gum. Taking out one, she handed the carton to Samuel. After helping himself, he slipped the rest back in the bag, along with the camera and the key gadget she had lent him.

  "This is so lovely, I mean the cemetery and Paris. I love Europe; everything is so beautiful and old." She inhaled the smell of flowers and fresh cut grass.

  "I am sure that Toronto is lovely too," Samuel offered.

  "Oh, it is!" She got up. "Well, I am sure you have somewhere to be, so I will not hold you up any longer. Thank you for all your help!"

  Samuel followed suit and leaned in for a hug, taking her by surprise.

  "Check the last photo first," he whispered into her ear. "It’s big! But I’m not sure that Méli should see it." He loosened his grip and let go. "It was nice to meet you! Take care!"

  "You too. Goodbye!" Her lips stretch into a smile, but confusion clouded her gaze.

  Samuel watched her walk away. She looked nice, he noted, wearing a knee-high summer dress and a jeans jacket, it was as if she had just stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine. When he finally glanced down at his watch, he realized that he was late.

  Chapter 43

  Samuel returned to the house, parking his motorcycle next to Fifi’s car. He bent down to check the tires on his bike and pulled out the tracker. He placed it beneath the undercarriage of the Citroën and the magnet attached to the metal with a soft clicking sound. A faint noise from the other end of the garage warned him that he was no longer alone; he quickly refocused his attention back on his motorcycle.


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