The Malone Brothers Boxed Set

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The Malone Brothers Boxed Set Page 7

by S. L. Sterling

  “It was lovely. To be honest, I’ve never experienced anything like that before.”

  “You mean to tell me that the men in your past have never treated you to anything like that before?”

  “I’m afraid not. The man in my past didn’t believe in romance.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “It is what it is, Hunter,” I said a little harshly.

  “Doesn’t sound like the men you’ve been with know how to treat a woman like yourself.”

  I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, and I turned my head to look away from him and down the beach. I hadn’t meant to snap at him. When I turned my attention back to him, I saw desire in his eyes.

  He leaned in and pressed his mouth to mine, his tongue finding mine. He placed his hand on the back of my head, and his kiss deepened as a low moan left my throat. He trailed kisses from my mouth to my ear and down my neck, while his hands roamed my body. My thoughts traveled back to the night before, to the amazing way he had made me feel, and then the feelings of doubt poured into my mind. Jason and I were over, that was for sure. I had accepted that and tried to move on. That’s what last night had been about.

  I ran my hands over Hunter’s bulging biceps and up to his chest. “Hunter.” He continued kissing and sucking on my neck, ignoring my call. “Hunter, please,” I choked out, tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes.

  He pulled back and looked at me. “What is it, Autumn?” he whispered while brushing my hair out of my face.

  “I don’t think I can do this.” My voice was barely audible as tears slid down my cheeks.

  He held me in his embrace but stilled his hands. “You can’t do what?”

  The pain that was building in my chest was almost too much to bear. I couldn’t help but feel sad over the fact that I was finally facing and accepting the closure of the divorce that had happened two years ago. I was afraid that by telling him what was really bothering me that he would walk away from me in an instant. Who would want someone with this much baggage? What was worse was that standing in front of me was a sexy, sweet man, and even though I had only known him for a few hours, I could easily see myself falling totally head over heels in love with him. That revelation scared the shit out of me. I felt that by continuing down this current path, I was only going to end up really hurt, so it would be best to end things right now. You didn’t fall in love with someone you barely knew; that’s how I got into the mess with Jason.

  Placing his thumb under my chin, he lifted my face to his. “Autumn? What is it, love?”

  I fought at first to look him in the eye, but finally gave in. “I’m not just here for a fun vacation.”


  “I’m divorced—not recently or anything—but I’m struggling to try to put myself and my life back together again.” As soon as those words left my mouth, the heaviest sob shook my body. Hunter didn’t respond. He just kept his arms securely around me, holding me.

  “That’s what I needed the break from.”

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. Divorce happens, and it’s tough for some people.”

  “This is different.”

  “Tell me.”

  “You don’t want to hear it, and I don’t want to bore you with all the details.”

  “You aren’t boring me, and I think maybe you need to talk about it. It’s only you and me on this beach, so you’re stuck with me. But you’re in luck because I’m a really good listener.”

  I wasn’t sure if I should share with him or not. This wasn’t just cut and dry. I kept my head down, my eyes averted from him for what seemed like ages. “I have nowhere I need to be, baby, except right here with you. So, no matter how long it takes, I’ll wait for you to talk to me,” he whispered.

  I finally let out the breath I had been holding and decided to just lay it all out, letting the cards fall where they may. “We’d been married for two years. Things were going well except we both wanted children, but I was having trouble conceiving. He had been putting so much pressure on me, but when it eventually happened, he didn’t seem to be as excited as I thought he would be. Things were going okay. I was healthy, and things were progressing normally. One morning I woke up. I was about three months into my pregnancy, but I wasn’t feeling very well. I chalked it up to just being pregnant and went to work anyway. A couple hours later I found myself being rushed to the hospital, cramping and bleeding badly. By the time I got there, I had already lost the baby. When he arrived, the doctor came in just in time to tell us that I wouldn’t be able to have any children. I could tell from the second he heard that news that he blamed me for everything; it showed in every one of his actions. From that day forward he became distant. He started working long hours, some nights not coming home at all. I was battling depression, which kept getting worse not better. It took a year before I finally returned to work. I’d been back a couple of months when one morning he met me in the kitchen. He announced that he wanted a divorce. He told me he couldn’t live with the fact that I would never be able to give him children and that he was tired of watching me deteriorate. For him, it was basically over. He already had all the papers drawn up that I just needed to sign. He wanted it quick, easy, and with as little stress as possible on both of us, so he just handed over everything to me. After he walked out that door, I never saw him again. He never came back. He was just gone. I finally dropped off the divorce papers to his office and the rest has led me here.”


  I didn’t know what to say. I certainly wasn’t expecting to hear what she had shared with me. I watched as the tears rolled down her cheeks, her body shaking. What kind of an asshole would do that to this angel? He was acting as if he was the only one who’d lost anything, when really it was her who had lost everything. Her life had been totally affected, and she had absolutely no support system whatsoever. It’s no wonder she always looks sad. She has every right to be sad. “Please, Hunter, I don’t want to hurt you, but I fear last night was a mistake,” she cried, her red eyes meeting mine.

  Watching the tears fall from those beautiful eyes was literally killing me. She had already suffered so much, and it wasn’t fair that she still was. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I let her go from my hold, took a couple of steps away from her, and turned to look out at the ocean. My mind screamed at me to just walk away, not to get involved, but my heart—for some reason, my heart told me not to let her go. As I stood there listening to her cry, and even fighting back tears myself, I heard her faintly whisper behind me. “Please, Hunter, please just leave.”

  I felt a very unfamiliar feeling building in my gut. I couldn’t describe it, but it didn’t calm until I had pulled her back into me and kissed her hard, holding her tightly in my arms. When the kiss broke, I sucked in a deep breath. “I’m not going anywhere, Autumn. So, you cry, cry until your heart is content, and then together we’ll move on.” I pulled her tightly against me and held her. I’d lost track of how long we’d been standing there like that, but she had finally quieted down and was just resting her head on my chest.

  Sitting down on the palapa mattress, I pulled her down beside me. She shivered as the cool night air blew off the ocean. I moved myself back onto the mattress and guided her up to lay beside me, my body blocking the cool night breeze from her. She curled her body into me and lay there. Rolling onto my side with her in my arms, I kissed her lips. “I want to take away all your pain, baby,” I whispered to her as I kissed her again.

  “Please,” she moaned as she placed her hand on the back of my head and pulled me into her, pushing her body against mine.

  She was so small in my arms. I loved listening to the sounds she made as I kissed her.



  Morning rain tapping on the window woke me. I felt her body against mine and looked down at the sleeping angel laying beside me. I glanced at the clock. It was already eleven. My flight left at eight, which meant I had to leave the resort no later than fiv

  Rolling onto my side, I pulled her body into me, a gentle, soft moan coming from her lips. I placed a kiss on her bare shoulder. I didn’t want to leave her. I didn’t want to move. I wanted to stay in this moment forever. After she had poured her heart out to me the other night, she became a different person, not afraid to express herself or have fun. It was like she had washed away all the guilt that she had been holding onto.

  We had spent the last three days together—getting a couple’s massage, having dinner, laying in the sun, taking a tour through Shaw Gardens, and going horseback riding on the beach. It had been amazing getting to know her. But today was the last day I would be with her, and I secretly wished that I could stop time forever. We hadn’t had a chance to talk about what would happen after this week. As a matter of fact, neither of us had even shared where we lived. I just knew that no matter where it was, I was willing to give everything I had to make it work.

  I brushed the hair away from her neck and started kissing her slowly. She let out a soft moan as she stretched and rolled herself against me. Running my hand down the flat of her stomach and into her panties, I started rubbing her clit, dipping my finger into her wetness and back up over the small bundle of nerves. A soft moan escaped her lips. I rubbed her until she was begging me to stop, gripping my bicep, digging her nails into me. I kept going until an orgasm finally ripped through her. Then I placed a strong, deep kiss on her lips.

  “Hunter, you ready for lunch, man?” Chase shouted from outside the door, causing us both to jump.

  “Come on, man!” Bryce shouted, pounding on the door. “It’s our last day. Get out here and join us, you ass.”

  I placed another kiss on Autumn’s lips and crawled out of bed, throwing on a pair of jeans. Covering her up, I went to open the door. Bryce and Chase stood there looking at me. “Well, it’s about fucking time, man.” They pushed their way through the door. I put my hand out to stop them both from entering. “What?” Bryce looked at me in surprise. I shook my head at the pair of them.

  “What? Oh, she’s here?” Bryce and Chase laughed, both trying to peek around the corner.

  “Yes, now give us a few minutes and we’ll meet you down by the pool restaurant for some lunch.”

  Chase looked at me and smiled. “Well, is she any good?” he mouthed.

  I gave them both an annoyed look and pushed them both back out the door, shutting it behind them. I laughed to myself as I made my way back to the other room. “I swear, for two grown-ass men, they sure can act like children occasionally.” As I rounded the corner, Autumn was already out of bed, throwing on one of my T-shirts, laughing at what I had said.

  “Let me just run next door and get dressed and then we can meet your brothers for some lunch.” She kissed me deeply before heading out the back door and into her room to get ready for the day.


  The day had gone relatively fast, and before I knew it, I was standing with Bryce and Chase in the lobby as Hunter turned in his room keys. I had a half hour left with him and then he would be gone. When Hunter returned, Bryce and Chase took off to say goodbye to their lady friends, leaving us to one another.

  “Listen, Autumn, the past few days have been wonderful. I’ve given it some thought; I’m not sure where you live, and to be honest, it really doesn’t matter because I would like to stay in touch, see where things may go between us.” He grabbed both my hands in his and smiled at me.

  “I’d like that,” I said, meeting his eyes.

  He reached into his pocket and handed me a business card. I took it from his hand and read what was printed on it, a large smile spreading across my face. “What is it, beautiful?”

  “It shouldn’t be as hard as you think. You work about an hour away from where I live,” I whispered, reaching up and placing a kiss on his lips.

  He kissed me hard, sweeping his tongue through my mouth. Then he looked deep into my eyes, not hiding how he felt. “You have no idea how happy this makes me, beautiful. Now what is your number?” He pulled his phone from his pocket, opened up his contacts, and typed me into his phone while I rattled off my number for him. He shoved his phone back into his pocket and led me over to an empty seat in the lobby, pulling me down onto his lap. Wrapping his arms around me, he kissed me again, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth.

  I rested my head against his. “Don’t you dare start something we can’t finish. We don’t have time.”

  “Want to bet?” He wagged his eyebrows at me. I leaned in and met his lips again. “Come with me,” he whispered between kisses.

  At first, I protested, but he kept pulling me through the crowd of people that were waiting for the bus. We walked quickly along the front of the resort and stopped just outside of the men’s bathroom.

  “Hunter, I can’t go in there.”

  “Yes, you can.” He winked at me and looked back over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching as he pulled me through the men’s bathroom door. I felt my heart start to pound, but the bathroom was empty. As soon as we were inside, he pushed me up against the door and locked it. His mouth was instantly on mine, his hands gripping my ass, lifting me and wrapping my legs around his hips. His kiss deepened as he carried me over to the counter and sat me on the edge of it.

  “Take your panties off and lift your skirt,” he whispered, his breath tickling my ear. “I’m going to make you moan so loud, the whole lobby will know what just happened.”

  A chill ran through me at the thought as I wiggled out of my panties. Wrapping his arms around me, he held me on the edge of the counter, knelt down, and placed my legs over his shoulders. His eyes met mine before he buried his face between my legs, licking and sucking at my center. I had to bite my lower lip to keep from moaning. I could feel myself just about to come when he pushed my legs off his shoulders and stood up. “I want to hear you one more time as I bury myself in you.” I heard his zipper lower.

  I parted my legs to make room for him. Reaching down between us, I held him in my hand and stroked his thick cock.

  “Fuck, I can’t wait to feel you,” he moaned as I continued to stroke him.

  “Do you have a condom?” I asked.

  A look came over his face. “FUCK!”

  I bit my bottom lip. It would be nice to feel a man inside of me again without something between us, I thought. I knew I was going way too fast with all of this, but honestly, we really hadn’t gone slow with anything else.

  “What is it, beautiful?” he asked as he studied my face.

  “I want to feel you inside me. Just you with nothing between us,” I whispered, my eyes begging him.

  I placed him at my entrance and rubbed his hard cock through my wetness. He groaned loudly as he slid himself deep inside of me. His hands gripping my hips, he held me against him as he pumped into me hard, fast, and deep. Small whimpers escaped my lips the harder he thrust. I could feel him start to swell as I tightened around him. He let out a deep groan when he slammed into me. As he filled me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his shoulder, screaming his name through clenched teeth as I came.

  He met my lips as he pulled himself out of me and zipped his pants back up. I straightened my skirt and bent to pick my panties up off the floor. “Give those to me, beautiful.” He smiled at me as he held his hand out. “I want a reminder of you until I see you again.” I handed them to him and watched as he put them in his pocket. As he looked at me, I could feel the blush rising onto my face.

  The bus pulled up to the front of the lobby. I closed my eyes and tried to fight down the lump that was forming in my throat.

  The bellhops were already organizing the luggage and had started to load it into the bus. “I guess this is it,” I whispered, my eyes burning.

  “Just for now. I’ll be in touch with you soon. I promise,” he said, looking toward the back of the lobby, signaling over my shoulder to both Chase and Bryce to get to the bus.

  I blinked. I could feel a hot tear slip down my cheek.
Hunter looked down at me, a loving smile on his face. “Don’t cry. I promise, before you know it, you’ll be in my arms again.” He wiped away the lone tear and leaned down, pressing his lips to mine, wrapping me in his arms. I nodded, inhaling his scent.

  It wasn’t long before they were boarding the bus. I stood watching as it pulled away from the lobby, taking him from me. Once they were no longer in sight, I walked back to my room and started to pack my things. I was halfway through when a funny feeling came over me. Suddenly I was afraid that he wouldn’t call, that maybe this was all there was supposed to be between us. When we got away from this island, life would return to normal, and it was possible that he would forget about me and everything we had shared. As I was packing my carry-on bag, I found the letter he had taped to the door for me. I re-read his words, a warm feeling crawling through my body. Meeting him had been a big deal for me. Trusting again, opening up, and sharing the things I had shared with him hadn’t been easy, and I just prayed that he knew that. I was looking forward to seeing where things could go, but at this moment, I felt completely exposed and extremely vulnerable.


  Autumn – Two Weeks Later

  I’d been home now for a couple of weeks and had settled back into my routine. I missed Jamaica—the sun, the music, but most of all, I missed Hunter. I hadn’t heard from him since the night he left the resort except for a text that let me know he had gotten home safe. I of course had responded when I landed, but after that, there had been no communication. The only person I had told about him was Dr. Plante, mainly because the day I went to see him I was having serious doubts that I would ever hear from him again. He told me that I might need to prepare myself to accept the fact that it could have been nothing more than a fling. He had wanted me to text or call Hunter during my appointment with him to try to ease my mind, but I was too afraid. Instead, I found myself in his office in tears convinced that if he hadn’t already called me then that was all the proof I needed, and I didn’t need to make a fool of myself any more than I already had.


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