
Home > Romance > Smokescreen > Page 7
Smokescreen Page 7

by Ahren Sanders

  “What do we do now?”

  He shifts against me, rubbing his hard cock along my thigh. But instead of moving again he hisses.

  “We pack my shit and leave here. I have some plans for us today.”

  “Pack your shit for what?”

  “I’m staying with you for a while. I don’t want to come back here until Erica is gone. Even then I need to have locks changed and security arrangements made.”

  Panic sets in and I push him back. “You want to stay with me?” My voice harsher that I meant, but I’m freaked. I haven’t lived with anyone since college. And never a man!

  Hurt fills his face but he disguises it quickly.

  “No, I guess not. That was too presumptuous on my part. You still want to take things slow. After all this, I can’t blame you. I’ll move into the corporate apartment. No need to put you out.” He slides away from our position and goes to his closet. I hear him packing and zipping suitcases. My mind races with a reason to reject his idea but nothing comes. I get up quickly and walk into his closet where he’s shoveling things into separate bags.

  “Max?” He doesn’t look at me. He’s resigned, rejected, and I feel like shit. He’s told me one of his deepest secrets and regrets and I freaked out.

  “Look at me,” I plea.

  He does slowly, showing no emotion at all. His stare is blank. A shudder runs down my spine at the lack warmth in his eyes.

  “I’m a bed hog and an insomniac sometimes. I read smutty romance novels late into the night. I like my coffee with skim milk and a bit of sweetener first thing in the morning. My phone rings at crazy ass hours, but I don’t always answer it. I drink at least one glass of wine every night before I even think about dinner and I like at least three pillows of my own. My bat shit crazy friend has a key to my place. Any of that bother you?”

  HIs face softens and he stalks to me, picking me up to where my legs wrap around his waist.

  “I sleep naked but can fall asleep in an instant. I read The Wall Street Journal and sports magazines. I drink my coffee black but will make yours however you wish. My phone always rings but I don’t always answer. I drink scotch, but have a newfound love of wine. I can cook, so you don’t always have to worry about it. You want three pillows, fine, but I think you’ll find my chest much better. I’ll deal with Laci. And most importantly, babe, if you let me in again, I’ll take care of you like no other. There will never, ever be a need to doubt me again.

  “Saying I’m crazy about you is an understatement. In the short amount of time we’ve known each other, you’ve carved a place in my heart. Feelings I’ve never felt have taken over.”

  “Come stay with me. At least until you figure things out,” I whisper against his lips and he inhales.

  “I swear to God, you won’t regret this, Bella, I’m sorry about the shit storm right now, but you know the truth. And soon enough you’ll know all of it.”

  I nod against him, wondering what other secrets this man has hidden. My instincts scream at me to ask and demand he tell me, but my mind says to wait and give him time. A door slams causing me to jump.

  “Don’t worry, it’s my housekeeper.” He sets me down and kisses the tip of my nose. “I’ll be right back.”

  He leaves the bedroom and a lady starts yelling in Spanish at him. He surprises me by speaking back. She starts scraping some things in the trash and he gets a very gentle tone.

  “Mia, I’m sorry, she’ll be gone soon. After today, take the rest of the week off paid. You deserve it.”

  It’s silent and he walks back into the room looking distant. When his eyes lift to mine, they start to shine with excitement.

  “Let’s get out of here, we don’t want to be late.” He moves his luggage and zips the garment bag.

  “Sweetie, there’s work to do. I can’t take the rest of the day.”

  His face warms at my first term of endearment, but then turns comical. The tips of his lips crease and I get suspicious.

  “Babe, Laci and Dana cleared the rest of your day. Let’s go.” He kisses me quickly on the cheek and drags his stuff out of his bedroom. I have no choice but to follow. His housekeeper barely looks up but I see her grin. She shouts something in Spanish again to Max and he laughs at her. Then we head to the elevator.

  “What did she say to you?” I ask.

  “Don’t fuck up.”

  “She didn’t?”

  “Oh yeah, she did. And she said she’d see me on Saturday.”

  “What’s Saturday?”

  “My brother’s birthday dinner. Mia works for my mom and me. She and her family will be at the party this Saturday.”

  “That’s so cool. But what about the mess? Will she tell your mother about Erica’s outrage?”

  “It doesn’t matter. I will. My mom knows what’s going on with the shit in my life; it’ll be a breath of fresh air for her to meet you. God knows I’ve already talked about you enough.”

  His words send shock through me, no way am I meeting his mom. Too soon, too much. We haven’t even slept together yet.

  “Babe, you’re getting tense. This Saturday, you’re coming to my mom’s. It’s my middle brother’s birthday. It will be casual and low key. Laci can come if she wants.”

  “No, it’s too soon. We aren’t really even dating—” I stop myself because that’s not what I meant to say.

  “Excuse me?” he interrupts as the elevator opens. The doors shut as he closes in on me, trapping me against the side railing. He pushes a button and the bell rings then stops. “We aren’t dating? Is that what you said? Because I’m about to move in with you for a few days. I’m fucking crazy about you. You’re going to meet my family this weekend. And very soon I plan to get to know you intimately.”

  “Umm,” I squeak, trying to break loose.

  “Umm, is not an answer, babe. Yes is the answer. We are dating. And we are dating exclusively. You hear me? Because I swear, you’re the only woman I see when I close my eyes.”

  Before I can respond, he pushes the same button and we descend again. I carry his garment bag and he wheels the suitcase looking for a valet.

  “I didn’t valet.”

  Realization crosses his face. “You were going to leave me?”

  “I didn’t know? I had to hear what you had to say,” I say wearily.

  “Thank fuck you believe me. It’s bad enough my alternate plan to convince you to give me another chance could have landed me in jail for stalking. I’d hate to fire every valet in this place for letting you get away.”

  I giggle and wrap my arm through his. “Shall we get to my car?”

  “No, babe, give me your keys. I’ll bring your car around, load it, and follow you on my motorcycle back to your place. Erica may get vengeful when she sees the package of realtor information I sent her this morning. Me telling her she was moving out was bad enough, but now that she’s seen the proof, I want my bike out of her reach.”

  Motorcycle rings through my head and I clench my thighs. He notices and grins seductively.

  Leaning down he whispers “When you get home, you need to change babe. We’re taking the bike today.” The thought of riding with him on the back of a bike turns me on beyond belief.

  He goes to get my car and I stand back slightly watching the traffic. A limo pulls up and I step back into the shadows of the building, watching Erica emerge. She’s an incredibly beautiful woman. It’s hard to believe she has a high level of crazy under the designer clothes and perfect make-up. She noticeably scowls at the doorman when he doesn’t open the door fast enough. Watching her, in all her bitchy glory, makes me feel even sorrier for Max. Seeing the level of devastation she can cause when she doesn’t get her way and the length she will go to for her public image, reinforces that she is a major ticking time bomb.

  Max pulls up in front of me and I motion for him to stay in the car, hurriedly putting his things in the trunk. He looks at me confused when I climb into the passenger seat.

  “Erica just got back
. I don’t know what will happen if your housekeeper tells her you left. We better get to your bike.”

  He nods his head and drives to the end of the block turning into a garage. “Mia won’t say anything, but her early return tells me she got my email. I explained I was leaving and she had a timeline to choose a place and move. I’m going to get out here and meet you at your house. Drive safe.” He kisses my cheek briefly and then hops out, running to a stairwell. I crawl over the console and drive away.

  The events of the last hour race through my mind and I need help processing it. This morning I woke up hurt, embarrassed, and determined to send Maxwell McCoy back into the “professional associates only” category. Even if he had the best explanation, I never thought he could convince me his relationship with Erica was over. But after seeing his home and the look of resignation on his face, I had to listen to him. Now, his clothes are in my trunk, he’s on his way to my house, and we have a date this afternoon on the back of his bike. How the hell did this happen?

  I use my hands free and push speed dial to the office. When Laci answers, I screech “You are not going to believe what happened this morning!”

  “Let me guess,” she laughs through the phone. “You’re meeting was at Max’s house and you got to see firsthand that Erica Hurst is a nut-job bitch. He told you the truth, explaining his terrible guilt, and the realization that she finally has to go. Now you are on your way home with his things in your car.”

  “What the fuck? How did you know all that?”

  “He called Dana with the last tidbit of information, but I knew the rest yesterday.”

  “You didn’t think to give me a head’s up?”

  “Yes, I thought about it, but Dana begged me to give him a chance to explain. I set a time limit. If I didn’t hear from you in the next half hour, I was coming to find you.”

  “Laci, this could have gone so much differently. Where’s your loyalty?”

  “With you. Always with you, but sometimes I need to make decisions in your best interest. This was one of those times. Dana loves Max and is very concerned about the position he’s in. She wants to see him happy and said you do that, Stella. You make him happy. So I gave in to see what would happen. It sounds like it worked out.”

  “Jesus, what have I gotten myself into?”

  “Maybe a six foot two, blue eyed, statue of a man that is completely wild about you.”


  “Listen, I called your parents and told them we had a project coming up and you were coming back to your place tonight. Your mom wants you to call her and discuss the flowers taking up the kitchen table. But I bought you a few days with the presentation before you have to answer to the firing squad.”

  “Thanks. I didn’t even think of calling Mom and Dad.”

  “I know you have a big afternoon, but I’ll be by at six-thirty. I want to hear everything. Every little detail.”

  “Okay, but it’s a double bottle of wine story. You may want to plan on spending the night.”

  “We’ll see. It might be awkward since it’s your boyfriend’s first night living with you.”

  “Laci! Shut up. I’m already a little freaked out.”

  “Just kidding, girl. Calm down. This is your time to be spectacular.” She uses our key phrase to calm me.

  When I pull into my driveway a few minutes later, a sense of thrill bubbles up. What will it be like to have access to Max all night long?

  “We have an appointment at one with Jean,” I tell the girl at the customer service desk. She stares at me with wide eyes and licks her lips. Which earns a groan from Stella, who’s standing beside me. I grip her hand and press a quick kiss to her temple, which snaps the associate out of her trance and she grabs the phone, calling Jean.

  “Really, Max? The girl can’t be more than twenty. Do you have this effect on women of all ages?” Stella whispers.

  “There’s only one woman I care about.” I raise her chin up and look into her eyes, hoping she understands. A grin spreads across her face and I bend down for a quick peck on her lips.

  “Tell me again why we’re at Neiman Marcus?”

  “I need to replace a full kitchen worth of dishes and glassware. Even though everything wasn’t destroyed, I can’t stand the thought of having mismatched things.”

  “But Neiman’s?” she says softly. “It’s really expensive here. What about Pottery Barn?”

  “Would you prefer Pottery Barn?” I question. It never crossed my mind to go anywhere else.

  “It’s not for me, it’s for you. I think they have cool stuff.”

  “Well then let’s go.” I start to tell the associate to cancel my appointment when Stella yanks my arm.

  “No, we can’t. We’re already here. It would be rude.”

  “Jean is my personal shopper; she’ll still get my business next time I’m here. I want you to have a say in what I pick out and if you’re more comfortable with somewhere else, that’s where we’ll go.”

  Her eyes grow wide and a twinkle appears. “You want me to have a say in what you fill your house with?”

  “Absolutely, babe. As soon as I get Erica out, we’ll spend time there together. I want you to be relaxed.”

  “Wow, you take this dating thing seriously, huh?”

  The look on her face is priceless and causes me to laugh out loud. I have to remember, she still thinks I’m going slow. Little does she know, this morning changed everything. Watching her look around my place with a new sense of understanding of the way I live, was the catapult. Seeing her concern over my seclusion and loneliness tugged at something inside my chest.

  I’ll give her a few more days to think this is just ‘dating,’ but it’ll be unlike any other dating she’s used to.

  “Mr. McCoy?” Jean walks up and holds out her hand. She’s been my personal shopper for over a year, but still uses formalities.

  “Jean, this is my girlfriend, Stella Sullivan. We’re here for some kitchenware. Dishes, stemware, glasses.”

  “Anything formal?”

  “Oh no! We only need every day items. Nothing too formal,” Stella chirps in. “He recently lost all his and we need to replace it.”

  “No problem. Will there be anything else?”

  Stella looks at me with a questioning glance. I nod slightly and whisper, “Whatever you want.”

  “Jean, we need to look at all housewares as well. Something to help make his living spaces more warm and inviting. Nothing too elaborate, but I’d like to see your selection of decorative mirrors, picture frames, and maybe a few paintings.”

  “Absolutely, follow me. We’ll start with the kitchen.” She turns to leave and I hold Stella back against me.

  “You have no budget.” Her eyes grow wide and I shake my head. “I want you to make my house a home.” A single tear falls down her cheek and I catch it with my lips.

  No words are needed. She nods and we follow after Jean.

  “Babe, I’m going to start dinner, you and Laci relax.” Max kisses me gently and goes to my kitchen. I watch his ass in the jeans and lick my lips.

  “Jesus, wipe the drool. I’m sitting here,” Laci spews with a scowl.

  “Sorry, I can’t help it. I spent hours on his bike and watching his ass makes me remember what it felt like to be plastered against him.”

  “Oh my God, please tell me. I’ve always wanted to be on the back of a motorcycle. The thought alone makes me wet.”

  I look over my shoulder to make sure Max can’t hear and move closer to her. “It was fucking incredible. He wrapped my arms around his waist and told me to hold on tight. When he turned the ignition and the thing vibrated between my legs, I thought I was a goner. If I would have been a bit closer to rub my hips against him, there is no doubt, I could have a vehicular orgasm.”

  “Jesus! That’s hot. Can he take me for a ride sometime?”


  “I know, just kidding. He’s a taken man. So tell me about today.”

p; “Well, before I give you the low down on this morning, you should know about my afternoon. I helped him spend ten thousand dollars to replace items and decorate his house. It’s being shipped to the high-rise and stored until Erica leaves. Then you and I need to go over and set it up. He knows what it looks like already, but I have a few placement ideas and want to surprise him.”

  “It’s a date. Now spill.”

  I pour us both another glass of wine and tell her everything from this morning. Her face grows red with anger and then pale with sympathy. When I finish she drains her glass.

  “Wow. First-class bitch.”

  “Pretty much.”

  We both open our mouths at the same time, but Max motions to the kitchen that dinner is ready.

  “It smells so good, what is it?” I sniff the air and hear my stomach growl.

  “Beef Stroganoff with a summer salad.” He dips out plates and sets them in front of us. Before he moves away, he squeezes my hand gently.

  Laci watches with warmth in her eyes and winks at me.

  “Max, do you like to cook?” she asks him.

  “Certainly do.”

  “Good thing, because besides tacos, Stella’s kitchen skills suck.”

  “You did not just say that!” I throw my napkin at her and try desperately to find her shin under the table. I finally look and see her legs are crisscrossed in front of her and she’s smirking at me. “I keep your ass fed a few times a week.”

  “Microwave pizza and chicken salad isn’t exactly gourmet, Stels.”

  I slit my eyes at her daring her to embarrass me any further.

  “It’s okay, I love to cook. It’s something I haven’t been able to do regularly in a long time,” Max jokes.

  “Great, let me know by lunchtime everyday what’s for dinner and I’ll decide about coming over.”

  “No! Due to your smartass remarks, you’re banned for a week.”

  “We’ll see, babe, remember I have a key and Dana’s number on speed dial. Max’s staying here now. He can invite me on his own.”

  “Not getting in the middle of you two.” He raises his hands in surrender.


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