My Duke’s Desire: Wicked Lords of London

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My Duke’s Desire: Wicked Lords of London Page 6

by Andresen, Tammy

  His eyebrows rose. “You’ve never?”

  “Done this,” she answered. Violette still stood in her room while Theo filled the doorway. He reached out his hand, and she slipped her bare fingers into his palm. The feel of his warm skin was exciting and a tingling spread up her arm.

  “We’re not doing anything but talking, my little flower.”

  He was pulling her forward but she stopped and so did he. “That is precisely what I’ve been wondering. What are we talking about exactly?”

  He paused before he answered. “I’ve spent the last day considering who I am and what I want to be. I find that you have me thinking a great deal about my future and what it will entail.”

  “I have you thinking? How so?” She leaned closer, afraid he might miss something.

  “You’re intelligent, spirited, beautiful, and in need of a husband.” He tugged her just a little closer.

  “That is very kind.” She managed to push out through ragged breaths. At least the first three were kind, the last was a fact.

  He grinned, his hand coming to her waist. “I’m not being kind. I can learn a great deal from you. I am learning from you.”

  What did that mean? “I am very happy that you are on a path of self-knowledge.”

  “I’m not after self-knowledge. I want to secure my holdings and my dukedom while still maintaining a certain level of freedom.” His hand slid up her back brushing along her neck. It made it rather difficult to concentrate.

  “I wish you the best.” She swallowed. Had he said freedom? Was he trying to tell her privately that he didn’t wish to court her? Tears stung behind her eyes, but she refused to allow them to fall. “I can only assume you’ve decided on the path. I hope you are successful.”

  He blinked in surprise. “I thought our paths might be intertwined. You are in need of a husband who can secure your finances. I am in need of someone to help me with my ducal obligations when I am travelling. I’ve made commitments at the very least in Barbados that I must return to.”

  Her mouth dropped open. She tried to speak but words failed her. First, her skills at managing books were the last ones she’d expected to help her make a match. And she might have been grateful except for her feelings toward Theo were far from mathematical.

  Before she could collect her thoughts—indeed, even shut her mouth—he brought his lips to hers and kissed it closed. Fire coursed through her veins at the touch. Which he repeated and then repeated again. Finally he lifted his head. “We could help each other.”

  She caught her breath. Was that really possible? Doubts were forming in her mind but before she could fully grasp them, he took her lips again, slanting them open and touching his tongue to hers.

  All reason left her head. She could only feel and she knew without a doubt that she wanted to feel this again.

  When he finally pulled back, they were both panting for breath. “Violette,” he rasped. “Say that you’ll consider my offer of marriage?”

  “I,” she stuttered. “I don’t know.”

  His hand cupped her cheek. “Think of it this way. You fully expected an arranged marriage and that is more or less what you’ll have. We have an added benefit of enjoying…” he gave her a devilish smile, “each other’s company.”

  She bit her lip as she looked up into his eyes. “I’ll consider it.”

  Violette should have been elated. He was handsome, rich, and a duke. But somehow, from him, she wanted far more than just a bargain.

  Chapter Nine

  That kiss had sharpened everything. Theo had wanted an arranged marriage of sorts. An agreement of minds. But the attraction he felt for Violette had nearly consumed him with that kiss. There was a passionate woman underneath her perfectly groomed exterior and that Violette he simply must know. He didn’t just want a hint, he wanted all of her.

  But that wasn’t part of his plan. He’d travel, see the world secure in the knowledge that capable hands were controlling the dukedom.

  That kiss changed everything. He’d all but asked her to be his wife. Presented his plan for her consideration. But could he remain impassive after her kiss had sparked such passion?

  Giving up the pretense of rest, he rose from bed and crossed the room to stare out the window. It would be dawn soon and then he’d spend the day with Violette. Perhaps they could take a carriage ride or a walk through the village. But either way, he could begin checking on his tenants, he was sure she wouldn’t mind. She was a woman who embraced responsibility, she was not bothered by it.

  Abandoning sleep altogether, he dressed and headed downstairs. In order for this plan to work, he’d need to know every facet of the dukedom so that he could teach Violette. His investors on the island required him to return in order to finance the fleet of ships he’d need. If he didn’t go back, not only would he have wasted his time, he’d be tossing all the money away that he’d invested. What he’d prove to everyone was that he was as silly and irresponsible as they believed.

  He ignored the worry that it was too much for Violette. This trip he would do in six months or less. He’d find a way to take other business ventures that allowed him to travel as life permitted.

  Brushing these thoughts away, he sat at his desk. He’d have a few hours to begin reacquainting himself with the books before everyone rose for breakfast.

  But he hadn’t been working for long when the butler arrived at his study’s door. “Your Grace, a missive has arrived.”

  The butler carried the note on a tray. “A missive? From who?”

  “A Captain Reginal, Your Grace. From the domestic fleet. The carrier said he came from Yorkshire.”

  “Yorkshire?” He stood and reached out his hand grabbing the letter and slicing it open to read the contents.

  “Yes, Your Grace,” his butler replied, but Theo barely heard him. His eyes were scanning the words on the page. His jaw clenched as phrases like fire, dead, faulty boiler jumped out at him.

  “Get Landon and Sussex immediately.” Then he sat back down in his chair to read the words again.

  By the time the two other men had arrived, he already made up him mind to travel to Yorkshire to assess the damage himself. He wasn’t certain what to do about Violette yet, he was sure she’d understand why he needed to go but he wasn’t certain she’d wait. She told him so just a few hours ago. Damnation.

  “What’s the matter?” Landon asked the second he entered the room.

  By way of response, Theo handed him the note. Turning to Luke, he offered an explanation as Ryker read. “There was a fire in the harbor at Yorkshire. They think it might have been a faulty boiler that started it on one of our ships. ”

  Luke paled. “I just had the boilers installed.”

  Theo blinked. “What?”

  “I’d ordered it be done not a week ago.” Luke tossed himself in a chair. “I should have gone to oversee the installation. I’ve just been so busy and with Tabbie pregnant—”

  “If anyone is to blame, it’s me.” Theo sat back down. “I’ve put too much on your plate while not shouldering my own burden.” He dropped his head into his hands. It had been foolish to stay in Barbados for so long. He’d been trying to do right but he was beginning to realize it had been all wrong. Was his plan with Violette equal folly? The doubts he’d felt at first became sharper. Was it really fair to ask so much of her?

  “Nonsense.” Landon sliced his hand through the air. “You have been handling all the international investments of a very large dukedom and you’ve done marvelously. I do think you’re ready for more responsibility.” He turned to Luke. “You’ve done a top-notch job of handling much of this dukedom and your own earldom. I can’t see any other man shouldering the burden better.”

  Theo appreciated Ryker’s words of comfort, but guilt still sat heavily in his chest. What if something like this happened while he was away? “I’ll begin packing now. I can leave within the hour.”

  Luke shook his head. “We should talk with the women. Tabbie and Tri
cia have a great deal of experience helping those in need, with all their orphan work, they’d likely be able to help.”

  “I agree.” Landon rubbed the bridge of his nose. “In fact, Tricia should probably go with us.”

  “Us?” Theo stood again. He appreciated the thought but he wouldn’t put them out more than he already had. “You don’t have to do this. I could go on my own.”

  “We know you can,” Luke answered. “But you’ll do better with us there. Besides, we should collect the supplies that will surely be needed. We can leave at first light tomorrow.”

  “And what about Violette?” Theo shook his head. “I’ve only just convinced her to stay and have asked her permission to court her.”

  Ryker shook his head. “Well this is an interesting twist. You’ve decided to court.” He stood, and crossed the room, patting Theo on the back. “If you’re serious, bring her with us. Tricia and I can be chaperones. But you’d better ask her mother directly. It’s a delicate request especially because they’ve only just arrived and her mother doesn’t seem well enough to make the journey with us. ”

  He stared at the far wall. It was time to make a decision. If he brought her with him, he was declaring his intent. No going back. His doubts still crowded his thoughts, making him second-guess his plan. But it had to work. It was the best chance he had. Surely, that was his reason and not the feelings that he kept pushing to the side.

  Besides, if he left her, he’d have to set her free to find another suitor. That made his chest knot uncomfortably. Shaking his head, he made his decision. They’d marry. He’d simply have to keep his feelings out of the arrangement. And he refused to fall in love if he was just a means to an end for her.

  * * *

  Violette woke, her mind spinning with all that had happened yesterday. Theo wanted to marry her, though not for the reasons she wanted. It was something and it was more than she’d dared to hope for. Perhaps, in time, his feelings would grow to match hers.

  She did care for him. That much was clear. Whatever doubts she might have had, had been brushed away with the memory of the sweep of his lips on hers.

  Violette made her way to her mother’s room where she was relieved to find her mother dressed and ready for breakfast.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  Her mother grimaced. “Dreadful. But it’s just a cough. I’ll be better in a few days’ time. How has your time with His Grace been?”

  “Quite well.” She gave her mother a small smile. At least one of them wanted the match without reservation. “Though it turns out our Mr. Riley is actually the duke of Waverly.”

  “Oh dear.” Her mother gave a slight cough, covering her mouth with a handkerchief. “Why didn’t he tell us?”

  “He was resistant to a match that his family had arranged. Or perhaps just resistant to marriage.” She took a breath, unsure of how much to tell her mother.

  “But he is smitten with you.” Her mother smiled with some satisfaction. “I shall likely rest today, but I want to greet His Grace properly this morning. Shall we?”

  Making their way to breakfast, Violette wondered if her mother was correct. Could a handsome duke actually be interested in her? It seemed so and yet she couldn’t believe it. It wouldn’t last, would it? He was dark and handsomely mysterious while she was just the plain sister in need of a husband. She hesitated for a moment by the door to the dining room. The voices within were clipped even as they whispered. What was happening?

  She entered the room and all eyes turned to her. “Violette.” Theo stood, but he frowned rather than smiled.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked.

  Her mother came in just behind her.

  Theo looked at her mother as he spoke. “I’m afraid not. There has been an accident. A fire burned multiple ships in our fleet that runs goods from England to Scotland.”

  “Oh dear,” her mother replied.

  His frown deepened. “I’ll need to go see to the victims and create a plan for repairing the damage. Tricia and Ryker will join me to help me ship any survivors to proper medical facilities. We’d hoped that Violette might come with us as well.”

  “Leave?” Her mother asked, doubt lacing her voice.

  “You are, of course, welcome to join us. But if not, Ryker and I could act as chaperones. It would be good training for taking on the role of duchess,” Tricia offered. “It is a role most are not prepared for.”

  Her mother glanced at her and Violette could see her indecision. She didn’t want her daughter, the one the family was counting on, to leave. “Are you well enough to come, Mother?”

  Her mother shook her head. “I don’t think it would be wise.” Then she turned to Theo. “Could we perhaps discuss this privately?”

  “Of course.” Theo gestured toward the door and the two left.

  Violette tried to eat, but her stomach was too aflutter. Finally, her mother returned. She did not look at Violette and she knew she’d have to wait to ask her mother what they had discussed later.

  Or she’d ask Theo. But he didn’t return to breakfast nor did she see him at the noon meal. The silence was wearing on her. So that afternoon, she sought out her mother in her suite of rooms.

  “What happened?” she said without bothering with the niceties.

  Her mother glared. “He’s going to offer for your hand.”

  “Did he tell you that?” She stepped closer to where her mother rested on the bed. She looked pale, not at all like her usual robust self.

  “Yes, he did.” Her mother placed her arm over her eyes. “Contracts are being drawn up and terms have already been arranged.” Her mother let out a deep sigh. “Thank goodness. I thought we might never get an offer for you. And now we have one from a duke, no less. He’s even handsome.”

  Violette could hear the disbelief in her mother’s voice, though she tried not to take the words or their meaning personally. Her hand came to her hip as she gave her mother a level stare, which of course the older woman ignored. She knew her mother had been terribly stressed and this meant she could now rest, knowing her children were taken care of. But did she have to make it sound as though Violette were not all that desirable? “Your confidence in me is overwhelming.”

  She’d always known her mother wished that Daffodil had been the eldest. She was the prettier, more gregarious sister.

  Violette shook these thoughts aside. Theo’s silence this morning was likely adding to her feeling of malcontent. He’d seemed so invested in her last night. But perhaps he preferred to keep his feelings private?

  What if it was his family who still pushed him into marrying her? What if he were just fulfilling his ducal obligations? But that kiss. It had meant something, hadn’t it?

  “Don’t be angry. I know you think I prefer Daffodil, but honestly, men don’t usually like women who are so…bookish. But you’ve done an admirable job of presenting a lady’s façade.”

  Violette’s eyebrows shot up. Had she? Not with Theo. But he wanted to marry her anyway and that gave her some measure of hope. At least he saw the real her. Even if his motives were not what she’d hoped.

  “I had every confidence in you and I’ve given my permission for you to go help save sailors. Her Grace is right, it’s excellent training for your future. I expect you to keep your moral core as a lady, however.” Her mother turned her face away. “I need some rest, darling.”

  “Of course, Mother. When are we leaving?” It was her turn to frown. Her mother did look tired.

  “First light.”

  Assessing her mother again, she stepped closer. “Are you sure you don’t wish me to stay? You are not yourself.”

  “I’ll be fine.” Her mother lay across her bed. “This traipsing about England has worn me out is all. I’ll rest far easier once you’re married.”

  Violette returned to her room. She packed her own belongings, readying to leave. She’d like to speak with Theo. She wanted to know how she could help but also where they stood. Was
this a match of convenience or of the heart? By all accounts it was the former but after the kiss they’d shared she dared to hope.

  Chapter Ten

  Theo was once again on a horse, in the English rain. He didn’t mind it so much this time. It was amazing how quickly one adjusted to the weather.

  Tricia and Violette were in the carriage while he and Luke rode just ahead. It was only a half day’s ride to where the accident had occurred.

  He’d penned a note to Rex, asking him to join them. His friend was due to arrive at Rosewood Manor in the next few days. Better that he just travel to Yorkshire. Somehow, seeing his friend would remind him why he had concocted this plan in the first place. Because, if he were honest, his love of travel was being slowly replaced with his desire for Violette.

  Another wagon trailed behind the women, full of supplies. Blankets, food, and medical necessities, in addition to two doctors from the surrounding areas. It had made him half mad to wait a day before he left, but it was worth it to properly help these men.

  The rain made the ride a quiet one with barely a traveler in sight. As they arrived at Derbytown, the coastal village, the difference was amazing. Despite the weather, people hustled about. It may as well have been a sunny summer day rather than a dreary fall one.

  Almost immediately an older gentleman approached them. “Your Grace?” At Theo’s nod, the man gave him a relieved smile. “Thank you for coming. I’m Captain Walter Reginal.”

  Theo stepped down from his horse. “Pleased to meet you.” Theo reached for his hand. “How can we be of assistance?”

  Mr. Reginal winced. “We’ve set up a makeshift infirmary in the dance hall. We’ve only had a few casualties but we’ve several injured men who could use care. For your part, the ships were not loaded with goods, so there wasn’t much loss. But we need more answers in terms of what happened. And if it was one of our ships that caused the fire, the other owners may require an explanation. All told, Your Grace, three of your ships are not operational.”


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