The Baby Bump_Black Knights MC

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The Baby Bump_Black Knights MC Page 8

by Sophia Gray

  “And my side will be… safer. Is that where you’re going with this?”

  When he nods, I have to admit that he’s right. The damn man isright. “Okay…” I run my hands through my hair before I lean into him some more. “You do have a point. I hate it, but you do.”

  His eyes are narrowed as though he’s in thought; I know him well enough now that he’s got to be onto something important. At least I hope he is.

  “I have an idea. You might not like it, but it could be an option.” He pauses for a moment before he continues. “What if you don’t tell your parents who the father of your baby is? You just tell them you had a one-night stand with a stranger, and all you know is they left town the next day.”

  I bite down on my bottom lip as I listen to this plan. Thus far, it’s the best one yet. It also means I won’t have to give the baby up. “That’s brilliant. But what about later in life? When I have to talk to my child about her parents? Am I going to have to lie to her, too?”

  He opens his mouth to speak, then closes it and looks at me carefully. The most beautiful smile I have ever seen on his face lights his whole being up. “You think it’s going to be a girl?”

  I feel his hand start to run through my hair again, and I shrug. “I don’t know. Maybe. It just slipped out.” I smile myself. “My whole family is made up of girls, at least on my mom’s side. I don’t have any uncles except for those who married into the family. Same with grandparents. I think it would be really weird if I had a boy. The first in generations.”

  His hand strokes down the side of my neck as his other arm closes around my side. I sigh softly and let my eyes close. This is so much nicer than fighting.

  “Are you going to get an ultrasound to see?” His lips brush across my temple. He’s being unusually gentle, but I’m willing to take advantage of it while I have it. “I could come if you wanted.”

  “I think that’s too far into the future.” I bring one of his hands up to my lips and gently kiss one of his wounded knuckles. “Why don’t we forget about the future for right now and try to go a few hours without yelling at each other?”

  “Or getting lost?”

  “Shut up.” I keep my eyes closed as I playfully smack his shoulder. “So it was a stupid idea to run off. But… it ended up with us like this.”

  “This is true.” He kisses my temple again, then nibbles along my hairline. His hands slide against my side, and one cups underneath one of my breasts. Soon, his lips are on mine, and I’m helpless against them; they feel too good to be real.

  I pull back anyway. “Wait… one thing.” After a deep breath, I open my eyes and look at him. “I don’t want you to think this is stupid, but whenever my parents fight, they sometimes make up by telling each other something they like. For example –”

  “You have the most amazing breasts.”

  I can’t help but giggle. That’s not what I meant, but I have to go with it. “You’re really smart. You’re loyal.”

  “I love your mouth.” He kisses me again, only deeper this time. His tongue laps against mine. He won’t let me say anything else as he winds his arms around me tighter and shoves his tongue between my lips. I don’t know how he managed to twist this exercise into a sex game, but I’m not about to complain.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I really do love her mouth. It tastes so sweet and delicious; it tastes like Kristel. My hands are all over her. Now, though, I’m not pissed. In fact, I’m not even angry anymore. My hands hurt, my brain is all but fried, and there’s a gorgeous woman practically seated in my lap. All I want to do is pick her up, take her to my bed, and have sex with her until we fall asleep in each other’s arms. It sounds cliché and corny, but it’s the truth.

  “You feel so good,” I whisper against her lips.

  She smiled at me through our kiss and wraps her hands around the back of my neck. Her body slides closer, and her legs wrap around my hips. She pins me to the couch and leans over me. I love how she wants to take the upper hand. With a chuckle, my hands squeeze around her rear. I get up and pull her with me, my mouth still on hers. My tongue is almost down her throat, and I moan deeply as her tongue massages mine.

  I kiss her on my way across the floor and up the stairs. When I get to the bed, I lay her down on her back and start to kiss down the length of her throat. She sighs and pushes my shirt up. Her hands caress my abdominal muscles and my pecs. When she pinches a nipple, it’s soft and light instead of hard like I expect it to be. Maybe she really is tired of all the fighting.

  My arms lift over my head so she can pull my shirt off. I kneel between her thighs and unbuckle my belt, then my pants. With a wiggle of my hips, I push them down until I can kick them off. I don’t know where they land, but I don’t care. Her hands slide around my cock immediately, and I moan against her neck. She returns the moan and struggles out of her damp shirt. Her bra comes off next, and by the time I wrap my lips around a nipple, she’s panting and out of breath.

  “Kristel…” Her name just comes out; it feels so natural on my tongue, just like she does. I kiss her again, but softly. My mouth is hungry for her, but I don’t want to dominate her. Her hands push at my shoulders, and I let her roll me onto my back. Before I can suckle on the hard nub between my lips, she slides down my body until her hands rest on my hips. When she wraps her lips around the tip of my member, I gasp. Adrenaline and endorphins rush through me, and my cock twitches in her mouth. My hips shift and buck toward her, but she tries to hold them down. Her nails dig into my skin, and I moan because that feels good, too.

  She begins to bob her head, and I can hear the sound of her sucking as much as I can feel it. I pant her name and my hips keep trying to move with her mouth. My hands are in her hair, but I don’t hold her too hard; all I want to do right now is feel her. Little by little, she takes the entire length of me down. Her hands wrap around my balls and stroke them. They squeeze and rub, and my entire body ignites in pleasure. The pressure builds fast. My belly feels hot, and the heat pours in faster and faster the more she sucks on me.

  One of her hands starts to massage one inner thigh, then the other. It explores and grips my ass. I call her name again and buck harder. All I want to do is roll her over and pound myself down her throat. She doesn’t give me the chance to follow through with my thoughts. Just as I reach for her shoulders, she climbs my body again. With almost no warning, she slides herself down onto my cock. She’s hot and wet, and I cry out in surprise. She cries out with me, and my body takes control. I roll her onto her back, but she keeps going. Before I know it, I’m underneath her again. Her hands cup my face, and she kisses me so softly that I can barely even feel it. Her breath is gentle and warm across my skin, and my body melts into both her and the bearskin rug beneath me.

  Her thighs tighten around my hips, and she lifts her hips. I follow with mine and moan her name. It’s the only coherent word that makes it past my lips. She’s all I can think about. Her hips roll in a circular rhythm, and I gasp again. My fingers grip her hips and try to control them, but she’s stronger than she appears. Her stomach is flat, and I watch as her abs flex and ripple right in front of me.

  “My God… Andre…” She kisses me hard before she lets my lips go. They travel across my jaw to my earlobe. When she sucks on that, I feel a warm zing go through me. My whole body feels like it’s on fire. Her hips move slowly, but that’s why it feels so damn good. She’s in control and not frantic, and suddenly I don’t feel like I have to control her. She’s doing just fine on her own.

  I cup a hand around the back of her neck to hold her close to me. My hands glide down her neck to her sides, and I count along her ribs. Her skin feels so soft, like silk, and I want to kiss every inch of it. I touch her breasts, and the pads of my fingers stroke them. My thumb slides across a hard nipple, and she calls out my name. Her hips move faster, and she comes down on me with more strength. My mouth attaches itself to her neck, and I suck hard on her skin. It’s hot and taste
s good enough that I sink my teeth into her. No blood is drawn, but I know there will be a bruise in the morning.

  With a determined huff, I grip her by the shoulders and push her onto her back again. She tries to roll me back over, but I hold her shoulders down and press my forehead to hers. “Just let me kiss you. Let me hold you. It’s okay.” I don’t know why I feel the need to comfort her, but I do.

  “Okay…” She gives me a soft smile before her hands take my face. Her mouth melts into mine, and she groans when I start to thrust. I groan, too, and I drag my length in and out of her as slowly as I possibly can. Her ankles clamp around my hips, and I can feel one of her heels against the small of my back. Her arms are wrapped tight around the back of my neck and my shoulders. I feel trapped, but in the best possible way.

  I know I won’t last long because I can still feel her mouth around my cock. Her muscular walls clench and slide against me, and my body fights me to go faster. Eventually I have to let it, and my hips pick up the pace. My whole body rocks against her. Every part of me tingles. I feel numb, but hot at the same time, like I’m covered in harmless fire. My nerves feel electric, and my whole body buzzes with energy.

  She calls my name again and again, even though our mouths are as locked together as our bodies. My hands grip her hips to drag her tighter to me, and I fall out of the control I’ve been trying so hard to maintain. My whole body speeds up, and so does hers. She kisses me again and again, and her tongue slides against my own. I suck on it eagerly and muffle every sound that rolls through that slender, delicious neck of hers.

  A growl rolls from my throat, and then a deep, heavy moan as the pressure overflows. My seed spills into her, and she screams my name through our kiss. I feel her follow me in orgasm, and her walls clench and clamp around me with so much power that my whole body wants to buckle with ecstasy.

  “Oh my God. Andre! Oh my God, oh my Gooood!” She rips her mouth away from my own, and her voice rings throughout the room. Her body thrashes and twitches and bucks beneath me. Sweat makes her skin glisten as though she’s made of crystal instead of skin, and I run my tongue along her cheek to taste her. She’s sweet and intoxicating; I have to have more. My tongue laps along the shell of her ear as my arms close around her body. I hug her tightly and roll onto my side so that we’re both nestled against the grizzly’s fur. She cuddles into me and holds me as tight as she can; I’m surprised I can even breathe.

  “That was so… amazing…” The smile she gives me offers me no choice but to smile back. My nose brushes against hers as I taste her lips with my own.

  “It was.” I stroke fingers through her hair and admire the way that it glimmers under the cabin lights. “You’re so beautiful, Kristel. The day you walked into the club… I didn’t stand a chance.”

  Her cheeks darken in a blush, and she buries her face under my chin. Her head rests against my chest, and her fingers draw slow, meaningless circles over my shoulders and sides. “You’re just saying that so I’ll be nice to you when we wake up in the morning. I know you by now.”

  “How can you?” My eyes narrow, and I chuckle. “You’ve never woken up next to me before. Not after something like this. The other times were just… sex.”

  She lifts her head and looks at me. “What do you mean?”

  As I swallow, I can feel my heart thudding harder in my chest. “It’s always been just about the sex for me. Ever since my mother died it hasn’t had any real… I don’t know.” I shrug and look past her at the wall. “Any meaning.”

  “Andre.” Her mouth caresses mine. “What happened to your mom?”

  My entire chest clenches, and I draw in a deep breath. “Let’s just be like this for a while and not think about anything else. Not my mom. Not the baby. Not your dad. Nothing else.”

  Her eyes search by own, and I can tell she wants to ask me more questions. I dread what might come from her lips, but only a kiss comes. Her hands slide into my hair and stroke through the short strands before her head nestles under my chin and against my chest again. I ease out a sigh of relief and close my eyes. Kristel is somehow finding a way under my armor. I know now, as I hold her in my arms, that I won’t be able to keep her out forever; as much as I hate to admit it, I’m falling for her.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I can’t remember a time when I slept so deeply. Here, nestled in Andre’s arms, I feel as though I’m in a good dream. He’s hot and hard against me, and my body curls closer to his. My hands clutch around one of his arms, and I sigh my contentment. I smile as I feel the fur of the bear against my side, but the unanswered question I asked him last night nags at me. What did happen to his mother? And what about his father? Does he have any siblings? What brought him into this lifestyle in the first place?

  Question after question rushes through my mind, and I open my eyes to look at his face. I smile and touch his cheek, and my fingers trace along his jaw. This is the man who will be the father of my child. I need to know more about who he is.

  A rumble stirs in his throat, and he buries his face into his pillow. With a low laugh, I kiss the lobe of his ear and hold him tighter. “Morning, sleepy head.”

  “No… it can’t be morning yet. Still asleep.”

  “It’s morning. That means you have to get up.”

  “No…” He pushes his face deeper into the pillows and hefts a heavy sigh. His arms tighten around my body, and I can’t think of a way for us to be closer than we are now.

  My hands slide along his face before I pinch his nostrils closed. After a moment, he shakes his head and pushes away my hand, his eyes narrowed on my face. We stare at each other for several long moments before he presses his mouth to mine. I sigh and rub my hands over his chest, and my lips part for him. His tongue slides into my mouth, and I’m all too happy to suck on it. He tastes absolutely divine.

  His body rolls over my own, and his hands slide into my hair. I close my eyes and smile, and a sigh parts my lips further. He’s still inside me, and as his hips begin to rock, slowly at first and then faster. I kiss him deeper and moan into his mouth as my own hips roll in slow, circle motions beneath him. He gasps and cups one of my breasts, and his fingers clench around it in a hard, steady squeeze. The ache that comes from it sends a shudder of pleasure through my body. My fingers reach up and clench in his hair to keep him where he is, but he pulls away. I try to follow his mouth with my own and end up sliding my lips against the length of his neck. He nibbles along my shoulder before his mouth presses kisses across the swell of my breast.

  “Mmm, that feels nice.” I hold onto his hair. While I love how he feels, my mind is on other things. “Andre?”

  He makes a sound that’s like a murmur, and soon he’s looking at me.

  “Your mom… why won’t you tell me about her?”

  His entire body goes very still. He’s barely breathing. I’m certain he’s going to get up and leave me here, but he plays his fingers through my hair instead. “Her name was Patty Zelnick. Her and my dad led a biker gang called Death Riders back in the day. I know, it’s a cliché name, but they were 80 strong; no one could touch them.” He draws in a deep breath and looks toward the wall. “One day the cops showed up at our home. I was only 12. I was in the kitchen with mom trying to help her with breakfast. Anyway, my dad tried to talk the cops down, but one of them saw some of dad’s guys with guns in the living room. They weren’t being careful, the fucking idiots. One of the cops pulled a gun, and then suddenly there were pops of gunfire coming from everywhere. Everyone was shooting at each other. Mom told me to hide under in the cupboard under the sink, so I did.”

  He takes in a deep breath, and I can feel him shaking. My arms tighten around his face, and I kiss him a few times. He gives me a brief smile before he continues.

  “When the shooting stopped, I waited in that cupboard for I don’t know how long. I could hear people moving around. A lot of them sounded hurt. The police radios were chattering, but I didn’t really know what any o
f it meant. When the cupboard doors opened, it wasn’t my mother who reached in to get me, but my dad. It was a while after we got out of the house that I found out what had happened to mom.”

  Silence fills the room, and I wait for him to speak again. His brow is furrowed, and his whole face looks pinched in sadness. It’s like he’s not actually here with me, but somewhere else entirely. I press my forehead to his own and sigh; my hands are still there on his face. Between the first night I met him and now, everything seems like a chaotic whirlwind; and even though we have talked about the baby, I feel like I don’t really know Andre or anything about his past. That needs to change.

  “Andre… it’s okay. I know this is hard for you.” I swallow and press my lips to his. My voice softens even further. “You can tell me what happened to her.”


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