The Baby Bump_Black Knights MC

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The Baby Bump_Black Knights MC Page 49

by Sophia Gray

“Okay? Are you demented?” Brittany’s eyes widened at me.

  I laughed. “He’s good-looking, and he’s a member.” I pointed at the bikers roaming the over-crowded bar. A loud cackle of laughter erupted from somewhere in the back and it spread throughout the bar, almost like a virus.

  That was what Anarchy’s Reign was to our little town in southern Missouri. A virus. It spread and wiped out anything that stood in its way. Work was scarce for the guys getting out of high school who didn’t want to go to college, so most of them ended up becoming prospects for the Anarchy’s Reign. Some of those ended up in jail or dead, and the rest patched in. Rumors ran wild about their parties, their sex clubs, the porn company they talked about opening up—a virus.

  I checked my watch again, almost eleven. The girls teased me about my watch, but as an ER nurse it came in handy. I couldn’t pull out my cell phone every time I needed to check a pulse. “I’m gonna step out and call Mrs. Olsen. Make sure Maddie is sleeping okay.” I scooted out of the booth and ignored Chrissy’s eye roll.

  “Grab me a drink on the way back,” Brittany yelled as I started to make my way through the crush of people in the bar.

  Mrs. Olsen lived next door to the tiny house I rented. I knew Maddie would be safe with her. She was more like her grandmother than a neighbor, but I still needed to call her. I never left her alone at night—what if she’d woken up with a nightmare or needed some water. Mrs. Olsen watched her plenty of times when I had to make a quick trip to the store or something, but never for so long and never at night.

  When I got to the door the bouncer put his hand on my shoulder, stilling me. “If you go out, you can’t come back in,” he said loud enough I could hear him over the noise of the music starting and the guys from the club laughing and carrying on.

  “What? I just need to make a call.” I showed him my phone.

  “Sorry, too crowded as it is. If you go out, another comes in, and you’ll have to get back in line.”

  I laughed. “Line? For this place?” Dunkin’s Dive was as close to a club our little town ever got. Unless we drove the forty-five minutes to where the real clubs were, it was the best we could hope for, but never did people line up outside waiting to get in.

  “You see all these bikers? They have chicks with them, between all of them and our regulars, we are filled. If you go, you stay gone.” He jerked a thumb at the door. He didn’t look familiar to me, but then again it had been years since I stepped into a place like that. Unless he broke his face breaking up a bar fight, I would have no reason to know him.

  “Fine,” I growled, and pushed my way back toward the bathrooms. Nearly there, I felt an elbow shove into my back and I lurched forward, bumping into a broad back and ricocheting off. A brick wall would have been more forgiving. Just as I was about to collide to the floor strong hands shot out and grabbed my arms, steadying me on my feet.

  Looking up at my savior, those same hot blue eyes peered down at me. Small wrinkles outlined his eyes as his lips curled into a smile. “You okay?” he asked, leaning toward me so I could hear him.

  I nodded. His hands hadn’t left my arms, and I could feel the warmth of his skin pressed against mine. My body reacted to his touch completely without my consent. My skin tingled all the way through my body to my inner core. I swallowed hard, my throat having dried up.

  “You sure?” He laughed when I didn’t respond verbally.

  “Bathroom!” I shouted, and pulled free of him, wiggling my way through the rest of the crowd. Once alone in the closet sized room, I let out a breath. Bathroom? That was smooth! I’m sure he’s thinking I had to puke. Great.

  Shoving him out of my mind for a minute, I dialed Mrs. Olsen’s cell. She put me at ease that Maddie was still asleep, and had been since I put her to bed before I left. Again, she told me to have a good time and not worry so much.

  After Jeremy, Madison’s dad, walked out on us, I couldn’t do much else except worry. Worry about bills, rent, grocery expenses. Madison deserved the best, and I wasn’t exactly rolling in the cash. ER nurses did not make as much money as the public was led to believe. I took on as much overtime as I could without burdening Mrs. Olsen too much to watch Maddie after her daycare closed, but even that didn’t help much.

  The door vibrated as someone’s fist pounded on the other side. I clicked off my call and threw the door open, just in time for a blonde woman to stumble in and stick her head in the toilet. I winced at the horrible sound of her retching and left her to it.

  “You okay?” The same deep voice from before spoke into my ear. I jumped and turned around to find those damn blue eyes peering down at me. The man looked big enough to break me in two with just his fingers.

  “Yeah. Fine. Just needed to make a call.” I showed him my phone before stuffing it into my back pocket. What did I care what he thought about why I ran off to the bathroom? “Thanks.” I shuffled around him and headed toward the bar, but I knew he wasn’t gone. I could feel the heat of him following me as I inched my way through the crowd.

  I heard a snap of fingers and a loud “Move,” bellowed from behind me. Before I could stop to find the source of the yell, everyone in front of me parted a path right through the crush of people. I looked over my shoulder to see him smiling at me and pointing at the bartender in front of me.

  Jonny stared at me with surprised eyes. I was just as curious as he was about why everyone suddenly moved out of my way, but not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I stepped right up and gave my order. “Two Heinekens.” I waggled my fingers.

  “You got it, Beth.” Jonny sat behind me in homeroom for all four years of high school.

  I dug out my last ten dollars from my jeans only to have it snatched out of my hand by a much larger and stronger one. “I got it.” Before I could try to snatch the money back, he was shoving it back into my pocket. His fingers lingered a little longer than needed. “Put it on my tab, Jonny,” his baritone voice said from over my shoulder.

  “Sure thing, Rafe.” Jonny held out the beers, and Rafe took them from him.

  “I don’t need you to buy my drinks, or to carry them.” I reached out to snatch them, but he held them up higher so I couldn’t exactly reach them without reaching up on my tiptoes. I hated being so goddamn short!

  He laughed, but not at me, I could tell that because that look guys got when they were teasing me about my height wasn’t there. “You may not need it, but it’s gonna happen. These aren’t both for you, are they? Not that I mind a girl that can double fist.” He leaned lower so only I could hear that last bit.

  My cheeks burned with a blush that I hoped to high hell he couldn’t see with the dim lighting in the bar. “No. One’s for my friend over there.” I turned to point at the twins, only to find them both buddying up to a few guys of their own. Well, hell!

  “I think they got it covered over there.” He handed me one bottle and took a long pull on the second. I couldn’t help but stare at him. Completely at a loss for words, as I watched him down the entire beer. I couldn’t even be pissed about it; he had bought the damn thing.

  He put the bottle back on the bar, and slid his hand onto my waist. His thumb hooked into the top of my jeans, running along my bare skin. Maybe Chrissy had been right, it had been too long since I felt the touch of a man’s hands on me. Just the little brush of his skin against mine left me with damp panties. I should have stopped him, I should have shoved him away, but before my mind could catch up to my body, his mouth covered my lips.

  A crushing kiss, one that demanded my full attention. Not that I could move away, his hand firmly gripped my waist, keeping me right where he wanted me. His tongue ran along my bottom lip, testing to see if I would hope for him. When I made no move to obey, he thrust his tongue past my lips and pulled me closer to his body. My breasts pressed against his chest, the leather of his kutte cool against me. He smelled musky.

  When he finally pulled back, breaking the kiss, he looked more satisfied than any man should after stealing a
kiss. I was about to tell him that when he grabbed the bottle from my hand and put on the bar. “You’ve had enough, I think.” He winked. He was probably right. What else would make me let him put his hands on me and kiss me like that? It had to be the three beers I had before bumping into him that made me feel so much desire for a man I didn’t even know.

  “I’m not driving,” I said stupidly.

  He looked confused for a minute then gave a low chuckle. “No, you’re not. No one drives my bike, but me.” He brushed his lips against my forehead and pulled me to his side. “Why don’t you go tell your friends you’re leaving.”

  “I’m not leaving.” I shook my head. I couldn’t go anywhere with him! He was a fucking Anarchy’s Reign! Finally, my senses started to kick in. “I’m not going home with you.”

  “Oh, no?” He raised an eyebrow and leaned against the bar on his elbow, looking casual and curious. “Why’s that? No ring on that pretty finger of yours.” He pointed to my ring finger where a small princess cut diamond used to sit, back when Jeremy pretended like he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.

  “I’m not married.”

  “Boyfriend? What kind of man lets a woman like you out on the town unchaperoned?” His words grated against my soul. Unchaperoned?

  “No. No boyfriend. And even if I did have one, I wouldn’t need his permission to go out with my friends. And I sure as fuck wouldn’t need a babysitter!”

  He crooked a finger at me, beckoning me to lean toward him. I stood my ground, clenching my fists at my sides. I wasn’t going to do what he said, no fucking way. The situation already had gone too far. Both eye brows shot up when I didn’t move, and his smile started to slip. His eyes darkened a shade when he still crooked his finger, and I remained motionless. We seemed to be at a standstill, but then I noticed Jonny watching our exchange. A few others had their eyes on us, too.

  It was the tag on his vest that got me moving. VP. He was the vice president of his club, and I was a nobody girl refusing him. I was making him look bad in front of his members. Well, hell! Why should I care, I told myself, just as my feet took the two steps to close the distance between us. His smile returned, and he motioned me even closer.

  Only when my ear was at his lips did he speak. “If you were my woman, you sure as fuck wouldn’t be out at a bar by yourself, and that’s if I untied you from my bed long enough to let you leave anyway.” I swallowed hard at his words, thinking of something to throw back at him. His tongue licked my earlobe, catching me off guard. “Hell, if you were my woman, you wouldn’t have dared to defy me like you just did.”

  “Why’s that?” I couldn’t help myself from asking. My body had begun tingling at his words.

  His hot breath washed over my ear as he spoke. “Because if you did, I’d have you bent over my knee for a hard ass spanking.”

  Chapter Two


  The look Beth gave me after my words registered in that pretty head of hers told me everything I needed to know. Her deep green eyes widened and her plush, pink lips parted. An objection started to form, but her pupils dilated right before my eyes. It was magnificent watching a woman get aroused. Her nipples hardened beneath that cheap shirt she wore, making me want to touch them, pinch them, but I would wait. When she begged for my touch, then I’d pinch them until she moaned, tease them until she begged, and then I’d sink my cock so hard into her pussy she’d scream out with her orgasm.

  “You don’t believe me.” I laughed.

  “What woman would let you do that?” she shot at me. Her shoulders pulled back and her chin raised up, just enough to show some defiance but not enough to make me believe her panties weren’t soaked at the idea of being turned over my knee.

  A lone strand of her chestnut hair caught on the moisture of her lip. I removed it with my fingertip, almost daring her to move as I tucked it behind her ear. I wasn’t surprised when she didn’t pull away; the woman wanted me, even if she wouldn’t admit it yet. And damn if I didn’t want her, too.

  I’d seen her as soon as I walked into the dive bar, sitting with her friends, peeling off the label of her beer. She was laughing at something one of those twins said, and it was that laugh, that smile, that caught my attention. When she stood up from the booth, I got a good look at that round ass of hers, and those tits pushing against the fabric of her shirt. That was when I decided I’d be taking her home.

  I felt the slight shiver run through her when my fingers trailed back down her jaw, outlining her lower lip. “I think you would, or maybe you wouldn’t, but it would still happen.” I straightened up, taking my hand away from her skin. “If you were my woman. “

  “But I’m not.” She sounded disappointed about that fact, even if her eyes had hardened again.

  “No, but that doesn’t change the fact that I want you in my bed tonight, and you want to be there, too.”

  Before she could deny herself or me, I wrapped my hand around her neck and dragged her body against mine, taking her mouth in another possessive kiss. Fuck, she tasted like honey, and smelled like lilies. The purity of her made my cock even harder than I thought possible. I growled when I released her, grabbing her hand before she completely came out of her haze. “Come with me.” I yanked her and headed toward the back of the bar.

  As I opened the door to Jonny’s office I gave him a quick look, he saw us, but didn’t make a move to stop me. Fuck, I was the VP of the Anarchy’s Reign, he would have been a fucking idiot to try and stop me. I noticed the concern in his eyes when he looked at Beth, and it pissed me off. She had nothing to fear from me.

  Kicking the door shut, I threw the lock in place and turned back to her. She’d moved across the room, her ass pressed against the metal desk sitting in the middle of the room.

  “Take off your shirt.” I leaned against the door, crossing my arms over my chest. I didn’t mind a little fear running through my women, but fuck if I wanted them terrified. She didn’t look either, though. Her eyes settled on me as though she were considering her options. I wouldn’t fucking rape her, but damned if I was going to give up without a fight. Other than jumping out the window, she really had no escape.

  “What’s your name?” she asked with narrowed eyes.

  I laughed. “My name? Rafe. You heard Jonny say it. You’re stalling. Shirt, now.”

  “I’ve never seen you before, did you go to Musky High?”

  High school? I never made it past sophomore year. Mom could barely pay rent and feed me and Danny, my younger brother, even with the two jobs she held down. I ducked out of school and got a job, taking care of my family. “I doubt you were there during my time. You look too young.” I didn’t know why I didn’t tell the full truth. What the fuck did I care if she knew I never finished high school?

  She only nodded and put her fingers on the hem of her shirt. Playing with the material as thought she was trying to convince herself to go through with it, or not to. Without looking at me, she pulled up the material and tossed it on the desk behind her. Goddamn. I knew her tits would be beautiful, but I didn’t think they’d be all hers. No fucking padding on that bra. The material of the light blue bra looked stretched over the generous tits.

  It took three long strides to get to her, and when I reached her, she held her arms up as though to welcome me. Her breath came in heavy bursts as my hands cupped her breasts. “Fuck, baby,” I reached around her and unhooked the garment while nibbling on the side of her neck. God, she tasted good.

  I dragged the thin straps down her arms, freeing her tits. “Oh.” She jumped when my fingers wrapped around her nipples and put pressure on them. She wiggled a little, but when I kissed her neck again she calmed down.

  “Shh, it’s okay, baby.” I kissed beneath her ear. “Unbutton those jeans for me.” I lessened the pressure of my fingers, but rolled her nipples between my fingers, grinning at the moans she probably didn’t even know she was letting out. “Such a good girl,” I whispered against her lips, taking them beneath mine
again after she’d unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans.

  “I don’t think we should do this,” she mumbled as I trailed my lips down her neck, going lower and kissing the valley between her breasts. Once I was on my knees in front of her, with her open jeans showing me those light blue panties, I looked up at her.

  “Oh, we definitely should.” I grinned up at her. Peeling her jeans down exposed the little damp spot on her panties. I pressed my face into it as I dragged her jeans to her ankles and flicked off her sandals. Her hands dove into my hair when I pulled the little patch of fabric to the side to get to that delicious smelling pussy. Shaved. Completely shaved, I thought my dick would burst at the sight before me.

  “Rafe.” Her legs spread apart enough for me to get my tongue on her. I groaned into her as my tongue swiped her folds, licking up the juices that were practically dripping from her. Using two fingers, I pulled apart her lips, exposing her swollen clit.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet, baby.” One flick of my tongue across her clit and her knees buckled. Her fingers tightened in my hair, and she cursed under her breath. Grinning into her little pussy, I thrust two fingers into her wet passage. Her body clamped down on my fingers; damn she was tight. She slid her legs open more before I even had to tell her as I began to pump my fingers into her.


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