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Equalize Page 25

by Ryan DeBruyn

  It further could protect from flames, cold, mitigate corrosive substances, and even had a half mask that could be engaged to cover up to just below the eyes. This mask would filter any toxins in the air, removing airborne poison, gases, fire smoke, and the like. Rocky bought ten, so he could give one to each of the children and, hopefully, his family members.

  Nano Weave Under Armor

  This versatile piece of fashion is worn by most serious adventures who get sick of replacing torn and bloodied clothes. Nano Weave Under Armor has a low-grade Ether converter which will allow the nanobots stored to continually repair and clean. If the Ether converter is damaged, this process will fail.

  The rest of the armor that Rocky could afford and Lingren offered was at best on par with what he had found on Skandranon. The cheapest piece of any armor type was twenty crystals for a pair of Technological Gloves, and they were extremely weak when compared to the gear he had lucked into. Lingren also didn’t sell any helmets that weren’t extremely uncomfortable. While Rocky figured it would be a foolish way to die, all of the helmets he could afford cut off his field of vision so drastically, he was scared to wear it in any sort of combat.

  So, he didn’t buy gloves or a helmet, feeling that this restriction would be more dangerous than not wearing the helmet in the first place. The expensive Ether Tech helmets could essentially provide three hundred sixty degrees of vision, thus preventing this problem, but they were way out of his price range starting at over three hundred fifty crystals.

  When Rocky completed his purchase, he was rewarded with ten dark black balls of metal. Picking one up, he noticed it felt smooth like nylon. It also had small, metallic scales adorning its surface that glinted in the light.

  There were tiny fish like scales that sat perfectly around and on top of each other leaving no openings. Lingren informed him all he had to do to equip the clothing was press the ball to his chest, and the nanobots would do the rest.

  A moment later, Rocky was wearing a skin-tight, semi-metallic, one-piece suit. It felt like compression wear that covered his body up to his eyes. Lingren pointed to his face, which was covered and then pointed to Rocky’s ear before informing Rocky that the button to lower the mask was his right ear.

  When the suit had first gone on and covered his mouth, Rocky had felt like it was trying to suffocate him, but since then he had realized that he didn’t feel the least bit of difficulty breathing. In fact, it felt so natural he was considering wearing it as often as possible.

  Rocky glanced at his ratty clothes which were pocked and scarred and decided they weren’t needed anymore. He quickly removed the scraps and placed them into his inventory and thus was left standing in just the under armor. Rocky studied the new clothing and felt his breath catch; his muscles were easily as defined if not more so than when he was at the peak of his basketball career.

  Suddenly self-conscious, Rocky sat back down, face flushing. It was just surprising to see new muscles in places where he wasn’t expecting.

  Do you think that there is a personal trainer out there marketing this new exercise routine and meal plan?

  That thought made Rocky pause because it wasn’t funny. It literally had been introduced to every human on the entire planet. Not even introduced so much as forced upon everyone if they wanted to live. Feeling his mouth sour over the whole experience, he shook his head and finally got back to his agenda.

  A quick glance at the sun told Rocky his time in the shop was coming to an end; he needed to get out of here before the sun rose on Earth, or he would be painfully obvious.

  Again, Rocky fibbed the best he could, “Lingren, I have just recently been allowed to start venturing out on my own. While I was somewhat trained in the ways of Ether, I was wondering if you know of any libraries or books that can be read or purchased, books to help someone better understand the Planetary Systems and Ether?”

  The shopkeeper looked puzzled before he pulled out a small piece of transparent material shaped into a rectangle. Before Rocky’s eyes, he began unfolding it until he was holding a paper-thin screen.

  Lingren motioned to it and spoke, “This is called a textbook, and it can access any available written book through Ether. You need to purchase some of the books, and you do need to summon the data using your personal Ether pool. It will then work in a similar way to the aboo-akai and transmit the information to the textbook.”

  The man pointed at the walls around them, “Unfortunately, it does not have the translate feature of the aboo-akai. So you need to be careful what books you purchase. There are numerous books in dead languages that no one understands. That magazine, for example, is written in Aretrean most likely, but because it is a hard copy and you are inside the shop, it has translated it for you.

  However, this device will not be affected by the aboo-akai because the book is not physically in the shop. You have downloaded it on to a technological device which is in the shop, but the translation feature can only work on physically present written work.”

  Curious, Rocky asked if he could look through the textbook for a moment. Lingren placed the tablet-like device on the choo-sentani, and Rocky noticed that the blanket affixed the note stating it belonged to Lingren. Rocky took a moment to study the blanket and assumed the sheet was a specialized object that shopkeepers could buy to aid in conventional procedures.

  Tilting his head, Rocky picked up the textbook and began to attempt to navigate its screens. Unfortunately, the very first problem was that the first page had a list of unfamiliar letters, hieroglyphics, pictures, dots, lines, and numbers. If this worked anything like technology from earth, it was asking him to choose his language.

  Rocky grimaced because he only knew two languages from earth and so was scrolling through the list ready to give up. That’s when he reached a bunch of options that were grayed out. Each of the grayed-out options seemed to be more familiar than the ones that came before. Instead of a bunch of foreign, almost alien-like characters, Rocky, with a heat rising in his chest, could have sworn he saw languages that may have been Hebrew, Mandarin, and Cantonese.

  As he continued to scroll, he came across two words he was sure of. Both had the classic alphabets he was used to seeing. One was German, and the other was English. Seeing as he was a natural English speaker, he chose that option, and the device moved to the next page, which was now wholly distinguishable.

  Rocky felt his face curl into a triumphant smile when he realized that he had found Earthen languages. Forcefully calming himself, Rocky tried not to show his excitement because he needed something he could delve into for more information. This device would allow him to begin at the beginning of this new system and give him a place to search for answers to his myriad of common questions, but if he let on how bad he needed it…

  That is as long as it has books written in English? Fingers crossed.

  The fact that Sela had come from Earth but from a time long ago made him think it was probable. Rocky placed the textbook back on the choo-sentani and looked up to Lingren. “How much?”

  Reaching back out and picking up the device, Lingren smiled. “I can…” he trailed off and shook his head, looking exasperated. “Why would you put it to this setting. Now I have to reset it.” Rocky, who wasn’t sure what he meant just raised an eyebrow. Lingren, upon seeing Rocky’s expression, continued, “Sorry, sorry I will reset it back to factory settings for you. In any case, as I was saying, I can sell this to you for ten crystals.”

  Rocky pulled out the magazine and scrolled to Lingren’s page. The book didn’t have the textbook listed on his page, and Rocky looked up questioningly. Lingren just shook his head. “This device is common, so common, in fact, that most merchants carry one. Most individuals own one, even if they have never read it. It's better to have a guide to a problem if you need it than need one and not have it.”

  Rocky, who now was scrolling other merchants randomly, was unable to find textbook listed in anyone’s wares. Feeling completely vulnerable, Rocky piti
ably asked, “Ten crystals seems high?”

  Lingren didn’t budge on the price, and Rocky left his shop having spent a total of eighteen Crystallized Ether, which bought him the ten suits and the textbook. Knowing he could get more farming monsters and golems helped assuage his inner greed menagerie but only slightly. Purchasing utilitarian objects was always going to be difficult for his inner miser.

  Rocky tried to assuage his hoarding hamster with his hope he could one day make this stuff or produce it in his Territory. At least then if he bought the much-needed gear, the crystals would be used to make more powerful equipment for his region. At current, he felt like he was helping someone else get stronger.

  The last useful piece of information that Lingren gave him was when they were parting ways. Lingren quietly said, “Come to revisit me. I am here every day from eight to five.” This simple statement made Rocky look at the sun again and realize that this place wouldn’t always have each shopkeeper available.

  Looking through the magazine a bit more, he noticed that some of the shopkeepers had days and times listed in the corner of their picture page, while others had part-time written in the slot.

  What time was it here?

  Rocky decided he would save that question for another visit. Azir was listed to be here at the same times as Lingren, and he was anxious to get information on his family. So, Rocky now was circling the central square again, looking for the Windseeker.

  Simultaneously, he was scanning the magazine, looking for anything that could be immediately useful. With some input from his penny pincher penguin, Rocky had decided that he would buy the bare minimum on this trip. He looked at the list and hoped he could use it to come back with a more comprehensive shopping list at a later date.

  A few items caught his attention; things like potions that were labeled Health Potion, Ether Draught, and Shortened Sleep Elixir seemed like a must buy. Considering that they were all under two crystals made Rocky’s greed menagerie remain silent.

  During his contemplation, he had found Azir the Windseeker without his brain processing the information. This left Rocky standing, staring at the terrifying green glow of his eyes while he thought. Rocky was probably staring for too long to be considered polite because a voice whispered in his ear.

  “Are you looking for me?” Rocky jumped and looked in the direction of the whisper and found no one there. “Over here.” This time, the whisper was in his other ear, which was odd because that would mean the person who was whispering in his ear was right in front of him.

  Rocky turned his head so fast he gave himself minor whiplash and placed his hand on his neck. Again, he was staring at Azir, but this time, his brain wasn’t distracted.

  “Are you the one whispering in my ear?” Rocky asked as he grimaced in pain. Past Azir’s eyes, there wasn’t a bridge of a nose or anything for that matter, and his entire body looked like a black-clad mummy. Rocky’s eyes shot wide because he was pretty sure he saw the interior side of the wrappings from the back of Azir’s head.

  “Yes, you were standing there looking at me, and I felt it was time to break the silence. It had gotten awkward.” Now that Rocky wasn’t preoccupied, he noticed the whisper seemed to sound like leaves blowing in the wind.

  Rocky pointed to his ear that the noise was coming from and asked, “How are you making it sound like you are whispering into my ear?”

  Azir’s green orbs of light seemed to flash for a moment before the whisper returned, “My people possess no physical body, and without a body, we do not possess vocal cords to create the sounds of speech. Instead, we are all born with an affinity to air, so we simply manipulate the air near a person to make the noises.” Azir shrugged his shoulders at the end, signifying that it was the way it was.

  Rocky felt his skin crawl everytime Azir spoke, so chose to get to the point instead of asking the Windseeker unrelated questions, “I have been told you have contacts on each planet that specialize in finding out if people are alive?”

  The Windseeker nodded and sensing Rocky’s discomfort, sent over a menu box.

  Once Rocky accepted the sharing of the list, he went through it looking for Gaia or Earth in a desperate hope that the Windseeker’s allies were already on the planet. Unfortunately, as Rocky’s clenched gut had unconsciously been telling him since hearing about the services this black mummy provided, there was no Gaia or Earth listed.

  Due to how recently Ether had returned to Gaia. This man had yet to get any agents into Gaia’s Planetary System. Rocky had distantly figured this would be the case but had refused to acknowledge the thought because he couldn’t give up on his family. Now, it would seem his last option was to search manually for them or sneak into that fortress.

  Both options were unappealing, and yet Rocky was going to try for one if not both possibilities until every avenue was exhausted. His family was the most essential part of his life, and even though he was in a completely foreign world, they were always going to be a top priority.

  Suddenly sweating, Rocky closed the window, thanked Azir for the help, and strode away. Upon realizing nothing in the shop was going to help him locate his family, he was instantly in a hurry to get out of the Aretrin Bazaar and to the suburb they lived in. He would search every school in that area every night if it meant finding them.

  A few moments later, a still sweating Rocky found the apothecary—the lady who sold potions. Her name was Trixie, and she was about half the size of a typical human. Trixie had human-like features but was also entirely different in a few ways.

  Her hair was fluorescent yellow, her eyes far too large for even her disproportionately large head, and her cheeks maintained a perpetual flush as if she was always happy. The gnome, as Rocky chose to call her, lost her smile when Rocky fought her pricing down far below what Jesse’s book listed as fair.

  “So you want ten of each of the Ether Draught, Health Potions, and Shortened Sleep Dilution, and you are just willing to pay three crystals total. That won’t be possible. The lowest I can give them to you is five crystals, and that’s almost at a loss for me,” Trixie said in an affronted tone like Rocky was physically hurting her by asking for lower prices.

  Rocky smiled because that meant he was paying a full ten crystals under what the book would have totaled the fair price. It turned out that each of the potions was precisely what they had seemed to be by their name.

  While she had lots of other potions with varying effects, ranging from meal replacements to the ability to breath underwater, Rocky had decided on only getting the absolute basics this trip. He said, “Deal,” and quickly handed over the crystals, receiving the vials in turn.

  Health Potion (Diluted) – Restoration

  This potion will restore 200 Health Points over 13 seconds but will not stack with any other Restoration Potion.

  Ether Draught (Diluted) – Restoration

  This potion will restore 50 Ether to your personal pool over 25 seconds but will not stack with any other Restoration Potion.

  Shortened Sleep Dilution (Diluted) – Effect

  This potion will reduce the amount of sleep needed to feel fully rested by 78%. This potion will lose effectiveness for each subsequent day it is consumed. To lose the diminishing effect, get a full night of natural sleep.

  Rocky had chosen the last so he could spend more time each day searching for his family and training during the sunlight hours. He currently felt wide awake but knew that was probably because of his adrenaline.

  “Have a good day, Rocky,” Trixie said rather stiffly before brightening again as if she just thought of something. “Also, any plants you pick from your world, bring them to me, and I will let you know if they are valuable, or you can purchase the Journeyman Herbalist skill from me for five crystals.”

  Rocky shook his head, having already purchased a scroll for Apprentice Herbalist from Jesse, and it was only one Crystal. Rocky instead said, “Thank you for the offer, but I am more interested in your skill in Alchemy.” Trixie waved her ha
nd in a clear dismissal, her mouth firming into a tight line, and Rocky got the hint. He left the tent with a shrug.

  Worth a shot.

  There wasn’t a scroll listed in Jesse’s inventory for any production skills, only gathering type professions. Trial and error or self-study would be the only way to get a profession it seemed.

  His gut was telling him he had to get out of the shop soon if he was going to beat the sunrise. It was actually screaming at him to leave right this instant, but he unfortunately didn’t know how. He quickly recapped his purchases from Jesse while approaching a random free vendor to ask for help.

  In exchange for thirty-eight Crystallized Ether from Jesse he received.

  Weak Stealth Skill Scroll

  Teaches the Apprentice rank of the ability to manipulate the light and Ether around you. This scroll with grant Apprentice Stealth Level 1.

  Weak Herbalist Skill Scroll

  Teaches the Apprentice rank of the ability to determine plant properties. At Apprentice rank, herbalists can tell if a plant will be useful, poisonous, or trash.

  Weak Mining Skill Scroll

  Teaches the Apprentice rank of the ability to mine precious metal. At the Apprentice rank, miners can determine likely locations for veins of ore.

  Weak Tracking Skill Scroll

  Teaches the Apprentice rank of the ability to locate and determine the direction of tracks in the wilderness. At the Apprentice rank, trackers can find tracks left by large game.

  Once he arrived at the free merchant, Rocky hurriedly asked the man how he was supposed to leave the shop. The man laughed at him uproariously and called over friends who joined in the laughing.


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