Special Attraction (The Coursodon Dimension Book 3)

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Special Attraction (The Coursodon Dimension Book 3) Page 14

by M. L. Ryan

  Alex laughed, but he had no idea I had been contemplating asking him for lessons. Ever since he’d shown me the sensual ecstasy of transcendental arousal, I longed to be able to return the favor. However, between my already wonky skill set and today’s mishap, I didn’t have high hopes I could master anything that complex. Guess he won’t be too keen on tutoring me now.

  Apparently, my wistful thoughts must have shown on my face because Sebastian said, “I was, of course, joking. But if you really would like to learn TA, I can help you with that.”

  “No way,” I immediately sputtered. “There’s no way in hell I’m practicing with you.”

  “My dear, you wound me. I am not suggesting we attempt to engage in any kind of sexual activities. TA involves tactile manipulation from afar. You can practice on my arm. There’s no need to… that would be…” His voice trailed off and a look of disgust spread across his face. “And you consider me perverted.”

  I stopped walking. Alex seemed oddly unperturbed by the conversation so I asked, “You’d be comfortable with me learning TA from Sebastian?”

  “As he said, perfecting the technique doesn’t require arousal, only being able to touch someone without actual physical contact. And from what I’ve heard, Sebastian is quite gifted. In fact, he’s one of the few who can reliably perform TA in the human dimension. He’d probably make an excellent teacher,” he finished.

  “Why can’t I just practice with you?” I really hoped the gelding comment hadn’t made Alex wary of such a proposition.

  “Then it would indeed be sensual, and it would be too difficult to get any useful instruction done.”

  That didn’t make any sense. “Does that mean you all learn it from some tutor? Why wouldn’t you just figure it out as teenagers in the backseat of a car? Well, if you had cars, that is.”

  “We do,” Alex explained. “But then both parties are unskilled, and it is a mutually experimental process. It would be different with us because I am already proficient and aroused by you even without TA.”

  I was still baffled, but when it came to my understanding of all things Courso, that was the norm. Not to mention I wasn’t convinced Sebastian was the man for the job; he’d been brutal while trying to teach me to control my destructiveness. “I’ll think about it, but won’t you be too busy thwarting Doc Martens?”

  “That is an excellent point,” Sebastian admitted. “One does not want to give subpar instruction, and I may not have enough time to devote to your studies.”

  “I could ask Tannis,” Alex suggested. “I’m sure she would be more than happy to assist.”

  Unfortunately, the thought of Alex’s sister helping me discover better ways to satisfy her own brother seemed weird and I blushed.

  Sebastian scoffed at my now red cheeks. “You Americans, always so embarrassed about matters of sexuality.”

  I wasn’t sure, as a country, we were more prudish than other nationalities. In this case, my upbringing—being taught that sex was something engaged in by married people for the purposes of procreation and only with the lights out—won out over my more prurient urges. “Well, it does seem kind of awkward to involve Tannis.”

  “I don’t think she will mind,” Alex reassured. “The Courso are much more open about such things than most people in your dimension. She would look at it as a way to help both of us.”

  I couldn’t help but be skeptical, but I said I’d think about it. A nagging question rattled around in my head ever since I found out Sebastian could use TA in the human dimension. When we reached our respective rooms, I decided to ask it just as he was about to disappear into his bedchamber. “How do you explain to your human lady friends what you are doing if you can’t tell them you’re from another world?”

  Sebastian poked his head out from the still unclosed door. “The ability to manipulate their memory along with their bodies comes in handy at those moments.”

  I couldn’t help but scowl. “You expect me to believe you’d wipe out any memory of their night of ‘Sebassion’ to ensure the secret of Courso was maintained?”

  “That would be absurd,” he countered. “I only erase their recollection of the TA. The knowledge of the unparalleled ecstasy remains.” With that, he winked and disappeared into his room.

  “There really is no end to his ego, is there?” I complained as I followed Alex into our room.

  Alex chuckled. “No, but in his case, much of his bravado is well-deserved.”

  “A little humility can go a long way.”

  “But then, carisa,” Alex murmured, drawing me in his arms, “he wouldn’t be Sebastian.” He held me close for a moment, and then rested his head on mine. “I hope you understand why Rufus must remain confined. This whole situation with the confirmation of the third dimension has us all on edge. Until we get a handle on Doc Martens’ powers, we cannot be too cautious.”

  I chuffed out a sigh and pulled away. “Deep down, I know you’re right. The timing of Rufus’ appearance does seem a little suspicious, particularly measured against his portal-hopping. But whatever is going on, I just can’t believe he’s a danger.”

  “I know,” Alex admitted. “He does seem harmless.”

  It was late, and I must have still been suffering from portal-lag. I got ready for bed and, when I came out of the bathroom, Alex was at the desk, occupied with some report. The soft glow of the desk lamp illuminated his workspace, yet left the bed in relative darkness. Climbing under the sheets, I curled onto my side and arranged one of the oversized pillows to support my weary head. I thought I’d drift off quickly; instead, my mind replayed the recent events. So much of it didn’t make much sense. Like why Doc would kill in the human dimension when the ultimate goal was to take over this dimension. Why not find some Courso to deliver his apocalyptic threats to the powers that be? Or better yet, why not deliver it in person and avoid the middleman? I changed positions and scrunched the pillow in frustration. I couldn’t decide which was more irritating, not being able to sleep, or not being able to come up with any answers.

  Eventually, I gave up the quest for slumber. “Are we sure Doc transported me to the third dimension?” I called out from the dark.

  Alex looked up from his reading. “Can’t sleep?”

  “Guess not. I feel like I’ve had too much coffee. My body is exhausted but my brain is wide-awake. But really, what if he just wanted us to think that?

  He sat silently, obviously pondering my questions. “It’s possible, I suppose,” he said finally. “We don’t have definitive evidence. However, all signs point to him being from the third dimension: the disappearing magical signature and us not being able to locate any trace of you when you were kidnapped. If you’d been in the Coursodon dimension, we should have been able to pick up at least some trace of you being transported, even if he has some way to mask his.”

  I pulled myself into a sitting position. “If he can mask himself, why couldn’t he mask me? What if the weird building was loaded with, I don’t know, something that can erase one’s signature. Like praseodymium muffles magic, except it would make it undetectable instead.”

  Alex shrugged. “I suppose anything is possible, but there is no substance known that can do such a thing. In any case, even if he is not an inter-dimensional traveler, his power is undeniable. Wherever he is from, he is truly a menace.”

  “I just wish we knew more.” Glancing over at Alex, I noticed he’d sort of turned in his chair. The lamp was mostly behind rather than next to him, and the light made his golden hair glimmer. Damn, he’s gorgeous, I mused. “You know, I’m not all that tired. If you’re done with whatever you are working on, I can think of a better way to use this bed.”

  He clicked off the light, and I heard the unmistakable sound of clothes dropping to the floor. “Superhuman speed comes in handy in times like this,” I drawled as I felt him lift the covers and stretch out beside me.

  Alex nuzzled my neck. “You, carisa, are decidedly overdressed.”

  My usual night
time attire—boxers and a camisole top—was Alex’s favorite. Operating under the belief that men find women in fancy, silky lingerie particularly alluring, I’d purchased some when Alex and I first got together. He’d enjoyed them, but confessed that me in an oversized t-shirt or skimpy shorts and top drove him wild. Surprising, but his preferences definitely saved me a chunk of change on overpriced sleepwear that often ended up shredded anyway. If my more casual duds got ruined during exuberant seduction, so what? Tonight, Alex deftly removed them soon after he made the observation that I was wearing too much.

  “You know,” I murmured as I pulled him close, “You don’t smell like Ben and Jerry’s here.”

  “Is that so? What do I smell like?”

  I inhaled deeply. No Chocolate Peppermint Crunch or Cookie Dough. “I don’t know, but you’d think given my over-active burst of magic directed at Sebastian, my olfactory senses would be equally hyper.”

  Alex’s lips curled into a wicked grin. “Maybe here I’ll taste better than I smell.”

  Now, with nothing between us besides our over-heated flesh, our mouths crashed together, tongues exploring wildly. He didn’t taste like anything other than man, which was fine with me. Alex’s fingers slid down my neck and across my breasts, and I moaned when they crept lower still. When he found the sweet spot, within seconds I was hovering on the edge of release.

  A tentative rapping on the door interrupted my bliss.

  “Who the fuck is that? I snapped. In mere seconds, I went from the throes of passion to wanting to throw something in frustration. Is the entire world conspiring to keep me from getting laid?

  Alex spat out what I assumed, given the circumstance, was some Courso curse and a small, quavering voice answered from the hall. My understanding of the language amounted to baby talk, but I did catch the words for “sir” and “sorry” from the messenger. Alex replied with a clipped response, then dropped his head and blew out a breath.

  “My mother wants my advice on something,” he said, rolling off me. He started to put on his clothes and grumbled, “This better be important.”

  Fully dressed, he leaned down and kissed me with such intensity I almost dragged him back into bed. “Hold that thought,” he whispered, obviously reading my mind. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  After he left, I decided to pass the time reading. I grabbed my Kindle from my bag. Sebastian had bought me a fancier model to replace the one he’d occupied after it was destroyed in the fire. All my books were reloaded onto the new device, but I kind of missed the original. After all, it was the reason my life took a turn for the bizarre. This one had longer battery life and a built-in light—definite must-haves when traveling to a dimension with a completely different form of electrical voltage—but no spiritual essence lurking inside. It was just an ordinary electronic gadget.

  Diving into a new paranormal romance I’d downloaded for free, I read a few chapters before I started to yawn. “Sure, now I’m sleepy,” I complained to the empty room. I wanted to stay awake until Alex returned, but try as I might, I just couldn’t keep my eyes open. I arranged the pillow and curled up on my side. He can always wake me up.

  I was back on Haleakala at sunrise. It was dark, I was cold, and the Maui tale was being told by the disembodied voice. This time, however, instead of the volcano spewing fiery lava, a figure emerged from the center of the crater. In the pre-dawn blackness, I couldn’t quite make out who it was at first, but as he came closer, his identity was clear. It was Doc Martens.

  “Why are you here?” I asked, taking a precautionary step backward. The last time I had this dream, Doc’s presence was sort of implied, but he never actually showed up. It was one thing to have recurring nightmares, but couldn’t they have the same basic plot and forgo the rewrites?

  “Don’t be alarmed, Hailey. I just want to talk.”

  “Fine. Just stay over there and don’t come any closer.”

  A small, crooked smile curved on his lips. “As you wish,” he said, bowing slightly.

  I shivered, mainly from the chill in the air, but the company wasn’t helping. “Look, I hope to wake up soon, so whatever you want to say, spit it out already.” I hoped my false bluster would convince one of us that I wasn’t a wimp.

  “I have shown my power, and I await the Courso’s response.”

  “You said they had a month. You can’t expect eight governments to agree to anything in just a few days.”

  He smiled again, wider this time, but with more menace. “They do indeed have a month to decide. But I sense they could use a little push in the right direction. In case they doubt my intentions.”

  “I think everyone is clear on your intentions.”

  “But I imagine there are still many questions. Through you, I hope to give them answers.”

  He moved so quickly, all I saw was a blur. Now only inches away, I could feel his breath on my face. He leaned closer, and I tried to turn my head, but my neck wouldn’t budge. Pressing his lips to mine, softly, almost chastely, he took my hands in his. And he was gone.

  I awoke to Alex, gently stroking my forehead. “Are you alright, carisa?” he said quietly. “You were thrashing around a bit. A nightmare?”

  I blinked and took a deep breath. I was about to tell him about my sleep-induced vision when I realized there was something in my hand and the air smelled of burnt hair.

  “The worst kind,” I warned. “This one was real.”


  I opened my hand. Inside was a small, egg-shaped stone. However, instead of its polished surface being cool to the touch as one might expect from a glossy mineral specimen, it was hot. And not because the stone had been clutched in my palm—it seemed to be radiating heat all on its own.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like this,” Alex said as he picked the egg from my palm to examine the dark blue surface, slashed with iridescent white veins. “Where did it come from?”

  Panic started to roll over me, and my voice shook. “I think Doc Martens invaded my dream.”

  His intense gaze moved from me, to the stone, and then back again. “I’m going to get Sebastian. Wait here, I will not be gone more than a minute.”

  I really didn’t want him to leave, and he must have seen the dread in my expression because he caressed my face and said softly, “Would you prefer to accompany me?”

  No shit, Sherlock. I leapt off the bed and followed Alex into the hall. Sebastian answered our insistent knock and tied his robe at the doorway while Alex gave him a brief run-down. Concern spread over Sebastian’s face.

  “Let me see this stone,” he demanded. I dropped it into his hand, and his eyes narrowed. “Repeat exactly what was said.” I carefully recounted everything I could recall, and as I spoke, Sebastian made his way—with us in tow—to our room. “And when you awoke, you had the egg, correct?”

  “Yes, and I smelled Doc’s scent, like burning hair.”

  “The stone must be analyzed, but I’m willing to wager that it is made of something not found in Courso. Doc Martens said there were questions; I suspect this is his way of answering the one concerning if he is actually from Dekankara.”

  Alex studied me. “The more troubling matter is that he can get into your head.”

  That was a scary revelation for sure. But I was just as freaked out that Doc might be able to listen in to my conversations.

  “Doesn’t it seem a little too convenient that right after I mentioned we had no proof Doc Martens was actually from the third dimension, he somehow appeared in my subconscious wanting to provide ‘answers’?”

  Sebastian nodded. “I was thinking the same thing, my dear. Perhaps you and Alexander should be moved to more secure accommodations.”

  “How about your place in Tucson?” I said under my breath. “No one ever dream-raped me there.”

  “If it were up to me, that’s exactly where you’d go. Unfortunately, Alexander is needed here, and I am positive neither you nor he will go anywhere without the oth

  True that. I wasn’t about to hole up back home, wondering the whole time what was going on in Courso. I’d had more than enough of that frustration when Alex was temporarily transferred into Angelica’s body after he was shot. Not knowing if your loved ones were alive or dead was no way to go through life. “So what are our options?” I asked wearily.

  “Don’t look so scared; it’s not like you are being sent to Gitmo.” Alex grinned. “I think I know what Sebastian has in mind. The safe room?”

  “Indeed,” Sebastian nodded. “It won’t be as luxurious as the guest quarters, but I’m sure it can be made comfortable enough. I’ll go make the arrangements while you two get your things together.” He turned and left, taking the stone with him.

  “Is this safe room like those concrete things people flee into during tornados?” I inquired as soon as Sebastian departed.

  Alex tossed a suitcase on the bed. “The concept is the same, I suppose. It was built as an impregnable area for the generals to use in times of war. This one is located in the exact center of the palace. The walls are thick and the praseodymium content is higher than in the rest of the building.”

  “If we are in there, where will the generals go to plot strategy, or whatever it is they do?”

  “There are other rooms they can use. In fact, they prefer to meet in a larger space. They tend to get tense when they don’t have enough area to spread out, all those egos crammed together, you know, and the safe room doesn’t give them the kind of elbow room they favor.”

  Shoving my stuff from the bathroom into a small duffle, I wondered if extra praseodymium was going to keep Doc out of my thoughts. Maybe I could practice repeating horribly annoying tunes in my head. I was fairly certain no matter how powerful he was, having to listen to It’s a Small World played on an endless loop in my noggin would make him stay away.

  About an hour later, two staff members arrived to carry the luggage, and were accompanied by three guards to make sure we made it to our new digs in one piece. The safe room was windowless, but bigger than I expected, perhaps fifteen by fifteen feet. The only furnishings were a queen-sized bed, one small end table, and a lamp.


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