Sonny's Surrender_Devil's Wind_Book 3

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Sonny's Surrender_Devil's Wind_Book 3 Page 8

by D. D. Galvani

  “Four months later, when I went home to visit my mom, I got a knock at the door one night. She was strung out and looking for money, and she had a belly, the rest of her was bones, but that belly stuck out. If there was ever a time I’d ever wanted to hit a woman, that was it. My mom saved her. She made her come in, cleaned her up, fed her, and called a friend who helped us get her into rehab that night. She cursed and screamed at us to leave her the fuck alone, but that was my kid she was messing up. I didn’t give a shit what happened to her, but that baby didn’t deserve to be born to a junkie mom and an absent dad. I made a deal with her that if she stayed in rehab, got clean long enough for the baby to be born, that I would take care of everything else. She agreed, but only if I made myself scarce. She didn’t want to see me or hear from me until she gave birth.”

  Dukes finally said something. “I think I know where this is going, but you need to finish, purge this shit from your system, Sonny.”

  Getting up, I started to pace. “I crawled into the bottle and stayed there ‘til he was born. It dulled the pain and helped me not to face the fucking mess my life was. That day in the hospital when they placed my son in my arms, my life changed. He was perfect, Dukes. He didn’t give a fuck that I was a screwed up ex-marine or that his mom was a junkie whore. When I left the hospital that day, I went to an AA meeting. I was determined to be a better man for my son.”

  “And Kelsey?” he asked.

  I laughed bitterly. “She had other ideas. She played the new mom role ‘til she was discharged. I walked beside her wheelchair down to the car where her married friends were waiting with a car seat and a bag full of new baby clothes. She gave me a hospital card with an address written on the back where she and the baby would be living. I’d given her money for the first and last month’s rent when she brought me the papers. She had gotten a job at a local daycare where she could bring the baby to work with her. It didn’t pay much but having the baby with her was worth it, and I was going to be there to pick up the slack financially. But it was all a fucking lie!”

  My fist flashed out, hitting the wall with a sickening thud. I heard my knuckle crack and knew I’d broken it, but I didn’t care. “She lied about all of it, and when she drove away in that truck, it was the last time I saw her and him. I went to the apartment that never heard of her, the daycare that looked at me like a crazy man, the couple who didn’t exist in any database in the country. My sponsor kept me sane, coming home to the club gave me purpose. I hired the PIs and did what I could to find them, but I didn’t let it consume me. I was afraid of falling into that deep, dark pit and not being able to claw my way out again. I wanted my son to know that his ol’ man was more than a broken down, drunk ex-soldier.”

  Dukes’s hand on my shoulder got tighter, almost to the point of pain. I looked up at him, and he said through gritted teeth, “You are worth more to me and this club than any of us in the club. You are a man I trust to have my back and to watch over us financially. You make it so we can do what we love without having to worry about being nine-to-fivers. Santino, you are so much more than a drunk ex-soldier, and if you ever refer to yourself that way again, I’ll kick your fuckin’ ass. Plus, if you tell the guys I said any of this, I’ll deny it and kick your ass again. You got me?”

  He squeezed my shoulder one last time then let go. “We need to form a plan, figure out how we can find your son, but right now the party for Murph is starting, and we owe him a good time, so let’s table this for now and pick it up in church tomorrow.” Rising from the sofa, he ambled to the door and made his way out, leaving the door open for me to follow. “Oh, and tape up that hand.”

  I locked up the file once again, taking the time to finish the beer Dukes had brought me and get my head in the game. Then, I made my way out to the party.


  The party was in full swing. Murph was smiling from ear to ear even though the guys were giving him shit. Booze and beer were flowing, and both pool tables were in use. The food had been devoured, and empty plates and silverware littered the bar. I started to collect them, bringing a load into the kitchen and dumping it in the sink.

  I was busy washing them, so I didn’t hear Sonny come up behind me and jumped a foot when he spoke near my ear. “Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me, Sonny,” I said, bringing a soapy hand to my chest. I stopped before I touched my blouse and saturated myself.

  He pretended to leer at me. “It would have been cool if your shirt got wet. I would have appreciated the view.”

  I slapped his leather with that wet hand, sending suds flying.

  He laughed, “Sorry, babe, I didn’t mean to startle you. I saw you coming in here with a load of dirty shit, so I thought I’d see if I could help. You girls did so much in such a short time for Murph and the club. That’s fucking special and appreciated.”

  I started to reply when Sonny’s phone rang. He held up a finger while swiping his phone to answer.

  “Mr. De Campo, this is Deputy Weathers, we met at the fair. Your girl lost her phone to some pickpockets.”

  He hit speaker and then spoke. “Deputy Weathers, you’re on speaker and Gia is right here.”

  “Ms. Catalini, someone found your phone and turned it in. If you would like to pick it up tomorrow, I will be at the station from seven am to seven pm.”

  “Thank you, Deputy; I will definitely pick it up tomorrow. I’ve been lost without it. Thank you very much for letting me know it’s been found, that was very thoughtful of you.”

  He chuckled. “Just doing my job, ma’am. Plus, you two were the only ones to ask about the welfare of the children, and it stuck with me. I’ll see you sometime tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening.”

  I heard the tones as he hung up, and Sonny swiped his phone closed. I smiled at him. “Looks like I’m going back to the scene of the crime. At least it’s Sunday, so I don’t have to miss any work, and I’ll be happy to get my phone back, although it’s also been sorta nice to not be checking it constantly.”

  Sonny laughed, “I will be happy to take you to get your phone. I think it would be good to get a look at the place in the light of day and see if maybe by some miracle we can pick up a little intel on those kids.”

  Smiling at him, I said, “I figured you would want to go back, the phone gives us the perfect reason to be in the area again.” His arm circled my waist, pulling me in close to his body. I put both hands on his chest and pushed, giving myself some room.

  “You haven’t forgiven me yet, have you?” he asked, nuzzling against my hair.

  Tipping up my chin to look at him, I said, “I stopped being mad the minute I saw that little boy’s face. I don’t have any children of my own, and to be perfectly honest I don’t know if I want any either. Growing up with parents who loved me and having that ripped away at such a young age left me scarred. I know that I would never wish that on a child, much less one of my own. I get your anger and frustration, I do, I’m just asking that you channel it, and please not at me. I’m on your side.”

  He looked down at me, his face a mask of seriousness. “You don’t want children?” he asked. “You would be an excellent mother, Gia. Your children would never be afraid that you didn’t love them or want them because you have lived that. You fucking busted through and made your life what you wanted it to be. Your children would be the luckiest little ones in this world.”

  The tears I couldn’t control started falling. I rose up on my toes and pressed my lips to his. He immediately took control, ravaging my mouth. I felt out of control, like I couldn’t get close enough to him; I wanted to crawl into his body, to always feel so protected, so wanted. I craved the connection and gave him all of me in that kiss. We kissed again and again; I could feel his erection against my stomach. I was as turned on as he was.

  He picked me up and sat me on the edge of the counter, making room for himself between my leg
s. I wrapped them around his waist, locking my feet together and pulling him into the cradle of my thighs. He groaned against my mouth, and I smiled at the sound. He pulled back to look at me. “What’s so funny?” he questioned, looking confused.

  I smiled. “Because I can’t believe I can make a grown ass man makes the sexy sounds you do.”

  He smiled now too. “Girl, you have no idea the sounds I can make when it comes to you. You go to my head faster than the best whiskey I’ve ever tasted.” He swept my hair off my neck, dropping kisses along my shoulder ‘til he reached the sweet spot near my neck. I could feel his breath below my ear, and I shivered. He pulled my lobe into his mouth, sucking lightly. I tipped my head back, giving him better access. He rubbed his hard cock against my core, and I could feel my panties dampening.

  The door behind us banged open. Lani and Jiji walked in, each with a load of dirty dishes. I lowered my head against Sonny’s chest, and it was my turn to groan. I could feel his chest vibrate with his laughter, and I socked him in the arm.

  “Ouch, I think I got bit by a mosquito,” he said, rubbing the spot.

  Jiji snickered, “Don’t let us stop you, Sonny. It looked like you guys were about to do the horizontal mambo right there on that counter. I wouldn’t mind a little peek at the goods—I promise I won’t ogle you,” she stopped for a beat, “…much,” she added, wiggling her eyebrows at him.

  Lani burst out laughing. “You look like someone peed in your cornflakes, Sonny.”

  Now I couldn’t help laughing. Sonny’s hand smoothed his beard, a habit of his I noticed when he was thinking.

  “If Breech heard you talking like that, he’d turn you over his knee, Jiji,” Sonny said.

  “Don’t threaten me with a good time, big boy,” she retorted.

  He threw his hands up in surrender. Turning, he dropped a kiss on my lips. “Ok, I know when I’m beat. Thank you, ladies, for the party and helping Gia clean up the mess. I’ll be out front with the boys.” Turning, he left the kitchen, and all three of us watched his fine ass in those tight jeans ‘til he was out of sight.

  Lani broke the silence. “Sorry we broke up the party, Gia. You two looked mighty cozy when we walked in.”

  I blushed before I could stop myself. “I know, I can’t help myself. When he’s around, I feel like dry kindling, and he’s the match.”

  Jiji clapped her hands. “That’s a good way to put it. Sigh! Sometimes when Breech looks at me, I feel like his eyes could scorch me. I can’t get out of my clothes fast enough. Sometimes I don’t even bother,” she said with a raised eyebrow.

  I couldn’t help laughing. Lani was fanning herself. “Whew-ee ladies, I think it’s about time to go collect my man and get on home now. You’ve given me some ideas for the rest of my evening.” She tipped her imaginary hat and made her way to the door. Jiji laughed and followed behind her, holding the door open for me as well.

  “Come on, lady, let’s go give our men a merry chase, then let them catch us,” she said, holding her hand out to me. I took it and, laughing, we went to find our guys.


  The bike made a steady humming sound as it ate up the short drive to pick up Gia the next morning. The rumble of the pipes soothed my spirit, and the vibrations of the big engine made me feel alive. Even on my worst day, taking the bike out could always heal me.

  Pulling into the driveway, I cut the engine and dismounted. Before I could walk up to the door and knock, it opened and Gia appeared, cradling a coffee mug in one hand and offering me one with the other. I couldn’t help smiling as I moved towards her. Reaching out, I drew her to me, mugs and all, dropping a kiss on her upturned lips. She tasted like coffee and sweet cream. Her skin was soft and smooth, and she smelled fresh, like she’d just showered. The sparkle in her eye told me her mood was happy.

  “Good morning,” she said when I released her lips.

  “Yes, it is, babe. Thanks for the coffee.” Raising the mug, I blew on the hot brew then took a sip. The flavor of a dark roast exploded on my tongue, and I sighed. She grinned.

  “Yeah, nothing can beat that first sip of coffee in the morning.” She curled up in one of the big chairs on the porch. Moving to the matching chair, I sat down, tipping the chair back on two legs to just enjoy the moment. I felt relaxed for the first time in twenty-four hours. Stretching my legs out in front of me, I rested my head back against the chair, balancing my cup on my chest. The morning air was fresh but not cold. It blew Gia’s hair around ‘til she reached up and casually tied it in a messy bun on top of her head, in that way women have of making ordinary things look exotic.

  She clearly knew I was watching her, but it didn’t make her self-conscious or uncomfortable. She breathed in the morning, quietly enjoying the moment. No makeup on, her hair in a messy bun, well-worn sweats, no shoes, and she was still the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. We finished our coffee in silence, each lost in our own thoughts but perfectly in sync.

  My chair fell forward with a thunk, drawing Gia’s attention to me. “I don’t feel like moving, but I know you want to get on the road.”

  Rising, she reached for my empty mug, taking it from my hand and turning towards the door. I sprang ahead of her to open the screen, and she thanked me with a nod of her head.

  In the kitchen, she rinsed both mugs and put them on the top rack of the dishwasher. “Sit and give me ten minutes to throw on some clothes, and then we can ride.” Catching her hand as she moved past me, I stopped her from leaving.

  “Thank you for letting me work through this clusterfuck, Gia. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but thanks for giving it anyway.” She wrapped her hands around my head, drawing it into her body. Her hands threaded through my short hair, massaging my scalp as I rested against her chest. Leaning down, she kissed the crown of my head, squeezed me once more, and let go.

  Clearing her throat, she left the kitchen without a word. Laying my head back against the wall, I stroked my beard, thinking about her. Without conscious thought, I got up and followed her down the hallway. Her door was partially open, and I could see her bending over with a pair of panties in her hand. Pushing the door all the way open, I stepped into the room. Her head snapped up, her eyes locking with mine. The panties in her hand fell to the floor as she stood to her full height. Her full breasts tipped with rosy pink nipples stiffened, and she pulled her bottom lip between her white teeth.

  I moved forward, reaching for her. She stood her ground, proudly nude while I was fully clothed. Snaking an arm around her waist, I lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I leaned in and kissed those plump lips, rubbing my tongue along the seam ‘til she opened and let me in. My tongue traced the contours of her warm, wet mouth.

  She leaned her chest against me, letting her head fall back so I could kiss her at my leisure. I left her mouth and traveled all over her face and neck, kissing, nipping, and licking. Her hands kneaded my shoulders, and little sounds came from her throat. Her hot core rubbed against my stiff cock, which I hurriedly freed from my jeans. I moved a hand up and felt the dewiness dripping from her pussy. She wanted me as much as I wanted her.

  Running my mouth to her ear, I said, “This is going to be hard and fast. I want you so fucking much.” I lowered her onto my throbbing shaft, letting her feel every inch as she sank down. Her pussy stretched to accommodate me, and with a few wiggles of her hips, I was seated balls deep in her warm, slick wetness.

  She leaned back against the wall, her hands leaving my shoulders and moving to her breasts. She lifted the ripe fruit, tugging at one nipple while offering me the other. When I drew it into my mouth and sucked, her back arched further, pushing the pliant flesh deeper into the warm haven of my mouth. I worried the nipple with my teeth, nipping lightly, not enough to hurt, but enough that she could feel it.

  Her hips were an anchor, and I took one in each
hand, using them to lift her up and then sliding her down my shaft. My body took over, pumping my stiff cock into the welcoming delta between her legs. Her back bumped against the wall with every upward stroke, but she didn’t seem to care. Her breast left my mouth with an audible pop.

  I shifted her higher and grunted with the effort. My cock was still moving in and out of her body. She leaned forward, sinking her teeth into the flesh between my neck and shoulder as she nipped sharply. The little pain stoked the flame higher. The harder I thrust, the more she pushed against me.

  She whispered how much she loved my cock in her body, how the feel of me inside her gave her such pleasure. Goosebumps broke out on her skin; she stopped whispering and held her breath as she climbed the peak towards her release.

  Her body went rigid, and she screamed as she climaxed. I could feel her inner muscles clamp down hard on my dick, enclosing me in a velvet fist. I thrust hard a few more times before I felt myself erupt deep in her womb. I rested my head against her breast as she leaned against the wall. My lungs bellowed in and out as I struggled to draw breath. She sagged against me, totally relaxed.

  A few minutes later, I lifted her, disengaging from her body. My semen glinted on her pussy lips before running down her legs, and I realized I didn’t use a condom in my haste.

  “Gia, I didn’t wrap up. I’m so sorry, babe.” I looked down at her. Her hair was mussed, she had beard-burn all over her neck and upper chest, her lips were cherry red and swollen, and I’ve never seen a sexier sight in my life.

  She smiled up at me. “It seems most of it has leaked out and is making me sticky. I don’t think it’s the right time of the month for me to get pregnant, and since our last encounter, I started the pill. If you’re really worried we can stop at the pharmacy and get Plan B. I think it’s safe to take even if I’m on birth control.”


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