Serenity Stalked

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Serenity Stalked Page 11

by Craig A. Hart

  The beer hadn’t fazed him much, even though he’d emptied a decent number of Fritz’s stock. It took stronger stuff than Bud Light to give him anything more than a mild buzz. And that was okay with him. He was too old these days to tie on a good one. The last time he’d been drunk was earlier in the year when Mack had been in town. The experience had reminded Shelby how long it took his body to recover from a bender. He remembered the old days when he drank all weekend and went to work on Monday without so much as a minor headache. Those days were long gone.

  Shelby shifted on the bed and tried to enjoy the buzz. Whenever he closed his eyes, he had a sinking sensation, as if he was falling deep into the bed. It was not unpleasant, almost comforting if he surrendered to it.

  Then his eyes popped open. Something had clicked inside his brain.


  The roadside park was a mile ahead. Smith turned on his high beams, which he mused he should’ve been using all along, and slowed down so as not to miss the turnoff.

  “What the hell are you slowing down for?” Carly said. “We have to hurry!”

  “Going to make a stop. It won’t take long.” And Smith knew it wouldn’t. His crotch had been on fire the entire drive.

  “A stop? I don’t have time for this shit!”

  “Relax, Carly. Everything will be fine.”

  He noticed she stiffened at the use of her name. He had used it before at the house, but in a much more impersonal manner. The tone of familiarity in his voice must have spooked her. Smith didn’t care anymore. They had reached their destination. She was about to become more afraid before seeing their relationship for what it was: destiny. Smith slowed even more and pulled off the road into the park. He stopped the car under a large oak tree and removed his seatbelt.

  “I’m telling you to keep driving,” Carly said. “If you don’t start moving this instant, I’m getting out of this car and running the rest of the way.”

  “You won’t be running anywhere. You’re staying here with me. Where you belong.”

  Carly looked at him, her mouth slightly open. Even in the darkness, Smith noticed her face pale. She fumbled with the door handle, but he had been expecting this and foiled her attempts to open the door by pressing on the master power lock button.

  “What the fuck are you doing? You—you’re the motherfucker who broke into my house, aren’t you?” Carly squinted at Smith in the dark. “Of course…I thought there was something familiar about you. You’re the weird fuck I served at the Barn Door.”

  “I was afraid you’d figure it out right away.”

  “I would have, if I hadn’t been in such a damn hurry.” Carly sat back in her seat and crossed her arms. She glared at him. “All right. You have me. Now what the fuck do you want?”

  At first, Smith couldn’t speak. She was magnificent. He had expected her to dissolve in a mass of tears and pleadings, yet there she sat, defiant and unyielding. He wanted her even more now. Such strength, such spirit…it made him want to break her even more, yet he hoped it would not be necessary.

  “Surely you can see what we have, Carly.”

  “All I see is a pathetic motherfucker who can’t get women the honest way.”

  Her words stung, but Smith knew she didn’t mean them. She was only attempting to maintain her dignity. He couldn’t blame her.

  “I’ve spent years looking for you,” he said. “And now I’ve found you. I can’t let you go now, can’t you understand?”

  “You make one move toward me and I’ll rip off your fucking dick.”

  Smith chuckled. “You’d try, wouldn’t you?”

  “I’d do more than try, motherfucker. Now open this door and let me out.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that, Carly. Not until we’ve coupled.”

  “Coupled? Oh, please. I can’t wait for you to use that term at your rape trial.”

  “You misunderstand. I don’t want to rape you, Carly. I want a consensual relationship. The one we’re meant to have.” Smith leaned forward, but she met him with a stinging slap across the face.

  “Try again and I’ll claw your face off.”

  Smith recoiled from the blow. His dick throbbed and he felt anger rising inside. She’d have to see reason soon or he might lose control and be forced to pursue the avenue he’d hoped to avoid. This was not going as planned. Proud, stupid woman!

  Smith ignored Carly’s warning and tried it again, this time with much more force. He came across the center console with a lunge and grabbed the front of her blouse, ripping it partway open and revealing flesh and bra. Carly swore and made a good attempt to keep her promise. Smith felt her nails rip across his face, but he ignored the pain and trickling blood. He went blind for a moment, his eyes awash in a sea of red.

  When he regained his senses, he straddled the woman. Her clothes were further torn, but he had not penetrated her. His hands were around her throat, her face almost blue. He released his grip. This was not the way he would kill her. No, he wanted to feel the knife slip inside, to watch the life drain from her eyes even as her blood ran warm over his knife hand.

  Carly coughed and gagged as she drew in great gulps of air. Her face regained normal color. She looked up at Smith, hatred clear in her eyes. Her lips curled in contempt and she rasped, “He’ll kill you for this, if I don’t do it first.”

  “He? Oh, you must be talking about that old fuck buddy of yours. You know, it’s funny…I don’t see him anywhere around.”

  “He’ll find you. He’s had a lot of practice hunting down scum like you.”

  “I’d say your precious Shelby is a little beyond his prime, wouldn’t you? I can’t imagine I’d have much trouble with him.”

  “He’s more of a man than you’ll ever be.”

  The words sliced deep. Smith felt the anger rising again. He gritted his teeth to hold back the tide. He wanted to remain rational and in control of his emotions.

  “Now that you mention it,” he said, “it would be shame if he didn’t see you again. I’m going to kill you, Carly. I have to now. You’ve left me no choice. But it occurs to me Mr. Alexander is as deserving of death as you are. Perhaps more so. He has corrupted you, warped your mind. If it weren’t for him, you’d be able to see our future together.”

  “You won’t be able to kill him. He’ll take you apart piece by piece.”

  “I know what I’m getting into. I’ve done research on our Mr. Alexander, and I know about his past boxing prowess. But I don’t plan to meet him in the ring.”

  “You’re a coward.”

  Smith struck Carly across the face. “Shut up! Speak to me like that again and I’ll make your death as slow and painful as I can. And let me assure you, my skills with a knife are unparalleled.”

  “I’m not scared of a piece of shit like you. You’ll never hear me scream.”

  Again, Smith marveled at her nerve. “Oh, how I wish you could see what is so obvious. We would make a fantastic team.”

  “I’d rather die.”

  “And you will. Soon.”

  Smith brought his fist down on the side of Carly’s head, knocking her out. Then he wriggled back to the driver’s seat, put the car into gear, and drove toward Pine Lake campground.

  Shelby’s head swam for a moment after he sat up, but calmed after he walked to the door, opened it, and sucked in some cold night air. He looked around for his phone, spotting it on the floor by the bed. He must have dropped it when he fell asleep. He retrieved the device and pressed the Home button to wake it up. The screen remained dark. He cursed, realizing he’d forgotten to plug it into the charger. It must have died earlier in the night. He looked toward the camp office and wondered if Fritz was still awake. His friend lived in the back of the office, but no lights glowed from the windows. Well, then he’d have to wake him up.

  He grabbed his shoes and a jacket, and headed toward the office at a brisk walk. He needed to make a phone call and then he was headed back to Carly’s, arrest warrant be damned.

Fritz didn’t respond to the heavy knocking, so Shelby walked around the back and rapped on the windows. As he was looking around for a rock to use in breaking the glass, a light flicked on. Fritz cursed and banged around inside, probably looking for the shotgun Shelby knew he kept somewhere on the premises.

  The front door crashed open and Fritz bellowed into the night.

  “Who’s the goddamn fool makin all the racket! Show yourself, ya yellow-bellied cocksucker, and I’ll pump ya full of lead!”

  “Fritz!” Shelby came around the side of the office with his hands in the air. “It’s me. Put the gun down.”

  “Shel, what in the name of Martha Washington’s tits are you doin out here? You about scared me to death and got yourself shot to boot!”

  “Sorry. My cell’s dead. I need to use your phone.”

  “You can’t order ladies of the night out here. It’s against regulations.”

  “I don’t have time for your bawdy humor.” Shelby pushed past Fritz into the office and reached the desk in two strides. He grabbed the phone handset and punched in Carly’s number. He held the phone to his ear and fidgeted as it rang. Her voicemail answered.

  “Carly…it’s Shelby. Get out of your house and come to the campground. Now. I think your stalker and the person who planted the knife at my place are the same person. He might be planning to use my absence to make his move.”

  He replaced the phone on its cradle as Fritz grumbled, “Now what the Sam Hill is this? Someone lookin to rent a cabin? We ain’t open yet; the sign out front says so.”

  Shelby joined Fritz at the door. A car was, indeed, pulling into the campground. Wilkes? Shelby couldn’t tell in the darkness. The car drove straight toward the office, blinding Shelby with its high beams.

  “Shit!” Fritz shielded his eyes with a hand. “This lunatic better start slowin down or he’s gonna drive right through my bedroom.”

  A few yards away, the driver slammed on the brakes and came to a sliding, grinding halt on the gravel lot. The backend of the car skewed to the left as it stopped, and Shelby saw it was not a patrol car. He couldn’t be sure, but it resembled the vehicle he’d suspected of tailing him.

  The driver’s door opened and a man stepped out. He waved toward the office porch and then ducked back into the car. He appeared to be dragging something—or someone—across the center console. Shelby’s chest tightened. It looked like a woman.

  The driver pulled the woman out of the car and stood her upright. He moved toward the front of the car, pushing the woman in front like a shield. She struggled weakly, and Shelby could see she’d been roughed up. He could also make out her face, although backlit by the headlights.



  Smith held the woman around the waist with one arm, keeping her close to his own body. His other arm came up around her neck and held the knife pressed against the soft flesh of her throat.

  He looked toward the building’s porch where the two men stood, watching the spectacle unfold. He had moved fast, and his arrival had been unexpected, but still, he expected more from the great Shelby Alexander. From all he’d heard, the man was a superhero, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Now the hero stood, speechless, on the rickety front porch of a campground office building, looking helpless and stupid. It gave Smith a surge of power and confidence.

  Smith grinned as wide a grin as he could muster.

  “You must be Shelby Alexander.”

  The larger man on the porch nodded. “I am. And who the fuck are you?”

  “I’m the man who’s going to ruin your world.”

  “You don’t have a name?”

  Smith felt his grin falter. It was not the response he’d expected. He didn’t like this man’s calmness. But no matter. Before the night was over, Mr. Alexander would beg for his life.

  “Call me Smith.”

  “Okay, Smith. Let Carly go and maybe I won’t rip you limb from fucking limb.”

  “You must be blind. One wrong move and the woman gets this knife across the throat.”

  “And then you’re dead. I’ll be on you before she hits the ground.”

  “But you won’t risk it.” Smith wasn’t sure of this but was willing to gamble. “You won’t risk losing your fucking partner. Lose her and you’re back to paying for it.”

  “I’m looking forward to tearing you apart, Smith, or whatever your name is. Why don’t you put down the knife and we’ll settle this like men.”

  Smith laughed. “My, how noble of you. I thought gallantry went out with corsets and sidesaddle horseback riding.”

  Shelby struggled to remain calm, but felt himself losing control. “You’re pissing me off, Smith. Watch yourself.”

  “Lemme pick him off from here,” Fritz growled. “I’d love to watch his brains splatter over the hood of his car.”

  “Not a chance. With a shotgun blast, you’d hit them both.” Shelby felt the heaviness of the pistol on his belt. Could he draw and fire with enough accuracy and speed to drop this fucker? He’d never been good at the fast draw. He wished Mack was here. His friend could have made a name for himself in the Old West. Shelby was more of an aim, breathe, and fire shooter. Mack shot by instinct and always on target. If the knife blade started moving, Shelby knew he’d have to take the chance…but it wasn’t something he was looking forward to.

  Shelby looked at Smith and Carly, dark outlines silhouetted by bright backlighting. He could just make out her face. Her eyes were wide and showed fear, but not panic. Shelby saw as much fury as anything else. Heaven help Smith if Carly ever got a chance at him. She would rip him several new assholes.

  “Let her go, Smith. I’ll let you drive away from here if you do. But if you push this, you’ll get yours.”

  Smith gripped the woman tighter. He knew what Shelby said was a ploy, a lie. He’d never be allowed to leave here alive. And he wasn’t sure he wanted to. He was going to finish this. If he couldn’t have her, no one could.

  “What do you want with her?” Shelby said. “What is she to you?”

  Smith understood Shelby was trying to keep him talking. It was a negotiation strategy. Keep stringing it out until a solution develops. Keep the person talking. Smith resented being subjected to something so transparent, but it didn’t matter. No one was coming to save them. There was no SWAT moving up to take him out, no ticking clock. The man was feeling desperate.

  “If it weren’t for you, she could live,” Smith said. “And happily. With me.”

  “You’re delusional, you piece of shit.” The woman’s voice was raspy from Smith’s early stranglehold.

  “What are you talking about, Smith?” Shelby said. “Perhaps we can come to terms.”

  Smith gave the woman a jab in the back for laughing. She grunted and tried to twist away, but he held her. Shelby thought him an idiot and seemed to think he could play some psychological game with him. Perhaps find common ground. Smith almost laughed aloud. People were so arrogant. He’d always been able to see right through them. But, why not? Let Shelby have his little fun and think he was getting somewhere. Let Shelby play psychiatrist until he realized he was the one being played. This could be fun.

  “What did you mean about her living if it weren’t for me?” Shelby said. This man was insane. Perhaps he could be manipulated into backing down. “You seem to have something specific in mind.”

  “Oh, it’s simple,” Smith said. “This woman and I could have been happy together. But you…you have warped her mind and stolen her innocence, her virginity. So much so she can’t recognize her soulmate.”

  Despite the dire situation, Shelby almost chuckled at the idea of having taken Carly’s virginity. He had done nothing of the kind.

  “Listen, Smith. I didn’t realize Carly had a soulmate. We were having a good time. If I’d known you were out there, perhaps I would have thought twice about taking up with her. If I were to bow out now, would you consider this matter finished?”

  “It’s too late. She won�
��t have me now. You’ve influenced her too deeply.”

  “But if I could convince her otherwise, make her see the light. What then?”

  Shelby saw the gears turning in Smith’s head but had no idea what they were processing.

  Finally, Smith shrugged. “Do you think you can convince her? Show her the errors of her ways?”

  “I can try.”

  “And you’d do that? For me?”

  “Of course! I’d never even think of taking another man’s soulmate.”

  “Well, all right, then. Go ahead and try it.”

  “You’ll have to put the knife down first,” Shelby said. “I don’t think I can convince anyone their soulmate is the person holding a blade to their throat.”

  “I can’t do that. You’ll have to do your best as things are.”

  “And then you’ll put the knife down?”

  “If she accepts me as her soulmate, there’d be no reason to kill her, would there?”

  “I suppose not.” Shelby turned his gaze to Carly. He knew she was smart enough to know what he was planning. He could already see understanding on her face.

  “Well?” Smith said. “Get to it. It’s cold out here.”

  “Carly…we’ve had a fine time together. But this man makes a strong case. Don’t you feel something for him? If he’s right…there must be something there. Don’t let me stop you from finding the one.”

  Smith’s stomach hurt from holding in wild guffaws of laughter. This was so much better than he’d anticipated. These idiots. These raving idiots thought he was buying into this.

  “I…I understand, Shelby,” the woman said. “And I hate to tell you this, but I was just stringing you along all this time. Waiting for him.” She rolled her eyes backward at her captor.

  Smith wanted to stab his knife right into those rolling whites. Maybe he would, once the fun was over. The lying bitch would deserve it.


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