The Howl and the Pussycat

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The Howl and the Pussycat Page 1

by Ann Cory

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  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

  Macon GA 31201

  The Howl and the Pussycat

  Copyright © 2008 by Ann Cory

  ISBN: 1-60504-071-1

  Edited by Heidi Moore

  Cover by Dawn Seewer

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: July 2008

  The Howl and the Pussycat

  Ann Cory


  For all the wonderful readers who have supported me over the years. Thank you.

  Chapter One

  Jacquelyn MacKenzie tried her cell phone for the third time before she finally got through. Ted, her boyfriend of three years, answered in his luscious whiskey-laden voice.

  “Lumley’s office, how may I help you?”

  In a breathy tone, she purred, “Talk dirty to me and I’m yours forever.”


  With a sigh, she moved the phone closer to her lips. “I said, talk dirty to me and I’m yours forever.”


  She clicked her tongue and signaled her car over to the right lane. “Yeah, Jacquelyn. Talk about a mood killer. Just how many other girls phone up and talk dirty to you?”


  “Never mind. Forget it.” The last thing she wanted was a fight. She had the entire evening planned, and damn, she would look fantastic. Ted’s eyes wouldn’t be anywhere but on her.

  The phone beeped and she hurried her words. “Look, the battery is running low so I only have a minute. I’m on my way to pick up the perfect costumes for us, and I guarantee you’ll love yours. Be sure you leave early enough from work so you have time to get ready.”

  “What? I’m having trouble hearing you—the connection is breaking up.”

  Her lips curled downward. Right then she wished they were breaking up. Their communication hadn’t been going well lately, and it made her uneasy. Not to mention it was the longest relationship she’d ever been in. Still, she refused to give up. All couples hit a rough patch now and then, didn’t they?

  “Look, I’ll see you at my place and we’ll go from there. Okay? Eight o’clock. Did you get that?”

  His reply came out garbled and then the signal went dead. With a sigh, she slid her phone into the charger.

  Jacquelyn adjusted the rearview mirror and tried to relax with some tunes on the radio.

  She hoped the Halloween party their company was hosting would do the trick in bringing some magic back into their turbulent relationship. Most of the time she liked Ted, sometimes she even loved him, except when he did the all-night drinking binge thing. Or when he came over just for sex. Like an idiot, she put up with it and gave in, sorry as hell the next morning when she woke alone.

  In every aspect of her life she gave off an air of independence, except when it came to men. She’d had this mental conversation with herself more times than she cared to admit, but in the end, it was her kind of normal. If she could still get a guy to come sniffing around her door, then she felt needed and wanted. Even if it meant some compromising on her part. She decided that starting tonight she’d make better choices and turn up the heat on her and Ted’s cooling relationship.

  Dressed in a daring costume would give her a chance to play the part of someone else. Someone she liked a little better. Unlike the corporate-climbing bitch she portrayed at work. Few knew that underneath her streamlined business suits and power pumps, lay a timid woman whose idea of letting her hair down meant a scary movie and munching on caramel corn. However, her shyness didn’t extend into the bedroom. She liked sex to be wild and uninhibited, but Ted tended to be passive. She desperately wanted to add some spice to their relationship and prove to herself that she hadn’t lost it.

  Jacquelyn patted the wicker basket on the seat next to her. Tonight she had some brand new ideas up her sleeve that just might do the trick. Filled to the brim with sex toys, she hoped the Big Bad Wolf would enjoy having his way with Little Red. The thought alone made her body shiver. Various sized and shaped dildos, vibrators, anal beads, feathers, blindfolds, handcuffs and nipple clamps made up the naughty contents, including massage oils and lubrication gel. Two hours at the Halloween party for show, and then an all-nighter in the bedroom. The perfect night of sin and seduction.

  Jacquelyn glanced at the clock and tapped the accelerator, racing through a yellow light in the process. Her gaze swung to the mirror, fearing a flash of police lights in the distance. Fortunately, the coast was clear. With only ten minutes to get to the shop before it closed, she didn’t have time to spare.

  For weeks she’d called around and searched online for specialty stores until she’d found a little out-of-the-way dress shop with rare and adult-style costumes. Ted had been especially gruff lately and the idea of him dressed as the Big Bad Wolf, seemed to fit perfectly. Even if he didn’t appreciate her gesture, he was sure to appreciate her costume. Red stockings, satin one-piece teddy, red pumps and a red cape. A month of weight lifting and extra time on the treadmill had whittled her down to a toned size six, and she was more than ready to show off her results.

  At four minutes to six she pulled into the parking lot of Cassidy’s Couture, wiping sweat from her brow. She slipped her keys into her pocket as she sprinted inside. Dozens of intricate masks hung on the walls, some looking downright menacing. Mannequins stood in various poses dressed in extravagant costumes, and sparkling jewelry saturated rows of glass counters.

  Not seeing anyone, she called out, “Hello, I’m Jacquelyn MacKenzie, here to pick up my costumes.”

  A woman stood up from behind the counter with a cloth in one hand and glass cleaner in the other. “Evening, I’m Cassidy.” She set the items down and opened a notebook.

  “Let’s see, MacKenzie… Right. Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf.” She flipped through some pages and then took a garment bag off the wall hook beside her. “Here are your costumes.”

  Jacquelyn sighed in relief and ran her fingertips along the smooth vinyl bag. “Great, I’m so excited. I’ve missed dressing up for Halloween and finally I have an excuse to do it again.”

  The woman smiled warmly. “I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting to play dress up. It’s why I opened this shop to begin with. Say, did you want to try your outfit on before you leave?”

  Her mind raced. She thought about the hour-and-a-half drive back home and how much time she’d need to get ready. If she wore her costume it would speed things up and, hell, it might even improve the mood between her and Ted if he saw how provocative she looked first. “If you don’t mind I’d love to wear it out. I mean, I know you’re closing, so if it’s a problem, I can wait until I get home.”

  Cassidy shook her head, strands of blonde hair falling over her shoulders. “I don’t think I’ve ever closed on time at Halloween. In fact, I’m still expecting one more person to pick up their costume, so please, be my guest.”

  Jacquelyn grinned, feeling like a little kid. “Thanks. The company I work for is putting on a big party tonight and I want to look
my best.”

  The woman winked. “Judging by your figure, and the outfit you chose, I don’t think that will be an issue.”

  Jacquelyn counted on it, and could hardly wait until Ted saw her. Even his royal grumpiness wouldn’t be able to frown for long. While he didn’t say it much, she could tell he appreciated her appearance. Especially wearing nothing at all.

  She crossed her fingers. “Thanks. Here’s hoping.”

  Cassidy gestured toward the far end of the store. “Dressing rooms are in the back. Let me know if you need anything.”


  Jacquelyn grabbed her outfit and strode into the changing room, wincing at her washed out features under the heavy fluorescent lighting. Carefully she pulled on her stockings, thankful she’d chopped her nails short the night before. The stockings came up mid-thigh and looked incredibly hot. She slid on the satin teddy and turned several times in the three-way mirror, impressed with how it fit like a glove. She tied the cape loosely around her neck and slipped her feet into the red high heels she’d bought earlier. Higher heels than she’d worn before. She loved the way they elongated her legs. If she still had time before Ted picked her up at home, she’d brush out her long, raven hair until it shone and reapply her makeup. Smoky eyes would do the trick.

  To give herself a glimpse of what Ted would see, she moved her hands across her body and up along her breasts. Playfully she teased her nipples and watched how they strained against the satin material. She half-closed her eyes and slid her hand down between her thighs, swiping along the crotch of the outfit. Her reflection showed a woman aching for an orgasm, cheeks flushed with color, and lips that begged for a big thick cock to chase her horniness away. Fuck, she looked good.

  Jacquelyn glided out from the dressing room with her clothes draped across her arm, and headed to the counter.

  Cassidy whistled and nodded her head in approval. “Wow. You look amazing.”

  “I think so too. I love it.”

  “Your guy is going to have a hard time keeping his hands off you.”

  She smiled so big her cheeks ached. “Exactly what I’m looking for.”

  “Okay, so I’ll just ring up the sale with the credit card number you held it with earlier and you’re good to go. Have a great time tonight.”

  Jacquelyn felt a wave of confidence hit her, and stood tall. “Thanks for everything.”

  She clutched the garment bag with Ted’s costume and headed toward her car, trying not to wipe out on the pavement. The shoes would take some getting used to. As she opened the car door, the rough edge of some peeling paint scraped along the front of her calf and left a small snag in one stocking. Sans grace, she climbed into the car and tossed the garment bag and her clothes over her shoulder onto the backseat. While cursing aloud, she rummaged through her purse until she found a bottle of clear nail polish. As a precaution, she dabbed a little around the tiny tear to keep it from running any further. It would have to do for now.

  Crisis handled, Jacquelyn started up the car and checked her cell phone for messages, smiling as Ted’s name came up. She kissed the phone and hit redial.

  When he answered in his usual spiel, she mouthed the words along with him.

  “Lumley’s office, how may I help you?”

  “Hey, handsome. Why are you still at the office? It’s almost six-thirty.”

  “I had some last-minute paperwork to go over.”

  “Workaholic,” she mumbled. Dating a successful businessman had its perks, and its drawbacks. This was definitely one of those drawback times. Still, she didn’t want to get into it with him. They could talk work later.

  “Anyhow, while we have a better connection, I wanted to make sure you’d heard me earlier. Eight o’clock at my place? Oh, and do you want to know your costume now, or let it be a surprise?”

  She waited for him to answer and thought she heard whispering in the background. Not wanting to sound paranoid, she ignored it and drummed her fingers against the steering wheel.

  “Listen, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I can’t go with you tonight.”

  Jacquelyn pretended she didn’t hear him right. The bastard knew how much she wanted to go. “Oh come on. Work isn’t everything, you know. It wouldn’t kill you to have some fun.”

  “I didn’t say that I’d be working. I do plan to go to the party.”

  Heat fanned around her face. “Okay, so I guess we’re having a miscommunication problem or something. I’m not following.”

  He cleared his throat a couple times and then spoke louder. “I will be at the party. But, I’ll be going with someone else.”

  All the air left her lungs. “Excuse me?”

  “Are you that surprised?”

  She tried to take a breath but her chest ached. “What? Yes, I’m surprised. In fact I’m goddamn stunned.”

  Suddenly she didn’t find his voice very luscious.

  “Not sure why. You and I haven’t been working out for a long time. I think we should let things rest awhile and see what happens. Maybe seeing other people will help us decide if we’re right for each other.”

  Of all the pompous, self-serving, asinine things to suggest. “I knew you were a jerk, but I had no idea how big of one.”

  She heard more whispering followed by a woman giggling. Her blood boiled. Good thing she hadn’t left the parking lot or she’d probably find herself in a wreck right now.

  When Ted got back on the line, his tone had definitely turned snarky. “I don’t see how calling me a jerk makes things better. You could try to be a little more mature.”

  Jacquelyn chuckled. “Mature? Me? Regardless of our problems, I wouldn’t suddenly say FYI, I’m not going to make our planned date tonight because I’m going out with someone else. How rude is that?”

  “Maybe not the best timing, but I didn’t know how to bring it up before. We’ve both been busy lately, and when I’ve had you on the phone you do all the talking.”

  “Someone should be doing the talking in this relationship. Fuck!” She tried to crush the phone in her fist, but nothing happened.

  Jacquelyn hated to sound jealous, but she had to ask or it would drive her crazy all night. “So, who exactly are you taking in my place?”

  “I’m sure you know her. Sophie Kernan.”

  She cringed. Sophie. “Sure, of course, the office slut. You can’t be serious.”

  “I thought it would be fun to hang out with her tonight. See what she’s like.”

  The only reason a guy went out with Sophie was to get laid. “Fine. Whatever. It’s your loss. Hope you have a great time.”

  “Don’t be mad. Nothing may come of this and then we can just pick up where we left off. Absence is supposed to make the heart grow fonder and such.”

  Her stomach churned. “Oh shut up. The absence is going to make me even more ready to be with someone else. You had your shot. Sorry I wasted three years on your ass.”

  She clicked the phone off and slammed it shut, uninterested in anything else he had to say. Glancing into the rearview mirror, she took a good look at her reflection. Pathetic. All dressed up and nowhere to go. If she went to the party alone, it would be obvious what had happened. She’d spend the entire night catching glimpses of Sophie in Ted’s arms whispering naughty little words into his ear. The office would be buzzing with gossip in the morning. A great day to call in sick. Maybe even for the entire week. She wanted to hit something, strangle someone and scream obscenities all at once. Men.

  Even more upsetting than Ted were the tears starting up. She hated to cry or admit defeat. Weakness sucked and so did getting dumped. Had he seen her dressed up like sin in heels, he never would have chosen Sophie. The whole idea of her costume was to get him to realize what a great thing he had with her. Brilliant plan gone wrong.

  Jacquelyn wiped at her eyes, careful to not smear any mascara, and blindly tossed her cell phone to the backseat.

  She froze.

  Was that a growl? She was about to turn
and look behind her when a car pulled into the next space over, distracting her. A man in a dark blue jacket got out and ran toward the costume shop. For a split second she considered returning Ted’s wolf outfit, but the humiliation of explaining the situation to Cassidy quickly helped make her decision. Instead, she backed out of the parking space and pulled out onto the street. It would be a long, miserable drive back. She couldn’t believe how cold Ted had been. All the times she’d put up with his selfish ways and this was her thanks.

  Not even ten minutes on the road, a light drizzle started that instantly turned into a heavy downpour, making it near impossible to see.

  “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me,” she muttered aloud. “Time to pick a new favorite holiday.”

  Before Jacquelyn had a chance to start up a solo tirade complete with f-bombs, she heard the same low growl she thought she’d heard before come from the backseat. She straightened and tried to catch a peek in the rearview mirror, a difficult task with the rain pounding the windshield. The blood rushed out of her face the moment she caught movement in the mirror. Or so she thought.

  “What the hell?”

  Jacquelyn went to take a second look when the car hydroplaned. Knuckles tense, she gripped the wheel and rode it out, doing her best to keep the car steady. Judging by the unfamiliar signs she passed, she realized her exit had come and gone. Shivers crept up her back as she heard something rustle around behind her. Not willing to risk getting in an accident, she veered off at the next exit and turned onto a gravel road. She followed it just long enough until she came to a patch of trees. God she hoped it wasn’t some rabid raccoon or stray dog. Before she panicked, she decided to take a look.

  “It’s just your imagination. You’re fine. There’s nothing back there,” she reasoned aloud. With the car in park, she counted to five and turned around, coming face to face with a large gray wolf.

  Jacquelyn screamed and bolted from the car. The rain pelted her skin and soaked her cape, making it twice as heavy. She looked back once and noticed the animal bound from the car and come after her. It let out a howl that reduced her to half-screams, half-whimpers. Why the hell did she pick to run toward the trees? She should have run toward the road and flagged down a driver, though dressed in her outfit she worried who would stop for her.


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