The Howl and the Pussycat

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The Howl and the Pussycat Page 5

by Ann Cory

  While nothing about them reeked of a threat, he refused to let them off the hook that easily. “Yeah well, we were, and you almost got us killed. What did you throw?”

  A shorter boy with orange ringlets shrugged his shoulders. “Just a rock. This place has been abandoned for at least six months, or more.”

  Baldric glanced over to see Jacquelyn hurrying into her clothes as discreetly as possible. She looked like an angel beneath the soft glow of the moon. His initial panic subsided, but an underlying anger remained. Anyone who jeopardized her life risked their own.

  To prove his ire, Baldric deepened his voice. “The rock you punks threw knocked over a lantern that started the fire. You’re all in a heap of trouble. I suggest you get help before this whole forest catches on fire. I’ll consider whether or not to turn you in to the authorities. Now move it!”

  Pale-faced, the kids mumbled a “yes sir” in unison and took off running.

  Satisfied, he turned his attention back to the fire. “They’re gone, Jacquelyn. I don’t think they saw too much.” Baldric let her have some privacy and watched the fire consume the cabin. Fortunately, the wood burned slow enough and lay far enough away from the trees. “Good thing it rained. The damp ground will help keep the fire from spreading.”

  A sharp pain distracted him a moment and he glimpsed his arm. Several small shards of glass were deeply embedded into his skin. He turned his back to the tree so Jacquelyn wouldn’t see what he was about to do. One by one, he yanked them out, grimacing each time. “That’s going to leave a mark.”

  Despite the heat, a chill suddenly passed through him. A strange scent hit him. An odor far stronger than that of the burning cabin. A scent that raised the hairs on the back of his neck. Baldric glanced toward Jacquelyn and saw only the blanket lying on the ground. What the hell?

  Blood thrummed in his ears. “Jacquelyn?”

  His heart thundered as he walked around the tree and saw a second set of prints in the muddy ground. They weren’t human. Unease settled through his blood.

  Baldric tried to pick up her scent but found the other one strongly overpowered it. Sharp and metallic. A wolf that he sensed had tasted its share of human blood.

  He quickly changed into his wolf form, ears pricked up for any movement. The crackling of the fire made it difficult to concentrate. He followed the unwelcome scent a few steps and heard Jacquelyn scream, elevating his adrenaline to an all time high.

  In full speed, he tore around the corner of the cabin. He skidded to a halt at the sight of a large black wolf snarling, and Jacquelyn trapped against the side of a small shed. It sickened him to see the sheer terror on her delicate features, and he cursed himself for not sensing the danger.

  Baldric growled and charged forward, baring his teeth. The black wolf turned and met his challenge, breaking into a rapid sprint. In mid-air, their bodies slammed into one another. The other wolf had a slight weight advantage and knocked Baldric to the ground. Winded, he struggled to his feet just as sharp teeth sank into his shoulder. Immense pain careened through him, but it would take more than that to keep him down. He blindly snapped his jaws until he caught the tip of the wolf’s ear between his teeth. With a forceful yank, he tore it half off.

  The wolf yipped his anguish and released Baldric’s shoulder just long enough for him to get his bearings. He charged forward and wrestled the intruder to the ground, biting whatever he could. Images of what could have happened had he been too late kept his adrenaline on high. If need be he’d fight to the death, but not his own death. All that mattered was that Jacquelyn was safe. No one threatened his mate.

  Rage fueled him further and he chomped down hard on the wolf’s hindquarters. It yowled in defeat and stopped struggling. Baldric considered finishing him off, but changed his mind. He moved away and watched the wolf run off into the distance, tail between its legs.

  He quickly assessed the damage done to his body and licked his wounds. It had been a long time since his last altercation with an animal. When he saw Jacquelyn approaching, he scurried behind a tree.

  “Baldric, are you okay?”

  He shifted and then met her halfway. “Yes, I’m fine, are you okay?”

  A scowl covered her tear-stained face. “I’m fine, aside from feeling like an idiot. I didn’t know what to do. I was getting dressed and then the wolf appeared. I noticed a shed behind the cabin and I made a run for it. For some reason I thought I could outrun a wolf. How crazy does that sound? It seems my common sense has completely left me tonight.”

  He wanted to say something to reassure her. “Most people wouldn’t know what to do. You’re just out of your comfort zone. All that matters is that you’re okay.”

  “But I put you at risk. And then—”

  She paused and he couldn’t help but notice her eyes darken. “Then what?”

  “Why did you do that? Why did you hide from me when you changed?”

  Unsure how to answer, he shifted from foot to foot. “I don’t know. An old habit I guess.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “There’s no need to hide. It’s part of who you are.”

  Her words had a great affect on him. He didn’t think it possible to love her more. “I’m sorry. I worried it would bother you to witness. I guess it’s an insecurity of mine. Now tell me, are you hurt?”

  A faint smile lightened her face. “No, I’m fine. You just keep saving my life. Maybe it’s best I do keep you around.”

  God, he hoped so. “I’d save your life a thousand times more if need be.”

  She nodded. “I believe you.” He leaned in for a kiss but stopped when he saw her face visibly pale.

  “What is it?”

  She put a hand to her mouth. “Oh my God, you’re hurt, there’s blood!”

  Baldric glanced down at his shoulder and saw the deep gash. “It’s nothing. Just a shoulder wound. Don’t worry about it.”

  Soon as he said it, he was sorry. Her eyes turned stormy. “I will so worry about it. We need to clean it or it’ll become infected.”

  He couldn’t resist. “What, are you a doctor now?”

  Jacquelyn glared. “Oh stop it, this is serious.”

  His pulse pounded at her level of care. “I know how you can heal me. Put your hand over it.”

  Lips trembling, she hesitated. “I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”

  He raised his shoulders and shrugged. “I promise, it’s okay. Your touch will heal me. Watch.”

  Jacquelyn placed her trembling hand on his shoulder and pressed tight. The warmth from her skin soothed him. He felt his flesh heal from the inside out. All sense of pain and discomfort vanished.

  Full strength returned, he gave her a nod. “There now, see for yourself.”

  She lifted her hand and gasped. “How did I do that? It looks good as new, not even a scratch or scar.”

  “Your touch can heal me now that we’ve been together.”

  She turned her hand over, a look of awe on her face. “Amazing.”

  Baldric reached out and pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Now you saved me.”

  He watched her turn away, arms folded across her chest. “This has been some night. I’m feeling somewhat displaced right now. I think I need to spend time around my own things, just to get my head straight. I’d like you to come with me.”

  “Sure. Where’s that?”

  She turned but kept her gaze down. “My home. You don’t mind?”

  He was going to lose her. He knew it. “You aren’t a prisoner, Jacquelyn. If you want time alone, I’ll honor that. I didn’t want to let you go until you believed me.”

  Her face softened as he eyed her. “I do believe you.”

  Chapter Five

  As they walked through the forest, she leaned her weight against him. It frightened her to know how deep her feelings had grown for Baldric in such a short period of time. Not only did she care for him, but she couldn’t picture herself without him.

  Jacquelyn couldn’t stand the silence bet
ween them. “So how did you become leader?”

  “I was next in line to be leader after my father died.”

  She bit her lip. What a way to start a conversation. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  His stride slowed a moment and then picked back up. “It’s okay, I was young. I lost him the same night as my mother.”

  Her heart went out to him. “Sounds like you grew up fast.”

  He gave a solemn nod. “I was groomed first for several years, but yeah.”

  She smiled and clasped her arm around his. “I’m sure your father would be proud.”

  “I hope so. I learned all about pride, honor and love from my parents. Like you, my mother didn’t carry the wolf gene. She had my father change her after they met.”

  Jacquelyn drew in her breath. “Willingly?”

  He paused and faced her. “Yes, it was her choice. He would never have changed her otherwise.”

  She admired the loyalty in his family. It was a far cry from her experience. “Sounds like a brave woman.”

  His gaze turned upwards to the sky, as if they were looking down right then. “They were very much in love with one another. What about your family?”

  “My father passed away many years ago, and my mother’s in a nursing home for Alzheimer’s patients. She hasn’t a clue who I am, much less who she is.”

  He squeezed her arm gently. “That must be rough.”

  “Yes and no. I never really knew her. I mean, I’ll always love her, but we were never close.” Jacquelyn recognized where they were and glanced up to see her car. “Oh thank goodness, it’s still in one piece.”

  With his help, she hobbled to the car and grabbed her phone from the backseat. As she dialed 911, she heard sirens in the distance. “Sounds like the fire department is already on the way. We should probably go and let them handle things. Plus, I don’t really want them to see me dressed like this.”

  His eyes displayed amusement. “Personally, I think you look fantastic.”

  “You would,” she snorted.

  He helped her to the driver’s side and waited for her to climb in. “Are you able to drive with your ankle the way it is?”

  Jacquelyn decided to be honest. “Yeah, I can manage.”

  He closed her door and walked around to the other side. “What should I do with this?” He held up the wicker basket and she could only smile.

  “You can put it in the backseat for now.”

  His brow crinkled. “What’s inside?”

  If she told him now, her mind would be completely distracted the entire ride home. “Special Halloween treats. If you behave I’ll let you open it later and try some out.”

  He set it in the backseat and then sat next to her, gently closing the passenger door. “Hmm, sounds like a dirty secret to me.”

  Jacquelyn chuckled. “Oh, it’s dirty all right.” She started up the car and glanced at the clock. “I can’t believe it’s almost midnight. I think I’ve had enough excitement to last me a lifetime.”

  His hand rested on hers a moment. “I can assure you that more excitement awaits if you stay with me.”

  “Tempting. Very tempting.” Car in drive, she turned around and headed toward the road. “So can I ask you something?”


  She didn’t really know how to ask, but gave it a shot. “How did a wolf gene and a human gene ever become enmeshed? I mean, I’ve never heard of it before. What happened?”

  “It’s believed an ancient healer had great respect for the wolf, and worshipped it. The healer couldn’t stand to see the wolf pelts used for clothing by greedy humans, and demanded they pay respect to the wolf goddess. Of course, they thought the healer was a witch and tried to kill her. As punishment, she decided to teach them a lesson, and vowed any human she came in contact with would live a double life as wolf and man. Making them one and the same. Allowing them to experience life through each other’s eyes.”

  She listened in fascination. “That’s incredible. Are there days when you’re sorry you inherited the gene?”

  “No, not really. It’s what I know. I imagine it’s the same as being born with a disability. You learn to live with it.”

  Not only gorgeous, but she loved the way his mind worked. “I think it’s beautiful that you can change form. I’m not sure that I’d want to.”

  He let out a deep sigh and turned away from her, mumbling, “I understand.”

  Jacquelyn bit her lip, afraid she’d sounded too insensitive. Truthfully, she didn’t know if she’d want to become anything else, it was hard enough trying to figure herself out as it was. Judging by his silence, she’d said the wrong thing and hurt his feelings.

  The silence clung heavy inside the car. She busied herself with memories of their time in the cabin. Not once had he come across to her like a stranger. Even his touch radiated familiarity. Tenderness. He didn’t ask for much, but gave plenty.

  Thoughts circulated in her mind as she watched the white lights of oncoming traffic pass by. Soon they’d be at her house and she needed to make a final decision. She owed him at least that. She’d always taken risks before when it came to love, but this time the stakes were higher. Could she live in his world?

  At a stoplight, she snuck a peek at Baldric. He seemed far away, staring out the window, his brow creased in deep thought. She reached over and stroked his forearm.

  “You’re quiet.”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “I’ve been busy thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “About how I’ve been so focused on finding you that I didn’t think about the consequences, the dangers, the struggles you would face. I believed I was enough of a man, a wolf, a leader to protect you. Now I’m not certain. Already you’ve been put in harm’s way twice tonight.”

  Oh no, he wasn’t going to push her away. Not when she was ready to stand by his side. “Yes, and you saved me both times. I’ve never felt more safe with a man than I do around you.”

  “But is it practical? Can I ask you in good conscience to live with me out in the wild when you aren’t accustomed to my way of life? I didn’t think it through very well. If something happened to you and I couldn’t save you, it would destroy me.”

  Jacquelyn patted his hand. “Knowing those thoughts exist in your mind makes me think even more of you. Let’s not forget, you didn’t know you were tracking a human. If I were a wolf, it would be simple.”

  “In any form, my love remains true.”

  She sighed. “I believe you when you say we have a connection. I feel it too. It’s why I’m putting it all together in my head. I want to be sure my decision is the right one.”

  “Take all the time you need,” he said with a distinct edge to his voice.

  Jacquelyn winced and turned onto her street. She wished they’d been stuck in traffic, or delayed somehow. Anything to give her a chance to figure things out.

  “Well, here we are.” As she parked, Jacquelyn noticed a black BMW on the street that looked all too familiar. “Oh shit.”

  His face paled a shade. “What’s wrong?”

  She had a feeling he’d go all commando on Ted if she mentioned anything. “Uh, nothing. Stay put. I’ll handle this.”

  “Handle what?”

  Jacquelyn closed the door and walked around the front of her car just as Ted staggered out from his. A beer bottle slipped from his hand, dropped to the cement, and smashed into tiny pieces. The clinking sound echoed into the night. She looked him over, all dressed up in some James Bond spy outfit.

  “Ted? What in the hell are you doing here?”

  A goofy grin spread across his face as he leered at her. “You look fucktastic.”

  Yeah, he was all charm. “Pardon?”

  He belched and clumsily moved closer. “Great costume choice. Wished you would have told me what you’d be wearing.”

  She wrapped the cape tighter around her body. He’d lost his right to look as far as she was concerned. “Thought you were on a date with wh
at’s her name…Sophie.”

  The corner of his lips turned down. “Yeah. Stupid bitch, wouldn’t put out. I spent a lot of money on her tonight. You were never like that. Always cheap and easy.”

  An image of gouging out his eyes with the heel of her shoe came to mind, and then vanished. She really didn’t want to ruin her shoes.

  “I see. So you thought coming here you’d get some pussy and all would be better.”

  His smile returned, dripping with mischief. “As if you would say no.”

  Jacquelyn groaned. She’d had more than enough of Ted Lumley and his shit. “Well, it’s my turn to surprise you. The answer is no.”

  Ted stumbled forward, catching himself on her shoulders. His hands slid down and cupped her breasts, giving them each a tight squeeze. “What, you want to play hard to get?”

  The stench of his breath nearly made her vomit. “God, you’re pathetic. Don’t touch me.” She fought to remove his fingers but pulling him off proved harder than it needed to be.

  Jacquelyn looked back toward the car, hoping Baldric would see her dire need of help, but he wasn’t even there. Just then the car door opened and she watched four furry legs hit the pavement. A handsome wolf was coming to her rescue.

  “I suggest you take your hands off me.”

  Ted rubbed his groin against her. “Oh yeah? Go ahead and struggle, it only gets me hot.”

  Her hero would have something to say about that. “It’s your funeral.”

  Baldric let out a threatening growl. Amused, she watched Ted’s priceless expression as he swung his head and caught sight of the wolf.

  “What the hell is that? Is that a fucking wolf?”

  Jacquelyn couldn’t mask the delight in her voice. “Yep. A big, bad wolf. Came with the costume. Want to pet him?”

  Baldric bared his fangs, revealing two ivory glints in the moonlight.

  “Hell no. Get it away from me,” Ted whined, recoiling from the wolf’s attack stance.

  Jacquelyn shook her head in amusement. “He doesn’t appear to like you. I suggest you go. He might tear you to pieces, and I’m afraid I won’t stop him.”

  “Heartless bitch.”


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