Savior (The Inteli)

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Savior (The Inteli) Page 4

by Hazel Gower

  Rolling, he moved them so she was on the top. Opal stared down at her fantasy come to life, a shiny hard-plated yellow skin, hunk of a man. Perfect high cheek bones, a strong sharp nose, full, soft lips, one of only a few soft things she had found so far on his body.

  Opal truly didn’t think it had fully sunk in yet that she was staring at and having sex with an alien. It was hard to explain and understand her instant attraction, but when she was with Danickra, she felt sexy, safe, and adored.

  Sliding down the bigger of his two cocks, she again felt the second rub her bottom. Arching into him as she rose and fell, she watched the look of passion and pleasure on his face, which helped push her internal fire higher. She continued her slow, leisurely pace until Danickra’s clawed hands came up and cupped her tits.

  . “I love your breasts. They are so soft, full, and round. I have never seen any as perfect as yours. Youmnda, your body is exquisite.”

  He sat up and took her mouth again, his pace quickening.

  “Danickra!” She screamed as she came and felt his tail-hand guiding his second cock to join the other. Opal felt the slow stretching and wondered how on earth he had fit both in before. He murmured encouragement as he kissed and gently sucked on her neck. The pleasure-pain intensified, but the high from her orgasm helped.

  Once both dicks were fully seated inside her she tried not to move, but he was having none of that. His mouth came off her neck, and he held her face so she stared into his dark passion-blazing purple eyes.

  “Look at me. Watch what you do to me. You taste better than anything I have ever tasted. You’re the most enchanting creature I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on. Wrap your legs around me because we are about to come again.”

  She did as he asked, giving a squeak when he stood up and moved her against the wall. He braced her arms against the hard surface and started hammering into her, his pace so frantic. “Oh. Danickra, let me … oh, I need … oh, oooooh.”

  Danickra roared his release, and his eyes never left hers. She felt warm cum fill her channel while screaming out her own release.

  In a hoarse voice he spoke as he slowly moved them back to the bed. “I have never seen, or felt anything as incredible as you. I’m never letting you go. You’re mine forever.” He brushed her hair away from her face and drifted off to sleep.

  Opal sat up and studied him for a while, touching his shiny hard-plated skin, and traced down his chest, stopping at his long, sharp claws. She was surprised he hadn’t hurt her with them. Every time he touched her he was always so gentle and careful. Even when they made love she noticed he was so careful. She paused. Oh, I’m worrying about an alien being gentle. Opal lay down and stared at the roof. How long have I been here? She hadn’t asked how long she and Heather had been out. Shit! Heather.

  Opal slowly and carefully got off the bed and slipped on the flimsy shirt she’d woken up in early. She looked around the room for any sign of an entry point. She couldn’t see anything. Heather would probably be freaking out right now.

  Opal tried to remember which wall they’d come in from. She studied every panel, but she was too scared to touch them in case she did something dangerous. Surely an advanced civilization probably told a door to open and it did, so she went to every side of the room and said that as many ways as she could think of.

  “Open. Open, sesame. Slide, Abracadbra. Let me out. Let me out, please.”

  She heard a chuckle behind her when she said. “Let me out now, you stupid ship. I swear if you don’t I will find a way to melt you down, or how about turn you into scrap metal.” She stomped her foot before she heard his chuckle turn into a laugh.

  Turning, she glared at Danickra spread out on the bed laughing at her. “It is not funny. How do you open the fucking doors?”

  He smiled at her, and with slick movements slowly got up and came to her. “Why is it so important for you to get out?” He walked to her pulling her stiff body up against his hard one. One sharp claw lifted her chin, and she looked into his eyes.

  “I need to get to Heather. She’s not like me. This will probably be making her freak out, and she will be worried about me.”

  He pulled her closer and tightened his embrace. “Let’s go. I should have told you this earlier, but … every time I see you I want you, and when you touch me it’s like a fire ignites and I forget everything.”

  He seemed to let out a deep breath and lean down, resting his head against her forehead. “Salamanda called me to command while you were asleep earlier, as it seems your friend figured out before you that we are not humans as you thought, but aliens. She attacked him, and because you are so fragile and breakable he didn’t fight back. He just retreated. He tried to explain to her. The only problem was the communication devices hadn’t been finished yet.”

  Opal pushed against him, angry that he hadn’t told her about this earlier, or before they’d had sex. “What do you mean she attacked him? Where is Heather? Is she okay?” She punched his chest and regretted it immediately as pain ricocheted up her arm. Shaking her hand now throbbing hand, she swore and tried to move out of his arms, but he only loosened his hold.

  “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier? Take me to her now.” She stomped her foot, hoping he would understand how angry she was.

  He nodded and pressed one of the buttons in the wall, grabbed her hand and walked down the hall.


  Opal didn’t know how he navigated the halls because they all looked the same to her. They stopped in front of a panel, and even from outside she could hear Heather yelling. He stood in front of her as he reached over and touched a pink button with a diamond shape on it. The door slowly slid open, and Opal tried to move in front of Danickra. Heather looked startled for a moment when she saw Danickra, and then Heather glanced at her, trying to get out from behind him. Heather charged towards her and grabbed her hand, and together they ran down the hall Heather dragging her along.

  Opal turned in time to shake her head and speak to Danickra, who was running to catch up to them. “No. Don’t follow us. Stay.” He paused, nodded, and walked down a different corridor.


  Heather and Opal seemed to walk down the same corridor a million times before Heather groaned and sat on the floor turning to Opal before she slid down beside her. “You do know they’re not presents from Ethan. They are real aliens?”

  Opal nodded.

  “I suppose you figured it out same time as me? When he undressed, and I saw not one, but two, long, erect cocks.”

  Opal felt her cheeks heat, and she looked anywhere but at Heather, who took one look at her and laughed. “Shut up, Heather. I don’t see what’s so funny. There is something wrong with me. Every time Danickra is near me I forget what he is, and worse when he touches me…” She shivered as her mind reminded her of the burning tingling sensations that coursed through her body at his touch.

  Heather seemed to laugh harder as she wheezed. “How on earth did you not notice his two cocks, Opal? I know you are, or should I say were, a virgin?” Opal turned her angry gaze from Heather as she continued. “Oh this is classic, so funny. Opal, only you could lose your virginity to an alien.”

  Opal couldn’t help it. She looked back at her friend who was only minutes ago scared out of her mind and was now laughing so hard she was holding her stomach. Opal joined in the laughter, because the woman who had read every sci-fi book under the sun, had lost her virginity to an alien that could be out of one of her books.

  A loud cleared throat startled them, and Opal turned to stare at a sky blue Inteli. She turned back to Heather, and they both dissolved into more giggles and laughter. In the very back of Opal’s mind she knew she was at breaking point, and everything was starting to catch up to her; but she told herself that if she didn’t think of everything that had happened, then she would be fine.

  Opal forced her gaze up to the blue Inteli, who seemed to be looking at them like he didn’t know what to think. They probably look
ed crazy. She giggled harder at that thought, and the blue Inteli shook his head.

  Opal studied the blue Inteli. He was magnificent, and her favorite color.

  He chuckled. “I’m glad I am pleasing to look at. It’s also good to know I am the color you like the most. Although, I don’t know how pleased Danickra will be to know I’m your favorite.”

  Opal closed her eyes and touched her cheeks trying to cover the heat she could feel. “Please tell me you just read my mind and I didn’t say that out loud.”

  He smiled as he held out both of his clawed hands. “May I help you lovely women up?”

  Heather looked at his hand, shook her head, and crawled back a step or two, slowly standing up. Opal looked at his outstretched hand, then at his sharp white shiny teeth as he smiled at her.

  “Come on. I won’t bite unless you want me to. I will take you to command, where two elder women are waiting to answer your questions.”

  Opal looked at Heather, who shrugged, then shook her head. Sighing, Opal glanced at Mr. Blue again. “Oh, all right Mr. Blue. I’m dying for some answers.”

  He gently pulled her up and kept a hold of her hand as he said, “I am called Zinoro.”

  She smiled and repeated his name. He nodded, and they started to walk the opposite direction they’d come.

  Heather trailed behind her and whispered. “What the hell did he just say? And how the hell do you understand him? Or do you have no idea and we are walking to our doom?”

  Zinoro chuckled, Opal groaned, pulled her hand from his, and turned to face her friend. “I have a translator device. You wouldn’t let them near you for them to put one in on you. I’m sure they will give you one, if you ask.”

  Zinoro paused. “Tell her we would gladly give her one. Where we are going now we will be able to get her a device.”

  Heather seemed to understand they were talking about her, and she snarled. “Opal, there is no way I’m letting them touch me with any kind of devices.”

  Sighing, Opal walked ahead and looked at Zinoro. “Let’s go. There is no point arguing with her. Let’s get to where you’re taking us, and we will talk then. Hopefully, these women can answer our questions.”

  Zinoro nodded, and they continued on.

  They came upon a panel with a small pyramid in the corner with ten different colors in it and paused, waiting for Heather to catch up.

  Opal peered around her. Everything looked the same, silver looking metal. “How do you tell where we are going? Everything looks the same. The only differences I have seen have been tiny colored shapes.”

  Zinoro smiled showing his sharp white teeth. Opal thought he was trying to show he was nice and not harmful, but the smile, although it made him very handsome, also showed another difference between Inteli and humans. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. We use it for one major reason, that if an enemy boarded the ship it would confuse them and make it hard to find the important areas. Inteli see better than most beings we have come across. That is why our symbols are small.”

  He pressed the small pyramid, and the panel slid open to a room filled with activity. Twenty Inteli sat at different stations, pressing levers, buttons, and looking at screens. She was amazed that their gazes were able to focus on their job, because as Opal turned her gaze straight ahead she looked into the most fascinating place … Space. The screen showed pitch black with stars everywhere. They flew by large meteoroids, and she was sure she saw a planet or two.

  Frozen, she barely heard Heather comment. “Holy shit! We are not on Earth, or even close. Opal, we are in fucking outer space.”

  Shaking her head, she took a quick look around the room again, Opal’s gaze resting to one side of the room where a large table and eight chairs sat. Two women were seated at this table. One woman was green, the other purple. Opal noticed five different other color Inteli than the one she already knew of.

  “Oh my. Wow. You are all so beautiful. A rainbow of aliens. You’re not light colors either. You’re bright and fresh. Amazing.”

  Walking over to the two women, she stared at them taking note of everything. They were stunning. The two women stood, and Opal got her first look at a real alien woman. Tall and slim, they were the complete opposite of Opal. Opal had large, full rounded breasts. Both these women had small, barely existent breasts. She could see through the fabric that they had big pointed nipples. Their bodies looked toned, and agile, with long legs and arms.

  The green woman was slightly taller with short jet-black hair with a couple of light green strands through it.

  The purple lady had bright, fire-engine red hair, although there was a lot of light purple through it. It was hard to tell their ages with the hard-plated skin on their faces and bodies.

  Both women chuckled, holding out clawed hands. The purple alien spoke. “I am glad we are pleasing to the eye. Come, sit. I understand your mates haven’t explained much. I’m Dannina, and this...” Dannina pointed to the green lady. “This is Uvinya.”

  Opal took a hold of Dannina’s hand, and she guided her down onto the massive chair they had just vacated. Dannina nodded at her and Heather once they’d both been seated. The two women then strolled around the other side of the table and sat in the chairs opposite Opal and Heather.

  Dannina and Uvinya sat across from Opal and studied Heather. Then they turned their gazes on her.

  Uvinya broke the silence. “You are quite alluring creatures. I can see why the fates have chosen you.”

  Opal stared at Uvinya waiting for her to say more, but when nothing more was said she straightened her back, placed a smile on her face, and decided it was her turn to talk. Okay, it was time for some answers. “Why have we been taken?”

  Heather tapped her on the shoulder, reminding her that she understood nothing of what was being said. “Before you answer that, can we make sure Heather can understand us all?”

  Heather’s pink Inteli came toward her with his tail-hand held out. Heather jumped in her seat shrinking as far away from him as possible. Opal stood up thinking it best she intervene, as otherwise they would never find out why they were taken. “Mr. Pink, I think it would be best if I put the devices in.”

  Opal watched as his massive shoulders dropped, and a loud sigh left his lips as he gently placed them in her outstretched hand.

  “Salamanda, My name is Salamanda.”

  Opal smiled to show her acknowledgement and turned to Heather.

  “She needs to hold still for a moment as you put them in and they settle in both ears.” The pink alien, no, Salamanda, told her.

  Nodding her understanding she relayed the message to Heather who looked at the tiny round machines, looked around her, then slowly turned her head to the side mumbling under her breath.

  “They seem to want us alive. You survived it being put in and seem fine. So I suppose I can have one, too.”

  Heather slowly gathered her hair out of the way. Carefully, Opal let one of the devices fall into her ear. Heather shivered and glared behind Opal, and if looks could kill, whoever was behind her would drop dead any moment. Opal slowly started to count to ten only to be startled when she heard something behind her.

  “The other can be placed now,” Salamanda said.

  Heathers eyes widened, and Opal knew she’d understood what had been said. Heather moved her head to the other side, and Opal did the same dropping the device in.

  Taking a deep breath, turning back and walking to her seat, Opal sat, looking at the two women. “So why did you take us?”

  Uvinya stood up and paced in front of them. “You have to understand you are our last hope. We have tried everything.” She paused, spun, and stared at Opal, her sky blue eyes alight with something close to pity. “Congratulations on becoming a youmnda.”

  Opal had no idea what she was talking about but nodded anyway.

  “As I said, you humans are our last option. We call ourselves Inteli. We live on a planet similar to yours, only our planet is larger. The Inteli have always been a
warrior race, even when we were as uncivilized as you fighting among ourselves. Eventually, we all came together, and our focus turned on exploration of the universe. For the first century we didn’t travel too far, but after that we ventured forth discovering and allying ourselves with many great beings.”

  Uvinya stood proud. She smiled and seemed to be in her own little world as she spoke. “We became the peace-keepers of the galaxy. Piracy was almost unheard of wherever we were. The further we travelled, the more we started to hear about a race that left destruction in its wake, and how no planets survived or its people when these beings became involved.”

  Opal watched as Dannina stood up and joined the other woman patting her on the back. “I will continue. Sit. It is too much for you.”

  Uvinya nodded, and sat, still holding Dannina’s hand.

  “One of our allies had heard that these being were heading their way. They begged for our help. Of course we came, thinking it would be easy. Show them how advanced we were, and that we were a race not to be messed with. As you can see we Inteli are virtually indestructible. Ha.” She ran a shaky clawed hand through her purple hair, let go of Uvinya’s hand, and turned from them to continue.

  “Well, we were wrong. Yes, we are the only beings so far in the universe we have met that can fight the Doomickro.”

  Heather squealed as a hologram showed an image of a vomit green, huge, seven foot tall, ugly alien. Thorns covered its body, and brown pus flowed out of what she assumed was its mouth and ears. Eight long thorn covered tentacles come out of a fat, round body with brown pus oozing out of it. The eyes were black holes that gave Opal the heebie-jeebies.

  “They’re hideous,” Opal muttered. Both women nodded at her statement. “But this doesn’t explain why you took us.”


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