Devil's Promise (Chaos Bleeds Book 12)

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Devil's Promise (Chaos Bleeds Book 12) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  She burst out laughing. “You’re jealous?”

  “Nope, protecting what is mine, and I’m not getting any younger. I can’t have you drooling over all the young stallions that come through our home.”

  “There’s no competition,” she said. “There never was.”

  Devil glanced over at her. “Then I hope you realize the same thing.”


  “There’s no one else for me. You’re perfect no matter what.”

  She thought about her body in the mirror, and she really hoped he was right. Doubt plagued her thoughts. She didn’t pull away from him though. Resting her head on his arm, she tried her best to ignore that voice that kept telling her she wasn’t good enough.

  For once she wanted to ignore it all.

  Chapter Four

  Russ wasn’t kidding when he said he wouldn’t spare any expense. The island was a dream. They had to be flown in via private helicopter, not that it was a problem. The views were incredible.

  Devil watched as Lexie basked in all the glory, and it truly was an amazing sight to behold. There were a couple of men and women waiting for them who gave them a note, along with instructions. The house was huge, of course it was. Fully furnished, complete with a pool, game room, and everything a billionaire could want and everyone else dreamed of.

  “Wow,” she said. “This is just … like something out of a magazine.”

  “Yeah, well, it looks like I can get this place whenever I want.” He dropped their bags on the floor and pulled her against him. “Now that we’re all alone and no one can interrupt us.”

  “I better phone home and make sure everything is okay.”

  She made to pull out of his arms, but he wasn’t buying that.

  “They’re fine. You need to stop worrying about everything.” He ran his hands up and down her back, and she sighed.

  “Fine. Fine. You’re right.”

  “Of course I’m right. I’m right about everything.”

  She smiled. “Some things never change with you.”

  “You’ll see that a lot doesn’t change with me, babe. Nothing.” He watched the smile fall from her face. “But, you’re changing. Something is up, and I want to know what it is.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Lex, baby, I’m not going to let you hide from me. Now, I want you to go to the bathroom, relax. Take a long bath. I’m going to put us something to eat in the oven.”

  “You’re going to cook?”

  “I can handle a few things. Then I’m going to come and join you.”

  “What about the kids?”

  “I’m their dad. I’ll phone them.”

  She nibbled her lip.

  “This is for you and me and I’m not taking no for an answer, so you may as well do as you’re asked.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine.”

  He slapped her on the ass as she walked away, and she let out a little yelp.

  “There’ll be more where that comes from.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “And you love it.”

  She winked at him, and he watched her go. Damn, that was a fine ass. He loved watching her no matter what.

  Pulling out his cell phone, he headed into the kitchen.

  “You made it there safely?” Angel asked.

  “You’ve got that right. Now, you promised me you’d help me out here.”

  “You do know over the phone there’s only so much I can do.”

  “And I know you can work magic. I have faith in you, Angel. Let’s make this happen.”

  With the phone on speaker he listened as Angel instructed him on how to make one of Lexie’s favorite dishes, spicy baked chicken with potatoes and tomatoes. Russ had come through for him on all counts from the house to the food, to everything. He owed him big time, which he didn’t mind. Lexie was worth it.

  “Bake all that in the oven for about an hour and you’ll be good to serve up and eat.”

  “Right.” He slid the dish into the oven. “Done. Pudding? Shit, what do I do for pudding?”

  “Check your fridge. Do you have strawberries, chocolate syrup, and cream?”


  “You’ve got a sexy pudding, and you don’t need to stress. Lexie will love all that you’ve done for her.”

  “Thanks, Angel. I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem. I can’t wait to see what we come up with for Valentine’s Day.”

  “How’s my son?” he asked.

  “Simon’s good. He’s a bit moody because Anthony won’t go over to Tiny and Eva’s, but that’s understandable. Tabby’s grounded.”

  “She is?”

  “Yep, she got in a fight at school. Beat the shit out of a boy. She won’t tell the school why, so they suspended her.”

  “Sounds shifty to me.”

  “It does, but they don’t want her going around beating up everyone. I’ve got to go. Take care, Devil.”

  He hung up the phone and quickly placed a call to Ripper. All the kids were fine, just as he expected.

  Now, he had a woman to go and deal with.

  It didn’t take him long to find the bathroom. Standing in the doorway, he watched her lie back, her nipples appearing above the water, most of her covered in a layer of bubbles. Lexie looked sexy as fuck.

  Removing his leather cut, he began to strip down. He couldn’t remember the last time they were alone together.

  They always had to be quiet so they didn’t wake the kids. Lexie wasn’t usually a quiet woman, and now he wanted to hear his name screamed from her lips, echoing around the room.

  Entering the bathroom, his cock stood out rock-hard and ready for her.

  She opened her eyes and smiled up at him. “I can tell what’s on your mind.”

  “Budge forward then.”

  “This is my bath,” she said.

  “And now I need to clean you up.”

  “Something smells good,” she said.

  “It’ll smell better in fifty minutes.” Climbing into the water, he wrapped his arms around her, and he noticed she placed her hand between his and her stomach.

  For the past couple of weeks, he’d noticed these little changes in Lexie. She wouldn’t change in the bedroom if he was there and the light was on. She’d take her clothes into the bathroom, even her pajamas. Whenever he got to touch her, the light would be turned off, or she’d complain of a headache.

  He didn’t like fucking in the dark. Never had.

  When he took Lexie, he liked to see his cock sliding inside her naked pussy lips, fucking her, taking her again and again. It was one of the reasons she ended up pregnant so often. He just couldn’t get enough of her.

  Taking hold of her wrist, he locked them both together and held her hands above her head.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she asked.

  “I could say the same to you. Why are you constantly trying to avoid my touch? Do I not do it for you anymore, baby?”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, believe me, I do. More than you even know.”


  With her hands locked above her head, there was no way of escaping. Lexie should have known that Devil would see and know something was up. He held her wrists together in one of his and then ran his other hand down her body. He started at her shoulder then down to cup her tit.

  He circled the hardened bud with the tip of a finger.

  “There’s my girl. Sexy, hot, and wanting me. Now I don’t know what has gotten into you of late. You won’t change in front of me, nor will you let me fuck you with the light on. You think I don’t notice these things, but I do. Believe me, I fucking do, and it’s tearing me apart to see you like this.” He traced a finger across the valley between her tits, circling her other nipple.

  She was so sensitive that an answering wave of pleasure rushed over her. Her clit started to pulse, and she wanted him so much.

  Devil always knew what to d
o to make her body come alive and to make her want him. Not that it was hard to do, she always wanted him. He stopped teasing her nipples to cup her tits. Suddenly he stopped and held both of her hands and wrapped them around his neck so that she was holding onto him.

  “You do not let go. If you do and try and stop me, I won’t let you come for the entire night, do you understand?”

  She whimpered. “Devil.”

  “Yes or no?”


  “Good. I’m going to play with you, and I don’t want you arguing with me, understand? I know what you need, and I’m going to be the one to give it to you just like I am always going to give it to you.”

  He kissed her neck, sucking on her pulse. Closing her eyes, she let herself go.

  “Now,” he said, putting his hands on her hips. “Let’s start at the beginning. Ah, yes, Lexie, you’re my wife. The mother of all of my children. The very reason I fucking breathe at times. Why are you hiding yourself from me?”

  “I don’t mean to.”

  He pinched her nipples, making her cry out. “Don’t lie to me.”

  She loved the pleasure and pain. It had been so long since they could have this. She didn’t want it to stop.

  “I’m not young anymore. I’m not a stripper anymore.”

  “Baby, you’ve not been a stripper in a long time. You’re all mine. I don’t share what’s mine.”

  “You’re … what if you don’t want me?” She tilted her head back, looking at him. If he wanted the truth, she’d give it to him. “I’m not a fool, Devil. I know some men in clubs take on extra women. Screw the sweet-butts and never commit to their wives.” She groaned. “Damn, I didn’t want to tell you this.”

  She released his neck and stood up. She got out of the tub, dripping wet, and was about to grab a towel when Devil picked her up around the waist and carried her through to the bedroom. He held her as if she weighed nothing.

  “Let me go, Devil.”

  “Not happening, babe.” He dropped her to the bed but didn’t let her go alone. He followed her right down, capturing her hands in his.

  “You can’t do this,” she said.

  “Actually, I kind of am, and you’re not going to argue.”

  He straddled her waist, and she stared up at him, wriggling.

  “You know, you look so fucking sexy. Those tits bouncing. I really do love your tits, Lexie.”

  “Can’t we talk about this?”

  “I want to talk about this. Don’t get me wrong, I think your reasoning is so fucking stupid, but I’m happy to talk about this. You think I’ve got a problem with you getting older? With you getting fuller?”

  “I’m not the same woman you met.”

  “No, and I’m not the same man that busted down your apartment door, but I’m not going to run and hide. I expected more of you, Lex.”

  She gritted her teeth, staring up at him.

  “We’re in this together. You and me. A team, a partnership. It’s us, and it will always be us against those fucking kids. You’re the one person in the world that I cannot live without. I’m fucking insulted that you’d even think so low as me to even take a woman on the side. Even now, my dick is hard for you, and only you. Other women don’t even register on my radar. I don’t even know what to say to this shit now. When have I ever given you a reason to fucking doubt me?”

  Tears filled her eyes as she saw the pain that Devil would only ever let her see. She had hurt him. Her doubt had cut him deep.


  “Before I met you, I didn’t give a fuck about anyone. Kayla didn’t mean anything. When I found out I had a kid, I couldn’t give a fuck. He was mine, and I was going to do right by him. No matter what anyone said. Then I saw you at that club, and I wanted you. I’ve never wanted or craved a woman like I do you. These feelings, they don’t go away, Lex. They only get stronger. I think about you all the time. If you must know, my feelings for you are getting stronger every single day that we’re together. That’s how I feel. The way you look, the shape of your body, to me you are and will always be perfect.” He shook his head. “I’m going to check on dinner.”

  He climbed off her, leaving her feel open and raw.

  She had hurt him, and now she felt like the worst person in the world. She had to fix this.

  Chapter Five

  The chicken was done, but right now, Devil was so fucking pissed off. This hadn’t been his plan for a romantic getaway. This was supposed to be his and Lexie’s time with each other. How could she even think he’d want someone else? He’d never in all the years together given her any reason to doubt him.

  Fuck, he’d even surprised himself.

  Lexie had changed him. No matter how cliché it sounded, she had made him a better fucking man. He strived to be the kind of man she deserved.

  Checking dinner, he saw it was cooked, and pulled it out. He was completely naked, but right then, he didn’t care. If Russ had cameras in this place, he’d kill him, simple as that. He’d gladly shed some blood right about now.

  He placed the chicken on the counter just as Lexie came in. She wore a robe, and he wasn’t happy. “I made you your favorite.”

  “How did you know how to cook it?”

  “I have my means.” He gripped the edge of the counter. Silence stretched between them, and he hated that. They never were like this with each other. They could always share their secrets, their pains, their problems.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “When did you start feeling this way?” he asked.

  “After the picnic. It’s stupid.”

  “No, it’s not stupid.”

  She looked around her. “This is really not our place.”

  “I know, but I wanted the best for you. I love you, Lexie. I always have.” He stared at the food, his stomach rumbling.

  “I didn’t mean to say that stuff. I really shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “No, I want you to be honest with me. It’s the only way I can know what is going on with you.”

  He grabbed them some plates and a serving spoon and started to portion their food. Placing one in front of Lexie, he took a seat on the chair.

  “You’re not going to put any clothes on?”

  “I’m on vacation with my wife. I’m not planning on wearing any clothes. You really didn’t need to pack me anything.”

  She chuckled. “It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to sit naked.”

  “I am sitting naked. You’re not.”

  He saw her cheeks heat and then watched as she unbelted the robe and let it fall down all around her. Some of the robe stayed on the seat, protecting her butt.

  “Perfect,” he said.

  “I didn’t want to hurt you.”

  “I know.”

  “I just … it’s hard, you know. I guess you don’t.”

  “You think I don’t get it. We’ve got an age difference here, Lex. I came into your life an old man. That hasn’t changed. I’m getting older, and you’re beautiful. Any man would be so fucking happy to have you at their side. I know what I’ve got, and I’ve no intention of ever screwing that shit up. You can believe me or not, but I told you, I’m in this for life. My dick has your name on it. Always. Now, try your food.”

  He watched as Lexie took a bite. Her eyes went wide. “Wow, that’s actually really good.”

  “Don’t sound so surprised. I had Angel talk me through it. I can follow instructions.”

  He took a bite and was rather impressed. The meal was perfect. The seduction though needed a lot of work.

  They finished their meal in silence, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Over the years they’d shared many meals in silence. Once they were finished, he made Lexie sit down while he did the dishes, catching her eyeing his ass.

  Afterward, he took her hand and led her through to the sitting room. He moved the coffee table out of the way and took a seat. When Lexie made to sit with him, he shook his head. “I want you to show me wher
e you think there’s a problem.”


  He stood up. “I have wrinkles, and my ass is a bit saggy now. I see myself aging. What don’t you like on me?”

  “I love every single part of you, and you know it.”

  Stepping up to her, he took her hands. “Then why can’t you accept that I love every single part of you?” He kissed her knuckles on each hand. Sinking to his knees before her, he pressed a kiss to her rounded stomach. “Why can’t you accept that I love you the way you are? That you turn me on being this way.”

  He grabbed her ass before pressing his face against her pussy. Breathing her in, he only scented his woman. The love of his life.

  Lexie was the only person in the world to him that he’d ever be like this with.

  “I hate myself right about now,” she said, her fingers stroking through his hair.

  “Don’t hate yourself.” He kissed her stomach, moving her back so that she sat on the chair. “Tell me what you hate about yourself? What you think I don’t like?”

  “I’m older.”

  “We’ve been together a long time. If I was only interested in your age, I’d have been looking for a newer model years ago.”

  “Devil,” she said.

  “I’m being honest. It’s not your age or your looks, or your tits and ass that I like. I love you, Lexie, the entire package, and if I have to spend this time with you proving it to you, then I will. I will do anything for you.”

  She cupped his cheek. “I believe you. I can’t believe I would even think for a second that you’d cheat. I know you wouldn’t. I trust you. I love you so much.”

  “Good. I love you too. For the rest of this vacation you’re going to prove it to me by not wearing a single thing.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Yeah, you can. It’s just you and me. I want to see my wife naked. I want to watch her run down the beach with nothing between us. Come on, we’ve got nothing to lose. No kids to barge in. What do you say?”


  Staring into his eyes, Lexie knew he wouldn’t lie to her. The doubts she had were all her fault. Not once had he given her reason to believe that he was wrong.

  “Yes,” she said. “I want to have this with you.” She sat up, cupping his cheek. Pressing her lips against his, she moaned as he gripped the back of her head, kissing her harder, their teeth clashing with their need for each other.


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