On Location

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On Location Page 16

by Sarah Echavarre Smith

I let out a soft chuckle. “Okay,” I pant-whisper. “You win.”

  “Win what?”

  My elbows wobble so I lie back down, then coax him to crawl back up to me so we can cuddle.

  “You win . . . the unofficial contest . . . against my shower massager. And every sex toy I’ve ever owned,” I say between breaths. I swallow. “You are unquestionably superior. Like, hands down.”

  His head falls back in a laugh, but then he quickly covers his mouth. He cuddles me against his chest and nuzzles the top of my head. “I am beyond honored.”

  Closing my eyes, I smile into his bare chest. Then I feel that unmistakable hardness against my thigh. I tilt my head up to look up at him, wondering if he can see the grin spreading across my face.

  “My turn?” I say before kissing him.

  “I don’t want you to feel like you have to,” he says between slow, long kisses. “Like you have to return the favor or anything like that. I honestly just really wanted to do it.”

  I swallow back an “aww” noise. It’s refreshing to be with a guy who is generous in bed instead of expecting things in return. It’s also the biggest turn-on.

  I press a kiss to the hinge of his jaw. “I want to. I want you in my mouth.”

  His eyes shine even brighter in the darkness, and I could swear I feel him get even harder. “Well. How could I say no to that?”

  I leave him with a kiss on the mouth, then shimmy my way down. I push the sleeping bag aside, then settle between his legs and pull down his shorts. Even in the dark, I can discern Drew’s impressive length.

  My eyes go wide. “Oh . . . wow.”

  His amused chuckle sounds above me. “Good wow? Or bad wow?”

  I wrap my hand around the base of him. He groans.

  “Really, really good wow.”

  And then I lower my head down and begin teasing him with my tongue. He responds with a swallowed grunt, then shallow breathing. I let out a soft, satisfied hum.

  It’s been a long while since I’ve had the pleasure of using my mouth on a guy. My demanding job combined with my lack of enthusiasm for the shit show that is modern dating has resulted in very few opportunities to do this, which is a shame. I’ve always enjoyed it.

  And now I remember why. Drew’s sounds set me on fire. The way he pants and groans, the way he slides his hand into my hair and makes a gentle fist, signaling just how good I’m making him feel. The way his words fall from his mouth, desperate and pleading.

  “Yes, like that.” He pants. “Just . . . like . . . that.”

  I hum again as he turns to steel. With both my hand and my mouth, I pick up the pace.

  He curses. “So good.”

  And then he tangles his fingers in my hair tighter, in that telltale way that signals he’s close. With a grunt, he finishes. Above me I hear him take a few deep breaths.

  I sit up, admiring the flustered look on his face. His eyes are wide and unbelieving. His chest heaves each time he inhales. Then he wipes his forehead with his arm before turning his stare at me.

  He smirks. “Get over here, Dunn.”

  Grinning, I crawl back next to him. He wraps his arms around me, and my eyelids weigh heavy with each blink. I close my eyes, wincing inwardly when I remember that we’re due to get up soon to film the sunrise.

  I ask Drew what time it is and he checks his phone, which is lying off to the side.

  “That means three hours until we have to be up,” I whisper, then groan.

  He squeezes his arms around me even tighter. Instantly I’m comforted.

  I yawn. “So you’re not annoyed all this fooling around means us missing out on, like, two hours of sleep?”

  “I’d give up a week’s worth of sleep for more naked time with you.”

  My entire body heats at how quickly he answers. Not a single trace of doubt in his tone. I can’t remember the last time a guy made it so clear just how much he liked being with me. He really, truly means it. And I want to hear it again.

  “So it was worth it?” I ask.

  He backs up, then hooks his finger under my chin and tilts my face up to look at him. His eyes burn bright—brighter than I’ve ever seen.

  He presses the softest kiss to my lips. “No question, Dunn. Very, very worth it.”

  I fall asleep with the biggest smile on my face.


  That’s a wrap!” I call out as we film the final sunrise shot at the Needles.

  I glance over at Drew, who’s the focus of Joe’s camera shot, then look away. If I look too long, that giddy feeling I’ve been keeping at bay inside me this whole morning will certainly take over.

  When everyone finishes packing up, I ask them to gather around for a quick chat. We huddle together in a small circle, and I commend them on the job they’ve done and thank them for their hard work.

  “It’s been a weird shoot, I know,” I say. My eyes dart to Blaine’s tent. I turn to Colton. “Blaine’s still passed out?”

  “Out cold. I checked on him earlier. He’s breathing but sleeping very deeply.”

  “Okay, good. Because I need to ask you guys something.”

  I take a breath and dive right into my proposal to secretly make Drew the new host. I tell them everything Drew and I discussed last night—our plan for his social media accounts, our idea to continue filming Blaine so that he doesn’t catch on, and how I’m going to pitch this change to the network execs once we wrap up shooting and have edited episodes ready to show them.

  Everyone stares at me with slight frowns, except for Rylan, who’s almost smiling.

  “I know this is a really risky thing to ask you guys,” I say. I glance at Drew before addressing everyone again. “And if anyone isn’t on board with this, all you have to do is say so and we won’t do it. We’re a team. I’m not about to pull something like this without the full support of the crew. When we take this to the network, I’ll tell them it was my call and my call only to make this switch. If the execs don’t like it, fine. I’ll take the heat for it. That’s my responsibility as the one in charge of this project. But I don’t want to do this unless you’re all on board.”

  Haley holds up a hand before I can say more. “I’m in. I’m sick of Blaine’s bullshit. I’m one hundred percent behind this.”

  I let out the breath I’ve been holding, relieved that I have Haley’s support. After all the years we’ve worked together, she’s never once held back on me. If I came up with a crappy idea, she’d be the first one to say so. But whenever I had a new idea that I was too unsure about to pitch, she was also the first one to encourage me. As nervous as I am to pull this off, she’s the one person whose support I need most.

  “That goes double for me,” Wyatt says. “Honestly, I’m glad you thought this up. It’s a great idea. The best way to handle this crappy host situation, honestly.”

  “I think so too,” Joe says as he reties his wavy blond hair into a bun. “We’re with you, Alia.”

  “We are too,” Rylan says, standing tall. She grabs Colton’s hand.

  He nods. “I think that’s the right thing to do. Honestly. I know . . . I know I’m his personal assistant, and I’m supposed to be loyal to him. But, God, he’s the worst.” He turns to Drew, who’s standing at the other end of the semicircle we’ve formed. “You’re a way better host. Seriously.”

  Drew smiles a thanks, then looks at me. “Obviously I’m in.”

  I grin and look at the ground. This is it. We’re actually doing this—we’re throwing out the playbook completely and it could totally screw me. But I don’t care. This is the right thing to do. I can feel it in my bones.

  “So this is what you two came up with in the tent together last night?” Haley says.

  Even though her tone is professional, I can tell by the gleam in her eye that she’s suspicious. I know she’s wondering if Drew and I got up to
something more.

  I meet her knowing stare with a professional smile. “Yes. That’s exactly what we did.”

  “We should throw you two together more often,” she says. “See what other ideas you come up with.”

  “I’d be down for that,” Drew adds.

  I swallow and try my best to keep a straight face. Then I thank everyone, and we get back to packing up our equipment and tents to head back to Moab.

  “Don’t think I didn’t pick up on that little look between you two,” Haley says as I start to take down one of the tents.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  I keep my eyes on the bright orange material of the tent.

  She rests a hand on my arm to get me to look at her. “I get it. You’re keeping things quiet because this is a work situation. I respect it.”

  I let out a slow, quiet sigh, grateful that she’s picked up on that.

  She narrows an eye at me. “When you’re ready to spill, I want all the details.”

  “Noted,” I say, trying to keep my face straight.

  She walks off to start tearing down her own tent. I spot Colton darting into Blaine’s tent to wake him. Drew walks over to me.

  “Need some help?” he asks.

  I shake my head, then jut my chin at Blaine’s tent. We both look over as Colton drags a very groggy Blaine out of there with his arm draped over him.

  “Actually, could you help Colton take Blaine to his car?”

  “Of course. But first, I just wanna say that I hope last night wasn’t a one-off,” he says quietly. “I’d like to see you again.”

  My cheeks are ablaze as I try not to smile, thrilled that he wants to see me again too. “You do?”

  “Absolutely.” He takes a step toward me. “I don’t want to come off as a creep or weirdly eager, but I’m not a hit-it-and-quit-it kind of guy. I really like you, Alia. And I want to spend as much time as possible with you.”

  My stomach tingles as I bite my lip. “I’d like that too.”

  I’m about to tell him to meet me in my hotel room so we can shower off this trip together before going at it in bed, but I stop myself. This is my first-ever series, and I’m fooling around with one of the crew members. I need to be smart about things. Because the last time I did that, I blew up my life and my job.

  “But I think we should talk about things first before we, um . . .”

  I trail off when I notice Joe is about to walk by toward the tents, gear in hand.

  A tad bit of the cheeky look in Drew’s eyes fades. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.”

  I take a step back from Drew, suddenly aware of how close we’re standing. “We need to be careful about how we interact in front of everyone too.”

  He purses his lips, then nods. “Of course.”

  “Meet me at that smoothie place in downtown Moab? At four?”

  “I’ll be there,” he says before jogging off.

  * * *

  • • •

  I look up from my phone and spot Drew as he walks toward me. I’m seated at a wrought iron table on the side patio of the hipster juice bar a few blocks from the edge of downtown Moab.

  I hand him the kiwi, kale, and banana smoothie I ordered for him.

  He half smiles. “A green juice just for me? You really know how to woo a guy.”

  I sip my acai berry smoothie. “We’ve been eating like crap this entire shoot. I figured you could use something green. Especially after all those Snoballs I’ve seen you inhale.”

  “Snoballs are the food of the gods.” He plops down next to me just as one of the workers drops off a plate of veggies, pita bread, and hummus.

  We thank her, and Drew swipes a slice of pita bread, dips it into the hummus, then narrows his gaze at me as he chews.

  “So what are we here to discuss, Dunn?”

  I straighten up and then pivot my chair so that I’m facing him. We’re so close our knees are almost touching.

  “I’d like to keep seeing you during this shoot,” I say.

  “I’d like that too.” Drew’s expression brightens, which makes my heart flutter.

  “I just think we should set some ground rules.”

  Drew narrows his gaze at me as he takes a sip of his juice. “Okay,” he says slowly.

  I chuckle and lean forward to rest my hand on his knee. “Don’t look so suspicious. I just want to make sure we both know what we’re getting into.” I swallow and sit back. “I just . . . I don’t want this to come off as unethical. Or like I’m taking advantage of you.”

  “Why would you think you’re taking advantage of me? I thought it was pretty clear last night how much I wanted you.”

  “I’m in charge of this shoot. I don’t want it to seem like I’m abusing my position over you as a freelancer on the set.”

  “You’re definitely not doing that. It’s not like you’re pulling me into the elevator at the office and having your way with me.” He tilts his head at me, smirking. “Although that would be a lot of fun.”

  I roll my eyes and start to look away, but then he grabs my hand.

  “In all seriousness, I get it. You’re the showrunner. But it’s not like I’m your underling. I’m a freelancer hired by the network. I’m not an intern or a PA. There are no lines you’re crossing with me. Promise.”

  I let out a breath. “Okay. Good.”

  “So what are your rules?”

  I slide my phone back over and pull up the notes I typed out earlier while I was waiting for Drew to arrive.

  “Damn. You made a whole list.” He twists to read the screen.

  My face heats. “Yeah, um. It’s weird, but I write out lists every time I need help getting my thoughts together. It helps when I . . .”

  I cut myself off before I say the rest, which will most definitely make me sound like a freak.

  “When you what?”

  “When I . . . can’t stop thinking about something. Or someone.” I pause, my face igniting. “Sorry, that came out wrong.”

  That warm smile tugs at his perfectly pouty mouth once more. “Don’t be embarrassed. I like that I’m worth making a list for. And that you can’t stop thinking about me. I can’t stop thinking about you either.”

  I bite my lip, grinning. I focus back on the list. “First thing is discretion. I don’t want anyone on the crew knowing about this.”

  “Of course.”

  “And I think we should keep our . . . private activities strictly limited to when we know we won’t get caught.”

  He raises his brow.

  “Okay, so you know how we’re all sharing that house rental the week we’re filming at Bryce Canyon? And then we’re sharing that condo rental while filming at Capitol Reef National Park? Since the whole crew minus Blaine is going to be staying in the same places, it’s too risky for us to do anything with each other. Someone might see us.”

  He flashes a pointed look. “I don’t know why you’re so worried about people finding out about us. The crew likes you and respects you. I mean, I’ve only been working with you all for a couple of weeks and even I can see that. They’re not going to think less of you for what you choose to do in your personal life.”

  I shake my head. “It’s not like that; it’s just . . . this series is my first big project. I want there to be as few issues as possible. And yeah, they probably wouldn’t care what I’m getting up to in my off hours, but I don’t want to take a chance. I want to keep my personal life as private as possible. I don’t want anything to complicate this.”

  Drew spends a few moments processing what I’ve said. “I get it.”

  “So that means we’ll have to abstain from hooking up while filming in Bryce.”

  “Fine,” he says through a breath.

  “And no sending sexy texts or naughty p

  He coughs while sipping his drink. Grabbing a nearby napkin, he wipes his mouth. “Why not?”

  I almost laugh at how whiny he sounds, like a kid being told he can’t have ice cream before bed. “I don’t want someone accidently seeing our phones. I know we both have passcodes, but sometimes when you send a text or a photo, it’ll show up on your locked screen and someone might see that.”

  “Fair point.”

  “And if at any point one of us is uncomfortable or wants to stop this setup, we stop. Immediately. No questions asked.”

  Drew nods his head in understanding.

  “And no talking about the future or putting pressure on each other about . . . expectations. I want this to be uncomplicated and fun.”

  He blinks, his expression neutral.

  “That’s okay with you, right?” I ask.

  “Absolutely. Anything else?”

  I shake my head and darken my phone screen. “That’s it. Just being discreet and keeping it in our pants for the Bryce and Capitol Reef shoots.”

  He taps his empty cup while I start on the carrot sticks and hummus.

  “Someone hurt you, didn’t they?” Drew says out of the blue.


  “That’s why you’re taking this . . . approach with us.”

  I lean back in my chair, mildly surprised at how quickly Drew picked up on this.

  I contemplate brushing it all off, but the way he looks at me, with sincerity and concern in his eyes, makes me want to tell the truth. So I do.

  “Yeah. Big-time.”

  “What happened?” he asks softly.

  I cross my arms and look off to the sidewalk in front of us, where tourists stroll up and down the street. “The usual. I was a typical naive twenty-something who fell for an older guy . . . and who didn’t realize for the entire year that we dated that I wasn’t actually his girlfriend. I was his mistress.”

  Drew’s eyes go wide. “Shit. I’m sorry.”

  I shrug. “He was a director who showered me, a lowly PA, with loads of attention. I thought he was genuinely into me, but I was just his young and pretty thing he kept on the side. I should have known better.”


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