Seduction of the Demon Hunter

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Seduction of the Demon Hunter Page 4

by Leah Grant

  “Tell me what you want.” Drake purred the words out. Delectable, over his knee and ass up. A great position to play and discipline. His cock was right against her. He wanted her to feel how she affected him.

  “I want you inside me,” she begged.

  “Your wish is my command.” Drake slipped his hand between her legs again. He pushed a second finger into her, then a third. Her breaths came out in little gasps as he withdrew to tease her clit, circling it until she cried out. Darna writhed, pushing against his hand. Immediately, Drake stopped, pulling his hand away.

  “What are you doing?” Her head jerked around, and she gave him a sulky look.

  Right then, he let his hand come down on her ass. The sound of the smack shattered the silence in the room. She arched her back in response.

  “Does that feel good?” It did for him, and his cock certainly wasn’t objecting. He followed with another spank and then parted her cheeks to get a good look at her pussy. So wet for him. Drake smiled with the knowing. Dinner had been good; now it was time for dessert. With little effort, he scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom. Once on the bed, he hooked the tie to the headboard, effectively securing her in place. Drake pushed her legs apart, then went down to feed. He went right for her clit, giving the sensitive flesh the attention it deserved. She called out as he licked and teased, but she wailed when he pumped his tongue into her hole. That’s what she wanted, needed. The more she reacted, the more he gave. The scent of her arousal drove him crazy. He could breathe that in every day. While his tongue danced, he moved his hands up to her breasts until Darna begged him.


  The desperation in her voice fed his lust. He would get there, but not yet. This couldn’t be rushed. They had all night. Drake went back to her clit until he felt her struggling against the tie. He pushed two fingers in, feeling her jolt. This was one oasis he wanted to languish in. His cock ached in protest of what it wanted. He fingered and tongued, wanting—no, needing—to watch her explode. She bucked and writhed, trying to get his fingers deeper. Drake moved up to her breasts again. Darna was so close, her eyes wild, searching his for release. He decided to give her a taste of her own juice.

  “Kiss me.” He claimed her mouth. “Do you like your own taste? I do,” he whispered, nuzzling her neck, then covering her mouth to kiss her deeply once again. He moved back down to her sex, using his mouth while his fingers worked their magic. Drake felt her body tensing as the orgasm washed over her. Darna screamed out, thrashing until he moved away.

  They lay together. Outside darkness had crept over the city. Drake gazed with awe at the beauty beside him. He untied her hands, allowing the moment to settle. Every ounce of him wanted to jump on her, but instinct told him not yet.

  “Take me.” She reached, playing with his chest hair, then over his abdomen, igniting him with her touch. Darna grasped his erection, holding him firmly.

  “Are you certain?” He studied her carefully. There had been no sign of any change that he could see.


  Inside her own mind, Darna was a prisoner—able only to watch and feel. Not that it didn’t feel good. Did she want Drake inside her? The truth was she did. No, you can’t. You’ll get pregnant. Darna panicked. Here she was a hostage in her own body and mind and could do nothing to help herself. From his actions so far, he didn’t realize it wasn’t her. Darna concentrated, trying to see what had taken over her mind. A sick feeling filled her being. Suddenly, an image flashed—burning red eyes and twisted limbs. What was that?

  “Are you safe?” Darna could hear how carefully he was asking. Obviously, the man didn’t want to come right out and ask her if she was on the pill or used a diaphragm. Hadn’t he thought to bring a condom? But it wasn't as if she'd been prepared and had some herself.

  “I’ve been on the pill for years. Now stop worrying and fill me up. I’m on empty.” Whatever it was had total control and could answer for her—even against her will. No, I haven’t been on the pill for years. I stopped because I was scared I might never get pregnant. At that instant, Darna heard a voice speak in her mind. “I know.” The image flashed again. Hideous was the only way to describe the creature with scaly, dry skin. It had talons where nails should be and hair growing wildly from different spots on its skull. Good God, what was it? She had to get back in control, but how? The thing just took over at will, and this was the first time she’d ever been awake in her own head during a “blackout.”

  Darna had no doubts about what was coming next, the two of them. How could she get through to Drake? Suddenly, a loud knocking at the door brought everything to a stop.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Drake growled.

  Darna felt something slip—loosen almost. It was as though whatever was holding her had a second of weakness with the knocking sound. She seized the opportunity. With all her might, she screamed.

  Drake looked shocked.

  “Why are you screaming?” He looked around the room, panic on his face.

  She was back. Darna moved her arm up and slapped Drake across the face.

  “I can make my arm and hand work,” she exclaimed, giving him a big smile.

  “Well, hurray for you.” Drake touched his face, scowling. “What did you do that for? Yeah, pretty obvious your hand and arm work. Thanks.” He jumped off the bed and she watched as confusion flooded over his features.

  “Is someone at the door?” This time, she wasn’t angry. It had felt good. The orgasm had been great, and she had managed to stop everything before they’d…

  “Are you expecting someone?” Drake spat the words at her. She flinched. Another loud knock shook through the apartment.


  What was wrong with this woman? In all his years of demon hunting, Drake had never encountered a person who behaved like this. The possession was usually obvious, and he was always able to deal with the extraction quickly and without the person getting hurt.

  “I’m naked. Would you please go answer it?” she asked meekly.

  Drake hopped along, pulling on his pants as he made his way through the living room to the door. His cock was on fire and his mood nothing short of fury. He grabbed the handle, wrenching the door open. No one was there. Frustrated, he was about to slam it shut when a large white feather shot inside. It floated, making its way along until finally coming to land on the clock.

  A chill went through Drake. Silently, he strode over to the clock. The feather lay draped on top of it. The perfect white image struck at his core. He knew what this was. He knew how it had gotten there. There could be no mistaking such a sign. Gently, he removed it from the clock, at once feeling the energy of the being that had sent it. With great care, he carried it to his jacket, sliding it into the inner breast pocket.

  “Who is it?” Darna called from the bedroom. She emerged in a housecoat, hair tousled and looking far too sexy for her own good.

  “It was the wrong apartment. You must get that all the time.” Drake kept his distance from Darna. He needed to leave, to go somewhere to think. The feather was a message and one he needed to heed.

  Drake collected his clothes, dressing right there with her watching. He slipped into his jacket last and with care, ever mindful of the feather.

  “What are you doing? Where are you going?” Her eyes searched his for answers, and he felt bad, but he had to leave.

  “I’m going home for a while. I’ll get in touch with you soon.” Damn, did that ever sound cold. He didn’t want to hurt her. How could he explain that he was being warned and summoned?

  Darna’s chin tilted up. She closed her eyes for a moment. “I see. You aren’t interested in helping me.” She paused, then glared at him. “Just helping yourself.”

  Drake went to speak, but no words came. What could he say to her? It looked awful, like he’d used her sexually and was now leaving.

  “Yes, I will help you, but first I need to go and figure out a couple of things. Please don�
�t look at me like that.” With all his being, Drake wanted to go over and take her into his arms, but he didn’t dare. A warning like that was not to be taken lightly. “I will come back. I promise.” Drake blew a kiss at her, picked up his bag, and left.


  Darna watched the door close behind him, then collapsed onto the couch. What had happened? Tears welled up in her eyes. How could she begin to explain that it hadn’t been her doing the seducing? Yes, she had enjoyed Drake’s mouth on her, and the orgasm was incredible, but she hadn’t been responsible. Whatever was taking control of her had been initiating the seduction. Why—she didn’t know. The knock on the door had been a life saver. There might not be one next time. Quietly, she cursed the fortune-teller for having caused so much harm.

  Chapter 6

  DRAKE hurried along the sidewalk, glancing about to see if anyone was around. What was happening to him? He’d never been this careless on a case before. Heat emanated from the feather, bringing with it a strange sensation. The need to be home grew, jangling his nerves. Drake broke out into a run. People out at this late hour stared at the large man running as though his life were in danger. Little did they know it was.

  He jammed the key into the deadbolt so hard he’d thought he’d broke it. The panic had become so overwhelming he slammed the door shut. Drake leaned against the door, then let his body slide down until he sat on the cold tile. The apartment was dark and silent, but Drake knew better. He needed to get hold of himself. Getting up, he took off his jacket and went into the living room. Gently, he fished the feather out from his pocket. Large and white, it shimmered as he held it. The feather vibrated with an energy not of this world.

  “I know you’re there.” Drake sat back against the black leather cushions of the couch, his eyes closed. He opened them to see the angel standing directly before him.

  “This is our fourth meeting, Nathaniel. Although you seem to be going by Drake these days.” The angel made its way over to the shelves, its movements fluid and graceful as it glided along. There was no sound, only the purpose of its actions.

  “You have a warning for me?” Drake didn’t move. There was much to answer for this time.

  The angel’s response was slow, deliberate. “Tell me, Nathaniel, have the centuries taught you nothing? By watching people over so long a time, did you not come to understand what it is that makes them weak and what makes them strong? I am disappointed in your conduct. When I saved you on that day, centuries ago, I did not intend for your time to become self-serving. Think back, Nathaniel. Remember.” It was a command, not a request.

  One thing Drake had learned over the years, if an angel wants your attention, it will get it.

  Drake let his mind drift back, far back. The seventeen hundreds. Yes, the angel had saved him. He’d been seventeen, and in the two weeks prior to his birthday, something had happened that had set his life on a course he could never have imagined. A demon had come calling.

  Suddenly it was like being there again, the sounds and smells of their farm flooding his mind. Fresh cut hay and the smell of his mother’s bread baking in their wood stove. It was like yesterday in his head—the voices of his siblings at the breakfast table arguing over chores, the donkey braying by the apple tree. Normal sounds that had filled each day and were now fragmented remnants of his past. Drake, or Nathaniel as he’d been then, wasn’t the most morally righteous person in the small farming village. The voice that had spoken to him in the barn that fateful day had left him both startled and frightened. “Nathaniel, come and listen to my words for thee.”

  At first, he’d thought it was his younger brother Jacob playing a trick, but the voice persisted. Drake sucked his breath in, remembering the moment when he saw it. He’d rested his pitchfork against the stall rail and went to investigate, annoyed that his younger brother was distracting him from his chores. When he went around the straw bale to find out who was there, he’d gotten the shock of his life. A demon leaned confidently against the wood rail, its red, glowing eyes striking out and into his being. The image of its dry, scaly skin had long since been burned into his memory.

  “You are remembering that day. It was the most dangerous day for your soul, Nathaniel.” The angel seemed lost, gazing at the late-night sky. “There isn’t much left from that time. I understand how difficult this task is for you to carry.”

  The rush of anger hit him hard. “Do you? You charged me with this burden when you saved me from that demon. So many years have passed that I cannot remember my mother’s face.” His voice broke. The pain seared into him and he stopped. So much had been lost.

  “That demon had seduced your being and was certain of the take. I chanced by you, Nathaniel. Your heart drew me near. What I saw in you that day was something I could not bear to witness: you being seduced by the evil darkness of the underworld. Once taken, there is no going back.”

  Drake knew there was only truth in what the angel said. The reckless, arrogant young man he’d been had listened to the demon that day and for the next two weeks. He’d been drawn to it, listening to the hypnotic voice as it whispered and cajoled him into submission. Soon his will had been drained and his strength lost. His family was horrified by his changed appearance. Once a rugged and strong lad, he’d withered under the demon’s dark torment. Food no longer had taste and sleep had become impossible. All he’d been able to do was hope for an end to his torment. It was on the day of his seventeenth birthday that the demon had decided to finally take him and devour his being. He’d gone to the barn before daybreak, as the demon had instructed. It sat waiting for him, its eyes alight with the fire of malice, a sickly smile on its hideous face.

  “Are you ready, Nathaniel Banner?”

  Drake had said a small prayer right before he’d left the house. It was at the exact moment when he was going to say “yes” that the angel had appeared. A white light had exploded into the barn, so bright the demon had thrown itself against the haystack, shrieking in pain and protest. He’d looked up in awe at a being not of human form. The figure stood, wings spread out and so tall it dwarfed all around it. An angel. The angel had drawn a sword, striking out at the demon. The demon had been wounded, but still alive. Drake remembered the dark form scuttling off along the path, the early morning mist swallowing its shape. The angel had laid his hands on Drake, healing the ills the demon had inflicted. There he sat, a seventeen-year-old, shaking and sweating, trying to understand everything that was happening. He had always been getting into trouble and catching a scolding from his parents, but this time his dark tendencies had nearly cost him his soul.

  He recalled his words to the angel. “Will thou strike me also?” The angel had considered for a long time. It had offered Drake the chance to make amends. “You must serve by hunting and destroying what nearly cost you your soul. This will be done over years and even centuries until the path can no longer be walked upon. You will not live as others, but over the ages you will endure, knowing you are alone in your people but not in your spirit. You must save those from the very evil that I have saved you from.”

  Nathaniel had panicked. Frantically he’d looked around the barn for a way out. Sighing in resignation, he’d realized how foolish it was to think of running from an angel. How could he ever escape from a being not of this world? What did all this mean? It sounded as though he would live on when his family was long dead. “But I do not wish to be more than my mortal self. I wish only to marry and start a family of my own. Please, Angel, do not forsake me.”

  “These hopes are not for you, Nathaniel. For until a moment ago, you had forsaken yourself and all around you. The payment for your life being spared must be paid.”

  And it had been. For so many years, for centuries, Nathaniel, now Drake, had endured and hunted demons. He had found his strength renewed with each conquest. He had survived, living through each new time period, adapting to the ways and dress around him, but always feeling the loss of knowing his time had long passed.
br />   The room came into focus once again as Drake looked up to find the angel studying him.

  “I seem to lose my way. Perhaps this is my nature.” Would the answer buy him time?

  “You have not lost your way, Nathaniel. You behave badly. The power you were given was to do justice with, to help rid the world of the demons that plague its very existence. You have shown yourself to be caught up in lust and self-gratification. You take advantage of the position you are in to satisfy your own physical needs. Do you not understand that it is now what will lead to your demise?”

  “Those women were well aware that there was no emotional commitment between us. It was merely a sexual exchange—”

  “Enough!” The angel’s physical form suddenly grew to fill the apartment. Drake pushed his body as far back into the couch cushions as possible. He braced himself.

  “Do you not hear my words, Nathaniel? You have become self-serving. The demon I saved you from that day so long past was one of the most dangerous of its kind. It was no ordinary peon, but a kingpin leader and had set its sights upon you for a reason. Did it not occur to you that I was not able to destroy it? Do you not recall how even wounded, it scurried off into the morning mist?” The angel’s face masked over with sadness. Drake knew he had failed at something big.

  “I remember, but I didn’t know it was such an important demon,” he stammered, feeling like that seventeen-year-old all over again.

  “You were chosen because of your powers. You have the ability to destroy demons, a rarity amongst humans. This is why it tried to overtake you, to protect itself and all its kind. It wanted to use you to do its harm. By harnessing your powers, it could wreak destruction throughout the earth.”

  Drake felt chills travel along his back and up his neck. He shivered. The angel’s words were true. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he was different. He had never questioned his ability over the years, simply accepting what he did as part of what the angel had charged him with in order to save his soul.


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