The Rise of the New Bloods, From Dark Beginnings

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The Rise of the New Bloods, From Dark Beginnings Page 5


  I sighed deeply, never have I heard that word spoken by a human before. For a few moments, I just sat here and tapped my fingers on the table. ‘What do you know?’ I said leaning towards him

  ‘Well, my name is Stride, and before you ask it's not my real name it's a name that was given to me by my biker buddies, and yes, I am a vampire watcher. I’ve called myself that for the past 40 years,’ he said picking up his drink, ‘ever since my Father…oh never mind that now.’

  ‘So what am I supposed to do... congratulate you? I said back with a hint of sarcasm. ‘What do you know of the New Bloods? Did someone send you?’

  ‘Nobody sent me as such. It's a bit of a long story right now, I will tell you again, but first thing first, the important bit, you ought to be careful now as by coming here the prophecy has now taken into effect. I am aware of a secret order that have been sent out to hunt you down...’

  ‘Hunt me?’

  ‘Yes Jyrki, they want the Ankh. Y'see I've been following you to make sure you don't get yourself into any bother. Call me a guardian or whatever, but even you should know how destructive that Ankh could be if it got into the wrong hands.’

  ‘Who is the Secret Order? And do they know I'm here yet?’

  ‘You know how you descended from Egypt right, and that your race was a mistake and Ramesses wanted nothing to do with the vampires? Well, after your father took the Ankh from Egypt for safety during the blood war, an aide to Ramesses, called Jafar, was ordered to ensure the vampires would be wiped from Egyptian history, but, and this is a big but, he was nothing more than a two faced power freak that has been searching for you for centuries. He wants something you have. That silver Ankh you have tucked behind your t shirt.’

  ‘Wouldn’t that would make him an immortal?’

  ‘Yes. He used the same ancient spell from the Book of the Dead, but he's not a vampire, not like you. Hell, we’re not even sure what he is. Now he is after the second part of the prophecy, which has been hidden since modern civilisation began. We're not even sure if it exists, to be honest. We had a tip off it’s in the Book of The Dead but at the moment we can’t get access to it, not even for a little look.’

  ‘And he wants that for what?’

  ‘To find you, find out how you will defeat him, it's all in there.’


  The post punk anarchistic sound pounded from the amps. I sipped on my drink, which I was duly informed at the bar it was in fact called beer. Well, whatever it was I needed it right now. The odd taste did not bode too well with my palate either. I winced as I swallowed the vile stuff.

  ‘Not to your liking then?’ he said, with a sarcastic tone.

  ‘It'll grow on me I'm sure,’ I said, not really convinced as I put the bottle back on the table.

  I leaned back in my chair letting everything he had just told me unscramble in my head. Of course, I knew about my history but I guess I did not quite know it all. Stride was very on edge as I had noticed that in the twenty minutes we had been here he had not once really met my gaze. His eyes flickered around the room, watching people as if they were suspects.

  ‘So this Jafar is in New York right now?’

  It took him a few seconds to answer as he took a puff on the cigarette he had just lit.

  ‘I'm not a hundred percent certain, but the uncanny thing is, the Book of The Dead is on loan at the New York museum now for some exhibit called, er, The Egyptian's and The Afterlife, or something.’

  ‘Is it really? So, the first part of the prophecy, where is that?’

  Stride shifted about uncomfortably in his chair. I figured he knew where it was, but seemed reluctant to tell me.

  ‘It's safe. Don't worry about that now. Let's just concentrate on getting the second part okay? Or we'll never know how this story is going to end. Just promise me you will keep the Ankh out of sight, ok. They won't be after you in daylight as I have a hunch they will bide their time with this. It's just a matter of keeping yourself to yourself for now, alright?’

  ‘What do they want with the Ankh anyway? What are they planning on doing?’

  ‘They're trying to get the Ankh for their own selfish needs. It holds the power of the Ancient Gods doesn’t it? Only someone with a pure heart can use it you see, someone who has a special path in life, but I’m sure they would find a way of manipulating it. I had heard about an apocalypse, but I can't be certain on those facts right now either. The twist in the tale is, you haven't been allowed to return it yet, because written in the prophecy is your name, as the one who will avenge them. So now we’ve established someone is after it, now guess why they want it?’

  I was almost too scared to say it. I picked up the bottle of beer and downed the last drop. ‘To create more vampires… I wonder if it's the Others?’

  ‘Others?’ Stride frowned at me and shook his head. ‘I don't know about them, but you’ve got it in one mate, and that's why I've been called. We've been searching for you since we found some information leading to your whereabouts. Now listen, stay out of sight and for fuck sake, try and act a little...Human.’

  ‘You know that's not going to be easy...Hey, so it was you I saw in Finland?’

  ‘Of course, I wanted to get to you first before they did. I owed it to someone,’ he winked

  I had not even begun to question him when he gulped down the remainder of his drink and rested his hand on my shoulder.

  ‘Don't look for me, I know when and if I need to find you, ok?’ he said, taking his leather jacket off the back of the chair. I watched him walk towards the exit until he disappeared in amongst the crowd. Now what was I meant to do. I sat alone at the table mulling over what I should do next. Night-time I was at my most vulnerable and I was slowly getting drunk, so I had no choice but to stay low in this place for a while. Still, I was so pissed I had not known about the Secret Order or whoever the fuck they were, also, he was still a bit of a mystery too. My head was all over the place and it was not because of the drink.


  I heard the voice shout from across the table. I glanced up from my drink and saw a familiar face from earlier.

  ‘Ah! Blaze right?’ My voice began to slur and I was only on my first bottle.

  ‘Mind if I join you?’ he asked, handing me another drink.

  ‘Sure, why not, just as long as you're not a vampire hunter.’ I laughed.

  ‘Eh?’ he said.

  ‘Oh I’m sorry, bad joke. You're better off paying no attention to anything I say. I don't usually drink this stuff,’ I slurred.

  ‘I can’t say I'm surprised to hear that considering you didn't know what you were ordering at the bar earlier,’ he sniggered. ‘And you had Raven the waitress lusting after you. Do you know I’ve been trying to get a date with her for two months and you walk in here and she’s putty in your hands,’ he smiled.

  My instinct told me immediately he was a good guy. I had no desire to drink his blood either, which was also a good thing. Maybe being intoxicated was the way to go.

  Numbs out even the worst in vampires.

  ‘Er, yeah I did notice the obvious, but um, she’s not really my type,’ I said.

  Blaze raised one of his dark eyebrows and scoffed. ‘You are fucking joking right. She’s hot,’ he said pointing towards her at the bar.

  I turned around to see her talking to a few other females sipping their drinks at the bar. One woman in particular did catch my attention.

  ‘Do you sing by any chance?’

  ‘Sing? Man, I don't think I could hold a fucking tune right now,’ I hollered above the music which just so happened had been cranked up a few decibels.

  ‘I see you can't hold your drink,’ he laughed

  ‘Tell me about it. My head is bloody spinning here,’ I said, picking up the other bottle.

  ‘Not often we get new faces in here. What it is my band, The Black Stones have been offered a few gigs with a chance of getting signed, but our singer quit on us a month ago...’

‘Me? Sing? Umm, I got a lot on right now...’

  ‘Sure, I bet you could pull in the ladies no problem though?’

  ‘Yeah, about that...I don't know if it's such a good idea,’ I said with a smirk.

  Curiosity was sure getting the best of him. He was about to ask me something when this pretty woman from the bar tapped him on the shoulder.

  I noticed her green eyes latch on me instantly as she bent down to whisper in Blaze's ear. Suddenly my chest began to feel a little tense as I smiled back at her. Simply beautiful, I thought. She was the most pleasing thing to my eye in a long time.

  ‘Erm, Jyrki? This is my sister April...April this is Jyrki.’

  She swept her long dark hair off her shoulders and reached out her delicate hand in a gesture. No woman has ever looked at me with such warmth before. Usually they were so transfixed by my looks or running away scared.

  ‘It's a pleasure to meet you.’

  ‘Wow that accent is awesome. Where are you from?’

  She nudged Blaze to move up and sat down on the chair opposite me.

  I was feeling a little nervous and for the first time that I was aware of I was actually overcome with shyness. My bottle of beer instantly became a firm friend as I took another swig to calm my nerves.

  ‘Well I'm originally from Finland.’

  ‘Yeah? Well your English is great, where did you learn it?’

  ‘I’m a fast learner.’

  She smiled. ‘So what are you doing here then?’

  Bloody hell, I thought. She can't half talk.

  ‘I just felt like a break.’ That was all I could think of to say to her right now. I picked up my drink and took another swig of the bottle. Right now, I was well and truly intoxicated.

  ‘Hey sis, leave the guy alone ok,’ he said with a laugh. ‘I got to him first. He's thinking of joining The Black Stones, aren't you?’

  I hoped he was joking.

  April laughed. ‘You're joining these guys? You must be crazy.’

  I grinned, still unable to take my eyes off her. It felt so good to be in such good company for a change.

  ‘We're heading back to my flat after the gig for a party. You’re more than welcome to come?’ Blaze asked.

  Should I?

  Usually humans were lunch to my people.


  It was early hours of the next morning when we decided to leave the club. Blaze was feeling a touch sober and so offered me a lift back to his place in his van. I was feeling reluctant to as the blood I had earlier was slightly wearing off. I did not want to crave the blood of someone I have just befriended. Therefore, while Blaze went over to the bar to speak with the waitress, I decided to leave.

  I was hoping I would go unnoticed but as I walked across the sticky, beer stained dance floor towards the exit, I saw April come out of the ladies room.

  Just keep on walking.

  ‘Hi, so you’re leaving then?’

  I halted. Part of me could not bear to ignore her.

  The rock music slowed down to a softer tempo and I heard the waitress call in the last orders of the night. Did I really want to leave right now? It was decision time.

  I towered over her, casting my eyes down her petite frame towards her skin-tight leather trousers. She gazed up at me; her eyeliner smudged around the contour of her deep-set green eyes. I felt a tugging feeling in the pit of my stomach and the urge for blood. I wanted her blood.

  This was far too dangerous.

  Still transfixed by her smile, I extended my hand and tried to string a coherent sentence together.

  ‘Um, It’s best if I do leave, but it’s been an absolute pleasure to have met you and Blaze though.’

  She brushed a strand of hair over her ears and nodded quite sadly. ‘Well, likewise, but you’ll be back here next time, right?’

  I averted my gaze from her pleading eyes and shook my head. ‘No, I don’t think so.’ As much I wanted to, it was not a good idea. The music stopped and my eyes veered towards her one more time. ‘I must go.’

  I thought it was strange how she showed no fear.

  I followed the crowd toward the exit and pushed my way to the bottom of the stairs. As I stepped out of the door, I heard…

  ‘Jyrki! Where the fuck are you going? My van is up this way.’

  Fuck. It’s Blaze.

  I intended to walk away but as I stood in the cold, wet rain; looking up at the street ahead I saw a very bleak future waiting for me. My instinct told me to turn around. It had been right so far, so that’s what I did.

  ‘April said she saw you leaving. So are you coming to the party or what?’

  ‘Could you drop me down to the docks first?’ I asked. I remembered when I got off the ship that there was a slaughterhouse just across the way. My throat was dry and I needed more blood, as I could not afford to get tetchy around these humans. Blaze did not seem to want to ask me why; he just nodded and opened the van door for me. I found him to be quite a carefree and easy going character. Before he started the engine, I watched him with curiosity as he tied his long dark hair back and put on his sunglasses. He noticed I was looking at him peculiarly and laughed.

  ‘It's Rock 'n Roll man...’

  ‘Sunglasses at night?’ I said to him.

  I should have thought of this before.

  ‘So, is April coming?’ I asked sheepishly.

  ‘Er, no mate, we'll see her later I hope. She had a call from work she did, so she took off about two minutes ago. I’ve no idea what for at this time of the morning. So, did you enjoy the pre-Halloween gig then? The Ramones were fucking awesome weren't they?’

  ‘Well, to be honest it was all new to me, but I thought they were great. I reckon it'd be awesome to play like them.’

  Well, it had to be better than my life anyhow.

  Blaze looked at me and smiled. ‘That's good to hear because we're playing in there for Halloween in a week.’


  ‘Yeah, you know, the night of the dead?’

  I laughed. ‘I most certainly do.’

  ‘Ok, here we go, not going to be too long are you?’ he said, pulling up by the entrance gates.

  ‘No, I won't be a moment, just have something to do.’

  ‘Okay, no probs. I'll just let the guys know I'll be a bit late,’ he said looking at a small strange box.

  I stood against the wall of the entrance where I could see the night shift workers loading up pallets on their vans. I sniffed. I could smell the tinge of iron in the air. I could almost taste it on my lips. I licked my dry, cracked lips and decided the only way to do this was to make a grab and run for it. The food was becoming too irresistible. I watched them hack and sever the flesh like a starved animal, just waiting for the opportune moment to sink my teeth in to it.

  ‘Break time!’ I heard the supervisor yell from the portacabin.

  Great, just in time.

  I just hoped I would not be caught, as I had no idea how to explain to them the reason why I was stealing meat.

  I had my eye on the box that was slightly cast in the shadow. Hunger was now getting the best of me and I bolted for it. Even with my quick pace, I could not dodge the attention of the Rottweiler tied up to the streetlight by the security office.

  ‘Shhiitt!’ I paused for a brief moment, giving the dog a nasty glare with my eyes, hoping it would somehow shut him up. It did not work, and he began barking at me even more. Slowly I backed away to the stack of empty wooden pallets, when I just happened to glance up to see the door opening.

  ‘Who's here?’ The security man came yelling out of the door. I crouched down behind the pallet in front of me as he shone his torch over in my direction.

  ‘There's nothing here you great big mutt,’ he shouted to the dog.

  I heard the dog whine and whimper to itself as the security guard went back into the office. I peered over the box and saw his silhouette sipping on his drink through the window.

  That was far too close.

  After a few bites, I returned to Blaze's van. I pulled the door open and saw Blaze sitting there looking somewhat spooked out.

  ‘Are you okay?’ I asked. Hoping he had not seen me eating. He had both hands gripped onto the steering wheel and was looking out of the windshield. He turned on the ignition and put his foot down on the gas.

  ‘Get the fuck in now,’ he demanded. He sounded like he was in a hurry.

  ‘Blaze, what's up?’

  ‘You'll never fucking guess man. You'd never believe it,’ he said, waving his arms about the place.

  ‘What? What is it?’

  ‘A vampire, a foul smelling, blood sucking bastard vampire, he had fangs and everything. I was fucking scared man, for a few seconds I thought he was you.’ he shouted, pointing at me.

  I slumped back against the seat feeling shocked with what I just heard.

  ‘Me?’ I said, forcing a weak smile.

  It was not possible that he saw me just now, I did not shift. ‘Are you sure it wasn't a trick or treater?’ I said, remembering he mentioned it was Halloween soon. ‘Y'know, someone dressed up?’

  ‘Well, if he was, he was one hell of a scary one; I would've given him a pint just to get rid of the stench!’

  ‘Where did you see him?’ I said feeling alarmed.

  ‘Not long after you went to do whatever. I saw him walk past the bloody window and the fucking freak even had the balls to smirk at me.’

  ‘Must've been someone having a laugh, I mean vampires don't exist right?’ I said, wondering what his response would be.

  ‘Of course you’re right, vampires don’t exist. Then it must be too many late night horror films then or I'm still fucking pissed and seeing things.’

  I was still taken aback by Blaze's over-reaction to the vampire he saw at the docks. I tried to contend myself with the fact that it was almost Halloween and people were more than likely to be having parties, but was it? I did not really want to think about it too much now. The stereo in the van was blasting out some 80's Gothic music as we cruised down the almost empty freeway.

  The interior of the van was amassed with cd's and empty fast food wrappers. It was also stinking of stale cigarette smoke, which was making me retch on the quiet, so I unwound the window.


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