The Rise of the New Bloods, From Dark Beginnings

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The Rise of the New Bloods, From Dark Beginnings Page 7


  We must've walked about a half of a mile up the road when Blaze pointed out the club.

  ‘Here we go, Crowley's, the best live music venue this side of town. I'll introduce you to everyone, C'mon.’

  I walked through the doors, brushing my way past a couple of youngsters sipping on their beers. They looked up at me with a glint of admiration. Was it because I was in the band I pondered or did they know what I really was.

  My tall frame and dark brooding good looks surpassed many of the people here, almost as if it was invite to everyone to look up at me as I made my way to the bar.

  ‘Jyrki?’ I felt a tug on my arm.

  ‘This is Jonesy, our drummer. He’s from London and has played with some of the best metal bands out there. We’re lucky to have him.’

  ‘Hey mate. It’s nice to finally meet ya. Blaze mentioned he had found us a singer like, so you’ve been practicing with Blaze? How's it going?’

  I was relieved he took to me; I guess some people could see past the horror of what I really am, which was intriguing. ‘Nice to meet you too,’ I said holding my hand out in a gesture. I looked at him studiously. The tattoos and piercings were quite an elaborate piece of body art I had ever seen. There couldn't have been an inch of him besides his face that wasn't inked.

  ‘It's mostly friends here tonight, so I wouldn't worry about fucking up,’ he smirked.

  ‘Friends?’ I said, glancing around at the hundred or so people.

  ‘Yep, the band has a small following here. Before the last singer quit, we were doing quite well, we were so close to signing with a label.’

  ‘Then I guess I have a lot to live up too.’

  ‘You sure do, but no pressure,’ he laughed.

  Then I saw April standing by the bar talking to some female friends. My attention quickly diverted to her.

  ‘Err, sorry I'm just gonna get a drink, I'll see you later yeah?’

  ‘Yeah sure man, we're on at ten!’

  There must've been some sort of connection between us. Before I could say anything, she turned towards me and smiled quite coyly. Although my intentions were more than honourable, I couldn't help but feel there was an underlay of a much darker fate that brought us together. I must ask her about the exhibition tonight, I thought as I gazed at her sweet smile. I had a sneaky feeling she was going to be of some help.

  ‘Do you want to sit down?’ she hollered in my ear.

  My hearing was good enough without anyone resorting to shouting, but she wasn’t to know that. She pointed towards an empty table at the corner of the room.

  ‘Yeah, sure, just let me get a drink do you want one?’

  ‘Oh ok, I'll have a vodka and coke then,’ she smiled.

  I pushed my way through the crowd to get to the bar, feeling much more relaxed than I had done in a while, for once the vampire wasn't central in my mind and I was actually having one of the best nights of my life.

  ‘Excuse me?’ I shouted over to the barman. He was busy pulling a pint for someone else but the sound of urgency in my voice caught his attention.

  ‘What do you want?’

  ‘A beer and a vodka and coke.’

  ‘Can't you see I'm serving someone? Hold on.’

  Over the noise of inane chatter and the music, I heard Blaze drunkenly shout…

  ‘Aw come on now, he's our new singer, serve him next Craig or I’m gonna charge you double for the gig!’

  There was a roar of laughter from the punters stood around the bar.

  ‘Yeah, and when you sign that record deal you’ve been going on about for the last two years we're gonna have to discuss how you would like to pay your tab. With interest!’

  The laughter spread from the bar to the rest of the club. I soaked up the feel good atmosphere and smiled along with the rest of the humans.

  ‘Here you go,’ I said to April. I placed the glass down on the table and sat down on the chair opposite. An awkward silence lingered. I noticed she looked at me a few times before quickly glancing away. She was not like the other females I had encountered. Her response to me as a vampire was fairly relaxed, which I found enchanting. I decided to engage in some small talk to help her overcome her shyness.

  ‘Do you usually come to see Blaze playing?’

  She put her glass down and looked at me, relieved I had made the first move.

  ‘All the time. He was so upset after the last singer had quit. They were about to be offered a contract by a small independent label, but it fell through when he could not find a replacement on time. Since you came along, he's been a lot happier, as if his life is finally getting back on track.’

  ‘Well, it’s the least I can do since he offered me a place to stay. Y’know, I was not sure about this singing business at first but to tell you the truth, I really am enjoying it. We never had music back home, not like what you have. Well if you can count the birds’s--’

  ‘Really? No music whatsoever?’

  Perhaps I should not have said that, even though it was the truth.

  ‘I’m kidding with you,’ I laughed.

  She blushed.

  ‘Oh I knew you were,’ she said.

  I took another sip of my drink and then undid my jacket.

  ‘What's that?’ April gasped, pointing at my chest.

  ‘What’s what?’

  I looked down and there was my Ankh was resting on my new fresh t-shirt.

  Shit. I had meant to tuck it under before I came out.

  ‘I know it's an Ankh, but that one I recognise.’

  Alarm bells rang in my head. I quickly tucked it under hoping she would change the subject. Her face became inquisitive, as if she was studying me. She then met my gaze and her eyes widened. Her mouth was slightly open ajar and just as she was about to say something else Blaze slammed his empty glass down on our table.

  ‘Hey, we're on soon, come over here will you I want to introduce you to more people. Mind if I take him sis?’

  April did not say anything; she just kept staring at me, which I found very unnerving.

  I did not have much of a choice in the matter. He grabbed my arm and literally pulled me off the chair. I had just a moment to take my drink and whisper, ‘Sorry.’ to April, for whatever good that would do.

  She definitely knew something. There was no denying it, not with her background in Ancient Egypt. Still, she may have recognised the Ankh, but that doesn’t mean she knew of its significance or even about the vampires. No, there was no possible way she could know.

  ‘Are you ready for this, man?’ Blaze asked as we walked back to the bar.

  The crowd had now gathered by the front of the stage, cheering us on. Jonesy and the guys were already tuning up the guitars. Blaze gulped down the remainder of his drink and patted me on the back.

  ‘Thanks man, I know I'm drunk, I know I shouldn't even open my fucking mouth when I'm drunk, but YOU are fucking awesome, so come on let's hit the stage and create some Rock n’ Roll mayhem!’ he slurred.

  I had to laugh. He was absolutely wrecked. I suspected the excitement really had to him of being able to play again.

  The lights dimmed, and the hundred or so people that had come here to see us began clapping in succession to the drumbeat. I stood behind the microphone and felt an electrifying tingle throughout my body. I grasped the microphone stand and began to nod my head to the beat. I pushed my sunglasses up allowing my long dark hair to fall across my face. Blaze strummed the first chord of our new song and the crowd cheered for more. Izzy soon came in with the bass and the crowd went wilder, the stage lights illuminated blue behind me and as I came in with the first line of the song, I felt a sense of pride and enjoyment, as I have never experienced before, but how long would it last, was anyone’s guess.

  The first song ended and the crowd chanted for more. No one was more surprised than I was. I brushed back my sweat soaked hair feeling relieved I did not fuck up once.

  ‘Hey!’ Blaze shouted through the microphone. There was a bit of feedb
ack that made me wince. ‘I just want to take a moment to introduce you to The Black Stone’s newest member...Jyrki!’

  The crowd clapped and roared, and the feeling of acceptance amongst these humans only instilled my faith in myself against the Egyptians.

  I looked out on to the crowd and saw April talking on her mobile. We were almost finishing our set and despite enjoying myself, I was eager to talk with her.


  ‘You my friend, were fucking awesome last night, did you hear the crowd?’ Blaze asked sipping on his first coffee of the morning.

  I had no idea what was in that coffee of his but he looked as hyper as I was when I tried human blood for the first time.

  I had no desire to go there again that is for sure.

  ‘Yeah, I was there, you know. I still have this awful ringing noise in my ears to prove it,’ I said, as I sat down on the sofa.

  We had not long arrived back at the flat and I was feeling quite hungry.

  ‘Do you know what happened to April last night? She left pretty early, didn't she?’ he said.

  ‘I saw her talking on the phone before our set ended. She looked like she was spooked out by something,’ I mumbled to him as I rested my head in my hands.

  Last night was the only real break I've had from everything, I even felt normal for once. Now, today everything came crashing back into my consciousness, or was this what they called a hangover.

  ‘Are you alright man?’ Blaze laughed as he began picking up the remainder of the glass bottles on the floor.

  ‘Do you think you could go easy on the clattering? My head is pounding.’

  ‘No problem. So what did you say about April? She left after she got a call? Do you know that fucking job of hers they have her running around at all hours of the bloody day and night lately.’

  ‘They sure do.’

  ‘Well I know it's early, but as it’s my day off, I was thinking of hitting the studio later to work on some new songs. The guys are gonna be there too. Are you coming or do you have other stuff to be getting on with?’

  ‘I'll er, come with you,’ I said as I sat back against the sofa.

  The curtains were still drawn, and the music was playing low in the background. I wondered how long this peace would last for.

  As usual, I asked Blaze to drop me off at the docks. I made up an excuse of having to pay someone back down there for a loan. It was the only way he would not ask so many questions.

  Questions I just didn't have the answers to right now.

  ‘Let me check something, hang on,’ I said to Blaze, who was waiting impatiently by the door of the foyer.

  ‘My sunglasses. Where are they?’ I said, checking my pockets.

  ‘They are in your jacket pocket. I saw you put them in there on the way out,’ he tutted. ‘What do you want them for eh? The sun ain't that strong today mind you. Are you sure you're not a vampire, I mean, you bloody act like one?’

  ‘And what if I was?’ I said half-jokingly.

  ‘Do you know what? That wouldn't surprise me at all. Hey, I thought we'd take my car today, you like?’ he said, pointing at a black 1970's Mustang.

  ‘Yeah, that's a fine car,’ I said, trying to show some interest.

  ‘My pride and joy buddy, but it won't be for much longer if I don't make some serious cash.’

  ‘Yeah,’ I looked up at him. ‘How’s that?’

  ‘Ah. well, the firm I’m working for is losing money, before long they'll be going into liquidation and I'll be out on welfare again. Unless this band gets anywhere soon, I’ll have to kiss goodbye to this beauty. Okay that’s enough about my shitty life come-on, let’s go’

  It was a short drive to Manhattan, but due to the volume of traffic this morning things were taking a lot longer than expected. I kept fidgeting with the radio dial, just to keep my mind off the blood.

  ‘Are you always this annoying? Is this why you don't have a girlfriend?’ Blaze said, sounding pissed off with me.

  ‘Sorry, I didn't realise I was being a nuisance. Anyway I haven't exactly seen you with a woman since I've met you either?’ I smirked.

  Blaze scoffed and looked around the car in embarrassment.

  ‘Well, I did have, up until three months ago. The bitch left me for my old singer,’ he said, ‘I caught her in bed with him after one of our shows. I couldn’t play for a while after that, I was a fucking wreck, but I’m over it now…life goes on.’

  I did not want to show him I was laughing, so I covered my mouth and looked out of the window.

  ‘Sorry to hear that, really. I guess I have a lot to learn about women too.’

  Blaze laughed. ‘No point in trying to work them out mate, when you think you have them sussed out you’re back to square one again. So, there’s no woman in your life then?’

  There has only ever been one female vampire, my mother. For some reason the demon does not hold very well in the female form.

  ‘No,’ I replied, ‘it’s just me.’

  ‘So, there have been no girlfriends then. How do you cope with no sex?’

  ‘I don’t, that’s the point. I endure it.’

  ‘Oh right. I bet it can’t be easy though. I always thought vampires like you were sex mad?’ he said jokingly.

  Of course, we are, I thought.

  We require the same basic human pleasures, but what with the agreement, and not being able to leave the island, our indulgences did not come into it. The protection of the Ankh was far greater than our needs and wants. I had to lie to him and tell him I lived a very sheltered life.

  ‘So now you’re gonna make up for it then?’ Blaze laughed. ‘I can introduce you to some ladies if you want?’

  ‘Thanks, but there may already be someone.’

  ‘Oh yeah, you kept that quiet. Anyone I know?’

  ‘Er, I don’t think so,’ I lied.

  After my usual drink at the slaughterhouse, we eventually pulled up into what looked like a ghost town. The buildings were run down and mostly empty. Apart from a few hobo's standing around a trashcan drinking alcohol, there were no other visible signs of life.

  ‘Here we go, I know it ain't exactly paradise city, but it'll do us until the big bucks come rolling in, if they ever do,’ Blaze said almost apologetically.

  I got out of the car and pulled my sunglasses off to cast an eye over the building. To look at their rehearsal studio you would not think it was fit enough for rats let alone humans. I don't know where I fitted in categorically wise, but I guess I was nothing more than vermin myself.

  I laughed.

  I had not noticed the worn out sign just above the door.

  ‘This was a sex shop?’

  Blaze obviously caught onto my amusement and smirked.

  ‘Yep, that's why we chose it. C’mon, I'll introduce you to the guys again, only this time, with no alcohol involved. Well, maybe not for you.’

  Blaze pushed the wooden door to open but it kept being wedged.

  ‘Damn this fucking thing. I've lost count how many times this has happened.’

  ‘Want me to try?’

  ‘Nah. It’s ok. Could you go back to the car and get my guitar from the trunk?’

  ‘Yeah sure, got the key?'

  I walked back to the car when I noticed a silver BMW drive slowly up the road towards us. For the first time in a while, I felt very uneasy.

  I squinted my eyes to see who was driving, but the blacked out windows wasn't giving too much away. I just only hope Stride would find me soon, as there was so much more he needed to explain.

  ‘Finally!’ I heard Blaze yell.

  I looked back towards the building; Blaze had managed to get the door open, and was lying flat on his back on the floor.

  ‘What happened to you?’ I laughed

  ‘I’ve got to get a new door as soon as possible. That,’ he pointed to the door, 'is fucking lethal.’

  I helped him to his feet, and passed him his guitar. I tried to make out everything was fine, but
there was the worry of the mysterious car and more importantly who was in it that was really bothering me. The others, whom I had only really known from Father as looking nothing like us, were the only means I had to go on. I doubted they would be out in daylight, so I had to contend with the fact they must have been what Stride was talking about.

  I was lost in thought.


  ‘Oh sorry, I was miles away.’

  Blaze shot me that look he did when I first met him, the curious 'I know you are different look, but I can't say.' kind of thing. It would be great to share this burden with someone but I really did not want to put all this on him now, not with the problems he had.

  We walked through the narrow corridor and up the creaky staircase, which looked like it was about to collapse under our weight. It did cross my mind if this building was at all safe. It certainly looked like it was ready for demolishing.

  The band had already started tuning up as we walked through the door. All eyes were on me.

  I did feel a bit uncomfortable; especially since I did not know what in the hell I got up to last night.


  I looked at them and they looked at me. A few awkward seconds of silence past and then they all burst out laughing.

  ‘Man, you were hilarious last night.’

  ‘Er...’ I looked towards Blaze who obviously taken their side, and was laughing along too.

  ‘What did I do?’

  ‘Oh it wasn't what you did, but what you said. You are a fantastic storyteller mate, especially on the Bud.’

  ‘Really?’ I frowned. ‘What did I say?’

  ‘Well, what didn't you say? He laughed. ‘Apparently you are a vampire that had to leave Finland because you were being hunted by some guys that are after the Ankh of yours. And if that didn’t sound so fucked up it also allows you to walk in daylight!’

  He laughed so hard, I did not feel that they took me seriously anyhow, so I was not concerned.

  ‘Ah, I see,’ I smiled, feeling slightly embarrassed by my overactive mouth. ‘I guess I should stick to soft drinks from now on then.’


  It had been a long day and my voice was becoming a little achy with all the re-takes we had to keep doing. I was pretty much looking forward to getting back home, and chilling out for the rest of the evening. As I sat on the swivel chair listening to the track we had just recorded, I saw Blaze flinch out of the corner of my eye.


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