Found in Night (The Dragori Series Book 2)

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Found in Night (The Dragori Series Book 2) Page 23

by Ben Alderson

  “Thank you, Queen Kathine,” the singer said, cheeks flushed with color.

  I was enough distance away that the gold did not affect me, but I could feel it as a tingle in the back of my mind. My grip tightened on the arm's chairs until my knuckles turned white. It will not harm me, I repeated in my mind.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Emaline turn her head to look at me, and I nodded, letting her know I felt it too. Hadrian glowed brighter; in defence or stress, I could not tell. His face may have remained calm, but his tense posture screamed otherwise.

  The woman bowed to Queen Kathine then stood tall as she faced the crowd.

  Hadrian placed a firm hand on my thigh.

  Queen Kathine floated from the fountain and took a seat at the end of our line.

  Once she sat, the song began. All eyes were on Janila as her voice spilled into the air.

  Tiv was right. Her voice was the most enchanting I had ever heard.

  By the third note, I forgot about the gold and allowed her tune to pull me down its lazy river. Her voice dipped and changed as she told her story through her song. I closed my eyes and allowed her to take control. I felt the tension building in her voice as the story ebbed and flowed.

  It must’ve been magick. The ability to calm a body and mind with no more than a voice. A siren. Her eyes never closed as she sang, not as she moved elegantly from song to song. By the time she reached the final note, I was in tears. They cut down my cheeks, and I didn't care if it turned the many powders that cover them.

  As Janila took a breath, I was on my feet. My hands clapped, adding to the thunderous noise of the crowd around me. The only one left sitting was Queen Kathine, but her smile reflected her pride for the performance.

  Janila took a slow bow, her hair falling before. When she straightened she swept her hair back into place and walked away from the fountain with a head held high with pride. The crowd engulfed her in their embrace until she disappeared from view.

  The crowd was chanting Janila’s name over and over, begging for her to come back. I wanted to join them, but Queen Kathine raised a hand and everyone stopped.

  “What a beautiful song choice, fitting for such a celebration.” Queen Kathine gestured for us to sit once again. I spared a glance behind me and watched the crowd calm and listen to the Queen again.

  "Before we proceed with the feast, I have a final performance as such. I would now like to invite our guests up for you all to meet. They have their own talents they would like to share with you.”

  The crowd murmured in wonder at what Queen Kathine meant by her words. But I knew.

  We were to display our powers. For myself and Emaline, this was fine. But Hadrian? I wondered how much of his soul would be affected by using his magick to please the crowd rather than to protect.

  ANTICIPATION WAS PALPABLE in the air around us.

  "Each of our six guests have unique magicks and strengths that they have offered up to the protection of this city and its people. It is time for them each to show you just how safe you all are."

  We each stood and waited for our names to be called as Queen Kathine had explained before we left the palace. The only member of our group who had not been asked to stand was Jasrov. He didn't seem to mind as his studied stare was lost in Nyah, who stood beside him. A look of pure admiration painted across his relaxed face.

  “I would first like to ask for Nyah Kane and Illera Daeris of Thessolina to join me before the people.” She raised a hand for them. “We are lucky that the Goddess has sent more than just the Dragori to our city. Their trusted allies have helped them in their journey and have pledged to help protect our city from those who wish to risk our safety...”

  Nyah and Illera walked in tandem up to the fountain and stood on either side of the Queen. Illera held her violet stare above the crowd and her quaking hands pinned behind her. I followed Nyah's stare to Jasrov who was watching her with intent.

  “Behold, power from the shores of Thessolina. We have heard of their unique, rare ability to shapeshift. Our guests both are blessed with such a magick that the Goddess herself has given them.” Queen Kathine nodded in command, and in seconds, both Nyah and Illera exploded into black shadow.

  It was for a split moment that I was reminded of the shadowbeings. How had I never noticed the similarities before? The shadow; the seeping hands of it were the very same as the creatures resurrected by the Druid.

  Within moments, they were no longer standing beside the Queen, not in their elven forms at least. Now a white lion sat still, and an emerald moth, the size of my hand, rested on Illera’s pointed ear, which twitched beneath the moth’s delicate touch.

  “Shapeshifters, a power only unlocked by Niraen blood.” Queen Kathine turned to the lion and moth and bowed. “Illera Daeris has agreed to help scout the surrounding mountains of Lilioira to ensure the many seeking refuge within our city make it here safely...”

  Illera opened her saber-toothed jaw and purred for the crowd.

  "Do not be fooled by Nyah Kane's small appearance. Not only has she been blessed with this ability, but gold blood dilutes her Niraen blood. Nyah has been gifted the ability of an empath. She has already proven her true nature to me tenfold. Without her, I would never have made it out of Kandilin alive."

  The crowd gasped as Queen Kathine told her truth. Someone clapped, and my head snapped toward the origin of the sound. It was Jasrov, clapping alone with not a care in his world.

  Both creatures moved for the steps, and by the time they reached the level ground, they were back in their elven forms once again. Both Nyah and Illera bowed for the crowd then took their seats. Jasrov stood as Nyah joined our group again then sat with her. His whisper caused her to blush and hide her face.

  “Wonderful, just wonderful,” Queen Kathine called. “Now I ask for the guests of honor to join me before the watching gaze of my people. Let them see just what the Dragori will do to keep our enemy at bay…”

  Queen Kathine talked about the Goddess and the story of the Dragori as we took to the steps and joined her. She spoke of the Druids' creations. How the Goddess claimed them for her own and used them against the Druids to help end their destructive reign. The events she told where the same as I had read in the book Hadrian had given me weeks ago.

  “…You must be asking yourselves where the fourth is?” Queen Kathine asked. “We have scouts and the very best of my close ranks out searching for news on the fourth Dragori’s location. Fear not, the Goddess will guide her to us just as she had with our guests. Air, Fire and Water. Three of the four elements that created life. Magicks that once only belonged to the Goddess. She has looked down upon these three elves and chosen them to fulfil her bidding. We trust in her knowledge and trust in her choice. Let them show you why they were picked."

  Queen Kathine gestured for Emaline first, who stepped forward.

  "Show your people why they should no longer be afraid.”

  Emaline followed her command, and all eyes landed on her.

  There was a pause as she inhaled.

  A loud groaning noise filled the uneasy silence. I didn’t know what she was doing at first, not until a shadow passed above me. I looked up and watched the water from the fountain lift into the air and spin in an orb of blue. As Emaline’s hands moved quicker, so did the sphere of water. Not a single elf in the crowd diverted their stare from the water and its commander as she displayed her gift.

  Emaline’s white-feathered wings spread wide and the sphere of water vibrated. With a large thrust of her arms, the orb exploded into mist, layering the surrounding crowd in glistening flecks. Once it settled, everyone began shouting for more. Their infectious excitement made my heart pound in my chest.

  “Emaline Sowdin of Kandilin, what an incredible display.” Queen Kathine moved over to her, shaking her hand then turned back to the crowd. “Emaline has joined my service as an elite soldier. A guard to this city and its people. You all were told of the news of my second commanders passing in
the battle of Kandilin. Emaline has filled that opening and now works with guiding our soldiers. Let us show her our thanks once more.”

  She began to clap, and the crowd echoed it. Queen Kathine shared a quiet word with Emaline, who nodded and moved back to her seat.

  How could I follow such a powerful display as Emaline’s? I had not spared a single thought to my performance. But as Queen Kathine called me to step forward, I was as lost as I was before.

  “Zacriah Trovirin of Olderim, please take your place and show my people why they should no longer hold onto fear.”

  I turned to the waiting eyes, each full of anticipation and wonder. Tiv had squeezed through the crowd and stood before the many tall elves around him. His face was awash with excitement.

  There was no time to plan or think. I trusted my instincts and gave the waiting power.

  I closed my eyes, welcoming my wind. Only weeks ago, I was lost to it, and now I felt its presence like an extra limb. It was mine to call on; mine to control.

  It started as a whistle, faint but there. Then, as I called for more, the noise turned into a roar, and I was everywhere.

  My wind raced through the crowds. It lifted hair and clothes in a flurry of gusts. My reach moved like a snake, slipping around the many bodies as I touched them all with my element. It was not as visually pleasing as Emaline’s display. But I wanted to let everyone feel the brush of my magick, to know that I would keep them safe.

  I pushed more energy, willing the wind to move faster and faster.

  Satisfied, and slightly exhausted, I dropped my connection to my wind and opened my eyes.

  Once the roar of air died, the sound of excited screams reached me. I bowed and stepped back. Dizzied for a moment, I only hoped no one noticed my slight stumble before Hadrian’s strong hand stilled me.

  “Incredible." Even Queen Kathine's flattened her hair with eyes wide. I waited for her to speak, but she seemed lost for words for a moment. It was the first time I had seen her in such a state of awe.

  “I felt the Goddess’s presence, like a cold touch to my heart. Thank you.” Queen Kathine grasped my forearm and shook it.

  I tipped my head to her and moved down the steps to my seat, leaving Hadrian with the Queen. Emaline greeted me at my seat and patted my back, then we both sat down to watch the final performance.

  “Prince Hadrian Vulmar of Thessolina.” Queen Kathine voice silenced the excited crowd again, “We are blessed to be graced by the presence of royalty from our sister continent. It has been many years since the Vulmar family have set foot on Eldnol soil. Never did I think we would see him again under these circumstances. But our Goddess works in mysterious ways.”

  Hadrian smiled at her, his blue flame flaring as he opened his mouth to speak.

  “Kind people of Lilioira and Eldnol, my heart is full. I have spent little time amongst you, but I have seen love here, which reminds me of home. I thank Queen Kathine and her family for her hospitality. In return, I extend a promise to you all. My promise is to look over you as I would with my own, to treat you like family and ensure you are kept safe from harm.”

  My heart warmed as Hadrian spoke.

  “The Druid has thrown Eldnol into chaos, but I vow never to leave until he is stopped. For he is only one, and we are the many.”

  Never to leave. His promise echoed across my body and mind. Hearing those words finally helped the seed of worry within me. I’d believed he would leave. Maybe he found nothing to help him during his days in the city.

  With his final statement, he closed his eyes. I felt the heat of his power before it happened. All the lanterns around the crowd and the many candles that lined the courtyard burst with light. Their red flames replaced with deep blue and reached high into the night sky. Everyone shied away from the sudden bright light, raising hands over eyes to shield themselves from Hadrian’s blaze.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

  Haloed in light, Hadrian looked powerful. Beastly. His hands stayed by his side, but his forehead creased with concentration as he displayed his magick. Up and up the flames snaked into the air and began reaching for one another. Hadrian pushed and pushed, and the flames grew stronger and hotter.

  I turned to the crowd whose faces were slack in wonder. Blue fire reflected in their eyes as they watched the Prince’s display. Even Tiv's excited expression had melted into one of shock. He shied away from it like ice to a flame.

  Suddenly, the flames died, and the crowd reacted audibly. I looked back to Hadrian, and my heart sank.

  Something was wrong. I could feel it within me.

  Red blood ran from his nose. It dripped, splashing against the white stone of the fountain. Tears of red then seeped from the corners of his eyes, standing out against this blue fire. Slowly, he opened his eyes and looked directly into mine. His body began to shake, his hands clenched to his sides. Then his golden eyes rolled into the back of his head, only showing the dull white in the reflection of the still burning flames.

  I was frozen in shock as Hadrian, my Hadrian, began to tilt.

  Illera ran up the steps, despite the burning heat that rolled from his body. Guards moved Queen Kathine out of the way, and the crowd began to scream in panic behind me. Hadrian flared brighter, and Illera scowled away, but then she dove forward once again.

  Every flame in the city died out, and the ground shook as Hadrian collided with it. Swallowed in darkness, it was the feared screams of the city that lit up the night now.

  I stumbled for my Hadrian until my palms were wet and warm as I fell beside him.

  His skin no longer glowed blue. I rested my hand on his arm and felt cold.

  Ice cold.

  IT TOOK FOUR of us to carry Hadrian back to the palace.

  Emaline and I picked him up from his sides, and Illera kept a hold of his head while Nyah lifted his feet. Still, in his Dragori form, his body was heavy and limp. His wings trailed the path until Jasrov joined and lifted them up.

  All around us, the crowds were alight with terror, screaming and running amidst the confusion of what they just witnessed.

  I could hardly see Queen Kathine, nor did I care to look where she had been taken to. Hadrian was all I cared about.

  “What happened to him?” Jasrov called above the screaming city. “The blood. He was crying blood.”

  “Stop the bleeding.” Nyah’s voice joined the frantic call of questions.

  “Illera, you’re hurt,” Emaline shouted.

  I didn't answer any of them. I couldn't. Not as my bloodstained palms held Hadrian up. Words were lost to me.

  I couldn’t see much of what was going on as we stumbled in the dark towards the direction of the palace. Not once did I look up to bother checking. I just pushed my feet faster and willed more strength to hold him up.

  I only knew we’d reached the bottom of the steps beneath the palace when we almost stumbled up the first part. Even then, I didn't tear my eyes from my sleeping prince.

  “Jasrov, run ahead; prepare a healer,” Emaline commanded.

  “I have already told Gallion; he is preparing a room now.”

  Nyah must’ve connected with him through their empathic link.

  We were being knocked from all directions as the crowds no longer stayed in neat groups. They ran around the dark streets, racing for home. We had failed them. Our one job was to make them feel safe, and now they ran in fear. But worst of all, I had failed Hadrian. I knew he was not well. He had told me that every time he used his power, a darkness would build within him. Even with that knowledge I hadn’t stopped him. I should’ve stopped him.

  “Zacriah?” Illera’s voice hushed beside me.

  I shook myself from my lost state and looked at her, trying to figure out what I had missed.

  "What?" I whispered.

  "Do not worry. We are going to your room. That is where Gallion is waiting for us," Illera answered. “He will be fine.”

  Will he? His body was cold to the touch. The Prince of Flames wit
h no warmth or fire in his blood. I didn’t want to imagine what that could mean. The blue gleam had disappeared, which made me worry more. At least its presence told me he had time.

  “Illera, let go of his head for a moment and give me your hands…” Emaline said.

  “I’m fine,” Illera replied.

  “Give them to me. You burned yourself before the fire left his skin. I need to cool them down before…”

  Jasrov took Illera’s place for a moment while we made up for her lack of strength.

  “The burns are bad,” Emaline muttered. “Nyah, warn them that Illera will need help as well.”

  “Honestly, Emaline, please do not fuss.” Illera’s voice was stern. She retook her place, moving Jasrov out of the way.

  I glanced up at the noise that greeted us. I watched a handful of soldiers racing down to intercept our climb. I let them take him from my arms. I did nothing but listen to Nyah tell the soldiers where to take him. Then I watched, dumbfounded and frozen, as they took him away.

  Emaline and Nyah guided me the remainder of the walk to the palace. Once we reached the top I called out for our group to stop. I knew what I needed to do.

  “The Staff of Light. It is the only hope we have in helping him…” I called breathlessly. Back in my elven form, I felt weak from the prolonged use of my shift. Once we reached the newly lit lanterns at the palace gates, I could see that Emaline had also shifted back, and her eyes were ringed with shadow.

  “Queen Kathine will never let us leave,” Emaline panted, resting her hands on her thighs as she caught her breath.

  I glanced to Nyah whose expression seemed to scream in agreement with Emaline.

  “Even if we went, we still could waste days trying to find its resting place,” Nyah replied.

  Jasrov was sitting on the steps, Bell up close to him. “We can’t just leave Hadrian.”

  They still think we have no lead. I had not mentioned what Gallion had told me and what we found within the books.


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