Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1]

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Moonlight Captivation [Moon Shadows Book 1] Page 9

by Angela Castle

  "Is that one of your great powers?” Vanessa opened her eyes just a crack to peer at him with a sleepy, well-sated smile on her lips.

  "Which power, sweetness?"

  "The power to render me utterly useless."

  Neman chuckled. “Glad to know I please you.” She reached out to touch his face. As her pale blue eyes regarded him, he wanted to know the depths of her thoughts. He wanted to know everything about this woman who managed to capture his heart so easily. “What goes through that beautiful head of yours, sweetness?” He captured her pale hand in his darker-skinned large one, turning it over to kiss her palm.

  "I know nothing about you. Ana said some things which made me curious."

  He could see the questions in her eyes. “Ask any question you like. I promise to give you truthful answers. But, be warned, I too have questions for you."

  "What could you possibly want to know of me?"

  Neman shifted back between her legs, keeping the bulk of his weight off her. “Oh, a great many things, but ask your questions first.” She was silent for a moment. He could almost hear her mind ticking over, absorbing everything he'd said to her. She drew in a long breath, and Neman enjoyed watching her chest rise and fall.

  "Why don't you start with why you're a god who's not? What made you turn to hunting demons?"

  Of course, she would pick the one question which pained him the most, but if he had a chance to win her heart, then she should know the truth. “Four thousand years ago, the gods were openly worshipped and walked among humans. We all have some power to perform a cosmic function. I made sure the moon rose to light up the night to measure time and to provide fertility."

  She raised an eyebrow, her expression changed to one of disbelief. “Not to sound doubtful, but modern science has kind of blown the theory of gods making things work out the window."

  "Are you going to let me finish?” he said, teasingly.

  Vanessa pinched her fingers together and slid them across her lips in a show of zipping up her mouth.

  Neman chuckled again. “Your modern science is nearly correct—it's more like a linking of forces which help us control a number of things, but I don't wish to get bogged down in the ways of the gods. I had a mortal wife, Ningal. She was the daughter of the king and priestess in my temple, given to me as an offering. Together we bore two children, Inanna and Iskur. It happened the day before the festival of the New Year and the New Moon.

  "Offerings poured into all the temples. As a priestess and my wife, it was Ningal's duty to take the best of the offerings for our family to feast upon. The festival, dancing and music was lively and without a thought or care. I partook of everything which was given. What I didn't know was my food was tainted. It takes a powerful drug to knock out a god. I can assume it was in the wine, because I took but a few sips before I was overcome. When I came to, I felt my powers being drained by a powerful demon. I was unable to focus on who, or what type of demon it was, but I managed to stop it before it drained me completely. Still, the damage was done. I retained some basic powers, I had my strength, but the demon escaped before I could do anything. Losing my powers was nothing compared to what I found when I stumbled into my temple. There on the floor were the bodies of my wife and two innocent children."

  She gasped softly. “I'm so sorry, Neman."

  "I went to my family, but they turned their backs on me. My brother Sin would help only if I would give him my title. He took over the role of Moon God, sank my Ziggurat below the surface and placed a protection spell upon it. It was all he would do. I live for revenge. I became a skilled hunter and killer, taking great pleasure in each demon I killed hoping to find the one that destroyed my life and my family. He drew in a deep breath. “You see, Vanessa, I am a killer. My whole existence until now has been one long quest for bloody vengeance."

  There was no condemnation in her eyes, just a gentle compassion which twisted at his heart.

  Her fingers reached up, running tenderly across his cheek and jaw. “Maybe so, but there is something called a ripple effect. You may call it vengeance, but you have been saving lives with every evil creature you kill—a few thousand years can add up to hundreds of thousands of people you saved. You're a hero, Neman, not some mindless killer. You saved my life and gave me something I never thought I could have or be. The doctors told me when I was still young that I could never have children."

  He buried his face in her hair, holding her close to his heart. Vanessa possessed an inner strength, a giving heart and a deep capacity for love. He didn't deserve a woman like her, yet he could not deny himself either. Every inch of his soul craved her, not just for now, but for eternity. His possessiveness raged full to the surface. She was his, and no one would take her from him. He raised his head and gently kissed her forehead, his body throbbing. He grew hard again with wanting to have her. “I guess being a fertility god was good for something after all."

  A smile curved the corner of her pink lips.

  "The fates have brought us together, sweetness, and I'm not ashamed to say this pleases me. You've brought light into my life, Vanessa, which has been missing for a very long time."

  "Man or god, I don't care, but what I do know is there is goodness inside you, and I know you're going to be a great father to our baby. I will stay with you for as long as I'm needed, because I understand it's this anointing thing which makes you want me."

  Hearing those last few words made Neman scowl. “No.” Neman's possessive instinct made him pull her tighter against him. “Have you not noticed the strong scent fading, sweetness? The anointing lasts but a few days. It's like striking flint against the rock—there is the first spark, but sometimes, rarely, those sparks can create an eternal fire, if you find just the right tinder to fan it. You have changed everything for me. Vengeance doesn't rule me anymore. You've broken my curse, my sweet Vanessa. I'm going to want you for eternity."

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  Chapter 10

  What does a girl say to that? He may be a god, but like any man, he was capable of hate, vengeance, compassion and love. Nessa couldn't imagine being alone for so long and her heart broke at what he had suffered. She knew she was worthy of him. He helped her find her worth, and she cherished him for it. There was vulnerability in his golden eyes, as if he were waiting for something from her, but having him on top of her with the heat of his body pressed against hers made her lose her tongue. As a general rule, she was never at a loss for words, yet over the past few days, she found herself lacking whenever he got close. There was no way of ever living a normal life again. The plain and simple fact was that she loved him, had ever since the moment he'd ducked the vase she threw at Larry. A fear stole over her—should she tell him? What was the worst that could happen? Her heart torn utterly apart and left without hope? As carefree as she might think she was, this man could easily break her. She took a deep breath to steel herself for her confession of love. “Neman, I—"

  A loud beeping made him practically leap off her and the bed.

  With a sigh, she rolled to her side, watching him walk to a panel she hadn't noticed in the wall by the door. She licked her lips at being treated to a splendid view of his naked back. Those broad muscled shoulders and the perfect hollow line of his spine led down to the best-looking ass she'd ever seen.

  He jabbed the button.

  "You'd better get out here—your elf has just turned up with an injured man,” a male voice informed him.

  Nessa sat up, looking about for her clothes which were once again nowhere in sight. She sighed, ripped the sheet off the bed and wrapped it around her body. She was becoming quite apt at making it fit like a toga, not to mention she was beginning to suspect he enjoyed keeping her naked in bed. “Did someone say elf?"

  Neman flicked a switch, pulling open the door. “Stay here.” In a flash, his clothes reappeared on his body.

  She rolled her eyes, annoyed with his overprotectiveness. “Look here, god-boy, I'm not a pet you can order abo
ut. I am not staying in your bedroom.” She followed him out into the corridor. “You said I was safe here."

  "You are, but if this is the elf I think it is, it could mean trouble."

  "C'mon, I've never met an elf. Anyway, the fellow said someone was injured."

  He huffed and opened his arms.

  "Shortcut.” She grinned, jumping into his arms. Every time he teleported her, she got a brief, dizzying buzz from it. After feeling his power surge then the pop, they stood in a large open square where a central wide staircase joined the two levels of this ancient Ziggurat. It had darkened doorways around the square on both levels with markings carved into every wall. A tall, middle-aged man in jeans and a black T-shirt stood over another man with silvery white hair flowing down his back. She could only assume he was the elf. He was cradling a third man in his arms. Nessa stepped forward to get a closer look.

  "Slazzamar,” growled Neman, scowling in obviously displeasure.

  Shock and horror ran through Nessa when she saw who it was the elf had in his arms. “Darren!” She ran forward, dropping to her knees. “What did you do to him?” He was half-naked, barefoot with bloody bite marks on his neck, and he was bruised.

  "He'll be all right—I needed to make him sleep.” The elf crooked his head to look at her.

  Strangely, she could see worry on the elf's delicate features. “I want water, bandages, antiseptic, and help me get him to a bed,” Nessa snapped, pulling Darren from the elf's arms.

  Neman grabbed the elf creature, yanking him back rather roughly. “What have you done, Slazzamar?” Neman demanded, as the fellow in the T-shirt knelt down on the other side of Darren. “Looks like mainly flesh wounds. I keep a first-aid kit in the kitchen."

  She nodded at the handsome man with grey eyes and brown hair. He dashed off through one of the doors.

  "Neman, help me move him, please."

  Neman released Slazzamar, walking over to pick Darren up and carry him through a second door down a short, wide corridor into a room much like his bedroom only more sparse. He laid him down on the bed.

  Slazzamar leaned against the door. “We have to talk, Neman."

  Neman looked up at Slazzamar's solemn face—something was up with him. He waited until Mark came back through the door. “Stay with them,” he ordered. Mark nodded.

  "You, weapons room, now.” He teleported out, and Slazzamar disappeared a few seconds behind him.

  "I found him the night the Shadows Warriors came after your Chosen One,” Slazzamar began.

  "What game have you been playing, Slazzamar?"

  "There is no game anymore, Neman. I can't go back to the Lower or Outer Realms any longer. When Jezebel finds out I've lied though my teeth to get Darren out of there, she'll be after my blood."

  "What makes you think I won't be too? You put Vanessa's and her friend's life at risk.” Neman approached him.

  Slazzamar stood his ground, unwavering. “I never told anyone I knew where she was. As for Darren, if I hadn't taken him, Belshazzar's Shadow Demons would have killed him."

  Neman was suspicious of his motives. “What is it you want, Slazzamar?"

  "I've had enough of being everybody's whipping boy. I want out of this game, Neman.” He stepped closer to him. “I will fight for it, if I have to. All I ask for is sanctuary. In return, you have my allegiance, loyalty and every piece of dirt I know on all the Lower Realm rulers."

  This was something Neman hadn't expected of Slazzamar. He always knew him to be such a self-absorbed creature, only out to serve his own interests.

  "Tell me what you know and I'll consider it.” To Neman, trust was something to be earned, not bartered for.

  Slazzamar sighed, walked over and sat down on the stone steps.

  "Jezebel and Belshazzar have teamed up against you, and, as far as I know, two other rulers also want to stop the prophecy. They are pulling together every resource they have. This is turning into a full-on war. It's only a matter of time before they attack. In the Outer Realm, although they know of the prophecy, I doubt they will lift a finger to help. They have been battling against the demons long enough and are sitting back to see what happens. I can't get close enough to the elves to find out what they're doing.” The elves were the main guardians, fighting and killing demons, in the Outer Realm. Without their efforts, the Outer Realm would have been overrun.

  Neman exhaled slowly, weighing the odds against them. Without his powers and as skilled as he was with his blades, there was no way he could defeat an army that large without help. “Will you fight with us?"

  "I will do what I have to do, even if it means death in battle."

  Neman wondered what had happened to the half-breed to bring about such a change in him.

  "Forgive me, but there is something else you should know, something I have known for a long time now. I discovered it was Jezebel who stole your god powers, Neman. She wears them around her neck in a blue jewel. She meant to kill you that night in your temple after striking a bargain with the king. She used Ningal to lace your wine with the drug they used to subdue you, making her believe she would gain immortality if your powers were stripped."

  At first, Neman was stunned by the news that his own wife betrayed him. Neman grabbed the elf by his shirt. He shook Sazzamarwith a deadly rage. “How do you know this?"

  "I've fucked Jezebel enough for her to boast to me about how she turned the great Moon God into a mere pittance of a creature."

  "I'm going to kill her.” Tossing Slazzamar aside, he started selecting weapons from his collection—his sharpest, deadliest blades.

  Slazzamar jumped up, grabbing his arm.

  He threw the elf-demon off.

  Slazzamar stumbled backwards. “That's exactly what she wants you to do—go charging in half-cocked and vulnerable. Do you want to leave Vanessa unprotected for Jezebel to kill after she's finished you off?"

  If he hadn't already fallen in love with Vanessa, he would have ignored the elf's advice and stormed off, but the mere mention of her name calmed him. He looked at Slazzamar. He drew in a deep breath, calming the rage inside.

  "Sanctuary is yours. I don't know how much protection I can offer, considering the odds. But why this? Why now?"

  Slazzamar cocked his head to the side. “You're not the only one who knows love, Neman."

  It was then Neman understood Slazzamar's motives. He'd been bitten by the curse as well.

  Mark Remano introduced himself as Neman's right-hand man, the person who managed all of Neman's Ziggurat and demon-hunting affairs. Together, they cleaned Darren up and bandaged the wounds on his neck.

  "Why are you wearing a sheet?"

  "Because, I'm starting a new fashion trend,” Nessa snapped, a little harder than she intended to. “Sorry,” she mumbled.

  "It's okay—you must be in a bit of trouble to have Neman bring you here."

  "You could say that."

  "Are you and he, um, you know..."

  "What, screwing each other's brains out? Gee, what gave it away—that I'm wearing one of his bed sheets?” She wasn't in the mood to play twenty questions. She was too worried about Darren. Slowly, he started to come round.

  "Hey, Darren, how are you feeling?” She sat beside him and brushed the hair out of his face.

  "Like I was a chew toy for a bunch of twisted demons,” he croaked. “What a nightmare."

  "It's okay, you're safe now. I've been out of my mind with worry for you. What the heck happened?"

  Darren sat up in a panic. “That lying bastard, you can't let him near you. He's in league with the demon queen. They're going to kill you.” He gripped her shoulders.

  "Calm down, Darren. Who is in league with the demon queen?"

  "That would be me.” Everyone swiveled around to face him. Slazzamar stood in the doorway, his eyes fixed on Darren.

  "You!” Darren's angry tone was unmistakable. He pushed his friend back in a protective gesture, leapt off the bed and placed himself between Slazzamar and the Chosen One.
“You can't have her.” Anger flashed in Darren's beautiful hazel eyes.

  Despite Jezebel's guards using him as a chew toy, his cheeks were flushed in rage, making Slazzamar want him. Slazzamar gave him a half-smile. “It's not her I want.” He looked past Darren to the other two. “Nessa, Mark, would you give us a moment alone, please?” He saw Vanessa's eyes widen with surprise, glancing between them, as she realized what was going on.

  "Oooh, I see.” Diplomatically, Darren's friend got to her feet, grabbing Mark's arm. “Come on, take me to the big guy, will you? God or not, he owes me some clothes."

  "You know about that?” Mark was asking Nessa, as they headed for the door.

  Slazzamar stepped aside to let them pass, closing the door behind them. He turned to face Darren again.

  "You're nothing but a selfish, no good user! How did I ever fall in love with such a two-faced, lying bastard? You might as well cut out my heart, hurting me the way you did,” Darren raged.

  "Well that's just too damn bad, Darren!” Slazzamar snapped with such force, it made Darren take a step backwards, his leg hitting the bed, making him fall onto his rear. “What would you have me do? Spare your feelings or let you die? I did what I had to do to save you, and I'm not about to apologize for it.” Darren looked confused, so Slazzamar gave him a few moments to let the information sink in.

  Darren looked up at him. “Y-you weren't just using me?"

  Slazzamar shook his head. “I love you, as crazy as it is to love a mortal. I would lie, steal and kill for you, and there is nothing I wouldn't do to see you safe, even if it means leaving you here and never seeing you again, I'll do it.” Slazzamar waited for what seemed an eternity for Darren to say something. His heart sank in his chest while he sat there.

  Finally, Slazzamar turned his back and made to leave. But before he could reach for the door, Darren gripped his shoulder, spun him around, pulled his head down, and their lips met in a heated kiss. Slazzamar tugged Darren tight against his body.

  "I love you too, baby,” Darren whispered as he pulled Slazzamar's head back, looking into his eyes. “I'm sorry for accusing you. My heart, more often than not, rules my head. Can you forgive my stubbornness?"


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