Screwing The Billionaire - A Standalone Alpha Billionaire Romance (New York City Billionaires - Book #1)

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Screwing The Billionaire - A Standalone Alpha Billionaire Romance (New York City Billionaires - Book #1) Page 19

by Alexa Davis

  It had been difficult enough to reject him the first time. I wasn’t sure I could do it again. He made me feel weak. Whenever he was even in the same room as me, all I wanted to do was reach out and hug him, kiss him, and be in his arms.

  I ran my fingers over his name on the screen, my heart thundering like crazy in my chest as I did. I was full of indecision, too scared to act and too afraid not to. It was safe to say that I was a mess, and the only person I could talk to about this, the only person I could guarantee would give me some solid advice, I’d yelled at and stormed away from because I didn’t want to hear it.

  I glanced toward the door and forced myself to swallow my pride. I needed Kyle right now, more than I ever had before, I was going to just have to suck it up and hear him out. I didn’t have to agree with him, but I could at least listen to his opinion on my life.

  Chapter 33 – Xander (Wednesday)

  “Latte, please,” I said glumly to the waitress in the coffee shop. “Thanks.” I couldn’t make my tone do anything other than reflect my bleak mood, even to be polite.

  Ever since Lila told me to leave her alone at the hospital, I hadn’t known what to do with myself. I’d had a little chat with Kyle outside of the room, but of course that couldn’t solve anything. If Lila didn’t want me around, there was nothing her brother could do about that.

  Okay, maybe I’d overstepped a boundary by paying off her medical bills – I had a feeling that her proud side wasn’t going to like that one bit – but I just wanted to help and she wouldn’t let me in any other way. I just didn’t want her to be worrying about money while she was in that hospital bed. At the time, it felt like I was doing the right thing, but now I was scared it would only add to her reasons for wanting to keep me away.

  “Oh no.” Michael sat back, reading my expression as I joined him at the table. “That isn’t the face of someone who’s having a good day. What’s going on?”

  “It’s Lila.” I shook my head and huffed loudly. “She’s in the hospital. That’s why she hasn’t been in touch.”

  “Oh, my God.” Michael’s face fell. “Why? What happened? Was it some sort of accident?”

  “Throat cancer.” Oh, God. Even using the word cancer to describe Lila hurt me deeply. It spiked into my heart and made me all icy cold inside. “The cough she had turned out to be cancer.”

  Michael was stunned into silence, and I couldn’t blame him. That was exactly how I felt when I first heard the news... Well, that and total, all-consuming, unbridled panic. I decided if there was ever a time to get the whole story out, it was now.

  “So, I went to the hospital to see her, but she told me to leave. She said she didn’t want to put me through it all and that if I was there with her, she’d be worrying about me the whole time.”

  “And, what did you say to that?” he gasped. “I mean, that’s heavy; how did you even respond?”

  “I guess I didn’t say anything. I just did as she asked and left.” I felt pathetic as I admitted that aloud. Maybe I should’ve fought harder. There were lots of things that I wanted to say, but I didn’t because I wanted to be respectful.

  “Oh, God, was that the wrong thing to do?” My head fell into my hands as that hopelessness crept back through me once more. “Should I have refused to go?”

  “No, no, I don’t think so.” He placed his hand on my back in a comforting gesture. “If that’s what she wants, then that’s what you should do. She’s the one going through all of this. If she said to leave, then you have to respect that.”

  “Yeah?” I peeked back up at him, desperation coursing through me. “You think so?”

  “Sorting things out between you two isn’t what she needs to do right now. She needs to get better. Maybe it’ll be better if you go home today. I don’t know how much work you’ll get done while you’re this worked up.”

  “No, no,” I interjected quickly, sharply shaking my head. “If I’m at home, I’ll just drive myself crazy. I need to be doing something. Work is all I have.”

  “All right.” He agreed with me, much to my surprise. He seemed to be much easier going about things ever since our chat. Maybe a lot of his pent-up aggression was keeping all that inside and to himself. Maybe now that he’d expressed some of it to me, he would be a little easier to deal with. “Let’s get going then. There’s lots to get done today.”


  “Was that okay?” the girl, whose name escaped me, asked curiously into the mic. “How did it sound?”

  Shit, I wasn’t listening at all. I was thinking about Lila the whole time, but I couldn’t admit that aloud. I still needed to remain professional – this was still my business after all. “Yeah, that sounded great. I think...”

  “Xander.” Michael tapped me on the shoulder, causing me to spin around to look at him. I shot him a grateful glance, internally thanking him for saving me from that awkward moment. “Can I talk to you a minute?”

  “Take five, guys.” I smiled weakly at the band, before following Michael away. Maybe I should’ve gone home when he suggested. My mind was not in the game. “Is everything all right?”

  Michael gave me a little look, one that suggested he was about to tell me something I might not like. “I just got off the phone with Kyle...”

  “You did? What did you call him for? Don’t interfere.” I wasn’t sure why that freaked me out so much. Maybe it was because I should have been the one to call Kyle. Why the hell didn’t I think of that?

  “No, I wasn’t doing it to upset you. In fact, I didn’t mention you at all. I just told him that I knew Lila was in the hospital and that I’d be grateful if he kept me up to date.” He stared at me, almost challenging me, but this time I kept my mouth firmly clamped shut. “And, she’s at home.”

  My heart stopped, and my eyes blinked a few times in shock. Lila was out of the hospital? Already? Was it safe for her to be at home? Rationally, I knew that the doctors wouldn’t have sent her home if it wasn’t, but terror overshadowed that completely.

  “She’s... She’s home? She’s home?” If she was out of the hospital, what did that mean? Had she been given the all clear? No, that was silly. She couldn’t get better that quickly. But still...

  “She still has to go through treatment, but she’s not being kept in anymore. I think... I think maybe you should go to her.”

  “But what if she still doesn’t want me to? She hasn’t called me – that might mean she still wants me to keep away.”

  God, I’d never experienced so much self-doubt in my life! Even during my awkward teen years when I was trying to figure myself out, I’d never been so confused. This was horrible; I didn’t even know what to do with myself. “I shouldn’t go if she doesn’t want me there. What you said before still stands. It’s her choice. She’s the one who’s ill. This all needs to be on her terms.”

  “Kyle seems to think that she might want to thank you for paying off her medical bills.” Michael grinned, and I thought I could see some pride behind his gaze. “So, I think you need to go. Forget what I said before. That stood when she was in the hospital, but she isn’t anymore. Kyle looks out for her; if he thinks you should go, then you should go.”

  Warmth filled my chest and happiness swirled in my stomach. Maybe Michael was right. Maybe I did need to go and see her after all. I certainly wanted to. I felt that intense pull in my stomach. I couldn’t wait to see Lila’s face again. Whether she wanted to see me or not, I had to at least try. I would regret it forever if I didn’t.

  “Okay, yeah. I’m gonna go. Thanks, Michael, I appreciate it a lot.”

  I raced from the studio, forgetting all about the band I’d not even been listening to as they recorded. Now, I could freely focus all my attention on Lila and how much I wanted to see her. Knowing that she was home was a good sign. At least I didn’t have to worry quite so much anymore.


  My heart raced as I waited for Kyle to answer the door. I hadn’t warned him that I was coming, but he was probably still
expecting it after speaking to Michael. Still, I couldn’t shake the fear that he was going to turn me away.


  But when the door swung open, it wasn’t Kyle standing there staring back at me. It was Lila, and I wasn’t sure if she looked shocked to see me or totally pissed off.

  “Lila, I know that you told me to stay away, but please just give me a chance to talk to you,” I gushed, wanting to get my point across before she shut me out again. “Just for a minute.”

  She glanced behind her, and for a horrible second, I feared that she was going to send me away. “Okay, sure.”

  As I followed her into the front room, I tried to convince myself that this was a positive step, but still I wasn’t sure how much I believed it.

  “Oh, hi, Xander.” Kyle grinned at me, while slinging a bag over his shoulder. “It’s good to see you. I’m just on my way out for the afternoon. I need to get back to the music shop to get some inspiration. Maybe I’ll see you later.”

  “Okay, see you later.”

  It seemed like he was just leaving to give us some time alone, for which I was grateful. There was a lot Lila and I needed to talk about, and it wouldn’t have been so easy to do with an audience.

  As Lila sat down on the couch, I decided to sit next to her rather than opposite. I wanted to know if there any feelings were still there, and I figured the only way I could do that would be to allow our bodies to touch a little. If that fission of electricity was still there, we’d both be able to feel it.

  “Look, I just want to say thank you for paying off the medical bills for me,” she started stiffly, her whole body fixed in a very firm position. “Of course, I’ll pay you back.”

  “Oh, I know that.” I grinned. “I didn’t think I’d get away with that one so easily.”

  She must’ve been shocked for me to agree because she burst into unexpected laughter. “That’s great.” Her expression softened, and I could feel her relaxing a little bit. “Look, I’m sorry for being such a crazy bitch at the hospital. I know I must have hurt your feelings. I was just so freaked out.”

  “No, no, I totally get it. You don’t have to apologize.” I turned to face her and placed my hand on her arm to draw her nearer. As I did, I felt a powerful spark digging into my chest. There was definitely still something there between us. There was no denying that!

  “I’m just glad that you’re okay, and if you’ll have me, I want to be around to help you now. I don’t want you to have to go through this alone. If you don’t want me still, I get it. But if you do...”

  I left the question hanging in the air while I waited for her to think it through. Internally, I was pleading desperately with her, but outwardly, I just about managed to keep my cool.

  “I don’t want you to go anywhere,” she finally admitted, shrugging awkwardly. “I guess I’m just scared of putting you through this with me.”

  “I want to be here, and if you want me, then I’m not going anywhere!”

  We sat there, smiling at one another, both lost in our own little bubble, and there honestly wasn’t anywhere else in the world that I’d rather have been.

  Chapter 34 – Lila (Wednesday)

  Oh, my God, what is happening to me? All my resolve to stay away from Xander for his own good was flowing right out the window. I knew that I was weak around him, that he made me too wobbly for words, but this was on another level entirely.

  I wanted him. He was giving me an intense, desire-filled look, one that had my knees knocking together and my stomach feeling like jelly. Was there any point in holding back when we both wanted to be together? Would it just be stubbornness if I insisted that he stayed away from me when it was clear that neither of us wanted that?

  He was leaning in, his lips were coming toward me, and my heart was pounding loudly, making my decision for me. I liked him... More than liked him. I was steadily falling deeper and deeper in love with him. I couldn’t hold back from that anymore.

  And then his lips were entangled with mine, his fingers working their way around the back of my neck. I reached out to him and clung to him tightly, never wanting to let him go.

  This felt right. Every time Xander even touched me, my body went into a frenzy, but in the best way possible. I felt incredible with him, and after all that I’d just been through, incredible was exactly what I needed.

  No, I needed more. So much more.

  I’d have to take control of the situation if I wanted Xander, because he would be too gentle and cautious around me now. He would assume that because I’d been in the hospital for so long, I had to be treated with kid gloves, like a china doll. To try and dispel that worry from him mind, I bit down gently on his bottom lip and started to nibble.

  “Oh, God, I’ve missed you,” Xander groaned, pulling me in closer to him. Our legs were fully touching now, and there was a zinging electricity racing between us. It had every inch of my body sparking into flames. “So, so much.”

  I pulled back, just long enough to glance around the room, and I instantly knew that I couldn’t do what I had in mind in here. Kyle might be out for now, but there was no guarantee that he wouldn’t walk back in, and getting caught in the act was the last thing that I wanted. The lack of privacy was the only bad side to living with my brother.

  “Come on.” I sent Xander a wicked smile and extended my hand to him. “Let’s go into my bedroom.”

  “Really?” he gasped in shock. “But... aren’t you sick?”

  “Not too sick for you.” I rolled my eyes to highlight how ridiculous I thought his comment was. “Now, come on; you aren’t turning me down, are you?”

  “Oh, no, of course not!”

  As his fingers laced through mine, I felt a powerful warmth creeping through my body, and my pulse kicked up again. I hadn’t expected this day to go this way. To be honest, I hadn’t thought I’d see him again for a very long time. Now he was here, and I was leading him into my bedroom, shaking my hips in what I hoped was a seductive way as I walked.

  As soon as I closed the door behind me, I spun around and yanked him by his shirt toward me. His body pressed up against mine as we kissed hard and passionately. His tongue darted in and out of my mouth, sending a million and one sensations tearing through my body. I walked backward, not letting go of him even for a second, and soon we crashed against my bed where I tumbled backward into a sitting position.

  “Are you sure about this?” Xander asked me once more, a deep concern lacing his tone. “Aren’t you supposed to be resting?”

  “If you’re that worried, then I’ll just have to look after myself.” I winked and lay my body back onto the bed. Then I stared deeply into his eyes and slowly, tantalizingly slid my fingers down, under the waistline of my pants, dipping them into my underwear...

  “Oh, God, no.” He dove on me rapidly and moved his lips onto my neck. “There’s no way I’m missing out on any of the fun.”

  As we slowly peeled the clothes off one another, I couldn’t help but notice a difference from the last couple of times we’d been together. There was much more driven by romance than by passion. It was still there, burning embers under the surface, but we were taking it slower. We wanted to explore each other’s bodies, every single inch. Xander ran his lips all over my legs, my chest, my neck, even my toes, and I touched all of him, enjoying the smoothness in some areas and hardness in others.

  My heart fluttered, and my stomach churned. There was a hot love burning so brightly in my chest I felt like it might burst free at any given moment.

  Then I felt Xander edging closer and closer to where I was pulsating for him, aching for him, practically screaming for him. The center of my core needed him so desperately, I actually felt myself bite down into his shoulder. He didn’t react, though – if anything, it only spurred him on.

  “Oh, God,” he moaned as he slid a finger inside of me. “You’re so hot, so wet.”

  “All for you,” I panted breathlessly, throwing my head back as ecstasy crashed over me.
“You’re the only one who makes me feel this way.” I wasn’t lying. I had never felt so turned on by anyone before. Xander ignited a fire within me that flamed powerfully through my whole body.

  He slid another finger into me, then another, and my back buckled. My breasts connected with his chest, my stomach was pressed against his abs, and I could feel his breath tickling my neck.

  I was already about to lose it.

  “I need you,” I muttered desperately. “Now. I need you now.”

  Luckily, Xander seemed to be able to sense how serious I was, and he moved his hand away, knotting his fingers up into my hair. Then I could feel his thick, pulsating length teasing my entrance, begging to be let in. My God, did I want to let him in. I moved my thighs farther apart, allowing his weight to fall heavier onto me, giving him the space he needed to move that powerful erection into me.

  “Oh, shit,” I growled as he filled me up. “You feel so good.”

  He moved slowly at first, testing the waters with me, but as I moved harder and faster against him, letting him know what I wanted, he complied happily and followed my lead. I needed him, all of him; he was making me forget everything that I’d been through recently, and I adored him for that.

  The hot pool filled my stomach, and I knew then that the bliss was coming. It crept slowly, working its way through my veins, consuming each limb, every finger, every part of me from the top to the bottom. It intensified with each passing second, turning into a pressure, one that could explode like fireworks at any given second.

  I clung tightly to Xander, holding him as closely as I could manage while still staring into his eyes. I wanted him to see every part of me. I wanted him to experience my soul, and I wanted the same from him. I wanted the bond we had to grow even deeper as we got to know every part of each other.

  And then the waves crashed over me, swallowing me whole. As a thrilling pleasure zinged all over me, I buckled and screamed, letting everything burst free from my chest.


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