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Warlock of the Magus World 1-596

Page 302

by Wen Chao Gong

  At the end of the root was a berry vine, and atop a leaf the size of a millstone, he found bite marks.

  ‘An animal eating,’ Leylin looked at the mark on the leaf, ‘It should be omnivorous, these marks are of teeth used to tear flesh!’ The plan was repairing itself rapidly, erasing all traces of the bites.

  ‘They grow so quickly, which explains how this cycle was constructed here…’ Leylin touched his chin and came to the ground. At the root of the plant was a stinking thick, green goop.

  WMW Chapter 426

  Blood Vulture

  Leylin guessed that this animal was the bottom of the ecosystem’s food chain. That was the only way for this cycle to have been sustained through the ages.

  After all, this was just an ecological garden, not a pocket dimension full of resources. As big as it was, it could not support the entire ecosystem on its own. The organisms here had apparently established their own ecosystem in the absence of the researchers.

  *Groan!* A deep howl sounded out and Leylin instantly hid himself, watching the new creature draw near.

  This creature looked somewhat similar to the Snake-Necked Dragons, but what gave him the chills was its enormous black shell, barbed with spikes. It made the thing look indestructible.

  Its head stood out in a stark contrast; as opposed to its humongous body, it was tiny with two small bumps at the back of it. It also had a long nose which produce the howling previously.

  Booms rang out with every step, creating a weak resonant vibration with the ground. This massive creature had to weigh more than three tonnes.

  It came to a stop in front of Leylin’s hiding spot, threatening yet tiny eyes scanning around as it stretched its neck every now and then to nibble on the leaves of the giant plant.

  Its bite marks were the same as on the leaves Leylin had seen previously.

  ‘A.I. Chip! Search the database for the image of this creature!’ Leylin ordered stealthily.

  [Beep! Mission received, starting to scan image, checking database…]

  Leylin’s order was carried out faithfully by the A.I. Chip and the answer seemed closer than ever.

  [No matches found in database, starting search for similar creatures…][After comparison to similar creatures in the database, this creature is suspected to be a Snake-Necked Turtle. The two are 87.9% similar!]

  A detailed information on Snake-Necked Turtles was then provided by the A.I. Chip as a follow-up.

  [Snake-Necked Turtle: Creature of the ancient era. Extinct as of the present. Omnivorous and even-tempered, its shell possesses an astonishing defensive ability making it the core ingredient of many defensive weapons. Can reach a strength similar to that of a rank 2 Magus upon maturation.]

  Leylin studied the image—an illustration in an antique book the A.I. Chip once recorded—of the Snake-Necked Turtle in concentration

  ”Right! The only differences between them are the colour of their shells, the number of spikes on the shell, and their heads. It must be a mutation of some sort…”

  Leylin couldn’t say he was surprised. An environment like this would be hard for ancient era creatures to survive in if they didn’t actively evolve. A little mutation was nothing. This may even have been instigated by members of Quicksand.

  Either way, it’d be truly abnormal if these creatures were to retain all of their ancient characteristics.

  “If that’s the case, Snake-Necked Turtle you shall be!” Leylin decided. It wasn’t like normal Snake-Necked Turtles were alive anymore to contest it.

  Leylin still stayed, undetected by the Snake-Necked Turtle as it finished its meal and announced its departure with lengthy howls.

  Failing to resist the temptation, Leylin tailed the Snake-Necked Turtle.

  ”Shadow Stealth!” Leylin’s manipulation rendered this spell, which was supposed to be rank 1, stronger than many rank 2 spells. This was especially true when used with Vapour Phase spiritual force.

  Leylin climbed onto the back of the Snake-Necked Turtle as he fell into the shadows.

  The solid shell gave Leylin a sense of stability and security, and he observed his surroundings. The area was covered in a thick canopy and massive trees with hanging vines resembling the Chinese Fringetree. Droplets of water exuded an enchanting radiance as they rolled over the leaves and down the vines.

  The atmosphere was further amplified by the blooming of bright-coloured flowers, larger than humans, and the fragrance they gave off. They were truly roses with thorns.

  Leylin sniffed, “Hallucinogenic pollen, paired with this neuro-inducting energy. A level 3 acolyte, or even an official Magus would be tricked…”

  To Leylin, this place felt like a virgin tropical rainforest from his previous life where different species prospered. It painted an ambience of primitivity.

  Instead of spotting Leylin, the Snake-Necked Turtle became his form of transportation, advancing continuously.

  Its steady steps caused no discomfort to Leylin as he rested on its back. Approximately half an hour later, the Snake-Necked Turtle brought Leylin to a lake.

  Beside the lake was a piece of vacant land. The water came from a river, white as jade, that filled the lake with fresh water bit by bit.

  *Moou!* A crowd of Snake-Necked Turtles started gathering around. Many of them swam around without care in the lake, diving in every now and then before raising their heads above the water suddenly, resulting in huge splashes everywhere. Some also shot columns of water from their nostrils that resembled fountains.

  The Snake-Necked Turtle that Leylin rode was similarly excited and went straight for the lake.

  ‘There should be about 75 of them here!’ Leylin’s eyes lit up.

  Snake-Necked Turtles weren’t well-known after the ancient era; not only were they lacking in strength, their bloodlines were weak too. They were of no use to Leylin.

  However, there was something that stood out about them: they bred like rabbits!

  The breeding period of a regular Snake-Necked Turtle was very long. They laid almost a hundred eggs every other month, and the survival rate of their clutches were high as well. Barring predators, at least half the eggs would hatch successfully. As long as there was sufficient food, they would mature in the next few years and continue the cycle.

  ‘This is how nature balances itself. The strong cannot multiply as fast, and even when they do it’s hard to provide for them. On the other hand, the weak have an insane rate of reproduction and activity…’ Leylin remembered the mice of his previous life. There was only one word to describe their adaptability and rate of reproduction: perverse. They had a very high possibility of surviving even nuclear winter.

  ‘As for the mutated Snake-Necked Turtles here, their inner bodies seem to work even faster. It probably takes them under a year to mature from the ovum.’ Leylin touched his chin in thought. Evidently, the reproductive capabilities of these mutated Snake-Necked Turtles were intensified to prevent the extinction of their species. Of course, it came as an acquired evolution.

  It can be seen, then, from these selective evolutions that the Snake-Necked Turtles definitely did not possess any form of superiority and were actually at the bottom of the food chain, waiting to be preyed on.

  *Hoot!* Just as Leylin was preparing to bring back samples of Snake-Necked Turtle blood for further study, he heard a high-spirited, piercing screech.

  It caused an uproar in the community of Snake-Necked Turtles and all of them starting speeding towards the lake. Those that were already in the lake dived deep in and never surfaced.

  The screech got increasingly louder and Leylin could see a streak of crimson on the horizon due to the several-fold increased senses of his body.

  The creature was a type of giant hawk-like being. Glossed with the colour of blood, its feathers were smooth yet solid, its head accessorised by stalks of golden feathers giving the illusion of a crown.

  [Blood Vulture detected! Creature of the ancient era. They attack with sound waves and can manipula
te the blood of their target. They possess a strong interest in bloodline-related treasures and are communal creatures. Evaluation: Extremely dangerous!]

  The A.I. Chip pushed into his sight.

  “Blood Vulture!?” Leylin’s expression quickly grew from shock to joy.

  ‘They have extraordinary sensory ability towards idiosyncratic bloodlines on top of their superb vision. A strand of hair on the ground could be detected easily even from an altitude of 10,000 feet. Mostly kept as pets by ancient warlocks to seek bloodline treasures!’

  ‘But…’ Leylin hesitated as he read the danger evaluation of it.

  Just the strength of this particular Blood Vulture was enough to caution Leylin. It could equate to a human rank 3.

  Moreover, the A.I. Chip stated that they were communal creatures, there were definitely more rank 3 members back in its nest or even a King Blood Vulture! The king would, no doubt, be a rank 3 Crystal Phase being, and may even have reached the Morning Star realm!

  *Hoot!* The Blood Vulture sounded out occasionally as it sailed in the air causing fear within the community of Snake-Necked Turtles, something which seemed to encourage the vulture even more.

  *Bang!* A single Snake-Necked Turtle, with a wounded leg, stood out as it trailed behind the mass of them, and fell to the ground under the stampede.

  Deciding that it was time to stop the fun, the Blood Vulture flapped its wings and plunged straight to the ground.

  The strong winds that followed its action already had Leylin stunned. The remarkable size of the vulture, much bigger than the Snake-Necked Turtle, slowly came into view as it drew closer to the ground.

  The contrast between their forms was not obvious when the Blood Vulture flew in the sky, but compared when closer by, the huge Snake-Necked Turtles were like mice to the Blood Vulture.

  *Hoot!* The Blood Vulture stretched its huge claw and punched a hole in the head of the Snake-Necked Turtle. The thing fell, blood splattering everywhere…

  WMW Chapter 427

  Entering the Nest


  Upon seeing the blood fluids, the Blood Vulture’s eyes shot our rays of excitement as it started to shriek hysterically. A blood-coloured glow shone from his body.

  Concurrently, large amounts of fresh blood spewed out of the Snake-Necked Turtle’s neck like water from a fountain. It coagulated in mid-air and eventually formed lumps of blood clot which were swallowed by the Blood Vulture.


  Soon after, the Blood Vulture stretched out its long sharp black claws, and easily lifted the shell of the Snake-Necked Turtle. Using its claws, it separated the fresh flesh into segments of meat and started devouring the meat. His motions were smooth, as he nonchalantly ate a Snake-Necked Turtle in front of its counterparts.

  The majestic beast presented a perfect combination of grace and bloodshed.

  “Moooooo…” As they watched their companion being brutally murdered, the rest of the Snake-Necked Turtles mourned but did not dare to take a step outside the lake.

  Leylin quietly watched this scene and maintained a neutral expression.

  That was but a common occurrence in the natural world. Before the advancement to a stage where one could survive purely based on the injection of energy, such predatory acts were not considered to be good or bad. The survival instincts were merely the rules of life, meant to be followed and respected.

  “Its ability to control bloodline!” On the contrary, Leylin was actually very interested in this specific ability of the Blood Vultures.

  Furthermore, differing from the Snake-Necked Turtle, a mature Blood Vulture was at least at the standard of a Rank 3, the minimum criteria to achieve the Pure Ancient Blood! Leylin was extremely interested in the origins of these bloodline creatures.

  ‘It’s just… Should I go?’ Leylin stroked his chin.

  The King Blood Vulture could be of Morning Star rank, and under its detection, Leylin’s stealth spell would not be of any effect. However, should the King Blood Vulture still be of rank 3 status, even if it was at the apex of the Crystal Phase, Leylin would still be confident in his ability to conceal himself.

  ‘The number of choices we humans have is very troublesome!’ Leylin thought. He sighed feeling like he was at a crossroads in life, with a dense fog shrouding his destiny.

  In fact, this was a choice people would have come across many times in life in which their final choices can result in different outcomes, both good and bad.

  ‘Do I go, or not?’ Leylin debated with himself.

  *Trrring!* Leylin tossed a dull golden coin and it landed on the back of his hand with the Luckbird staring back at him.

  Even after a long while, the coin was not badly damaged, causing Leylin to heave a sigh of relief.

  “Since the Coin of Destiny did not crack, this means that the Blood Vultures don’t have a rank 4 in their midst. I can take my chances!” Leylin’s eyes burned with passion.

  The Coin of Destiny was Leylin’s biggest accomplishment in Twilight Zone. It would, however, bring about huge misfortunes if it were to be utilised to predict the abilities of Morning Star Magi. But despite this flaw, it still benefitted Leylin without a doubt.

  Since not a single crack appeared on the coin when he made the prediction, this suggested that there were no Morning Star beings blocking his path. That was good enough for him. Even if he used everything he had, he could not bridge the gap between himself and a Morning Star power.

  As long as the opponent was not at the Morning Star realm, Leylin was willing to take the risk.

  *Choo!* At this point in time, the Blood Vulture on the ground had already finished its meal. Leylin was stunned, as he looked at the Blood Vulture fly into the sky with the remains of the Snake-Necked Turtle in its mouth as if it wanted to bring the remains back into its nest.

  “This is my chance!” Leylin’s eyes flashed brightly, as he initiated his Shadow Stealth. He concealed his figure in the crevices and stealthily entered the carcass of the Snake-Necked Turtle.

  The wind howled unceasingly. The Blood Vulture took off at a high velocity, the friction created by the turbulence had caused sparks to be created with the corpse of the Snake-Necked Turtle.

  Fortunately, the collision of airflow ceased after it reached a certain height.

  The Blood Vulture travelled at a high velocity, causing Leylin’s view of the landscape below to be that of a blur. About 10 minutes later, they arrived at their destination.

  Leylin could barely hide the shocked expression on his face as he saw the huge shadows not far from him.

  Ahead of him was a huge mountain, solitary and upright. There was not a hint of vegetation, instead, it gave off a dark glow that made it seem as if it was some kind of metal structure.

  Scattered all around were huge caves, of which Blood Vultures could be seen squawking in.

  They were synchronized in their cacophony. Not only were their penetrating screeches ten times as strong as those of the individuals, they caused Leylin’s Kemoyin bloodline to have a weird reaction, as if it was about to leave his body. Fortunately, this was just a momentary hallucination. Under the suppression of his Vapour Phase spiritual force, it disappeared without a trace.

  “The Blood Vulture’s ability to control bloodlines is truly terrifying!” Leylin muttered.

  “Furthermore, this Ecological Garden is far too vast and wide!” Leylin developed doubts towards his previous judgment. “Don’t tell me that this place is not simply an Ecological Garden or a Magus’ garden, but a pocket dimension… A pocket dimension within another!”

  Rumour had it that, among the various pocket dimensions that the ancient Magi left behind as a legacy, some even contained additional pockets of their own.

  This sort of layering was extremely difficult, as it was impossible to shift a dimension into another. Even though Leylin possessed quite a few spatial items, he was unable to place his storage ring into his storage pouch.

  But it was very obvious that t
he ancient Magi had methods to successfully break through this restriction, thus building this pocket dimension within a pocket dimension!

  This kind of pocket dimensions were known as cores. It required the huge affluence and power of the ancient Magi to be able to build such a core. And in this core were stored all kinds of resources, many of which would make Morning Star Magi turn green with envy.

  “Since the Sun’s Child was within the Quicksand Organisation, then their powers would be considered top-notch even in the ancient times. Such organisations would hence possess the ability to construct these!”

  Leylin guessed as such as he looked up at the entirety of Quicksand Castle, which was, in fact, an extraordinary pocket dimension!

  *Choo!* At this moment, the Blood Vulture with Leylin let out a harmonious hoot and descended into one of the huge caves.

  *Bam!* The carcass of the Snake-Necked Turtle was thrown to the ground, following which, the Blood Vulture started squawking. A few small pink Blood Vultures ran out from the cave, gnawing at the flesh.

  It was obvious these small Blood Vultures were only children. Not only were their bodies shades of pink, they were completely bald, having yet to grow feathers. They were similar in strength to level 3 acolytes.

  “After these Blood Vultures grow into adulthood, they are able to reach the level of a rank 3 Magus. Furthermore, they are able to control bloodlines. Since they were capable of flight too, their eggs, if sold, would definitely be able to obtain a high price!

  Leylin looked at the baby Blood Vultures, which were as small as chicks, and thought that it was a pity.

  Since they were born, these Blood Vultures would only succumb to the first creature they saw after they exited their shells, and could never be tamed by anyone else.

  Taking advantage of the Blood Vultures eating the carcass, Leylin secretly exited the carcass of the Snake-Necked Turtle, and went to a corner of the cave.

  “Shadow Technique!” Leylin used a complicated magic rune on himself. The darkness immediately shrouded him and Leylin vanished into the shadows.


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