Payne, Lillith - His Unconventional Woman (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Payne, Lillith - His Unconventional Woman (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Lillith Payne

  His Unconventional Woman

  Dana has always loved Clay, her brother’s best friend. She’d grown up with him always around, and when she left to pursue a modeling career in New York and to go to college, leaving him behind was difficult.

  Coming home for vacations and holidays through the years, she began to realize the brotherly feelings were gone, replaced with lust and need. On one storm-riddled night, she’d nearly seduced him.

  With time, she began to learn what got her excited and realized she’d become an unconventional woman in most men’s eyes. Coming home for good, Dana finally let Clay know her secret. If he could accept her need for toys, spanking, and bondage in the bedroom, they might stand a chance at a future together.

  Genre: Contemporary

  Length: 77,190 words


  Lillith Payne


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2011 by Lillith Payne

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-841-9

  First E-book Publication: September 2011

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  For my husband.



  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  Clay glanced in his rearview mirror, the dust cloud approached his vehicle with amazing speed. Almost before it could register in his thoughts, the dust enveloped him. “Damn,” he said aloud, wishing he hadn’t taken the top off the convertible. In the distance he thought he heard a horn blow as the vague impression of a blue bullet sped past him on the left.

  As the dust was settling, he knew instinctively what he was witnessing before he heard the squeal of the brakes and knew the driver was spinning. He was impressed the other driver had controlled it to a complete three-quarter spin and was now facing the driveway, straight ahead.

  Less than a quarter mile ahead was the right turn into the private driveway, his destination and that of the speed demon that had just blown past him. Had he not been thinking about what lay ahead, he might have shifted gears and given the blue bullet a run for its money on the last mile stretch before the turnoff. Instead, his brain was focused on seeing her again, his stomach churning when he realized how uptight he really was.

  As if to taunt him, the driver of the bullet postponed his entrance for Clay to catch up, revving its engine in disgust at having to wait, just before it took off into the driveway. The driver floored the pedal as a hand came up and waved. Again the horn sounded. Clay decided to slow down. Whoever was playing with him could just wait a little longer. Clay downshifted and cruised toward the driveway at twenty miles an hour. There was no sign of the car and he breathed a sigh of relief.

  Who the hell was that? He made the turn into Jeff and Lisa Britton’s driveway. The half-mile-long road leading to the house was one-way, as it formed the right side of a large horseshoe with the house being at the head. In the center, the grassy area was surrounded with white board fences, protecting the grazing horses from straying. He remembered seeing the sports car in town several times. Once at the bank and pulling in the driveway of the old Britton Mansion in town. He remembered now, because he had wanted to ask Jeff if he had finally decided to do something with the original old, abandoned homestead of the Britton family.

  Halfway in, Clay spotted the car pulled off the left shoulder at an odd angle, the driver’s door left open. It was the first time he got a good look at the small BMW Roadster made famous in the movies by a super-spy. The convertible was dark blue and sported a temporary North Carolina tag. That was when he knew for sure it was the same vehicle he had seen around the area the last few days. “Where’s the driver?” he wondered aloud just before spotting her. “Her!” He caught a glimpse of tanned skin hiding under a full-brimmed straw hat that covered her head and shadowed the shoulders of this stunt driver. He saw bare shoulders as he cruised toward her. He did see a small patch of black skirt, a very short skirt for such long legs.

  Braking slightly, Clay saw the woman had her face buried in the neck of a horse, her hands reaching to soothe it gently. He watched as she climbed up the bottom row of the fence, leaning over to nuzzle the horse. That was when he realized she was barefoot.

  “Good God!” Clay said aloud as his body went into overdrive and tense feelings in his groin demanded his attention. He dropped his hand to his cock and absently stroked his erection. It felt good, too good, he realized, and focused his attention back on the road.

  He cruised past the bare-shouldered beauty, afraid to think any further, forcing himself to calmly drive up to the house. Once there, he parked the Corvette off to the side, away from the tree-lined entry. With several deep breaths, Clay gathered the small, wrapped box that sat on the empty seat next to him as the BMW pulled up beside him. He watched as she seemed to pl
an her moves, smiling inwardly as he wondered if she realized how many women would kill to have hair like hers, kissed with natural highlights from the sun, never a bottle. Having known Dana all her life, he knew it wouldn’t occur to her to add them herself. He smiled again, wondering what her answer would have been if it was suggested to her. When her look met his, the dread he’d been holding back rushed forward. Choosing to take the initiative, he left the safety of his car and walked toward her, shaking his head when he realized she couldn’t find her shoes. In that instant it was reinforced to him that being casual around Dana was going to be difficult on all levels. Best he kept his distance until he knew more about her reasons for retiring from her lucrative modeling career and moving back to her hometown.

  Leaning across her vehicle to say hello to her wasn’t a good idea, Clay realized as her rosy scent reached him. Pulling back from her, he felt his cock harden as the fragrance wafted through his senses. The tightening in his stomach made him realize again he would have to be more careful around her or give away his feelings that might not be returned. If she did return his feelings, it would open another doorway he wasn’t sure he was strong enough to walk through. Clay knew he’d blocked budding relationships in the past, the idea of Dana always lurking in the back of his mind. Now that she was home, he knew one way or another they’d finally decide what their relationship was.

  Dana knew the vintage candy-apple-red Corvette, for she had ridden in it often and even been allowed to drive it on several occasions. She knew Clay would come for the christening. He was to be Adam’s godfather, and she his godmother. As her brother Jeff’s best and oldest friend, Clay Hollister had always been around. It had felt wrong if he wasn’t, she reflected, knowing how she hounded the pair with her tagging along and unending requests and attempts for attention. She was ten years their junior, enough time for them to have pity on her occasionally and to be horrid on others.

  In the long days before coming home, Dana had envisioned Clay’s face often. His dark brown hair was always windblown with sun-given highlights. His dark eyes always mesmerized her, their intensity burning through her on more than one occasion. So wise and knowing. Sometimes when she caught him looking at her it was as if he could see into her soul. The idea that every thought she had might also run through his mind bared her to him in an elemental way. Being near Clay had been a part of the decision-making process. Dana knew she would have to get a handle on her emotions. She blew out the breath she’d been holding, knowing if they did start some form of a sexual relationship he would lean her secrets. If her secrets didn’t horrify him, the two of them might stand a chance to build a future. If he couldn’t accept her eccentricities, he’d probably never see her again in the same light. Innocence lost could never be reclaimed. But that was part of the process. She was no longer too young for him or her private passions. She decided time and fate would prevail. For now, she had to get her act together and get through the christening. Clay would probably like a say on the subject, too. Just because she lusted for him didn’t make him an automatic potential lover, even if that was one of her ultimate goals of moving home. Even through all her angst on the subject, she still couldn’t put Clay on her negative list of arguments for moving home.

  Over a year in the making, her pro vs. con list shifted several times, home winning out. This was where she belonged, where she would continue her life. If Clay happened to run into her on occasion, so be it. They had been friends all her life, and if she was getting anxious at the thought of being close to him, it was her problem to correct. Clay had never been anything but brotherly, in both the good and bad sense. Her desire couldn’t enter into that brotherly friendship if she were to keep the situation uninterrupted. Dana knew if she pushed for a sexual commitment and they failed, she’d lose him forever in all ways.

  She let her memory flash to the one night he’d lost his reserve with her. It had been an awakening of sorts, one she cherished and longed to repeat. But since he’d never made any mention or attempt to repeat it, she’d have to wait. Her second memory was of their time together at Jeff and Lisa’s wedding, another shattering moment in her life that was so short and never mentioned. Maybe she’d find the courage to talk to him about the incidents one day and get a chance to repeat them. For now, with the guest gathered for the party, she’d have to wait.

  At this time in her life, Dana wanted Clay as a friend, even if their being lovers was always on her mind. If that was the only place it ever could exist, she’d accept it and hopefully move on to a man who understood her. Dana seriously hoped that didn’t happen.

  Parking beside him, she pulled off her straw hat, tossing it onto the other seat, not caring when it fell to the floor. Her brown hair waved around her face and shoulders and down her back in soft continuing waves. She watched as Clay froze when her gaze met his. For a second, she thought to retreat, and then she realized she couldn’t. This was her home. The thought gave her reason to smile, and she did as she bent over, searching for her shoes on the floor of the tiny car.

  “Some things never change, do they, kid?”

  Clay was standing beside her door, staring down with his smile broad. She wished he would take off the sunglasses, wanting to see the chocolate eyes she had dreamed of so often. Pushing that thought aside, she agreed with him. “Yep, some things don’t.” She smiled back, wanting to add that she had, but he hadn’t noticed. “Do you see his brother back there, Clay?” she asked, holding up only one strappy, high-heeled sandal. Reaching across her, he retrieved the shoe that hid under the monstrosity of a thing she had used as a hat. She would never tell anyone she hated wearing hats. Dana learned a long time ago to keep out of the sun as much as possible, or she’d become one large freckle. So she’d taken to wearing outrageously large hats to cover her when she was outdoors. Most people just thought it was a Britton eccentricity. They had no idea how much time she spent in the sun riding horses and swimming.

  “Next time, get a smaller hat or a bigger car,” he teased, handing her the second shoe. He opened the car door for her then ran his hand along the line of the small convertible as she swung her legs onto the grassy shoulder while she slid on her shoes. He had reached the other side of the vehicle and again took note that she was bare shouldered and bare backed. The white halter shirt fit around her small waist and up behind her neck. Everything in between was pure Dana, flawless to his eye, as always. Those eyes, sable brown with golden edges that flamed when she was excited or angry. He had been on the receiving end of both of those moods, knowing both could bring him to his knees if he let them. This latest episode was just more proof.

  Clay didn’t expect her to understand. After all, she thought of him as just another big brother to bully and taunt. Until three years ago, that was all he had seen in her. Then she came home for the holidays and his life had turned upside down. Watching her bent over in the seat, he knew it had really started a few years earlier. She had been just twenty when she came to him for shelter during a storm. How he had managed to keep from fucking her, he’d never know. Only that it would have been wrong. Technically he hadn’t kept his hands from her, but he’d managed to stop himself from making love to her. Instead, he’d brought her to a climax with his hands and lips.

  Clay knew she’d been the one to initiate the situation, and his cock, still semi-hard from his earlier thoughts, throbbed at the memory. It was a memory he often used to masturbate to. Dana on her knees before him, his legs stretched wide to the side with her mouth just about to encase his cock. Yes, he admitted they’d explored that night, but he hadn’t fucked her. Maybe if they had made love his life would be different. Hers would have been too. But he’d found the presence of mind to stop their explorations before plunging his cock inside her and showing her what it meant to truly be loved and appreciated. Pulling himself from the memories, he cleared his throat and tried to get a handle on his emotions.

  “When did you get in, kid?”

  “A few days ago, what do you th
ink of the wheels?” she asked. He knew she wouldn’t ask if she didn’t want his opinion, hating the idea it meant so much to him. “I know you can’t consider it a classic, but it gets me around.” Her straight face folded into a wide smile, warming his heart that had gone cold so long ago.

  “I’ll reserve judgment until I get to drive it.” He stuck his tongue out at her, as he would when she was ten, not giving him or Jeff a moment’s peace for whatever had been so important to them at the time. Shaking his head when she did the same, he rounded the car as she pulled on a sleeveless black jacket that matched the skirt she was almost wearing. Now, standing before him, Clay felt his hands go clammy and cursed his cock stirring with anticipation.

  It had been almost three years since he had seen Dana, and he missed her. Dana took a steadying breath as she rose up from the seat of the car. She flung her arms around his neck, pulling him off balance against her. Then she took off his sunglasses and tossed them onto the seat of her car.

  His arms surrounded her waist, and he felt the warmth of her against him. Inhaling deeply, her scent enveloped him lightly. Sweet summer roses. He buried his face in her neck and hair as she had done so recently with the horse in the pasture.

  Dana held onto Clay as if her life depended on him. She didn’t know when she would get a chance to be close to him again, and she yearned for his touch. Slowly, he lifted her off the ground a few inches, swinging her in a circle. They had done this so often through the years it was routine. Dana always had a hug for him as well as Jeff when they would come home from school on vacations. Clay would hug her deeply then swing her around several times before setting her back on her feet.

  She would lean her head back, close her eyes, and trust him not to hurt her. This time was no different, her head tossed back, her hair swinging free against his bare arms. He never disappoints me, still turning in slow circles beside the two parked vehicles. She wondered how long they might have stayed that way if they hadn’t been interrupted by voices coming toward them.


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