Burning Desire

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Burning Desire Page 7

by Scarlett Avery

  As long as we keep the conversation to a nondescript topic, it seems Jake is happy to engage. God forbid we talk about what’s really going on between us. Great. I turn my attention back to the streets so he doesn’t read the disappointment in my gaze. My exasperation grows with each city light we cross until something detonates inside me. All day now, my heartache for Jake has been blossoming into the determination to simply confront him. I can’t go on for the rest of this week acting like everything is okay when I’ve become invisible to the man who owns a big piece of my heart. I need to know where I stand.

  The chauffeured black Lincoln Continental turns off of Madison Avenue onto 76th Street and before you know it we’re parked in front of the hotel. I barely have time to grab the handle before my door swings open. The chauffeur gallantly helps me out of the car and I blush from the attention. Another perk of having a lot of money. I walk towards Jake’s extended hand and I allow him to interlace his fingers into mine—as if he’s done it a million times before.

  We walk side by side into the hotel like long-time lovers almost oblivious to the bustling activity taking place in the lobby. Clearly, a group of guests has just arrived and they’re all anxious to find a place to crash for the night. It’s a struggle to reach the elevators and when we finally get there, Jake presses the button a few too many times, indicating he’s as eager as I am to get back to our room.

  When a car reaches the lobby, I exhale. The doors are just about to close when a pair of big strong hands clamp on them, forcing them to open again. A tall stranger smiles apologetically and before you know it, eight other tall burly men cram inside the car. It’s so tight, Jake and I end up smashed against each other.

  We play it cool, pretending this isn’t the most awkward situation, but I feel his piercing eyes on me. I furtively look up and a mocking grin curls his lips. Bastard. I avoid brushing against his cock by taking a small step in front of me, afraid everyone on the elevator car might know how wet I am.

  Jesus, this is the longest ride ever.

  When the doors open, Jake pushes through the crowd and guides me towards our room by keeping his strong hand on the small of my back. We’re walking so close to each other, but neither of us dares to speak. After letting me in, Jake waltzes in right behind me and struts around the suite turning a few lights on.

  As soon as I enter, I drop my handbag on a small table near the couch and stride across the room. I kick off my insanely high heels and peel off my confining jacket before returning my focus to the tall man who’s making me swoon. Overwhelmed by all of the emotions colliding inside me, I lean backwards against a wall to catch a glimpse of the man who’s come to my rescue like a hero.

  I drink him in shamelessly. Even after a very long day, he’s still extraordinarily fuckable. Damn, that’s so annoying. Despite a few unruly strands of hair flirting with his eyes, he still looks like a fierce businessman.

  He drops his laptop case near the desk and he kicks off his expensive-looking shoes before peeling off his equally overpriced socks. As if I’m not in the room, he casually strips out of his tailored navy-blue jacket before removing his crisp white shirt. He places both on the back of the same chair they had been resting on earlier today and he’s now standing in front of me in a form-fitting V-neck t-shirt.

  My eyes drag over his lean muscles and I exhale, longing to touch him. Helpless, my gaze traces over the definition of his broad chest, his rock-hard abs, his strong shoulders and his buff biceps. The man is cut to such perfection it makes me want to delineate every dip and curve of his godlike physique with my tongue. Jesus.

  I’m sure my lustful gaze must be burning his skin because he turns around and locks eyes with me. We stare at each other silently for a few long seconds like two people who have so much to say to each other but who don’t know where to start until he breaks the ice.

  “What? Why are you looking at me like this? There seems to be something on your mind you’re not saying.”

  I open my mouth to deny his suspicions, but a force inside me takes over.

  “Jake, I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done for me.”

  “Please. We’ve gone over this many times before. You know I would never have left you stranded alone.”

  I nod and I pinch my lips, determined not to allow this conversation to turn into another dreary exchange. “Yes, I know,” I let out in a whisper. “But you’ve been so distant lately, it’s killing me.”

  “Ali, there’s been a lot going on with the trial and—”

  “There you go again,” I interrupt, lifting my chin defiantly. “You keep hiding behind this trial.”

  “I’m not.”

  He stares down at me. His jaw ticks. An uncomfortable silence stretches out between us until it becomes insufferable.

  “What is it about me you don’t like anymore, Jake?” It’s more a plea than a question. We’re both startled by my boldness. I didn’t know I had it in me to speak my mind like this to a man.

  “What are you talking about, Ali?”

  “It’s as if you don’t see me anymore.”

  “Of course I see you.”

  “Well, you could’ve fooled me.” I push myself off the wall and I take a decisive step forward, placing my hands on my hips.

  “Ali, you’ve got it all wrong—”

  “Are you kidding me? Although I was prancing around this place nearly naked this morning you couldn’t even spare me one second. Whatever was happening on your laptop was so fascinating you couldn’t look away.”

  “I don’t want things to get weird between us.”

  “How in the world could things possibly get any weirder between us?”

  “We live on the same property and you work for my sister. Let’s not forget—”

  “Yeah, I’m very aware of our living conditions. I thought being here together we might have been able to reconnect.”

  “It’s not that simple. You’re forgetting something very important.”

  “Why don’t you enlighten me? Because right now I don’t understand what the hell is going on between us.”

  “I’ve been wrestling to find the proper way of handling this,” he says, waving his finger between us.

  “Are you brushing off everything we’ve shared so far?” Great. I was just a fun pastime.

  “No. Not at all.”

  “You don’t have to lie,” I say, throwing my hands up in the air. My frustration is consuming me.

  “Ali, that’s not—”

  “Why don’t you come out and say it so we can get this over with.”

  Put me out of my misery, please.


  “I know I never asked for anything from you and maybe I should’ve, but did you have to dismiss me so callously?”

  “But I haven’t.” He looks almost hurt.

  “Everything about your body language suggests you have.” For once in my life I’m going to stand up for myself. I’m not going to allow a man to dispose of me like a dirty Kleenex.


  “Don’t you ‘Ali’ me—”

  “Allison!” he yells, demanding my attention. He narrows his eyes. The last time I saw this menacing look, he was staring at Lindsay. “You’re not listening to me.” He shakes his head and he chuffs out a laugh.

  “This isn’t funny, you know.” I cross my arms over my chest.

  “No, it’s not. I’m not laughing because it’s funny. I’m laughing at the irony of it all.”

  I huff. “No need to explain further. I get it,” I say, opening my arms in a theatrical gesture.

  He takes a long step towards me and fists both hands. “No, you fucking don’t, because you won’t stop talking long enough for me to explain myself.”

  All the blood drains from my face and my throat is so dry it’s as if I’ve been roaming across the desert for the past week. “What more is there to explain?”

  “Plenty. Everything about us started so suddenly.”

u don’t have to go down memory lane, Jake. Just give me the quick summary,” I hiss.

  He’s on me in a flash. One hand over my mouth, the other cradling the back of my head as he shoves me against a wall behind me. He holds me there with the weight of his own body, his legs on the outsides of mine, boxing me in. “It’s not your turn to talk. Understood? For God’s sake, woman, let me finish.”

  Holy shit. What just happened? My eyes widen and my nostrils flare at his command. I search his gaze and finally nod.

  “If I wasn’t so upset at you, I’d confess that your defiance is a real turn-on.”

  “Huh?” Did he say he was turned on?

  My heart is beating so hard and so fast I’m dizzy and breathless. Or maybe it’s from Jake covering my mouth with his strong hand as he slams me up against the wall. Christ, I’ve never gotten so wet so fast in my entire life.

  “Do you think I’m not aware it’s just the two of us? Trust me, it’s been a struggle for me to restrain myself and not pounce on you,” he says, arching a brow. “Do you remember the day of our last ride before Riley came back to the ranch?”

  I nod.

  “I had big plans for us that night. I had intended on letting you know how I truly feel about you, but the drama unfolding in your life took over and my need to be with you took a backseat.” He frowns. “I was afraid you were dealing with so much already and I figured if I was patient it would pay off. You needed a protector, not another situation to handle. To make up for the past three weeks, I had planned on taking you away to the Hamptons before we went back to Denver later this week to see if there was a sliver of hope you might feel the same way I feel about you.” He heaves a breath and leans his forehead against mine, bringing us eye to eye. Jesus. Is that a declaration? “I’ve been looking at you all day long, baby. You’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmurs, bending to kiss my neck, my collarbone, and the top swell of my boobs. “The only thing I wanted to do last night was to slide my body against your curves and fuck you until you passed out, but I didn’t know if you wanted me in the same way.” I furrow my brow, completely confused. “I desperately want you, Ali, but I don’t think I can share you anymore… not even with my best friend. And I’m unsure if I’m entitled to demand such things of you.”

  If I were a betting woman, I’d lose a boatload of money right now because not even in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined such a heart-wrenching confession from a man I want more than life itself.

  I pull at the hand covering my mouth in a gentle plea. Jake removes his hand immediately. “Can I say something, please?” I ask now that the torrent of my anger has subsided.

  His dark gaze turns electric blue again. “Go ahead.” He smiles.

  “I want to be with you too, Jake,” I let out in a heated breath.

  His eyes narrows and his lips press into a line. “What about Hunter?”

  It takes me a split second, but finally everything makes sense. I understand why the man my heart aches for has been so aloof and distant for the past few weeks.

  “What about him? He’s not here, is he?” I retort, curling up my lips.

  He searches my eyes for a long minute, perplexed, until the weight of my words hit him. In that instant I know he’s read my heart. “Really?”

  “Jake, he knows.”

  “He does?”

  “Uh-huh.” I duck my head, aware I’ve revealed too much.

  Jake catches my chin in his fingers and forces me to meet his gaze. He’s staring at me so intensely. One more minute and I’ll ignite like a torch. “You’re kidding. Did you open up to him?”

  I shake my head and I drop my gaze.

  “Ali,” he says in a stern voice. “Look at me.”

  My eyes rise to meet his. “I didn’t have to. He’s known for a while and he’s confronted me a few times about my feelings for you.”

  Jake frowns. “He’s never brought it up with me. When did this happen?”

  “At the cabin and then the morning after all three of us were together at his house… right before you came down for… right before I left Fort Collins when I texted him to ask after his grandmother. He suggested he call me back instead of us texting and during our conversation he brought it up again. And…” I hesitate, still unsure if I’m revealing too much. I mean, maybe this is something these two friends should hash out.

  “And what?” he presses. “Ali, please, don’t hold back on me now,” he says in a whisper.

  “Hunter said he’d willingly back off if I want to take things further with you.”

  “And do you want to take things further with me?”

  “I’ve wanted this for many weeks now. I was just waiting for you to catch up.” I flash him a cocky smile.

  “You can’t be fucking serious.” I worry I’ve upset him, but soon I realize he’s grinning from ear to ear and it’s obvious my answer has taken him by surprise. “You’re sure? Because once we start I’m going to be all over you and there’ll be no stopping me.”

  Yes, please! “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”

  He smiles and combs his fingers through his hair before locking eyes with me again. “I need to be with you, Ali. Fuck, what am I talking about? I want you so much it hurts. There was too much going on, forcing me to put a lid on my emotions, but I’ve got to tell you, every part of me is saying to never let you go. I want to wake up curled next to your sensual curvy body and I want to fall asleep with my head resting against your ample breasts. I don’t want us to hide what we share anymore. Not from Hunter, not from my sister, not from anyone.” Oh, my Lord. I can’t believe this is happening to me. My mouth drops open and my chest heaves uncontrollably at his sweet declaration. “How does that sound?”

  Nearly woozy from his proximity, his dazzling grin, and his piercing eyes, I struggle to reply. “I want it all,” I finally manage.

  We both laugh and Jake cradles my face in his hands. “I’m glad to hear you say that because I realize I forgot to ask you something very important.”

  “This is already as surreal as it gets. I don’t know if I can handle much more.”

  “I have a feeling you’ll be able to manage fine,” he teases.

  My heart is a bass drum pounding in my chest. What else does he have on his mind?

  “Okay. Go ahead. I’m ready.” I smile broadly, unable to contain my excitement.

  “Will you be my girlfriend?”

  “Ah,” I gasp, bringing my hands up to cover his. I fight off tears swelling in my eyes, losing myself in this moment of pure bliss. “Me? Us? Together?” I’m babbling like a toddler, unable to think straight long enough to come up with a more coherent question.

  “Was that a yes, a no or a maybe? I couldn’t tell,” he mocks.

  “Did you actually ask me what I think you did?”

  “Yup, and I hope with all my heart you’ll say yes.”

  “Hearing you say all this is shaking the ground beneath my feet, Jake.”

  “In a good way, I hope, baby?”

  “In the best possible way. I can’t think of anything I’d want more,” I whisper.

  Is this really happening to me?

  I’m shaking so hard I suspect the weight of Jake’s body against mine is more responsible for holding me up than my own wobbly legs. My hand fists his t-shirt, pulling him in or pulling myself up—I’m not sure which. I want him. No. I need him.

  He stares at me a long moment, his blue eyes blazing and his breathing hard. “I have this bone-deep urge to possess you, Ali.”

  Oh, my God.

  “I’m all yours, Jake,” I pant, head spinning and adrenaline rushing through my body like torrential rain in a tropical storm.

  Slowly, he leans in, his tongue flicking my bottom lip, and we both laugh. Finally he crushes my lips and ravages me with a heated kiss that ignites my soul like a bonfire. In this moment, I realize how much I’ve missed his lips against mine. How much I miss tasting him.

  Jake fists my hair t
hat’s still tied up in a bun and tilts my head backwards before grasping my jaw with his free hand and he absolutely devours the hell out of me in a breath-stealing, heart-melting, soul-stirring kiss. I whimper, I groan and I claw at his hair to try to pull him closer. He pushes his hips into my belly, grinding his hard cock against me until I’m panting and dripping. My panties are uncomfortably wet between my legs. I swear, I’m as close to an orgasm as I’ve ever been without him even touching my clit.

  When he breaks away from me, I whine.

  “Jake,” I whisper.

  He pushes me away and takes me in from head to toe. “Your hair.”

  “What about it? I thought you liked it this morning.”

  “That was hours ago when I could still withstand the aching between my legs, we’re well past that now.”


  “I need to fist it freely while I fuck you.”

  Oh, God, he’s talking dirty.

  “Please untie it.”

  I obey, aware he’s watching my every move.

  “Good girl. I want to see your mane cascading over your big heavy tits once I undress you.”

  “Jake, please…”

  “What? Does it shock you how much I desperately want you?”

  “You’re going to have to slow down,” I beg, my heart beating against my chest as I try to halt my racing pulse. “It’s been a few weeks already and I don’t think I can keep up with you.”

  “You should know me by now. I don’t slow down. I’m going to take you like I always do—deep and hard. I’m not here to comfort you, baby. I’m here to make sure you come screaming out my name when you climax so hard your eyes roll into the back of your head while you beg for mercy.”

  “Jesus.” My jaw drops and I blink in an effort to regain my composure, but to no avail. His dirty mouth has always been my undoing.

  “The dirty talk is to make sure you’re nice and wet for my raging cock.”

  “Honestly, I think I’m far beyond that.”

  The sensual drizzle of my juices dripping down between my thighs is a definite sign my body is ready for him. He flashes me a devilish grin and I know I won’t be able to walk tomorrow. But if it means he’ll make me come over and over and over again, then frankly I don’t care.


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