The Second Promise

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The Second Promise Page 22

by Joan Kilby

  Now she was close enough that her dress swished against his legs. Awareness ran through her. “What’s the price of admission?” she enquired, already lifting her mouth to be kissed.

  But instead of a kiss, his thumb came up to brush her lips, raising a delicious shiver. Her fingers curled into her palms as she resisted the urge to reach for him.

  “Talk to me,” he said.

  “What do you want to know, exactly?”

  He reached for her braid and rubbed its silky end over his lips, while his eyes held hers. “Why did you come here tonight?”

  “I love you. I want to be with you.”

  He nodded thoughtfully. Still holding her braid, he asked, “Is there any possibility you would consider having children? It wouldn’t have to be right away.”

  He deserved her complete honesty. “I…I’m not sure.”

  He frowned down at her until she thought the moon was going to set before he would react. Then, to her relief, he smiled. “Well, the answer’s an improvement on the last time I asked you.”

  Putting his hands on her waist, he drew her closer, till their hips met and her breasts nudged his chest. A spark burst into fire in her loins. His lips were warm and firm, tenderly exploring her mouth in a melting kiss full of promise and barely restrained passion.

  “You’re making me want to make love with you,” she just had time to murmur before his mouth began another onslaught.

  “It’s a start in the right direction,” he said, breaking the kiss. His hands, warm and strong, hold her close.

  He drew back to look at her. “Do you know what the full moon does to me?”

  She smiled. “Makes you randy?”

  “Don’t be vulgar. It brings out the romantic in me. I won’t stop wanting children, but I want you more. Maeve, will you please do me the very great honor of becoming my wife?”

  Maeve glanced up at the brilliantly lit sky and back to Will. Despite the formal words, his hair was ruffled and the wild-child gleam was back in his eye.

  “Yes,” she answered, smiling. She loved him all the more for not pressing her. Deep down, she knew she already wanted children with him, and the knowledge filled her with profound contentment.

  Taking her hand, Will pushed open the gate. “Come into my garden. It’s a very special place.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-5150-5


  Copyright © 2001 by Joan Kilby.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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