Age of Myth

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Age of Myth Page 41

by Michael J. Sullivan

  “Okay, then.” Persephone looked out over the gathered crowd. “Anyone wanting to challenge my right to be chieftain, this is your chance.”

  She waited.

  Faces turned, looking expectantly at one another.

  “One of the Tope boys? One of Wedon’s sons?” she asked. “No?”

  The dahl was so quiet that they could hear the crickets in the field.

  “Okay, then. As of this moment, I am the chieftain of Dahl Rhen.”

  The crowd began talking among themselves again, and Persephone held up her hands.

  “Quiet!” Moya shouted. “Your chieftain isn’t done.”

  “Thank you, Moya,” Persephone said. “As chieftain, I have a few things to say. First, if I understood enough of what was said this morning, I fear the Fhrey among us will not be allowed to live peacefully in exile. As they risked themselves to defend us, I offer them Dahl Rhen not merely as a sanctuary but as their new home. Our fate and theirs are tied together from here on, for good or ill. And that goes for Arion as well. I plan to tell her this when she wakes. We lost many good men last night and two more this morning, both hard workers. I insist that as long as the Fhrey stay with us, they must contribute to the dahl and help provide meat for our tables.”

  She saw Nyphron’s nod, and replied to him with a smile. Everyone else saw this as well and the murmurs quieted.

  “As everyone knows, Maeve is dead. Dahl Rhen is without a Keeper of Ways. I therefore appoint Brin, daughter of Delwin and Sarah, to be the new chronicler of our people.”

  Moya clapped again, and this time a few others joined her. Padera and Roan were the loudest.

  Persephone looked to Raithe then and took a deep breath. “I’m also appointing Raithe of Dureya, who has already saved my life more than once and stood faithfully by my side against certain death, to be my Shield, for I can think of no greater or more loyal warrior.” She wondered if she should have asked first, but he didn’t say no right away, and so she quickly moved on. “To Malcolm, who also stood his ground with me in battle and willingly offered to stand and die that I might live”—she extended a hand toward him—“I grant full citizenship in Dahl Rhen. We are short on men in general now, but even if that weren’t so, we’d be eager for one with virtues such as yours.”

  Moya led the applause once more. This time the crowd was getting used to the idea, and Persephone could feel the shift from doubt to confidence. The people before her no longer saw an uncertain sunset but the coming dawn of possibilities.

  Persephone pointed over everyone’s heads. “For those of you who don’t already know, that young woman sitting against the wall with the wolf is Suri. While all of you were asleep in your beds, she set out on a dangerous quest to save your lives—the same quest that took Maeve from this world.”

  Every head turned.

  Suri lifted her face from between her knees and stared back. A moment later, Minna did likewise.

  “To Suri I bestow the official title of the first Mystic of Rhen and also designate her as a personal adviser. I’m certain I’ll consult with her frequently. Mostly because she’s the only one I know who can understand the language and wisdom of trees.”

  This brought another murmur.

  Persephone took another breath and brushed hair from her face. “I’m afraid what we’ve seen today isn’t over. A storm is coming, I think—a war between the Fhrey and ourselves. What you witnessed this morning was only the beginning. Suri saw the signs a month ago, and I believe her. A terrible reckoning is still on its way. We as a people stand atop a precipice, backed up to the very edge. We have no choice. We must find the courage to fight for our lives even against those we once thought to be gods. Remember what you’ve seen today. Draw courage from the fact that even their most powerful die. You’ve seen that with your own eyes this day.”

  She pointed to the stone statue in the center of the courtyard. “We of Dahl Rhen worship the goddess Mari, who has saved us from destruction and is clearly more powerful than any Fhrey. She has delivered unto us the gifts of Raithe, Suri, Nyphron, and Arion. My hope is that she’ll guide us through any storms in the future and deliver us to a new world where we don’t need to live every day as if it’s our last. A brighter tomorrow awaits us, for we’ll live in a new age free of false gods where we can decide our own destiny.”

  The crowd applauded its approval, and Persephone took that moment to enter the lodge that was once again her home.

  The eternal fire was out. Only a few coals still glowed. She grabbed some pieces of split wood from the pile and worked them in, then blew. Smoke rose. Persephone blew again, and a flame flickered. She tossed another log on. When she was satisfied the fire had caught, she walked over to the center of the hall and sat in the First Chair.


  “That’s a pathetic-looking spear,” Nyphron said, approaching Malcolm where he stood on the wall near the gate.

  Being an official member of Clan Rhen, Malcolm had volunteered to take the watch that night. After such a harrowing day, everyone else was asleep, the fires long out. Only the full moon looked down, revealing the walkway.

  “I call it Narsirabad.”

  “Cute,” Nyphron said, then, switching to Fhrey, he added, “You’ve been avoiding me.”

  “It’s been a long day.”

  “And before? I’ve been here for more than a week. Why is this the first time we’ve spoken together? And why is it me coming to you and not the other way around?”

  This time Malcolm replied in Fhrey. “I didn’t think it would be in either of our best interests to be seen together.”

  “And I think you’re growing a bit too fond of life outside the Rhist. Perhaps a taste of freedom has given you an appetite for more. Were you planning on running away?” Nyphron asked. “Is that why you volunteered to watch the gate?”

  Nyphron didn’t give Malcolm a chance to answer. He walked past him along the rampart, his eyes peering out into the darkness to the northwest. When he spoke, it was in Rhunic. “When I was young, that out there was my playground. Avrlyn was a grand gateway to high adventures. The snowcapped mountains of Hentlyn were home to the violent Grenmorians. The jagged teeth of the Adendal Durat hosted the hill goblins. The meadows were rich with game, and the Harwood filled with dark secrets. I bathed in the gold sunsets, wandered beneath the moon, and gleefully accepted every challenge. Even among the Instarya I’m a legend, a hero.”

  “Alon Rhist had been a hero,” Malcolm reminded him. “So had Atella. The stories all end the same.”

  Nyphron took a step closer to Malcolm and leaned in, placing a hand on top of the one the ex-slave was using to hold Narsirabad. He whispered in Fhrey, “I thought I told you to kill Shegon.”

  Malcolm replied with a guilty, uncomfortable smile.

  “I sent you with him for that specific reason. Did you forget? Imagine my surprise when I discovered Raithe, instead of my slave, is the God Killer.”

  “I’m not your slave. I belonged to your father.”

  “I’m sorry, didn’t you hear the news? He’s dead. That makes you my property.”

  “I’m not sure slavery is one of Ferrol’s laws.”

  Nyphron laughed softly and licked his lips. “You of all people know I’m not a stickler for rules.”

  “But not even your father saw me as his slave.”

  “My father wasn’t all that bright—as evidenced by his death. Now, do you want to explain your memory lapse? How is it that Raithe is the one who killed Shegon? Why wasn’t it you?”

  “Two reasons,” Malcolm said. “First, as you just pointed out, many would see me as your property and that would link you to Shegon’s murder. You don’t want that.”

  “A risk I was willing to take.”

  “And second, I suspected that when Meryl and I returned, pointing fingers at each other, you’d have us both executed—and that wasn’t a risk I was willing to take.”

  Nyphron pursed his lips and nodded. “Very clever of you. And y
ou’re right, but I’m not sure how I feel about that. I don’t think anyone has outwitted me before. Makes me nervous.”

  “Given what you’re planning, I think you ought to be nervous, don’t you?”

  Nyphron shook his head. “No. All that I’ve done and will do was predestined, ordained by god.”

  Malcolm raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Really? Which one?”

  Nyphron offered a mischievous grin. “I haven’t decided.”

  Glossary of Terms and Names

  Airenthenon: Although the Forest Throne and the Door predate it, the Airenthenon is the oldest building in Estramnadon. The domed and pillared structure where the Aquila holds meetings.

  Alon Rhist: Fourth fane of the Fhrey, who died during the Dherg War. He was replaced by Fenelyus. One of the outposts on the border between Rhulyn and Avrlyn bears his name.

  Alysin: One of the three realms of the afterlife. A paradise where brave warriors go after death.

  Aquila: Literally “the place of choosing.” Originally created as a formalization and public recognition of the group of Fhrey who had been assisting Gylindora Fane for more than a century. Leaders of each of the tribes act as general counsels, making suggestions and assisting in the overall administration of the empire. Council members are elected by their tribes. The Aquila holds no direct power, as the fane’s authority is as absolute as Ferrol Himself. However, the Aquila does wield great influence over the succession of power. It is the Curator and Conservator who determine who has access to the Horn of Gylindora.

  Arion (Fhrey, Miralyith): Tutor to Prince Mawyndulë, daughter of Nyree and Era, former student of Fenelyus, who bestowed the nickname Cenzlyor.

  Art, the: Magic that allows the caster to tap the forces of nature. In Fhrey society, it’s practiced by members of the Miralyith tribe. Goblins who wield this power are known as oberdaza.

  Artist: A practitioner of the Art.

  Asendwayr: Fhrey tribe whose members specialize in hunting. A few are stationed on the frontier to provide meat for the Instarya.

  Asica: A long Fhrey garment similar to a robe. Its numerous wraps and ties allow it to be worn in a number of configurations.

  Avempartha: Fhrey tower created by Fenelyus atop a great waterfall on the Nidwalden River. It can tap the force of rushing water to amplify the use of the Art.

  Avrlyn: “Land of Green,” the Fhrey frontier bordered on the north by Hentlyn and Belgreig to the south. Avrlyn is separated from Rhulyn by the east and south branches of the Bern River.

  Battle of Grandford: First battle in the war between Rhunes and Fhrey.

  Belgric War: A war between the Fhrey and Dherg. Also referred to as the Dherg War.

  Bendigo: Evil spirit capable of possessing people and animals.

  Bern: A river that runs north–south and delineates the borders between Rhulyn and Avrlyn. Rhunes are forbidden from crossing to the west side of this river.

  Book of Brin: First known written work chronicling the history of the Rhune people. Its origin dates back to the time of the first war between Rhunes and Fhrey.

  Breckon mor: The female version of the leigh mor. A versatile piece of cloth that can be wrapped in a number of ways.

  Brideeth: Fhrey profanity. A term of extreme insult.

  Brin (Rhune, Rhen): Daughter of Sarah and Delwin, mentored by Maeve; creator of the famed Book of Brin.

  Brown, The: A ferocious bear that lives in the Crescent Forest. She has been responsible for the deaths of many residents of Dahl Rhen. To Suri and Tura she is known as Grin or Grin the Brown.

  Caratacus (Fhrey): Famed sage adviser to the first fane. A legendary figure who brought Ferrol’s horn to Gylindora Fane. Creator of the Forest Throne.

  Card or carding: The step that comes between shearing and spinning wool. Combs are used to detangle, clean, and intermix fibers to produce a continuous web of aligned fibers.

  Carfreign Arena: A large open-air field where contests and spectacles are held. A building where sports and entertainments are performed.

  Cenzlyor: In the Fhrey language it means “swift of mind.” A title of endearment bestowed by Fane Fenelyus onto Arion, indicating her proficiency in the Art.

  Clempton: A small village of Dureya, home of Raithe.

  Cleve: A simple and practical type of short sword, favored by the Instarya tribe of the Fhrey.

  Conservator of the Aquila: One of the two people responsible for administering the process of succession. Together with the Curator, the Conservator determines who has the right to blow the Horn of Gylindora.

  Crescent Forest: A large forest that forms a half circle around Dahl Rhen.

  Crimbal: A fairy creature that lives in the land of Nog. Crimbals travel to the world of Elan through doors in the trunks of trees. They are known to steal children.

  Cul: Rhunic profanity often used for a despicable person.

  Culina brideeth: Fhrey profanity that suggests an inappropriate relationship with one’s mother.

  Curator of the Aquila: Vice fane. Keeper of the horn. One of the six councilors of the Aquila, elected by a vote of senior councilors. Leads meetings of the Aquila in absence of the fane. Chairs the Challenge Council, which decides who gets the right to blow the Horn of Gylindora. Together the Conservator and the Curator determine the process of succession and judge the challenge process.

  Dahl (hill or mound): A Rhune settlement that is the capital city of a given clan and is characterized by its position on top of a man-made hill. Dahls are usually surrounded by some form of wall or fortification. Each has a central lodge where the clan’s chieftain lives, along with a series of roundhouses that house the other villagers.

  Dherg: One of the five humanoid races of Elan. Long-lived, skilled craftsmen, they have been all but banned from most places aboveground. They are exceptional builders and weaponsmiths.

  Didan (Rhune, Dureya): Raithe’s brother.

  Door, the: A portal in the Garden of Estramnadon that legend holds is the gateway to where The First Tree grows.

  Drome: God of the Dherg.

  Dureya: A barren highland region in the north of Rhulyn, home to the Rhune clan of the same name.

  Dureyan: A member of the warrior clan of Rhunes.

  Eilywin: Fhrey architects and craftsmen who design and create buildings.

  Elan: The Grand Mother of All. God of the land.

  Enarmes: Straps attached to the back of a shield. Used for gripping or to slide an arm through to attach to a person’s forearm.

  Era (Fhrey, Umalyn): Father of Arion, husband of Nyree.

  Eres (Fhrey, Instarya): A member of the Galantians. His main prowess is with spears.

  Erivan: Homeland of the Fhrey.

  Ervanon: Northernmost outpost of the Fhrey.

  Estramnadon: Capital city of the Fhrey in the forests of Erivan.

  Eton: God of the sky.

  Fane: Ruler of the Fhrey, whose term of office extends to death or to three thousand years after ascension, whichever comes first.

  Fenelyus (Fhrey, Miralyith): Fifth fane of the Fhrey. First of the Miralyith, who saved the Fhrey from annihilation in the Belgric War.

  Ferrol: God of the Fhrey.

  Ferrol’s Law: The irrefutable prohibition against Fhrey killing other Fhrey. Exceptions can be made by the fane (or a person the fane designates) in extreme situations. Breaking Ferrol’s Law will eject a Fhrey from society and bar the perpetrator from the afterlife. Since it is the Fhrey’s god that will pass judgment, no one can circumvent Ferrol’s Law by committing murder in secret or without witnesses.

  Fhrey: One of the five major races of Elan. Fhrey are long-lived, technically advanced, and organized into tribes based on profession.

  First Chair: Honorific for the chieftain of a dahl.

  Five Major Races of Elan: Rhunes, Fhrey, Dherg, ghazel, and Grenmorians.

  Florella Plaza: A large public square with an elaborate fountain outside the Airenthenon in Estramnadon.

  Forest Throne: Seat of the fane, l
ocated in the Talwara in the capital city of Estramnadon.

  Galantians: The Instarya patrol led by Nyphron and famed for legendary exploits of valor and bravery.

  Garden, the: One of the most sacred places in Fhrey society, which is used for meditation and reflection. The Garden is in the center of Estramnadon and surrounds the Door.

  Gath (Rhune): The first keenig, who united all the clans during the Great Flood.

  Ghazel: “Goblin” in the Dherg language.

  Ghika (Fhrey): Third fane of the Fhrey, who refused to grant King Mideon (of the Dherg) access to The First Tree, thus starting the Belgric War in which Ghika was killed.

  Gifford (Rhune, Rhen): Incredibly talented potter of Dahl Rhen. His mother died during his birth; due to his extensive deformities, he wasn’t expected to live more than a few years.

  Goblin: A grotesque race feared and shunned by all in Elan. Known to be fierce warriors, the most dangerous of their kind are oberdazas, who can harness the power of elements through magic. In the Dherg language, they are called ghazel.

  Grandford: A stone bridge over the narrow river gorge of the Bern River that separates Dureya from Alon Rhist.

  Grantheum Art Tournament: A yearly event held to determine the Miralyith who is the most skilled at using the Art.

  Green Field Guides: Fhrey who travel into the wilds outside of Estramnadon.

  Grenmorians: The race of giants who live in Elan.

  Grin: The name Suri and Tura gave to “The Brown,” a ferocious bear of the Crescent Forest.

  Gryndal (Fhrey, Miralyith): First Minister to Fane Lothian. Respected as one of the most skilled practitioners of the Art.

  Gula-Rhunes: A northern three-clan alliance of Rhunes who have a long-standing feud with the seven southern Rhune clans. Historically the Fhrey have pitted these sides against each other and fostered their mutual animosity.

  Gwydry: One of the seven tribes of Fhrey. This one is for the farmers who are responsible for raising crops and livestock.

  Gylindora Fane (Fhrey): The first leader of the Fhrey. Her name became synonymous with “ruler.”


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