Picture Perfect Murder (Ryli Sinclair 1)

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Picture Perfect Murder (Ryli Sinclair 1) Page 14

by Jenna St James

  “Not much.” Pause. “Well, that’s not true, we are in the middle of trying to solve this case as you know.” Pause. “I was wondering if you were going to be home later tonight…maybe around eight?”

  I wasn’t sure if I should be leery or excited…his voice was giving nothing away. “I’ll be home. I’m at Mom’s right now getting ready to make the fruit crisp we’re taking to the memorial tomorrow. But I’ll be home by eight for sure.”

  “Good deal. I should have a little time to myself before I go back on call around nine. Can I drop by?”

  Yes, yes, yes! my mind screamed. Thankfully my mouth didn’t comply with my brain—a first!

  “Sure. And I’ll have warm berry crisp to snack on. How’s that?”

  There was a slight pause. I knew he was thinking about the last dessert I’d made. I tried not to be offended, but it wasn’t working. I guess hormones beat out fear of poisoning, because Garrett quickly said, “Ummm…great. I’ll bring vanilla ice cream. See ya later tonight, Sin.”

  He hung up before I could say anything back. Which was a good thing, because I seemed to be lacking witty comebacks with my tongue tied as it was.

  “So, gonna have a little rendezvous later tonight, huh?” my mom teased as I turned back around and slid the phone in my pocket.

  I felt my face flush. It was always weird hearing my mom talk about sex…but it was extremely horrifying when it was my sex life she was talking about. There are just some things best left alone.

  “Yes, Garrett is stopping by for some—” I almost said dessert, but realized that might be construed in a twisted manner.

  Mom arched a brow then burst out laughing. “Oh, Ryli! Don’t be such a stick in the mud! It’s okay for you to have a boy over.”

  A boy? Nope, a man. A man who could single-handedly tear my world and heart apart if I let him. A man who could make me respond to him in ways that terrified me. I was so worried about getting hurt…hurt so badly I didn’t know if I could ever recover.

  I must’ve had a terrified look on my face, because Mom suddenly hugged me and kissed my head. “Don’t fret, Ryli. This could be a very good thing. And even if it doesn’t end how you want it to, just remember…don’t ever be afraid to take the ride. The ride is always the best part.”

  * * *

  Mom and I finished the two pans of fruit crisp around seven. I stayed a while longer to help with dishes, which put me at my house around seven-thirty. Still plenty of time to freshen up before Garrett arrived.

  Shifting the warm plate of fruit crisp into my left hand, I unlocked the front door of my house. Miss Molly greeted me warmly, weaving in and out of my legs as I walked to the table. It was all I could do to not trip over her.

  “Silly girl!” I said, putting the food down on the table.

  Miss Molly immediately jumped on the chair and stretched out her long, black body over the top of the table, sniffing the air.

  “Get down,” I admonished as I gently pushed her down, glad I remembered to leave the foil on the plate. Miss Molly was constantly trying to nibble on human food.

  I rushed down the hallway and started primping procedures. I plugged in my curling iron and took my hair out of my ponytail holder, shaking out the small bend in my hair from the rubber band. I then took out my sad looking makeup bag from the bathroom drawer. I always remember too late that I mean to start adding more to my arsenal of makeup. It never happens.

  I decided to add some dark plum liner to the outside of my upper lid, then added a little mascara. I had just finished refreshing my curls when I heard Miss Molly meowing. She was like a dog sometimes. She was good about letting me know when someone was coming to the front door.

  I quickly shut off my iron and straightened my gray and white tunic, trying to press out any wrinkles. I took a deep breath, looked out my peephole, then quickly opened the door.

  Tonight Garrett was wearing his more casual police chief uniform, just his dark blue dress shirt and tie. While my sex drive and stomach did rapid somersaults, my brain was smart enough to know he must have been doing something somewhat official where he wanted the uniform seen, but didn’t want to intimidate too much. Was he questioning a suspect? It took every effort I had not to ask. And believe me, it was a lot of effort.

  He didn’t say anything, just held up the grocery bag containing ice cream, then pulled me to him for a kiss. Of course I went willingly…I’m kinda a hussy that way. I’m not sure how long we stood there kissing, but soon I felt myself shivering. Believe it or not it wasn’t from what Garrett was doing to me. The bag of ice cream was pressed against my back, and even through my sweater I could feel the cold.

  “Rough day?” I asked, laughing at his idea of a hello.

  Grinning sheepishly at me, Garrett released me and stepped back. “You have no idea. I really needed this tonight…even for just a few minutes.”

  I smiled back at him, then took the bag of ice cream and started toward the kitchen, stopping at the table to pick up the fruit crisp. Juggling both desserts I walked over to the counter bar and set them there. I got out the small bowls and ice cream scooper.

  “Do you want me to heat up the crisp?” I asked. “It’s not that warm anymore.”

  “Nope, it’s fine.”

  I proceeded to delve out the dessert, trying not to drool as he loosened his tie and took off his gun belt, setting it on the table. I finished scooping the ice cream then handed his portion to him. Garrett took a large bite. I could tell by the way his eyes got a little wider that he really liked it.

  “You made this?” he asked incredulously.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. He was not supposed to be surprised that I could accomplish such a feat. I was about to give him a piece of my mind when he corrected himself, “Let me rephrase that. It’s really good, Sin. Once again you’ve made a lovely dessert.”

  I burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it. When he let his guard down, he was a funny guy. It scared me how much I liked that about him.

  He took another bite then set his dessert on the counter. Suddenly feeling the shift in the air, I finished swallowing my ice cream crisp combo. He took the dessert from me, set it on the counter next to his bowl, and led me over to the couch.

  Sitting down he pulled me along with him. I ended up straddling him like I had in the car the other night. Something tells me when it came time to finally having sex, I would once again find myself in this position.

  Sliding his rough hands under my sweater, he nibbled and kissed the side of my neck. Sighing, I leaned in as much as I could, pressing myself against him. I felt his hands slide around my rib cage and land on my stomach as he pressed his lips to mine.

  I reached out and grasped the side of his face, his day-old beard scratching my palms. I could hear myself making what sounded like cooing sounds…my way of encouraging him to keep going.

  Garrett leaned back. “Truth is, I just wanted to stop by tonight to see you,” he said. “I didn’t really have a reason. However, I don’t have a lot of time before I have to get back to the office. I just wanted to make sure you’re doing okay.”

  Disappointment flooded me. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could take the whole cat-and-mouse game we seemed to be playing.

  I scooted back on his legs, right next to his knees, and paused. The power I felt when he finally looked up at me was intense. It was the first time I’d ever felt like I was in control of anything when it came to us…and this tentative relationship we have. The fleeting look of vulnerability I saw in his eyes not only turned me on, but it gave me the courage to lean in and kiss him with everything I had.

  I’m not sure when the balance shifted, but I suddenly felt myself flying through the air, landing on my back on the couch.

  “Playing dirty there, Sin,” he growled as he leaned over and covered my body with his.

  I was so turned on I heard music playing in my head.

  Wait, I really do hear music.

  Opening one eye I felt Garrett s
tiffen above me. Evidently he’d heard it too.

  “What the fuck?” I cried in frustration.

  Chuckling, Garrett kissed my neck one last time before easing off me and reaching into his pocket. I stuck my tongue out at him as I waited for him to answer his phone. When he didn’t, I sat up a little more, trying to peer over his shoulder.

  “Alarm,” he said when he noticed me. “I knew I’d better set it so I wouldn’t be late getting back. I really do have some work I need to finish up.”

  Biting the inside of my cheek so I wouldn’t ask any questions, I nodded my head and began to sit up all the way.

  Standing quickly, Garrett straightened his shirt. He then retrieved his gun belt from off the table and fastened it. Biting my lip, I realized I really enjoyed watching him dress and wouldn’t mind doing it a lot more.

  Oh, boy…I could be in deep trouble.

  Once everything was smoothed back into place, Garrett strode back to the couch and helped me up. Running his hands through my tousled hair he asked, “What time are you going to the memorial service tomorrow?”

  Urging my brain to formulate an answer, I tried to subdue the emotions I was feeling. I remembered the service started at two. “I’m meeting Mom at the church around one-thirty since I have to stay later and help clean up. No sense in her waiting around for me. The clean up committee and the cooking committee have designated parking spaces so we don’t have to walk a long way with food. So I don’t need to be there early like most people if they want a parking spot. If I have to stand through the service, so be it.”

  Turning serious, Garrett ran his thumb over my bottom lip. “Please tell me you’re gonna be careful. I don’t want anything happening to you.”

  I tried, unsuccessfully, to clamp down on the rush of anger I felt. Between him and my mother, I’m surprised they thought me capable of breathing on my own.

  “Don’t look at me that way. I just worry about you. I’m not too proud to admit I probably worry more than I should. You seem to have worked your way under my skin, Sin.”

  I felt a huge, dopey grin split my face. Standing on my tiptoes, I gave him a quick kiss. “I’ll be careful, promise!”

  And I almost meant it, too.

  “Uh huh,” he said, narrowing his eyes at me.

  I hugged myself as I watched him jog back to his vehicle. I couldn’t help the grin that spread over my face when he waved goodbye. Bending down to scoop up Miss Molly, I knew things had officially shifted in the relationship.

  Chapter 10

  I woke up feeling on top of the world. Well, to be honest, I woke up sexually frustrated…but on top of the world knowing Garrett was interested in me.

  Hopping in the Falcon, I sped down the road toward Mom’s house, calling Paige on my cell and telling her to get her ass to Mom’s. I was surprised when she said she was already there.

  I realized for the first time since getting behind the wheel of the Falcon, that I actually felt like I belonged here. Like I could tackle whatever came my way because I was a smart, strong woman. The ride to Mom’s house seemed even shorter today…I’d have preferred to just keep on driving the Falcon wherever she led me.

  Closing the car door on the Falcon, I reverently brushed my fingers over the dark purple flames that were embedded in the bright aqua color. Yep, today I felt like I owned this car instead of it owning me. Amazing what a little heavy petting could do for a woman’s perspective on life!

  I opened my mom’s front door and called out a greeting.

  “In the kitchen,” came the joint called back.

  Hoping my bounce didn’t give too much away, I practically ran into the kitchen. Paige was bent over a Bride magazine, scribbling notes in the pages, while Mom was checking off items on a list.

  I laughed at them. “Paige, you just got engaged. What’re you doing already looking at books?”

  Paige and Mom shared a chuckle, and then Paige gave me her best I-pity-your-stupidity smiles and closed the book. “Well, next spring or summer will come fast. I’m actually a little behind where I should be according to the checklist your mom is doing.”

  Six to eight months sounded like a long time away, but what did I know…obviously nothing after hearing them talk.

  “Ryli Jo Sinclair, what have you been up to?” my mom asked. “You look positively radiant this morning,” she narrowed teasing eyes my way.

  Unable to contain my excitement, I said, “Garrett came by real quick last night, and as he was getting ready to go back to work…he admitted he had feelings for me!”

  Paige slapped her hand down on the table. “I knew it! What exactly did he say?”

  I filled them both in on what had transpired, keeping it PG-rated since Mom was in the room. Once I finished Mom said, “I’m happy for you, dear. I really like Garrett. I think he’s just the guy who can balance you.”

  Hmmm…what exactly did that mean?

  To be honest, I didn’t know what Mom would think about the age difference. We’d never really talked about it. A part of me was afraid she’d think he was too old for me and tell me I should try to find someone my own age. But after that little snarky comment I guess I needn’t worry.

  We spent the rest of the morning eating homemade blueberry muffins and looking at bridal magazines. I have to admit, I was really getting into the whole wedding thing and found myself getting excited for April or whenever to get here. Of course, I’m not gonna lie, I was looking forward to the bachelorette party more than anything!

  “Do I need to pick up Aunt Shirley for the memorial service today?” I asked my mom as I gathered up the dishes and piled them in the sink.

  “No, I’m going to pick her up so you needn’t worry about that,” Mom said.

  I was happy to hear that little bit of news. It was going on eleven o’clock, and I still had to take a shower and get ready for the memorial service. The morning seemed to have flown by looking at bridal magazines.

  “She called and said she’d like to get there in plenty of time to get a good seat. I hope you don’t mind me picking her up instead of you?” Mom said.

  I knew a good seat for Aunt Shirley would be toward the back of the church so she could survey people without them knowing it. Made perfect sense. Also made perfect sense she didn’t want to rely on me to get her somewhere early.

  “No problem. I’ll see you at the church,” I said as I kissed her goodbye.

  Paige and I walked out together. I knew she was dying to chat but couldn’t do it in front of Mom. “I’m going to watch where your aunt sits and then sit on the opposite side of the church one pew behind or in front, wherever I can find. This way we can see each other and the people at the same time.”

  Had they been practicing hand signals? I was just glad they were finally getting along. If covert operations brought about a truce between the two, I was ecstatic.

  “Try and save me a spot if you can. If you can’t, I’ll tell myself that standing at the back of the church will be the best vantage point of them all.”

  Paige laughed and hugged me goodbye, promising to save me a seat no matter what.

  * * *

  Twirling in front of the mirror, I decided I was happy with the outcome. I know it’s probably shallow primping before a funeral, but I don’t care. Knowing there was a good chance I was going to see Garrett had me taking a little extra care.

  I’d decided on a black, long-sleeved body sheath that went to my ankles. I adorned it with my silver chain belt to give me definition at the waist. It was a simple dress with a scooped neckline that showed just enough cleavage to be decent at a funeral.

  I wore my one and only pair of come-fuck-me pumps. They were shimmery silver with tons of thin straps that crisscrossed over the top of my foot with one strap crossing behind my ankle. They were perched on top of three-inch icepick heels. No doubt I was going to kill myself in these at some point in the day, but at least I’d look damn good when Garrett came to identify my body. Being a practical girl, I also st
uffed a pair of ballet flats in my purse for when I was doing cleanup after the service.

  The church was packed as I parked the Falcon in the designated parking area. I had thirty minutes to get inside and find Paige. I hoped she was able to save me a spot, I really didn’t want to pretend to spy on people standing the whole time. I just don’t have the stamina...especially in strappy three-inch heels.

  The parking lot where the food committee is to park leads right into the basement of the church. Opening the basement door I walked straight into the large multi-purpose/kitchen area. This vast room could comfortably seat about two hundred people. At quick glance I counted almost thirty tables seating six people each. They were obviously expecting a large crowd to come downstairs after the memorial service.

  I saw Mom arranging food on one of the large kitchen islands. I waved to her as I meandered around the circular tables to get to her. She looked beautiful in a black body-hugging dress with a black lace overlay on the upper bodice. I gave her a quick hug, anxious to get upstairs.

  “Put your purse in Mrs. Pratt’s Sunday school room. That’s where all of us are placing ours,” Mom said.

  “Thanks, gotta run,” I said, turning away before I finished talking. “I’ll see you after the service.” I hurried up the ramp that led to the sanctuary, stopping halfway up to go into Mrs. Pratt’s room and drop off my purse. I saw Mom’s purse and jacket. I threw my clutch onto Mom’s stash and headed back up the ramp.

  Before I even neared the to, I could hear the dull murmur of a mass of people. And over that, the somber notes of organ music playing “Amazing Grace.” The foyer was packed with myriad people and colorful funeral flowers. It was a slow process to the sanctuary.

  “It’s about damn time,” Aunt Shirley hissed in my ear.

  I yelped and clasped my chest. I hadn’t heard nor seen her approach me. Now twenty people were staring at me.

  “Cool your jets,” Aunt Shirley rolled her eyes, “it’s just me.”


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