Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3)

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Adventure Comes to Houston: An Erotic Adventure Book III (Erotic Adventures 3) Page 2

by T. S. Hill

  “Holy shit! Let me off of this son of a bitch!”, was the next thing that I heard, after removing my headphones. It was Sasha, jerking on the lever to open the passenger compartment door.

  “¡Estoy vivo y en la tierra! ¡No puedo creer!”, Rosita blurted out.

  I’ma kill that fucking sonofabitch!”, Lori screamed like some kind of wild woman, lunging at Belcher. Rosita and Sasha caught her by her arms and pulled her back to me. Sasha managed to get the passenger compartment door opened finally, and I set Lori on the ground, jumping out myself to keep my hands on her.

  “Shoot that crazy bastard, Cowboy! Just shoot his ass!”, she screamed. She was obviously hysterical from the crazy ride that we had just experienced. Only, I had been mentally, revisiting my past, and missed the whole thing. So, I didn’t understand. At the end of the day, the goofy pilot; Belcher, Rosita, and Sasha, managed to get our luggage and boxes unloaded, and most of it into the little hut located just to the side of the helipad. The remainder we loaded into the golf cart that was there to shuttle us and our belongings to Al’s guest house.

  Belcher, relaunched the old Hughey and faded into the afternoon sunset. For the next hour, I was not sure who, or what age, I was. Both my day, and my daydreaming had put me into some kind of semitrance. But, the women managed me through the shower, and into my suit, ready for dinner. That was probably nothing short of a miracle itself. I was, to say the least, just a bit exhausted by the day’s events. Lugging suitcases and boxes down the steps, and loading the truck, plus the three complete rounds of sexual acrobatics with the women, before we left Louisiana, then stressing out with the mind shattered chopper pilot, had worn me down. Daydreaming off into my boyhood, and finally, five round trips of loading our cargo from the chopper to the hut, and from the hut to the golf cart and into Al’s guest house had pulled the last of my energy.

  I don’t know how the women found the energy to walk, much less, have the presence of mind to dress me, and deck themselves out to the nines. But they did. All three of them looked fabulous beyond anything anyone would believe, if I tried to tell them. I’ve never seen a single runway model that could even hold a candle near to any one of these women.

  They all three, Lori, Rosita, and Sasha, wore one of the Brazilian styled dresses that Rosita had introduced to us. Each one was similar in that they set wide and low on their shoulders, with plenty of exposed cleavage, had tight waists, with hemlines cut just below mid-thigh. And, each one sported a sexy slit that provided little peep shows of their thighs when thy walked. Beyond that, each dress was styled differently in its folds and fabric arrangement, and each was a different color.

  My precious Sweetheart, Lori, wore an emerald green dress that bathed her figure fabulously, with matching stiletto heels, and hose that coordinated to her skin tone perfectly. Our Princess, Rosita, wore the hot, deep red number that she had first worn to dinner with Lori and I, when I had returned to the tree house with Lori, from our first Texas adventure. Her hose, like Lori’s, perfectly matched her skin tone, with just a touch of shimmer added. Again, perfectly matched stiletto heels punctuated her ensemble.

  Sasha, who we all call Shug, which is short for Sugar Tits, which we sometimes call her privately, was a total knockout, in a deep sapphire blue dress, that made her crystal blue eyes jump with sparkle. With her huge rack, the dramatic cleavage exposure, of the Brazilian styled dress, was totally eye popping on her. Sheer shimmery hose and perfectly matched stilettos completed her look.

  All three women’s hair looked as though they just stepped from a salon, and their nails were perfectly manicured. To top off and complement their total look, each wore a similar, but slightly different, sparkling necklace and matching, dangly ear lobe piercings. Before I had any idea what the women were wearing, they had me showered, dressed, and parked in the great room of Al’s guest house, where I flipped on the TV and zoned out on a satellite channel of never ending weather data. Then they set about readying themselves for our dinner with Al, over in his main house.

  When the three of them strutted into the great room together, dressed as I just described, my mouth fell open, and I nearly flipped the recliner I was sitting in, over backwards. As dead tired as I had been up to that point, unbelievably, I could literally feel the energy flowing back into my limbs, and my pulse quicken.

  “So, what do you think, Cowboy?”, Lori asked, as they each struck a differing runway style pose.

  “I think that I’m the luckiest man alive!”, I exclaimed, jumping to my feet.

  “Well, you may be!”, Lori said coyly.

  “And the hottest!”, Rosita said, with the enthusiasm as only Rosita can. All three of them looked me up and down, just as my eyes were feasting over each of them.

  “Definitely the hottest!”, Sasha added, slowly licking her tongue around the inner edges of her lips.

  “Hot and lucky?”, I quipped. “What more could a man ask for?” Lori stepped forward and reached to lightly adjust my tie, with Sasha stepping to my left and brushing something off of my shoulder. Rosita, lifted my right arm and tugged lightly at my shirt sleeve cuff, adjusting it beneath my jacket sleeve. “I know what more I could ask for!”, I blurted out. “I could ask to be rich, and surrounded by the three most gorgeous women in world.” Then I quickly followed up. “Well, I guess three out of four isn’t bad. Rich will just have to come later.”

  “Oh, so you think that you’re hot, do you?”, Lori cooed at me, finishing with my tie and running her hands down my chest.

  “I must be. Why else would I be surrounded by the three most gorgeously hot, smartest, and sweetest women in the world?”

  “Maybe you’re just fucking lucky?”, Lori quipped, winking at me.

  “I thought that was already established.”, I popped back, grinning.

  “Don’t worry, Babe, you’re hot!”, Sasha spoke up. “And compared to my bank account, you’re rich too.”

  Rosita made a loud purring tongue rattle sound and said, “You, Tagg, are the hottest man that I know, and we are all lucky to have each other.”

  “Gorgeous, lucky, and hot!”, I quipped. “What else could we ask for?”

  “Rich!”, they all three shouted in unison.

  “There’s that cool thing again.”, Sasha snickered.

  Afterwards, we were all just standing there silently admiring each other for a few moments, when Lori spoke again. “Speaking of rich, don’t we have a dinner appointment with a very rich client that we need to get to?”, she pointed out.

  “It is time.”, I replied, glancing at the huge ornamental clock on the wall. We all loaded into the golf cart and I drove us around the paved path through Al’s, probably one acre, rose garden, and under the rear portico of the main house. Al’s house keeper Mrs. Baker was there to meet us. I never knew her first name. Al, and everyone else that worked for him, just always referred to her as Mrs. Baker. She had looked to be fiftyish with grey hair ever since I had known her, which was just as long as I had known Al.

  “Tagg Hill!”, she called out to me, throwing her arms around my neck and kissing my cheek, even before I had stepped from the golf cart.

  “Hello Mrs. Baker!”, I replied to her.

  “Oh, I hope that you don’t mind my informality in front of your friends Tagg. Or should I call you Mr. Hill?”

  “Mrs. Baker, have you ever had to call me Mr. anything?”

  “Well, you know how Mr. Longworth is about these things, Tagg.” Then glancing at Lori, Sasha, and Rosita, she explained, “Tagg is just like my grandson!

  “Speaking of Mr. Longworth, Mrs. Baker, how is Al?”

  “Not good, Tagg. He’s been worried sick about something, and hasn’t left the house for days! I’m so glad to see you Tagg. Now that you’re here, maybe he’ll talk to you about whatever it is bothering him. For the last few days, he’s hardly spoken to any of us.”

  “That’s what I’m here for Mrs. Baker. Oh, and let me introduce you to my… I glanced at the women, back at Mrs. Bak
er, and then back at them. “Team.”, I said. This is Lori, beside me, Sasha just behind me and Rosita beside her. They all exchanged pleasantries and then Mrs. Baker showed us into the dining room.

  “I’ll let Mr. Longworth know that you’re here.”, she said, disappearing through a doorway. The women all began admiring the renaissance style paintings lining the walnut paneled walls of Al’s dining room.

  “I hope that you all don’t mind me calling you my team. I didn’t know what else to say, that would be polite.”, I commented loudly to the women.

  “I’m cool with it Babe.”, Sasha piped up.

  “I wouldn’t want you to say anything different to that nice old lady, Cowboy.”, Lori chimed in.

  “We are a team!”, Rosita said. “Everything else that we are, is not to be ashamed of. But is also not the business of other people.”

  “Yeah, what Rosita said!”, Sasha spoke up again.

  “Exactly!”, Lori said. “I love you, Rosita and how you think. If we weren’t wearing all of this lipstick, I would kiss you!”

  “We can all kiss later!”, Sasha offered in a hopeful, optimistic tone. I made a shush noise at Sasha, pressing a finger to my lips. “Down girl!”, I whispered jokingly, “You horney little vixen.”, then patted her lightly on her fabulously cute tush.

  “But, no spanking!”, she whispered back at me with a serious look in her eyes. I made a mental note, to find out later, what it was about the idea of getting spanked, that seemed to strike a note of terror in Sasha. Just then, Al Longworth, in his usual, bigger than life manner, burst through the same door where Mrs. Baker had disappeared.

  “Tagg old boy! And, Lori!”, his loud voice exploded, as he rushed across the room to Lori.

  “Mr. Longworth!”, Lori replied, offering her hand as he approached. “It’s so good to see you again!” Al, took her hand gently, bending to kiss it’s back, as was his courtly habit.

  “My dear Lori, the pleasure is all mine, I assure you!” he loudly replied, holding her hand and briefly squeezing it before letting go. When he turned to me, and I extended my hand. He grabbed it, nearly crushing it and pumping my arm furiously, just before pulling me into himself and crushing me in a bear hug, finishing with a back slap that may have raised a whelp. “Tagg, I’m so damn glad that you’re finally here!”, he said, finally letting me go.

  “I’m glad to have finally made it myself Al!”, I replied grinning for no good reason, other than Al always seemed to infect me with enthusiasm. Then turning to Rosita and Sasha, Al lit up all over again.

  “Tagg Hill! Tell me! And, tell me now, just who these two exquisite, lovely ladies are!”, he said exuberantly, with his eyes dashing back and forth between them.

  “Al, this is the other half of my team, Sasha Adamson, our researcher, data analyst, and superb IT expert.”, I said with my open hand toward Sasha. And, this is Rosita Almeyda, who will be doing some data entry, and document processing for us, and with whom I’m exploring an investment into the fashion world. That, involves the trip for these three, to Oklahoma City tomorrow morning. Rosita is the brains behind putting together these beautiful ensembles that they are wearing tonight, and already has a business producing Spanish lace.”

  “Ah! she does have excellent tastes! So, Oklahoma City! You’re involving your sister in this fashion venture. That’s smart Tagg. Allie has a shrewd fashion sense, and I understand that she does quite well with that little shop. Some of my friends’ wives will shop no place else for their clothes.”, Al said to me, then returned his attention to Sasha and Rosita. “I am over joyed to meet you ladies!” Sasha timidly extended her hand to Al.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Longworth.”, Sasha said meekly, but politely.

  “No, my sweet dear! Meeting this old crusty buffalo couldn’t be a pleasure in a million years.”, Al responded, lightly taking her hand in his. But I assure you, that my sorry state of existence has been vastly improved by meeting you.”, and with that, he bowed and kissed the top of her hand. Sasha was blushing when he released her hand, and seemed somewhat relieved when he stood straight again, and shifted his attention to Rosita.

  “Señor Longworth, it is an honor to meet the great business man and friend of Tagg.”, Rosita said to Al, offering her hand, and then slightly curtsying when he took it.

  “Mi querido hermosa Senorita Almeyda, yo soy honrado por su encantadora presence.”, Al said back to her, just before bowing to kiss her hand that he held so lightly atop of his. I don’t think that I had ever seen Rosita, so flustered in her life.

  “Now everyone, please take a seat.” Al said, taking his place at the head of the lengthy table that normally would have seated ten. “And Tagg, please let two of these gorgeous women sit to either side of me.”, he continued.

  Lori moved to Al’s right and Sasha guided Rosita to Al’s left, seating herself on the other side of Rosita. I sat beside Lori and Al addressed us all again.

  “I want all of you to call me Al. No more Mister Longworth stuff. My daddy was Mister Longworth. I’m Al.

  “I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that Mr. Longworth.”, Sasha spoke up meekly.

  “It’s not that difficult girl!”, Al said with a big smile on his face. Just say, Al.” He looked at Sasha, and she looked blankly back at him.

  “Well, try this then,” he said, still speaking to Sasha. “Say, Al, please pass the biscuits.”

  “Al, please pass the biscuits.”, Sasha said flatly.

  “See girl! It’s not that hard! I’m big, and loud, and all that, but I don’t bite.” Sasha smiled at Al, and then Al said, “Well not hard anyway.”, and then broke into a hearty laugh. Sasha snickered and then spoke back.

  “Well, okay, Al. I guess I can call you Al.”

  “There you go! Al said, grinning big. “Now let’s all enjoy some good eats!”, he said loudly. Immediately the swinging door to the kitchen pushed open and Mrs. Baker and the cook began bringing in food and placing it on the table. It was good to see Al at least acting much like his old self. But, I knew from our phone calls, and what Mrs. Baker had related, that Al was very troubled beneath that tough, happy guy, exterior.

  “Just serve yourselves and pass it around!”, Al said. “We don’t put on airs here. I don’t sit down to show off. I sit down to eat!” I noticed that there were two extra places set at the table, and when Mrs. Baker and the cook finished bringing in the food they filled those chairs.

  “You all have met Mrs. Baker the housekeeper, and head honcho around here. And this fellow is Tony Marceau, who cooks and assists Mrs. Baker.”, Al introduced. “Tony, these ladies are Lori, Sasha, and Rosita, they’re here with Tagg Hill to do some contract work for my company and Tagg is also an old, longtime friend. So be sure that you feed’em well, and treat’em right while they’re here.

  “I’m so charmed to meet you all.”, Tony spoke out, in a completely, Nelly gay voice. Anything you want food or drink wise, just let me know! Do any of you have any special dietary requirements?”, he asked. All four of us started answering at once and his head went from side to side trying to keep up. “So, no dietary issues? Great then! We’re going to have some really great meals this week!”, he finished.

  With Mrs. Baker and Toney at the table, I didn’t figure that Al wanted to talk business, and so the conversations at the table ran the gambit from current news events, and weather, to Rosita and Tony discussing just what the proper spice mixes were for southern fried chicken. Our meal which consisted of a hodge-podge of Tex-Mex dishes, was delicious and disappeared rapidly, with Tony getting compliments all round.

  When we had finished, Al leaned back and asked me, “So, Tagg how was your chopper ride today?” I hadn’t opened my mouth yet, and all three of the women were immediately giving Al an earful, with Rosita speaking entirely Spanish. I whistled loudly, and they all stopped talking at once.

  “Al, you and I need to have a discussion about that particular ride, but we’ll do that later. Right now, I do appreciate your
providing us with the lift though.” I cut my eyes at all three women. Al started chuckling slowly.

  “So, you met Ray Belcher.”, he said, and started laughing harder.

  “It wasn’t the worst encounter that I’ve had this year, but it was far, far, far away from being the best.”, I replied. “is T.I.C. running a P.T.S.D. veterans’ rescue mission now?”

  “Yeah.”, Al drawled out. It’s something like that, but also turning out to be a very lucrative thing for everybody concerned. I’ll explain all of that a little later.”

  “Well, I’m concerned! And we definitely will talk about this!”, I said firmly. “Meanwhile, please tell me that someone else is going to fly these ladies to Oklahoma City in the morning!”

  “Oh, don’t blow a gasket, Tagg!”, Al scoffed at me. “Ray Belcher is one of the most talented seat of the pants chopper pilots in the states. He’s quirky as hell, and granted, has damn poor judgement about anything, and has short bouts of thinking that he’s still in the Navy.”

  “Yep!”, I interrupted. I encountered that. But still don’t know how he flew us here.”

  “Como un loco!”, Rosita spoke up.

  “We’ll straighten all this out later Tagg, but for right now, rest easy knowing that my regular pilot, with my business chopper will be here tomorrow morning to fly these ladies to Oklahoma City in style. I’m sorry that you all had such a rough experience today, but as they say, all’s well that ends well?”

  “We all lived through it Al.”, Lori spoke up, “no wounds, and no battle scars. We just got the ever-loving hell scared out of us, is all. And, we didn’t really need all that hell in us anyway.” Al started laughing again.

  “I’ve flown with Ray a few times, and it’s always an exciting trip.”, he said laughing again. “The man has never crashed anything, never even damaged any equipment, and can set a chopper down on a dime in a hurricane. He just might not know what a dime is at the moment that he does it, and sometimes forgets that us humans have stomachs to contend with, when he makes maneuvers. Anyway, I personally guarantee that you ladies will totally enjoy your flight tomorrow. You’ll leave out of here about six. What time do you anticipate coming back?”


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