Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

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Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage) Page 8

by Corinne Balfour

  “She did make that suggestion, Kiera.”

  “You can see that I am perfectly fine! I pose no danger to anyone here.”

  “Of course, dear. It is just that signs of illness frighten the princess. We are far from home and we have no healers here.”

  The elegance of the room was proof they were far from Asstrumnia. Ornate frescoes adorned the walls, even in this chamber, which was a minor guest cubiculum. Behind Druscilla the scene on the wall depicted a vineyard with clusters of juicy purple fruit growing on lush green vines. “Diermont always keeps some healers in his service.”

  “But those are not the palace healers. The ones here are meant to treat battle wounds.” Druscilla leaned forward, curiosity in her expression. “So tell me, why did you pass out if you were not sick?”

  “To get the attention of the lords, silly.” Kiera couldn’t think of another explanation and she was determined to deny having an illness. “I willed myself to collapse. The only problem is that I cannot remember what happened afterward, so I cannot say how effective my strategy was. Have you any idea what happened?”

  “Kiera, I’m not sure I agree with using that strategy to catch a lord. I think it put you in a negative light. Now everyone thinks you are either deathly ill or desperate for male attention.”

  Kiera inwardly groaned. “It was a bad move on my part, I’m sure. Did the lords mention anything of my behavior?”

  “Strangely, they’ve said very little. It was Shane McDonald who told us that you had passed out on the floor. He saw it happen as he left the room. The rest of the lords were at the bonfire already. Shane mentioned that Lord Halloran and Lord McLeod missed the entire event because they were dealing with you.”

  “They were with me that long?” Kiera felt the soreness in her throat and it made her again wonder which one had mauled her. It seemed ludicrous to think that either Modez or Seamus would wish to mate with her, but those two certainly had ample opportunity.

  “Long enough to cause talk. I hope you did not sleep with them. You’d lose your chance to make a good match if you let them have it that early. You must at least wait until time for the mating test.”

  “Of course nothing happened. Such things only ever happen during the mating tests, as you know.”

  “Unless you foolishly break the rules.”

  “I cannot afford to break the rules. You know my circumstances.”

  “Yes, they are no different than mine. I’m sorry I doubted you, dearie.” Druscilla sighed and leaned back on a fluffy pink cushion. “I’m just nervous because Snotti told me I am to be matched with someone at the villa. I expect the announcement to be made this night. Snotti said that all of us would be matched this week.”

  Someone had started early on her. “I hadn’t expected this. Do the warriors not have enough to do here that they must be given additional duties? Can they not find some more Romans to kill or some buildings to burn?”

  “I don’t think the warriors will mind the added duty,” Druscilla said with a giggle. “This was probably Diermont’s solution to the lack of bed servants. It’s all good. I dare say some of us will find mates before the Season begins back home.”

  “Well, give me some details on the pairings.”

  “Snotti said I would be matched with Adonis, the hybrid forced to fight as a gladiator.”

  She understood the reason for Druscilla’s anxiety. Adonis’ name had been on the lips of many. Rumor had it the hybrid refused to mate with his own kind because he had been “ruined by human sheaths.” They also said his addiction was so irrepressible that druid intervention had been considered. “That’s a lot of pressure for the both of you. If he cannot perform…well, it wouldn’t be good.”

  Druscilla paled. “One shouldn’t listen to rumors. I’m sure Adonis’ problem has been exaggerated.” She smiled and ran a hand through her elegantly coifed black hair. “I wonder who Diermont has chosen for you. Hopefully it will be one of the lords, although it will not be the ones you have your eyes on. Lord McLeod is to be matched with one of the Halloran girls. As for Lord Halloran, I expect Lady Prudencia will get her way. She has already asked Snotti about him.”

  “Forward woman,” Kiera said. “That hussy has become more and more brazen. If I tried to choose my own partner, it would cause a scandal.”

  “The rules are applied more leniently when one is an heiress.” Druscilla rolled her eyes. “Besides, it is better to allow her the choice than let the entire horde fight over her.”

  “The uppity bitch would be an excellent match for the asshole lord.”

  Druscilla frowned. “Lord Halloran pretty much gave you the cut direct. I wouldn’t waste any more time trying to gain his attention since it is clear you will never gain his favor. I’d hate to see you make a fool of yourself.”

  “I haven’t set my sights on anyone in particular.”

  “That is good.” Druscilla gave a sly smile. “I heard that Lord Cabrian Ross refused to participate in the mating tests. Snotti wanted him paired with Lady Selma and she is most upset that he refused her. Snotti said that Lord Ross has been bewitched by a Babylonian woman and that unless there is an intervention, Lord Ross will end up like Adonis. Apparently, Lord Ross is keeping the woman in his quarters and Diermont actually gave him permission to do so! Snotti isn’t having it, though, and the two have been arguing about it nonstop.”

  “I thought all the Romans had been killed in the attack.”

  “Nearly all. They say the woman was spared for breeding purposes. Can you imagine that? The lords are so particular about bloodlines and pedigrees. They are overly selective. Yet one lord is willing to lower himself to breed with a human.”

  “It is likely the only way he will ever get an heir.” Cabrian held the record for the most failed mating tests. She could understand his refusal to participate in more of them. Why keep trying when it was hopeless? She wondered whether he would acknowledge the Roman lady as his mate. If he did, it would be the first step towards acceptance of mixed unions. That would be a good thing for her. She wouldn’t have to worry so much about concealing her own mixed heritage if it became acceptable to pair with a human. “I want to meet this Roman woman.”

  “That may be difficult. Lord Ross is guarding her well and you’ll not be permitted entry to their room.”

  Kiera would find a way inside. She had questions and wouldn’t waste an opportunity to get answers. She was very good at accessing forbidden places.

  * * *

  Kiera didn’t see Snotti again until late afternoon, as the princess didn’t bother to get out of bed until then. She listened to Snotti’s tirade regarding the Roman woman with half an ear. She didn’t share Snotti’s opinion that human females posed a dangerous threat to hybrid existence, but she knew better than to argue with her about it. Her mind drifted while Snotti droned on and on about things she didn’t care about. She touched her throat, hoping the high necked gown covered the bite marks there. She didn’t want to admit to anyone that she had no idea who had bitten her.

  “I ask that every lady join me in my righteous quest to rid Asstrumnia of the human scourge.” Snotti raised a Centurion’s staff into the air. The weapon had been confiscated from Claudius Brutus after the slaughter. “We have been told that it is our fault whenever a mating bond fails to take hold. However, I know the truth of the matter. Our males have been under the corrupting influence of human females.” Snotti pointed her staff toward a stuffed dummy made to represent a human female. The figure had been decorated with twin grapefruits to represent the breasts and the pelt of a raccoon had been affixed at the center. The dummy, which was nailed to a tree, was crowned with a blonde wig. “Thank you, Lady Selma, for your hard work in crafting this model of the human female.”

  Kiera thought it looked ridiculous. Naturally the rest of the ladies crooned and gushed with effusive praise.

  Snotti waved the staff around in the air to gain everyone’s attention. “They tempt our men and cause them to have no d
esire to mate with their own kind. What just happened to Lord Ross will happen to the rest of our men unless we take action.”

  “We should demand the death of Lord Ross’ human slave,” Prudencia said.

  “I have already done so, but the prince refuses to listen to me,” Snotti said. “Lord Cabrian Ross needs to be saved from himself. I will find a way to remove the Babylonian from his keeping.” Snotti set the staff down and picked up a wooden hunter’s bow. She took careful aim and the arrow sailed through the air and pierced the left grapefruit. The noblewomen clapped and Snotti smiled with happiness. “There is nothing more important than the preservation of the elite Asstrum bloodlines. Our alien forefathers, the Asstrum, bestowed upon us the gift of Ass. However, it is only the rare elite who possess the gift of blood drinking.” She sent a second arrow into the remaining grapefruit on the dummy. Red juice and pulp coated the white cloth covering the figure and the ladies roared their approval. “These gifts will continue to be passed to future generations, but only through careful breeding.”

  “Make sure the Babylonian bitch dies,” Prudencia said. “A removal is not a guarantee, especially if her womb quickens with child. I will not allow that Roman seductress to become the future Lady Calforn.”

  “I will most certainly not permit such an outrage.” Snotti shot six arrows in a row, all making impact at the desired site, which was the pelt in the center of the dummy. “I will ponder the matter. But for now, I only ask that all of my ladies join the Ass Preservation Society, which I fondly named APS. Our new goal is to annihilate any group of human females who threaten to cross our borders. I expect full support from my ladies.” Snotti gestured toward Kiera. “I can count on my own blood relation to support my good cause, I am sure. Kiera, I will add your name to the APS membership roster.”

  “I don’t think it’s really my kind of thing,” Kiera said before she was silenced with an arrow pointed at her heart and a severe look from Snotti. She knew that look well. Joining was not optional. “As you wish.”

  “You had better start thinking of my wishes, you ungrateful girl.” Snotti shot her last arrow and it sailed an inch above Kiera’s head, landing in the trunk of the tree behind her. “I did not have to bring you to New Babylon and you should know that I can withdraw your invitation at any time.”

  “I am eternally in your debt.”

  “Indeed.” Snotti handed the bow to Lady Prudencia and the other ladies scurried to collect the arrows. “I have secured you a match that is far greater than you deserve. Sulian arrives this night and he has consented to be your trial mate. Use your month well and present to him a biddable nature. You’re nearly on the shelf. It has become increasingly more difficult to find males willing to consider you as a life partner.”

  Kiera was pleasantly surprised to learn she would be matched with Sulian, a well-respected druid. If she managed to bond with that male, it would be quite the coup. It was worth dealing with Snotti to have this kind of opportunity. “Thank you, Princess.”

  “You can thank me with a show of groveling when next you encounter Lord Halloran.” Snotti brushed a speck of dust from the sleeve of Kiera’s gown and wrinkled her nose. Her disdain of her lowly relative was painfully obvious. “My lord was most displeased by your embarrassing behavior. I’m not sure what you were trying to achieve with that fainting spell, but it only served to inconvenience him. You caused him to miss the bonfire and the prince did note his absence. Modez told me that you will not cease your harassment of him and he requested that you be sent away.”

  “I have not harassed Lord Halloran in any way.” But she sure as hell planned to beleaguer him now.

  “Your pitiful attempt to pursue the male constitutes harassment.” She waved a pointed fingernail right underneath Kiera’s nose. “He is too far above you and your refusal to acknowledge that fact is an insult.”

  “I have no interest in the lord, mating or otherwise.”

  “Your friend Druscilla tells me you fainted to gain the lord’s attention and favor.” Snotti’s hard gaze fell on Druscilla and remained there until the girl gave a quick nod. Snotti smiled as Druscilla shrunk away from her. She turned and faced Kiera once more. “Are you going to tell me a different story, because if I find out you are ill, you will not be able to remain here with us.”

  “I am as healthy as everyone else.” A complete lie, but one she felt forced to give. “I was playing around, that is all. I did not mean to cause insult and I apologize again for my crude behavior.”

  “You must beg forgiveness from Lord Halloran. He is expected to arrive any minute,” Snotti said as Modez instantly appeared in the room. “And here he is. On time, as always.” Snotti gestured toward Kiera and said, “She will not bother you again, Lord Halloran. I vow she will demonstrate proper behavior from this day forward. Kiera has offered her apology for any insults given.”

  Modez flayed her with his dull silver orbs and said, “She has not spoken those words to me.”

  Such a severe, cold male he was that it made her itch to provoke him. Control yourself, Kiera. After a prodding look from Snotti, she stepped forward and grudgingly said, “I apologize for my behavior toward you.”

  Modez frowned. “I doubt her sincerity. I would feel more comfortable if she left the villa.”

  “Your apology needs work, Kiera.” Snotti approached with menacing intent. “Give the lord the apology he deserves.”

  What did he want from her? Did he expect her to bow down and kiss his feet? “I gave him his apology. I will not waste my breath on another.”

  “You most certainly will.” Snotti’s face reddened in anger. “Lord Halloran is one of my most favored lords and he must be treated with the utmost respect.”

  “You mean he must be worshiped like the God he mistakenly thinks himself to be. Well, I do not care a fig about his comfort. He needs to grow a set of balls and learn how to deal with situations he doesn’t like.”

  “That is not an apology,” Snotti said as she slapped Kiera hard across her face. “I will rid you of this attitude problem. If I must beat it out of you, I will.”

  “The girl is beyond hope,” Modez said with an exaggerated sigh. “Just get rid of her.”

  “I am afraid I cannot do that just yet.” Snotti walked away from Kiera to stand beside Modez. “She has been promised to Sulian and he is expecting her this night.”

  “You will reward her with a match far beyond her station after she has given me insult after insult? I must protest, Princess.”

  “The agreement has already been made. Canceling it would punish Sulian as well as Kiera.”

  “The druid would be best served with another. It is a simple matter to fix. Just choose a different lady for Sulian.” Modez scanned the ladies surrounding Snotti with an approving look. The rest of the ladies-in-waiting were flawless models of Asstrumnian womanhood, without a hair out of place and perpetually poised in composure. They were completely different from Kiera.

  Snotti paced the same stretch of grass while her ladies scurried to keep up with her. “Sulian has been invited here specifically for Kiera. Diermont is pushing for the match.”

  “So she must stay to perform for the prince. How nice,” Modez’s lip curled in a sneer. “If only he would be so kind to see us all so entertained.”

  Snotti’s eyes took on a calculating gleam. “I am sure he would allow you to watch as well, should you desire it.”

  “Please spare me that sight,” Modez said with a shudder. “That was not what I meant when I asked for entertainment, Princess.” He glanced briefly at Kiera and said, “Diermont must acknowledge the girl is out of control. Something must be done about it. If a warrior was to show such defiance and disobedience, the punishment would be death.”

  “Is that a threat?” Clearly Lord Halloran wanted to get rid of her. Kiera said, “You should remember that I’m not one of your warriors.” He had no control over her.

  “Kiera, you will not question your betters and you are to speak o
nly when addressed,” Snotti said before turning to Modez. “You are right. Kiera is not ready to participate in the mating tests. I will explain this to Diermont. I am certain he will agree to postpone the event until she is deemed worthy.”

  Kiera wanted to scream in frustration. How had that fuckball managed to ruin things for her? She shot Modez a furious glare. “You have no right to dictate the terms of my mating test.”

  Modez grunted and said, “A Halloran can dictate pretty much anything.” He smiled at Snotti and said, “And a Halloran’s pleasure takes priority over all things. It is a hostess’ duty to make provision, yet my bed remains empty.”

  “It pains me to leave you in such a state,” Snotti said. “There is still time for you to participate in the mating tests. I would give you the lady of your choice.”

  “The situation does not leave one satisfied. I’d rather wait for a trained bed servant so I can have the freedom to use her as I see fit.”

  Sickening. How had she ever thought him handsome?

  “I sympathize with your need, Lord Halloran. And now all the ladies here know of it as well,” Snotti said with a giggle. “The transport of bed servants, I am told, is on hold indefinitely due to the dronusfly swarms.”

  Ha! The poor baby wouldn’t get to play with his favorite toys. She should find him a pacifier to give him something with which to suck.

  “Travel to Asstrumnia is not recommended until the danger passes, and with all the dwellings currently shielded, opening a portal there would prove extremely difficult.” Snotti placed a hand on his shoulder. “I promise you that your cock will not remain neglected. I vow to ensure my favorite lord is serviced properly.”

  “I would like to know how you plan to address this situation.”

  “There is a reason no one travels during times of dronusfly activity.” Snotti pushed a stray hair from her face when the outside wind picked up speed. “Diermont heard of the problem and that is why he agreed on the mating tests.”


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