Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

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Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage) Page 15

by Corinne Balfour

  Kiera bumped into a warm male body and realized she could go no further. She was sandwiched between Modez and the prince. “And what would you have me do? Be your whore underneath Snotti’s nose?”

  “You would do as I asked.” Diermont breathed heavily for several minutes. “Snotti would not approve of my bedding you.”

  Modez slid his arm around Kiera and she tried to ignore him as she focused on the prince. “So what does that mean, exactly?”

  “It means you will obey me in all things and not ask questions,” Diermont said sternly. “You will learn your duties in time.” He smirked and said, “You will also obey Modez since he has full use of the Halloran property.”

  “I am not Halloran property.” Only slaves were considered property.

  “That is where you are wrong, Kiera. Like your mother, you are a serf. You became Halloran property when you were given to Snotti. Now that she has no further need of you, I will assign other tasks to keep you busy.” He locked eyes with the younger Halloran. “Modez may also give you tasks.”

  Modez’s arm tightened around her waist in response. She swore she could feel his body temperature rising as his heat suffused her skin. Then she felt his tongue lapping at the back of her neck. Did Diermont intend to whore her out to Modez? Probably not since his tastes ran to classic beauties, like Elsa, and not the exotic. She would most likely end up performing mundane tasks like polishing his sword, and not the one between his legs but the one strapped to his back. “I will not serve him.” Kiera glared at Modez, but his flushed skin made her feel guilty when she remembered what she had done to him. So that was the reason his body was so hot. He was developing a fever from the blood loss. She had thought he was getting randy; some hybrid males were known to get hot for a female when they were in the mood. She suppressed the urge to press her hand against his forehead to check his temperature. She wasn’t his nursemaid. “You know we don’t get along.”

  “You will serve him just as you will serve me. You were not gently born or reared. Your father played around with the servants and then you were born. He gave you his name and nothing more.”

  “She doesn’t have to serve me.” Modez released her. “I wouldn’t have anything for her to do.”

  Modez forever voiced disinterest, but he was good at sending mixed signals. It annoyed her. She decided to ignore Modez and concentrate on the prince. “My father was a man of property. I should have been raised accordingly.”

  “He made a conscious decision to exclude you. He sired other progeny with a mate more suited to his station. He had no use for an accidentally spawned female.”

  “I should have inherited.”

  “He wanted you to have nothing. He wanted you dead, actually. He said something about you was made wrong.”

  “That’s enough, Diermont,” Modez said. “She doesn’t need to hear that.”

  “My father left my mother shortly after I was born.” Kiera hated the male who had abandoned her mother and condemned her to the life of a serf. “He never knew me and was in no position to judge me.”

  “She needs to realize that she is in my debt,” Diermont said to Modez. “If not for me, her father would have terminated her life.”

  Kiera was aware of her father’s hatred of humans. It was no surprise that he hated her as well.

  “Her father would never have been allowed to put her to death. Females are too valuable,” Modez said.

  “It is allowed if a child is born with certain defects.”

  “She was a woman full grown when her father demanded her death, not a child.” His eyes scanned Kiera’s form, and this time, he didn’t hide his appreciation. “And you can see there are no defects.”

  “None that I can see. I have not inspected her for defects, nor have I viewed her full form in all its naked glory. Perhaps it is time that I did so.”

  “No,” Modez said. “She’s been through enough. There’s no need to upset her further.”

  “I am past the point of being upset.” Kiera was in a rage and she couldn’t take much more. “I think you have all rehashed the Devine family history long enough. I don’t wish to hear anything more about my father or my mother. Please excuse me. I’d like to return to my room now.” Kiera did not wait for permission before she fled. She couldn’t stand one more minute of being inside that room.

  Once reaching her assigned chamber, she collapsed on the bed. She was confused about everything—her role at the villa, her future, and her feelings about Modez. She didn’t trust Diermont and she had a feeling whatever tasks he required of her would be distasteful.

  She stiffened when she heard soft knocks on her door. Before she had a chance to say anything, the door opened and Druscilla burst through with tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “It was horrible! The worst experience of my life,” Druscilla said. “You know how bad it was. You were there.”

  “I am sorry,” Kiera said as she put her arms around her friend. “The prince ordered me to be there, but I tried not to watch. I know it didn’t go the way you wanted.”

  “Adonis shamed me in front of the prince! I’ll be laughed about all over the kingdom. What man loses an erection during a mating ceremony? How hard can it be to make one thing stand up?”

  “I’m sure it was just as embarrassing for Adonis.”

  “No, it was not. He didn’t seem concerned about it at all.” Druscilla wiped a fat tear from her face. “I think he was relieved that he wouldn’t have to prolong the act. He didn’t even try at all! Now I am a laughingstock.”

  “Not really. I think everyone suspected Adonis would have difficulties. No one is going to put the blame on you.”

  “The princess was right when she said that humans are to blame for ruining our men. Adonis is ruined.” Druscilla picked up a bookend and threw it against the wall, making a loud crashing sound. “He could have been my mate, but his cock refuses to respond to a hybrid woman. I heard all about how he fornicated with the Roman females during his captivity. His male organ works for them just fine!”

  “Adonis didn’t have much of a choice from what I understand.” Kiera had heard that the daughter of the villa, Lavinia, had coerced him into having an affair. “He was a slave. He had no control of how his body was utilized.”

  “I was humiliated!” Druscilla clenched her fists and wailed, “And he did it in front of the prince as well as Lord Halloran! I’ll never be able to show my face at court. And the worst thing about it is that I’ll have to endure this whole thing again! I cannot endure it a second time and I have no reason to think it’ll be any different from the first.”

  Kiera put her arms around her friend, trying once more to console her.

  “Adonis is ruined.” Druscilla clung to Kiera and wept. After her tears had dried, she pulled out of her friend’s embrace and flopped down onto the nearest chair. “They need to get on with the mind wipe, but even then, I fear it wouldn’t work. You can erase his entire head and I bet his little brain will still recall the memories of human sex. You know, the little brain that resides in the vicinity of his inner thighs?”

  “You need to be patient with him.” Kiera pulled her gown over her head and dumped it on the floor. “He was only just released from captivity and he’s probably not in the mood for loving.”

  “Why do you defend him? If you think he is that great, then you can have him with my blessing.”

  “At least you are given someone!” Kiera faced away from Druscilla and removed the tight, binding shift that helped give her the appearance of possessing a more typical figure. “I’ve been told I am not eligible to be a mate and never will. Maybe you should stop your whining and be grateful you have somebody, even if it is someone with impotency issues.”

  Druscilla sniffed and her posture softened. “I am sorry. I heard about Sulian’s prediction. Perhaps it is for the best. Not all women were meant to be mothers.”

  She grabbed a nightgown out of her satchel and pulled it over her head. “Are you act
ually saying I wouldn’t make a good mother?”

  “How would I know what kind of mother you would be?” Druscilla asked with exasperation in her voice. “Your mother had fertility problems. I mean, you hardly have any siblings to speak of, which kind of tells us all we need to know.”

  “I have a sister. I would have had a brother, but he didn’t survive infancy.”

  “You see, your mother was practically infertile. What hybrid woman has so few spawn? My own mother birthed at least six every time she had a litter of young.”

  Deep in her heart, she feared Druscilla was right. “I am not my mother. I could have a litter one day.”

  Druscilla laughed. “In your dreams, Kiera.” She threw her hands up in the air and said, “Come on, you knew it wasn’t likely to happen. You’re here to find a protector, not a mate. You’ll be some lord’s mistress. It’s not such a bad thing.”

  Her words hurt. “Druscilla, even you do not find me worthy?”

  “I love you as a person and you’re a great friend, Kiera. But you did come from nothing. From nowhere. Are you even related to the princess? Because I’ve never seen the resemblance.”

  Snotti shared the same thick, black wavy hair and violet eyes. But those were common attributes in Asstrumnia. “You think I’ve made up my connections? Please, Druscilla. Do not be so cruel.”

  “Whatever.” Druscilla shrugged and said, “All I know is that my great-great-great-grandfather was a lord and I can get away with calling myself a lady, even if I’m not really part of the nobility. But you pretend to be a lady and nobody really knows where you came from. Your father always denied you were his child.”

  Mention of her father always put her in the most terrible of moods and Druscilla knew that. “You are being cruel.”

  “You need to face reality. It is time for you to cultivate relationships with the lords here.”

  “So I can find a protector?” It was a ludicrous thought. Kiera couldn’t pretend to be agreeable and brainless to please one of the warrior lords.

  Druscilla gave her a pointed look. “Well, yes.”

  “I guess you think I can attract the attention and admiration of someone like Lord McLeod or Lord Halloran.”

  Druscilla coughed, nearly choking herself. “Oh, goodness no! Not those lords. They’re way too particular about their mistresses.”

  So her friend wished her to aim lower.

  “I was thinking about Lord Sullivan of Turloch. I’d gladly be his mistress, you know, if I was in your situation.”

  “He is hot, at least. I’m sure the duties wouldn’t be too onerous.” She tried to make a joke out of it, but inside, she was peeved at her friend for not supporting her. “Those warrior lords don’t want me here.”

  “I know.” Druscilla appraised her with a critical eye. “You’ve been making enemies of them when you should have been courting their favor. What will you do when Snotti sacks you?”

  “I’ll figure something out.”

  “Well that time is now. You need to figure it out now.”

  “Why the rush?” Kiera hoped her friend didn’t know she had been demoted since that would be humiliating.

  Druscilla’s face fell. “Princess Snotti has dismissed you from service. She will tell you tonight. Everyone else knows.”

  “I suspected as much.” Diermont had told her she would serve him rather than the princess. “She was looking for a reason to dismiss me.”

  “She hasn’t been happy with you. She says you reek of the fields.”

  Kiera flopped down on the bed. “Oh please! I’ve about had it with the princess.”

  “I would help you if I could, but my association with you is putting me at risk. I don’t want to be sent home in shame.”

  “I don’t think you could help me anyway.”

  “You cannot be sent away just yet because of the dronusflies. I’m sure the princess will allow you to assist with APS. You must earn your keep, you know.”

  “I don’t agree with the APS philosophy. I’ve got nothing against humans.”

  “Well, you should. We are at war with the humans. And those human females have ruined our men! Every woman here needs to make APS her greatest priority. It is imperative to rid ourselves of the Romanites that sleep under the same roof as our men, because if we delay, we will lose them.” Druscilla leaned forward and said in a low whisper, “Lord Cabrian Ross is in danger as we speak.”

  “How is he in danger?”

  Druscilla smoothed the skirts of her plain linen gown. Unlike the other ladies, her throat was adorned by a simple gold torc rather than a jeweled one. “He could fall prey to the Roman woman’s charms. If he takes her body, he will end up just like Adonis.”

  “Will he not have to take her body to breed with her? Isn’t that why she still lives?”

  “I think he’s keeping her as a last resort breeding opportunity, but he should not be allowed to take her body unless he is nearing his death bed and still lacks an heir. Even then, there are ways to impregnate her without sex.”

  “I doubt those ways would appeal to Lord Ross.”

  Druscilla shifted in her chair. “He doesn’t know what is good for him. How could he when he has been under her corrupting influence? After all, she held him prisoner.”

  “I think you should stay out of their relationship, whatever it is.” Her friend’s involvement in APS bothered her. Those ladies were out for blood and sweet Dru didn’t need to get mixed up with that. “Did you mention there were other Roman women here?”

  “Yes, but not for long. The prince ordered they be taken to the Red Light Brothel. He plans to use them as walking bombs.”

  “Who are the Roman women?”

  “Who cares?” Druscilla huffed out a breath and said, “I believe I heard that one of them is Lavinia Maximus and the other one is Calpurnia Pornius.”

  “And you said they would be used as walking bombs. What does that mean, exactly?”

  Druscilla laughed. “I’m not sure, but I was told it would result in the death of Romans. So who cares what it means?”

  Druscilla had been influenced by Snotti and no longer shared respect for all life. Those ladies of APS were monsters. Would Dru turn into one as well? “Those women. They will be killed?”

  “I should hope so! The last thing we need are more Romans running around tempting our men.”

  “Where are they being kept?”

  “There’s a building outside. One they didn’t burn. I bet they are being held there.”

  As soon as Druscilla left, Kiera transported outside and started to search for a building. Seeing the likely area, she headed toward it and stopped when she reached the lowdown scumbag who guarded it. Ugh. She didn’t care for Patrick at all. “I heard there was something interesting in this building. I’d like to see it.”

  Patrick leaned against the door and crossed his arms. “You’re not allowed inside.”

  She wet her lower lip with her tongue and lowered her eyelids, trying to appear sultry. “I heard there were human females inside. I’ve only seen the one. Can I see, please?”

  Patrick straightened his posture and suddenly appeared interested in what she had to say. “Why? Does this have to do with APS?”

  Ugh. He was so gross and she hated interacting with him. To keep the disgust out of her voice, she pretended she was talking to someone desirable, like Torin. “No. I only want to appease my curiosity. Will you help me with this, Patrick?”

  “I’ll take you inside. Come with me,” Patrick said as he grabbed Kiera’s arm and shoved her in the building. “There’s something you’ll find really interesting in that far corner.”

  The far corner turned out to be a blank wall. Kiera came to a stop. “There’s nothing there. Where are the women?”

  Patrick came up from behind and said, “They were taken to the Red Light Brothel. Diermont has special plans for them.”

  Kiera turned around and backed up a few steps. “Why did you bring me here, then?”

>   Patrick smiled and grabbed her arms, pulling her against him. “I just thought you wanted to be alone with me. You were the only woman who didn’t get her injection of cock tonight and I didn’t want you to feel left out.”

  “Get away from me,” Kiera said in disgust as she pushed him away from her. “What made you think I’d ever want you?”

  “Don’t get all pissy with me.” Patrick looked insulted that she didn’t wish to jump his bones. “I heard that Snotti had cast you aside and I assumed you’d need a place to stay. You can share my bed.”

  “I have my own bed. I don’t need yours.”

  “Your room was reassigned. They’re giving it to one of the Halloran girls.”

  “Oh, is that right?” Wow, it was really happening. She supposed she would be shown the whores’ quarters. “When was I going to be told about this?”

  “How should I know?” Patrick frowned and said, “I suppose you’ll find another bed easily enough. I doubt anyone would turn you down.”

  Kiera pushed his hands away from her. She couldn’t allow herself to think about where she would sleep. It only pissed her off. “So they took those Roman ladies to a brothel. Why did they do that?”

  “Don’t you be worrying about that. It’s all part of Diermont’s plan.”

  “Where is this brothel?”

  “It’s in New Babylon. I’d take you to see it, but the prince would kick my ass for sure. Besides, if I showed up with you, it would cause a riot. Those Romans haven’t had a girl like you. Hell, they’ve never seen a girl like you.”

  “Right. I’ll be going.” Kiera had no intention of visiting a Roman brothel. It was a reckless idea anyway. It wasn’t like she could save those girls. If she tried, she’d only be captured and forced to whore herself to Roman men. If she succeeded in freeing them, the prince would find out what she had done and she would be executed. They were at war and she couldn’t afford to sympathize too much with the enemy.


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