Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage)

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Vampire Enslavement (Lords of Bondage) Page 21

by Corinne Balfour

  “Damnation, female. You feel incredible,” he muttered as his hands circled her waist. The shackles slid to the floor without acknowledgement. She writhed on him while he took control. His hands gripped her hips, moving her with his warrior strength, up and down his hard length. He stretched her, filled her, and made her forget that he was her enemy.

  “I want to see you. Show yourself to me.” The sex seemed to rejuvenate him somehow and he hardly showed signs of blood loss.

  She gripped his shoulders. She needed to get off him and make her escape while he was still distracted. But not yet. It feels too good to stop now and I’m going to come any minute.

  “I want you beneath me.” She felt him shift and knew she had to act quickly before she became imprisoned beneath his heavy weight. She mourned the loss of the orgasm she was sure would have been hers. She couldn’t afford the pleasure. If she didn’t escape before he figured out her identity, she was in deep trouble. She leaned forward in one sudden motion and sank her fangs deep into a major artery, gulping his blood in dangerous quantities and draining him like a feral beast. Modez grunted in pain before succumbing to the pleasure of her bite. His shaft was still inside her, still hard and pulsing. A hybrid cock generally pulsed a dozen times before erupting. She couldn’t allow herself to be marked with stains. She sucked as if she meant to drain him of every drop of life.

  “Oh, fuck. Female, don’t do this.” His hands tried to separate her fangs from his body, but he was growing weaker now that she had taken dangerous quantities of blood. “I’ll hurt you for this. Make you wish you’d never used fang on me.” His words faded as his body stilled.

  Kiera lifted herself off him. Fear pierced her heart as she looked at the damage she had wrought. She had never taken so much blood. She had almost killed him. The faint movement of his chest was the only sign he still lived.

  He hadn’t spent his seed. She hoped no evidence remained on her skin. Even a trace of semen would leave its mark. He had touched her, felt her body with his hands enough to develop a general idea of her appearance. Damn. She should have stopped long before now. She had not meant to do damage to the lord. But now that she had, the warriors at this villa would seek to learn her identity and then they would punish her. Maybe even kill her.

  Her eyes fell on Modez. They had been intimate. The joining of their bodies, however briefly, would make it possible for him to recognize her. She would leave a scent on him. Her eyes moved to his face. He was unconscious. The highborn lord would be very angry once he woke.

  She rushed to the washstand and wet a cloth. She rubbed it over his body and tried to wipe all traces of her scent from his skin. The whole time she did so she feared he would wake and imprison her. This was a close call. If she got out of this one alive, she vowed she’d not approach him again. She wouldn’t risk drinking from any of the nobles here. Not again. The thought depressed her. No one would taste as good. And no cock would ever feel as good as his had felt inside her. But she couldn’t risk it.

  Kiera gave him one last glance before making her escape. He was beautiful, tasty, and more powerful than any male she had ever violated. He had been hers for a short span of time. But now it was over.

  * * *

  Kiera was shaking by the time she entered her assigned quarters. She hid the collar’s key. She hadn’t thought to remove the collar from around Modez’s neck and now it was too late to return to his room. She hadn’t thought things through, obviously. Her need for blood had impaired her judgment. Now everyone would be searching for the woman who had collared the great Lord Halloran. She would be caught. She was so stupid. Her trembling turned into full body quakes. She had to get herself under control.

  She took a damp cloth and washed herself. It was too dark to see if there were any stains on her skin. I’m so busted if my thighs hold the evidence. She threw on a nightgown and climbed into bed next to Lord Ross. He smelled of virile male, making her think of the one she had left half-fucked in another room. She squirmed, feeling restless and uneasy. Her heart wouldn’t stop pounding and her sex wouldn’t stop throbbing. Blood drinking made her needy for cock, and the few minutes of Modez’s thrusting had not been enough to satisfy her. But it would have to do.

  Lord Ross groaned and turned his head. “You were with Modez.”

  Kiera’s heart stopped beating and panic set in. How could he know? “I wasn’t with him. You know I cannot stand him. We don’t get along at all. Why would you think I’ve been with him?”

  “You smell of him.”

  Kiera had washed herself. Lord Ross had unnatural smelling ability. The bastard. “You’re mistaken.”

  “You were out. Gone for an hour at least.”

  “I was hungry.” No, she shouldn’t have said that. “I went to the kitchens for a snack. I do that a lot. I told you. They don’t feed me enough because I’m not one of the nobles.”

  “And I told you that I didn’t care where you went. I was happy for the time to spend with Cassia. Alone.”

  “Well, just don’t penetrate your slave. I have to report to Modez and his report goes straight to the prince. Don’t make me give a bad report.”

  “I’m getting tired of the prince’s rules. I should be able to do as I wish with my slave. But do not worry. I didn’t violate the rules this time.” He narrowed his eyes at her and said, “But if you wish me to stay silent about your activities, you will allow me certain liberties in the future. With my slave. And you will keep silent about it.”

  “Is that a threat?” Kiera licked her lips nervously. How much did Lord Ross know? He would be able to put two and two together if Modez opened his mouth.

  “It’s a promise. Now can we come to an agreement? Once given, it is binding. Break it and I will break your neck.”

  “Okay. I’ll say nothing, but you can’t do her in the bed while I’m in it. That would be too weird.” And much too awkward for her. Her cunt was screaming for cock. Was it the heat? She had been taking the herbal drink religiously for preventative purposes.

  “I’d appreciate it if you kept up your nightly routine.” He cocked his brow and gave her a shrewd look. “Go lay with your guardian again. I don’t care.”

  Oh shit, shit, mother of shit… fuck. “I haven’t been with him. Really, you’re mistaken. I’m not a whore and I’m no one’s bed servant.”

  “Right. Get some sleep, Kiera. We have our agreement.”

  Lord Ross thought she was Lord Halloran’s lover. Well, it didn’t matter so long as he kept his mouth shut about his suspicions. “Silence goes both ways, Lord Ross.”

  * * *

  Modez woke with a raging erection. The last thing he remembered was fucking the hell out of an invisible female. The pleasure was blinding, rivaling the beautiful blonde pleasure slave he had taken when first arriving to the villa. But he had only been able to enjoy her for a few minutes before the woman had assaulted him with her fangs. Again. She had drained too much blood from him. He was pretty sure he had passed out from it. And he had no idea who had violated him. All he did know was that his perpetrator was an aggressive, blood thirsty bitch with plump tits and a curvy ass. But that didn’t fit any description of any female he knew. At least none that would be capable of attacking his person. Her juicy cunt had fit him like a glove. He had never been with a hybrid female who fit him that way. It was almost humanlike…but that was impossible. Her pussy couldn’t have felt that good. The blood loss had made him hallucinate.

  Modez groaned. He didn’t know what was real and what was imagined. Had he even been inside a female? Was the mythical Suki real? Or was she someone he knew? He tried to imagine any of Snotti’s ladies assaulting him and riding his cock, but none of those ladies would dare such a thing. They were all involved in the mating tests and they wouldn’t risk physical contact with another male. Then there was Kiera. But she despised him. She wouldn’t have allowed him to touch her, to penetrate her sweet depths. She wouldn’t have been wet for him like his invisible woman had been. And
Kiera had too much human in her to possess any Ass. Invisibility wouldn’t be within her capabilities.

  So it had to be another female. Possibly a warrior woman from a rival tribe. Someone who had gained a taste for blood drinking. Maybe it had originated as a way for her to keep up her strength during times of battle, and now she found it impossible to stop. Maybe she was hunting for blood, hunting for cock. Hunting for a mate. But the woman had violated him and he wouldn’t accept her. He would capture the female and then he would decide what to do with her. Perhaps he would make her his slave, fuck her and suck her blood as she had done to him. But he was sure the reality of her would be a disappointment. She wouldn’t feel perfect in his arms. No, that part had to be a hallucination.

  Modez felt the weight around his neck and remembered what the female had done to him. She had collared him with one of Lucine’s slave collars. He tried to pry the thing apart, but he couldn’t free himself without assistance. Everyone in the villa would know he had been bested by an intruder. It was a humiliation he could not ignore. The invisible bitch would pay dearly for making a fool of him.

  He opened the door and hollered for Seamus. A few minutes later his friend entered.

  Seamus yawned and rubbed his eyes. “What’s up?”

  “This.” Modez pointed to the slave collar around his neck. “The invisible bitch struck again. Sucked my blood and fucked my mind out. When I woke, this was around my throat.”

  “Fucking hell, she’s real.” Seamus touched the collar around Modez’s throat with morbid fascination. “That’s one of Lucine’s slave collars. This came from her office, which was locked. Diermont has the only key.” Seamus whistled. “Suki got you good.”

  “Suki’s days are numbered.” He scowled. A noble warrior wore elaborate, costly torcs made of gold and silver. Not friggin slave collars. “I want this thing removed immediately.”

  “And you say she fucked you when she drained you.” Seamus probed for the details.

  “She took me by surprise. I had meant to capture her, then she sheathed me and I lost my head.” He had slept with his shackles at the ready, having a feeling she would visit him again.

  “You lost your head.” What went unsaid: Did you forget you are a male of experience and not a virgin with your first female? “Do you like this woman?”

  “Of course not. She’s a thief and a…molester. And a cock-tease.” She had made a laughingstock of him. Seamus was getting a good laugh out of this, that was for sure. And what did he get? A massive case of blue-balls and severe blood loss. She had left him as weak and helpless as an infant. Without a blood donor, he could actually die.

  Seamus examined the collar and sighed. “This one has a lock, but I doubt we’ll find the key. We’ll probably have to have the metal cut with one of the laser guns. We will have to hope their aim is true.”

  “Fuck no. I don’t want my head incinerated.” If Seamus was still joking with him, it wasn’t funny. “Use a blow torch if you must. I don’t know. But get this thing off me. I feel weak and it’s draining my strength. And I need a blood donor. The female nearly drained me dry.”

  Seamus pushed Modez back onto the bed. “You look deathly ill, my friend. I’m going to get the healers.”

  Modez waited only a few minutes before the druids arrived. Diermont accompanied them. He felt his face flame with embarrassment as he relayed his past two encounters with the mystery female.

  Diermont’s expression was thoughtful. “She must be a hybrid warrior of unnatural strength if she overpowered one of our best warriors. And her mastery of Ass is exceptional. I cannot remember the last time I encountered a female who could render herself unseen. She will need to be punished for her crimes, but not killed unless it can be determined that she is infertile. We cannot destroy a breeder, especially one possessing an abundance of Ass.”

  “The lady was all over me. Surely she left a scent trail.” The druids had examined his bed sheets and brushed his body for samples.

  The druids frowned. Visant looked at him thoughtfully and said, “Her scent is familiar, but I cannot determine the source. It is masked by peach jelly and musk.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The female appears to be fertile. But that is impossible. She must have masked her scent with the musk of a fertile animal, like the unicorn.”

  No wonder her scent seemed both exotic and familiar. Females emitted a honeysuckle scent when reaching their fertile cycles. “Could unicorn musk pass for a hybrid’s mating scent? And where would she find a unicorn anyway?”

  “There are some in the wilds of Asstrumnia. But I have to assume the scent was manufactured since no hybrid females are in heat and won’t be for a number of years.”

  Seamus scratched his jaw. “Do you think a hybrid female was brought into heat through artificial means? They’re researching that very prospect in Ravenwood, I hear.”

  “Their research hasn’t progressed that far,” Visant answered. “There has been some success with humans in the breeding camps, but this female was definitely hybrid.”

  “Of course she was,” Modez said. “She drained my blood. She had very long, very sharp fangs.”

  “Did the female mate with you, Lord Halloran? If she was fertile, she may carry your litter in her belly.”

  “We had sex but I passed out before finishing.” He glared at the hybrids who snickered at him. He had been with this woman twice and each time she had left him with aching balls full of unreleased seed. It wasn’t a laughing matter. “It wasn’t my fault for passing out. She drained my blood, you understand.”

  “So the chances of conception are remote.” The druid frowned. “I had hoped you would not have endured your ordeal for naught. You have yet to breed heirs.”

  “I’m in no hurry to beget progeny. That can wait.” The blood drinking and the collaring were the actions that concerned him, not the missed opportunity for breeding. “Do not forget the female violated me. A litter of young wouldn’t make up for what she has done.”

  “Well, it would be nice for someone to have a litter,” Diermont said. “No new Halloran’s have been spawned in several decades. And we could take the spawn and throw her in a dungeon cell.”

  “I don’t care. Just get this collar off me.”

  “That will take time. I’m sorry.” Visant shook his head and sighed. “We’ll use our minds to melt the metal, but it will take days. Our druids will need to rest between treatments.”

  “So I have to walk around with this blasted collar. Every warrior here and all of Snotti’s ladies will know I’ve been assaulted by a female.” He would appear weak in front of Kiera, and for some reason that bothered him.

  “It is best to tell the truth,” Seamus said. “We all need to be watching for this predator. Catching her is our first priority. Your pride will repair itself in time.”

  Modez felt humiliated knowing that he would bear the mark of his shame on his throat for days. He should have overpowered the female before she latched the collar around his neck. His natural strength should have allowed him to gain control of the female even when collared. But he had allowed her to escape. And he couldn’t comprehend it.

  “You will need bed rest for a few days,” the druid said. “And a blood donor is indicated.”

  “Snotti will donate her blood to you. She loves you like no other.”

  Modez nodded. “I would be grateful for her sacrifice.” Although he would rather have Kiera tend to him. He wanted some easement while he drank, but unfortunately, no blood flowed to his cock. “And you don’t have to worry that I’ll get randy from it. I’ve been completely disabled. In all ways.”

  “No doubt. The female has emasculated you.” Diermont frowned in distaste at Modez’s flaccid flesh. “But once she is caught, you will take your revenge.”

  “I look forward to nothing else.” He wanted to strap her to the dungeon’s walls. She wouldn’t like it once her invisibility wore off. She wouldn’t feel so comfortable in her naked
skin then. And she wouldn’t like being his slave.

  * * *

  “What are you doing?” Cassia couldn’t understand why Cabrian was rifling through Kiera’s possessions. He was sniffing her undergarments, for goodness sakes. She felt threatened by the hybrid female. The woman was beautiful and slept next to Cabrian every night. He was her male. If the hybrid female became receptive to him, would his attraction to his human slave wane?

  “I’m searching for something.”

  “What do you think you’ll find?”

  “Evidence.” Cabrian dropped the silk tunic onto a pile of discarded clothing. “The female’s up to something. She leaves the room every night.”

  “You asked her to do that.” He had basically threatened the hybrid female and forced her to give him alone time with her. Cassia had made use of that hour, running her hands freely over Cabrian’s body while he touched her. Except for his cock. That was off limits and she ached to feel his naked skin once more. Cabrian was too afraid to risk it, but she knew his patience was wearing thin. She suspected he would take her body again, despite the ban on intercourse. He had threatened Kiera and she had promised to keep her mouth shut should anything happen in the bed.

  “I need to know whether I can trust her before I put your life into her hands. She has been acting uncharacteristic of late.” He picked up a cloth bag and put it to his nose and sniffed. “Herbs.” He pulled some green leaves out of the bag. “Wormwort. Now what would she be doing with that?”

  “I don’t know. Some people make tea from it, but it doesn’t taste very good.”

  “Our kind have only one purpose for wormwort. It can delay a female from going into heat.”


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