Motorcycle Master_Bad Boy Angel

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Motorcycle Master_Bad Boy Angel Page 12

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Great. What about the keys?”

  “I’ll give them to you when you get here. We want you both in Steve’s office around one-o’clock.”

  “What about the gang?” Marco interjected. “Should I tell them about Kratos and Dennis?”

  “If any of them are staying in the village they might hear about the accident on the news. You’d better swing by the rocks right away and let them know their two top dogs are gone. Tell them you’re returning to L.A. tomorrow to see what you can find out and you’ll let them know when it’s safe to return. That will automatically put you in the leadership role.”

  “I think I see where you’re going with this,” Marco said soberly. “Okay. Will do.”

  Ending the call he sent his eyes to Kat.

  “What is it?” she asked, seeing worry in his eyes.

  “Steve’s going to ask me to take over for Kratos. I’m not sure I want you involved in this. Things were dicey before, now they’ll be downright dangerous.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t! I’m not bailing just when things are about to break. We both know this is about finally uncovering HH and nabbing him. You’ll need back-up, besides, I want to be a part of this. I wouldn’t have accepted the job in the first place if I wasn’t up for it.”

  “But the game has changed,” he said grimly. “HH isn’t like Kratos, or Tank, or Mike, he’s a law unto himself, and from everything we’ve heard, he’s a seriously sick bastard. I don’t want you anywhere near him.”

  “I won’t be driving up to the glass palace and asking him to do the jitterbug! Geez!”

  “Kat, I’m serious.”

  “So am I, and I’m not changing my mind.”

  “Dammit, why must you be so stubborn?”

  “I know how to take care of myself. You saw me handle that big lug at the rocks.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know you’re able to—”

  “Listen,” she said sharply, cutting him off, “I’m a trained professional and I’m here to do a job.”

  Abruptly standing, Marco reached down, grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet.

  “I care about you,” he said firmly, a heavy frown crossing his brow, then softening his voice, he added, “I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you.”

  “You think I don’t feel the same? I need to stick around so I can watch out for you.”

  “You need to watch out for me? Are you crazy?”

  “You don’t have eyes in the back of your head. That’s what I’ll be, and you need someone to discuss things with. You’ll be stronger and play it smarter if we’re in this together.”

  “I’m not sure what to say,” he muttered, hating to admit that she was right.

  “Then I’ll take that as agreement, but I don’t know about going to the rocks. It’s getting dark. Are you sure we can’t do this in the morning on our way out back to L.A.?”

  “I wish we could but Steve’s right. If I can deliver the news before anyone else it will make me seem important, like I’m in some kind of loop.”

  “Then let’s go, but can we make it a fast trip? I don’t like the idea of riding through those trees in the dark.”

  “The drive is fine, I’ve done it before, but yeah, I want to get back here quick myself. I can’t tell you how much I’m enjoying being in this hotel with you.”

  “Aw, shucks, big guy,” Kat murmured, putting her arms around his neck. “Then I guess we’d best go. The sooner we leave, the sooner we’ll be back.”

  It was a quick trip through the village and down the mountain road, but when they entered the almost invisible trail, though Kat had confidence in Marco and didn’t doubt his ability to find his way, clinging to his waist she was filled with trepidation. The brilliant rays of sunshine that had cloaked their earlier journey with comforting warm light had long since disappeared, and the wooded area was now dark and foreboding.

  The majestic rocks finally loomed ahead and Kat let out a long breath of relief, but as the motorbike broke into the clearing and came to a stop, she immediately noticed the boulders were still casting long shadows. As Marco climbed off his bike and began calling out for everyone to gather around, Kat ran into the open area to study the dark fading forms on the ground.

  The elongated eerie shadows had created a unique pattern, and she recalled what she’d learned about Stonehenge. It was believed the ancients had positioned the stones to coincide with the summer and winter solstice. Could the rocks surrounding her have been configured for the same reason? She wished she could study the shadows from above, and ambling into the center, it occurred to her photographing the changing patterns from dawn until dusk, then watching them in time-lapse speed, might offer some answers. Hearing Marco’s voice she turned to look in his direction. The gang members were standing around him, and she imagined the tribes from long ago gathering around one of their leaders. A warm shiver rippled through her veins, and suddenly the motorbikes and the presence of the leather-clad Kings seemed wrong…very wrong.

  “This place is sacred,” she murmured. “This isn’t a camping ground. This is an ancient temple. I have to tell the right people about this. It has to be protected.”

  As if underscoring her belief a cool wind rustled around her, and crossing her arms to keep out the chill, she hurried back to join Marco. He was wrapping things up, and she caught the last of his short speech.

  “We’ll grieve the passing of our friends together when we’re back in the tavern, I’ll call in the minute I get things figured out.”

  “When do you think you’ll know something?” Leo called out. “We wanna find out who pulled this shit and get even.”

  “You and me both. I’m riding back L.A. mid-morning so hopefully I’ll know something by tomorrow night, maybe sooner.”

  “I’m coming with you. We don’t need you to be the next dead body, and someone needs to be around in case you find yourself in trouble.”

  Marco could hear the anxiety in Leo’s voice, and realized he needed to include him. Leo had been Kratos’s guard dog, standing outside the office like a Roman sentry. Marco would ask him to do the same.

  “How would you feel about watching over the tavern while I do my thing? With Tank laid up there’s only Jim, and he shouldn’t be there alone.”

  “Yeah, that’d be good,” Leo said eagerly, “and I don’t feel right about leaving Jim there by himself either. Poor guy’s probably crappin’ his pants every time the door opens.”

  “He might have closed up, and I hope he has. If you’re there he can open the doors, but keep your eyes on your bike. Park it out front, maybe throw a cover on it, so if someone has any ideas about messing with it they’ll have to pull it off.”

  “Sure will. What about you?”

  “Like I said, I’ll be meeting up with a friend who has a line to the cops. He’ll be able to give me details of the crash. He’s the one who told me Tank’s bike was tampered with.”

  “When I find out who did that…”

  The remark had been a growl from the back of the group, and everyone began muttering their own threats of violence against the perpetrators.

  “I hope I can get to the bottom of it all. I’m going to try,” Marco promised. “Leo, I just had a thought. Can you go ahead and ride back to the tavern tonight?”


  “Keep a low profile. Contact Jim, find out what he’s heard, and if it feels okay, go ahead and open the tavern around lunchtime.”

  “Yeah, good idea. That’s a good plan, Brooder.”

  “That’s it. Charlie, I want you to stick around the village. I’ll call you when I have news.”

  “I was plannin’ on takin’ Marlene to stay there overnight.”

  “Good. Don’t come back here until you hear from me. Take it easy everyone.”

  As the group broke up, Kat hurried to join Marco, and together they walked back to his bike.

  “Where did you go?” he asked as they donned their helmets.

  “I went t
o look at the shadows from the rocks.”


  “I’ll tell you over dinner. Right now I want to get back. I’m feeling cold, and I’m ready for a comfort food dinner.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I think so. Like I said, I’m just a bit cold.”

  Studying her face Marco thought she looked pale, and as they climbed on board and headed slowly through the dark woods, he felt as tired as she looked. They’d have a good dinner and an early night.

  A couple of hours later, mellow and yawning after pasta and red wine, as they slipped between the sheets, Kat wrapped her fingers around Marco’s cock and pressed her pussy into his thigh. Her ardent attack surprised him. They were both exhausted, but as she softly fondled his member into life, he willingly obliged. Shrouded in a newfound intimacy, their lovemaking was slow and sensual, until they were deeply kissing through their shuddering orgasms. When their spasms had passed, and she sank next to him and curled into his hold, he felt her fall to sleep almost instantly.

  Completely drained, he closed his eyes, relishing her naked body next to his. He absolutely adored her. She was tough and smart and sexy, yet wonderfully submissive and almost childlike sometimes. He was determined to keep her out of harm’s way, but it wouldn’t be easy. She could be impetuous, and much too brave, and he couldn’t watch her all the time, but he was determined not to let her anywhere near the glass house.


  As the morning sun washed through the windows, wrapped in Marco’s powerful arms and still half-asleep, Kat surrendered to his warm, ardent attention, but as they came fully awake his passion burst to life. Flipping her on to her stomach he spanked her skin to a tantalizing tingle, then grabbing her hips he lustily rode her until she was pleading to come. His cock bursting, he granted permission, and after shuddering through an explosive orgasm, he collapsed next to her and pulled her against him.

  Resting her head against his chest and listening to the fast thumping of his heart, she could hear him trying to catch his breath. He had taken her with vigor, and though he was always a vigorous lover, she had sensed an urgency in him.


  “Yeah, baby.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  Taking a deep breath, he let it out slowly, then propping himself up on an elbow he stared down at her intently.

  “What is it, Marco? You look upset.”

  “I’m not upset, not exactly. Everything will be okay when this job is behind us, but I’m not going to lie to you. I’m worried.”

  “Worried? About what?”

  “You have a great sense of humor, and I love it, but we can’t be flippant about any part of this.”

  “Sometimes I’m a smart-ass because seeing the lighter side of things can help, but I do understand the gravity of what we’re facing.”

  “I’m not sure you do.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Kat, I’ve been entrenched in this world for two years, you’ve been here two minutes.”

  “But I—”

  “But nothing,” he said sharply. “You can guess, but you can’t possibly know what this life is like. The unwritten rules, the protocols, the gang members you need to avoid and the ones you can hang with, and that’s just the Kratos Kings. We know nothing about HH and his organization.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “When I told you yesterday that I need to be in charge, it wasn’t coming from ego or a need to throw my weight around. This is life and death stuff Kat, and I’m not being dramatic. We have three bodies, a guy who will be in prison for a very long time, and Tank is banged up and has a guard outside his hospital door for his own protection. This is a nasty tough world, but I can only protect you if you follow my lead.”

  “I will, and I mean that. You’re right. As much as I enjoyed kicking that guy’s ass yesterday, I don’t want to cause any trouble, or get myself into any either.”

  “Good. I’m glad to hear it, but about HH…”

  “What about him?”

  “Kratos was a tough guy, and I mean tough, but he was scared shitless of HH. I’ve heard HH is a cruel, vicious torturer who uses fear to control people, and look at how effective he’s been. No-one will breathe a word about him. Both our agencies have hit brick wall after brick wall because people would rather be in jail or die than tell us what they know.”

  “Yeah, it’s been crazy. Johnny said placing me in the Kings was a Hail Mary.”

  “The point is, Kat, I can’t let you go up to that mansion in the Hollywood Hills.”


  “I can’t. I’m sorry, it’s too dangerous, and how will I be able to focus if I’m worried about you?”

  “But who will have your back? You need a partner.”

  “Possibly, but it can’t be you.”

  “Then who? I don’t like this, Marco, I don’t like this one bit.”

  “As far as I know, Kratos only went up to the mansion twice, and he went alone, and I have to believe there was a reason for that. Kratos never did anything arbitrarily. He may have been a crazy-ass thug and a drug dealer, but he was smart, really smart.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” she mumbled. “It doesn’t seem right for me to stay behind.”

  “Kat, they could use you against me. Think about this. If we were in a room with this monster and he threatened to…I don’t know… slice off my fingers, sure, that would be horrifying, but if they threatened to slice off yours, I’d tell them anything they wanted to know. Do you understand?”

  “But why would they—”

  “I have no idea what they might or might not do,” he said, cutting her off, “but when I show up on their doorstep with their missing delivery, one thing I know for sure, they’re going to have questions.”

  Kat felt a shudder ripple down her spine. She’d been on many dangerous operations, she could fight and shoot and size up situations in a flash, but staring into Marco’s determined worried eyes she knew he was right.

  “I get what you’re saying. You’ll need to think on your feet, and…yeah. I can see how…,” she murmured, her voice trailing off as a myriad of unpleasant scenarios danced in her head.

  “You’re going to be invaluable and we’re going to make a great team. Believe me, you’ll have your role, but every team needs a leader.”

  “I agree,” she said circling her arms around his neck, “and I’ll do as I’m told.”


  “I’ve been the one calling the shots more often than not over the last few years. This is going to be a bit weird.”

  “Don’t worry,” he said with a wicked grin, “if you have trouble I’ll just pull out my strap.”

  “Your hand will be enough, thank you very much.”

  “Apparently not if you’re already debating.”

  “I can’t win.”

  “Of course you can, you just have to pick your battles. I’m ready for breakfast. What about you?”

  “Definitely. Let’s have it out on the terrace.”

  “That’s a great idea. You order whatever. I’m going to jump in the shower.”

  “I refuse to let you leave this bed until you kiss me,” she said defiantly, “and if I can’t win that battle I quit. I’m walking out that door right now!”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” he growled. “No way baby.”

  Grabbing a fistful of hair he crushed his lips against hers, then loitered his kiss, softly, lovingly, drifting his mouth, and when he finally broke away she was breathless.

  “You were saying?” he murmured, moving his attention to her neck as he listened to her soft moans.

  “I surrender.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

  The ride back to Los Angeles was uneventful, and with Kratos and Dennis dead, Mike locked up, Tank in a hospital bed, Leo at the tavern, and the rest of the gang tucked away at the rocks, it was safe to meet at Steve’s office, but as Marco stood in th
e elevator with Kat at his side, he felt as if he was living a lucid dream. It had been two long years since he’d been in the building, and as he knocked on the door and walked into Steve’s office, he felt even stranger.

  “Hey, you made it,” Steve declared standing up from behind his desk to greet them.

  “Damn, this is weird,” Marco muttered staring around the office.

  “Hi, I’m Johnny Fallon. Good to meet you.”

  Turning around, Marco saw a man walking towards him. Marco guessed he was in his forties, and he looked like any man on the street. He could have been an insurance salesman.

  “Hi, Johnny, good to meet you too, and Kat, this is Steve.”

  “Nice to meet you, Kat. Have a seat. We have a lot to go over.”

  The small talk lasted a few minutes while coffee and donuts were brought in, but as they settled down Steve outlined the theory that Kratos had been responsible for killing Dennis, framing Mike for the murder, and tampering with Tank’s bike.

  “There’s strong evidence that suggests Kratos and his girl were leaving L.A. to start a new life,” Johnny interjected, “and if they hadn’t met that semi they’d probably be halfway to the Caribbean by now. We don’t know for sure, but—”

  Marco suddenly jumped to his feet, startling all three of them and cutting Johnny off before he could finish.

  “Just give me a minute…I’m trying to remember something,” Marco declared. “It’s tickling my brain…” The room fell silent as Marco paced, then he abruptly slapped his forehead! “Of course! That’s what it was!”

  “Don’t just stand there smacking your head, tell us,” Steve insisted.

  “It was when Kratos was getting ready to meet with HH. He was telling me that if he didn’t come back that I should take off and leave the Kings behind. He said something like…I haven’t told you about my dealings with these bastards for many reasons, and be glad. The only other person who knew anything was Dennis.”

  “Why is that significant?” Johnny asked.


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