Christ Is Within Us

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Christ Is Within Us Page 2

by Adrian Bonnington

  Physiologically, the Pineal Gland is a pine cone shaped gland of the endocrine system that is approximately the size of a raisin, and is responsible for producing Melatonin which influences sexual development and regulates the sleep cycles in the human brain and body. More specifically, the Pineal gland is responsible for converting Serotonin into Melatonin and is the only gland in the body that does so. It is the first distinguishable gland present in the brain and is recognizable within three weeks gestation of foetal development.

  Inside the Pineal Gland are Calcite Micro Crystals consisting of Calcium, Carbon and Oxygen that produce bio-luminescence; a "cold" light that produces light without heat, ranging in the blue-green light spectrum. In deep sea marine life that uses bio-luminescence in the same way, we can look forward to more emphasis on developing the Pineal Gland for transparency within the cellular tissue of the human body. For example, there have been ongoing studies in labs with animals such as rats in which bioluminescent imaging is able to detect cancer or abnormal cell growth in comparison with thermal imaging that makes the study and conclusions more efficient and precise.

  Calcite Micro-crystals

  The Calcite Micro-crystals are said to have their own piezoelectric effect that is responsive to electromagnetic energies outside the physical body, and can also produce its own electromagnetic energy. A new form of bio-mineralization has been studied in the human Pineal Gland using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy.

  A study conducted in Israel by the Department of Chemical Engineering through the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Sheva, these tiny micro-crystals were noted to have a texture that may be noncentrosymmetric because of the structural organization of the sub-unit, even though the single crystals do have a centre of symmetry which gives one reason in which the crystals are considered Piezoelectric, similar to the calcite crystals inside the inner ear. Among many results, it is discovered that the calcite micro-crystals would have piezoelectric properties with excitability in the frequency range of mobile communications which brings into question the entire spectrum of energy waves we encounter every day that could, in the long term, create morphological change on cellular membranes of related cells.

  What this means is that any energies that produce an electromagnetic response in relation to the Pineal gland could alter energy patterns within the body and brain from the central nervous system to sexual function, sleep cycles or sleep deprivation and hypersensitivity to electromagnetic stimulation through one's environment.

  What Does the Pineal Gland Do?

  It’s a light-activated gland, acting & constructed as a primitive eye. It governs our biorhythms, working w/ other glands to direct our thirst, hunger, sexual desires, biological clock, while synching up energy vibrations in our environment to adjust our circadian rhythm. Important for optimum health!

  Our modern-day lifestyle is shutting down your pineal gland

  Why should you care?

  Well, an active pineal gland allows us to experience so much more of our lives. To put it very simply an optimally functioning pineal gland allows us to:

  Open up spiritually

  Connect vibrational to Mama Earth’s rhythms; optimizing your own biorhythms…thus all your hormones

  Activates your third eye chakra

  Awakens you to new possibilities!

  Sounds good, right? Now, I’m not saying that its being shut down by Big Brother on purpose.

  Awakening Steps to Take

  Stop further calcification of your pineal gland due to environmental variables; fluoride, stress

  Get rid of any existing calcification

  Allow further awakening & development of your pineal gland

  Our pineal gland gets calcified by calcium, phosphorus & fluoride deposits. Some of us have been exposed to years of fluoridation from our drinking water, tooth paste & dental treatments. Hormone secretions also contribute as do food additives, excess sugar, stress & increased cell phone usage.

  The pineal gland is closely linked to DMT, aka Dimethyltryptamine. DMT is a naturally secreted psychedelic compound very similar to feel-good hormone serotonin. DMT is known to assist us with deep meditation, shamanic states of consciousness, psychoses, spiritual experiences & near-death-experiences. *If you’re interested in learning more about the pineal gland DMT link do some googling on Dr. Rick Strassman, MD. I highly respect the research he’s done on the subject.

  Where the pineal gland is located?

  Discuss the correlation between our Sun’s activity & pineal gland activation/upgrade

  The importance of our pineal gland & why it’s so AMAZING!

  The pineal gland is referred to as the Third-Eye. If you dissect it the shape you get is the Eye of Horus found on the pyramids IN Egypt. The pineal gland is surrounded by a liquid but this liquid contains crystalline structures. Like the seeds in a pomegranate. The Pineal is shaped like a pine cone. The Hippo-Campus gets its name from a sea-horse. Hippo is Latin for horse.


  Aeon, also spelled Eon, (Greek: “age,” or “lifetime”), in Gnosticism and Manichaeism, one of the orders of spirits, or spheres of being, that emanated from the Godhead and were attributes of the nature of the absolute; an important element in the cosmology that developed around the central concept of Gnostic dualism - the conflict between matter and spirit.

  The first aeon was said to emanate directly from the unmanifest divinity and to be charged with a divine force. Successive emanations of aeons were charged with successively diminished force. Each Gnostic system explained aeons in its own way, but all concurred that aeons increased in number in proportion to their remoteness from the divinity and that lower aeons shared proportionately less in divine energy. At a certain level of remoteness, the possibility of error was said to invade the activity of aeons; in most systems, such error was responsible for the creation of the material universe. For many, Christ was the most perfect aeon, whose specific function was to redeem the error embodied in the material universe; the Holy Spirit was usually a subordinate aeon.

  In certain systems, aeons were regarded positively as embodiments of the divine; in others, they were viewed negatively as vast media of time, space, and experience through which the human soul must painfully pass to reach its divine origin.

  One idea that characterises most Gnostic texts are their complex accounts of the unfolding of the various Divine emanations, the Aeons, the "Eternities" or "Worlds", which become the transcendental Pleroma or realm of Light. The Pleroma is distinguished from the lower or manifest creation, so the Gnostic Cosmology is based on the idea of a duality between the transcendent Spiritual Reality (which includes the manifest and unmanifest) Absolute) and the imperfect psychic and physical reality, the "Cosmos". The psycho-physical cosmos in fact is considered a lower or imperfect reflection or copy of the higher perfect order of the Pleroma.

  Life Force

  Prana is the Sanskrit word for "life force" while Cit or Chit is the Sanskrit word for "true consciousness." As the universal principle of energy or force, responsible for the body's life, heat and maintenance, Prana is closest to Chi in meaning. But it is more than just the energy animating our body, Prana is the sum total of all energy that is manifest in the universe. The Hindu mystics describe several kinds of energy channels for the flow of Prana through the body, the smallest of which are the Nadi's . The Nadi system includes three main channels running through the spine, the ida on the left of the spine, the pingala to the right, and the sushumna in the middle. The sushumna runs through all the chakra's.

  That mystics of all cultures and all times recognize the subtle energies is strong evidence of their existence.

  A big question is whether the subtle energies could conceivably be studied and measured by physicists using some sort of measuring instrument. Some claim the subtle energies are not part of the universe, and are therefore unquantifiable by scientists. Others claim they must be part of the universe, and therefore must be
measurable by the correct sort of instrument, and therefore physicists could study the subtle energies and develop a field of physics around them.

  We commonly say that everything is vibration, and everything expresses itself in varying degrees of vibration. Dr Nikola Tesla has been quoted: "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration".

  We who sense the subtle energies are sensing something. Because our bodies are our sensing instrument, the information is perceived through the sensory organs, resulting in terms like clairvoyance (sight) or clairaudience (sound). We are doing our best to describe the subjective experience of those energies, but it can be like that parable of the blind men describing an elephant. They cannot see the whole creature, they can only describe the part they touch, and each of them describe different objects.

  How Synchronicities work?

  To understand how synchronicities work is to understand the nature of reality . It is in fact a computer generated hologram in which characters and events created are programmed experiences that on this level of consciousness are perceived of as real. It's all science and math set in linear time to experience emotions. The hologram in physical reality follows the numeric codes of the Fibonacci sequence or golden ratio. The brain is a computer run by binary code which aligns with the holograms grids of experience.

  Synchronicities take people on all sorts of journeys into awareness. Many people come here looking for the numeric code 11 which is part of binary code [0, 1, 10, 11, 100, 101, 110, 111, ...] and the Fibonacci sequence [0,1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8,13, ...] as all is a mathematical algorithm. A binary code is encoded within the Fibonacci sequence.

  Synchronicities are pre-programmed experiences that occur when one's DNA is programmed for a specific event in time. ... Something happens. You react. You think, "This is a coincidence. I must investigate further." You do ... then more synchronicities occur and you are suddenly following an exciting line of action and reaction. Your soul is sending you on a journey.

  Today's journeys seem to be all about healing and energy. The ultimate goal is to understanding that we are projected illusion in a hologram that is evolving back to consciousness and light - not pseudoscience but science.

  Synchronicities are patterns that repeat in time. Synchronicity refers to the gears or wheels of time, though the actual concept of synchronicity cannot be scientifically proven. One can only record synchronicities as they occur and watch the patterns of behaviour that create them. The concept of synchronicity is currently linked more to metaphysics, yet physics (quantum physics) and metaphysics are merging, thus showing their interconnection and how we manifest synchronicities in our lives.

  Now more than ever, synchronicities are people, places or events that your soul attracts into your life to help you evolve to higher consciousness or to place emphasis on something going on in your life. The more 'consciously aware' you become of how your soul manifests, the higher your frequency becomes and the faster you manifest positively. Each day your life encounters meaningful coincidences, synchronicities, you have attracted, on other words created in the grid of your experiences in the physical. Souls create synchronicities, played out in the physical. It is why you are here. It is how our reality works.

  Synchronicities may simply occur just to make a point. Don't blow them out of proportion. You must look at the bigger picture of the synchronicity; think outside the box, (the patterns of reality) not at the actual experience.

  You can consider an event synchronistic when an inner experience such as a dream, vision, or other form of “deja vu”, prepares you for the physical event.

  Your soul is always multitasking to create new experiences for you. If you observe how you move through life, you will understand. Doing this allows many people to clear their issues by writing their story as a catharsis of their experiences here. The higher and clearer your frequency and intent, the faster you manifest synchronicities.

  Examples of Synchronicity

  You finally end a bad relationship and immediately another partner comes into your life as if by synchronicity.

  You drive to a place where parking is "next to impossible" and someone pulls out of a parking spot or it is waiting for you.

  Where is our Mind?

  Scientists can’t locate the area of the mind in our body and never will. Every cell has consciousness. A man who gets a heart from another person often gets memories of the other person’s life. The cells act as individuals but also as part of a biological network. The brain has no CPU. Atoms make up less than 0.1 percent of our bodies and even the atoms have spaces. We are just energy waveforms. Our consciousness creates the 3D body hologram we project. We also create the universe. The universe is all Consciousness from all living beings working in UNIon and singing the VERSE the song that makes the reality. It is all just frequency and energy. Every consciousness connects with the Monad but to understand the illusion of reality we need to understand the maths of the waveforms.

  I go into these subjects in much more depth in my books on “consciousness creates reality” and also the books “everything you think you know is a lie”. The meek do truly inherit the earth they get born again to try and learn the game again. Those who understand the difference between the true reality and the illusion get to become free spirits and not trapped on Earths prison.

  The Gnostic beliefs.

  A Crisis that Became the World

  It happened that the realm (aeon) Wisdom (Sophia)

  of conceptual thought (Epinoia),

  Began to think for herself,

  She used the thinking (enthymesis)

  and the foreknowledge (prognosis)

  Of the Invisible Spirit.

  She intended to reveal an image from herself

  to do so without the consent of the Spirit,

  Who did not approve, without the thoughtful assistance of her masculine counterpart, who did not approve.

  Without the Invisible Spiri t’ s consent without the knowledge of her partner she brought it into being.

  Because she had unconquerable Power

  her thought was not unproductive. Something imperfect came out of her, different in appearance from her.

  Because she had created it without her masculine counterpart she gave rise to a misshapen being unlike herself.

  Sophia saw what her desire produced. It changed into the form of a dragon with a lio n’ s head and eyes flashing lightning bolts.

  She cast him far from her, outside of the realm of the immortal beings so that they could not see him.

  [She had created him in ignorance.]

  Sophia surrounded him with a brilliant cloud;

  put a throne in the centre part of the cloud so that no one would see it. [Except for the Holy Spirit called the Mother of the Living]

  She named him Yaldabaoth.

  Yaldabaoth is the chief ruler.

  He took great Power (dynamis) from his mother, left her, and moved away from his birthplace. He assumed command, created realms for himself with a brilliant flame that continues to exist even now.

  The Fashioning of This World

  Yaldabaoth united with the thoughtlessness (aponoia) within him.

  He begot ruling authorities (exousia), modeling them on the incorruptible realms above.

  The first is Athoth

  the second is Harmas [called the eye of flame]

  the third is Kalilaumbri

  the fourth is Yabel

  the fifth is Adonaiu [called Sabaoth]

  the sixth is Cain [called the sun]

  the seventh is Abel

  The eighth is Abrisene

  the ninth is Yobel

  the tenth is Armupiel

  the eleventh is Melcheir-adonein

  the twelfth is Belias who rules over the very depth of Hades.

  He made the first seven rulers to reign in the seven spheres of heaven.

  He made the next five rulers to reign in the five depths of the abyss.
/>   He shared a portion of his fire with them,

  but shared none of the power of Light he had received from his mother.

  [ He is ignorant darkness .

  When the Light mingled into the darkness

  the darkness shone.

  When darkness mixed with the Light, the Light diminished, no longer light nor darkness but dim.]

  This dim ruler has three names:

  Yaldabaoth is the first.

  Saklas is the second.

  Samael is the third. [ see later]

  He is blasphemous through his thoughtlessness.

  He said “ I am God, and there is no God but me ! ” since he did n’ t know where his own Power originated.

  His rulers created seven Authorities for themselves. Each of these Authorities created six demons apiece, there came to be 365 demons altogether.

  Here are the seven Authoritie s ’ names and physical forms:

  First, Athoth with a shee p’ s face

  Second, Eloaios with a donke y’ s face

  Third, Astaphaios with a hyen a’ s face

  Fourth, Yao with the face of a seven headed snake

  Fifth, Sabaoth who has the face of a dragon

  Sixth, Adonin whose face is that of a monkey

  Seventh, Sabbataios with a face of flame and fire.

  These are the seven of the week.

  These Authorities rule the world.

  Yaldabaoth has many faces.

  More than all that have been listed

  so he can convey any face he wants to the seraphim around him.


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