Christ Is Within Us

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Christ Is Within Us Page 8

by Adrian Bonnington

  1) Evolution from ape to human just "looses" two chromosomes (1 pair). It is impossible.

  2) Chromosomes 2 and 3 just "fuse" into one long jumbo doubled-up chromosome

  Somehow, humans have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) and primates have 48 chromosomes (24 pairs). If two chromosomes less doesn't sound like a stark difference to you, well consider the fact that dolphins have 2 chromosomes less than humans, too, and look how different they are from humans!

  So what happened? To have caused both a SPLICING of hominids' chromosome 2 and 3 in one pair, and the loss of a whole chromosome pair?

  Ancient GE! Only genetic engineering can explain that. It's like someone took a female earth hominid with 24 pairs of chromosomes, and wanted to impregnate it with their own sperm but their own species happens to have 23 pairs. So what do you do in order to make this hybridization work? You take the female earth hominid's egg's chromosome 2 and 3 and fuse them, that way eliminating one chromosome half-pair. With your sperm, you provide your 23 half-pairs, and now the genetically engineered female hominid egg with its doubled-up chromosome 2&3 provide 23 half-pairs, instead of the incompatible 24 pairs all other earth primates & hominids have.

  Problem solved, the female hominid's egg with chromosome # reduced by one, accepts fertilization from your sperm and the fertile hybrid offspring is born with your chromosome number and thus can, when mature, successfully reproduce with its hybrid siblings, other hybrids created as per above, and with your extraterrestrial species directly, too!

  However it cannot ever again successfully reproduce with the native earth hominids because of the reduced chromosome number. But that's not a problem since you already have 50% native DNA, that's more than enough, you don't want them to breed back into the native population for then they will end up reverting to mostly Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, hominid race all over again. And so the human race was created some 150,000 yrs ago and then frees to interbreed and reproduce with each other as well as directly with the extraterrestrial species that caused this - Annunaki/Fallen Angels?

  3 rd Eye in Animals?

  Yes animals have a area in the brain that could be called a third eye it’s probably not as significant as in humans because animals have less complicated brains and maintain a better energy balance, humans make a big deal out of basic energy forms and interactions because our perception of energy is based on so much superstition. As energy science advances we will see that chakras are just areas of intense feeling when consciousness ( an energy regulator) is focused on them and they increase in energy efficiency, the third eye is most intense because it generates activity in areas of the brain that generate fantasy and visual activity.

  The pineal gland is the gateway to a range of realization.

  The third eye, when blocked leads to an inability for adapting to changing the environment, uncertainty, confusion, jealousy, pessimism, bitterness.

  On the other hand, in case the third eye is opened, pathways for ethereal energy open to enter into the body. The physical eyes are capable of sensing and witnessing the physical world . It is capable of revealing the true world.

  The pineal gland is a pea sized organ that is located in the brain just near the pituitary gland . It is located between the eyebrows on the forehead. It is also referred to as the third eye. It is thought to be a tool that is used by mystics for connecting with the supreme universe.

  The organ is related to concentration, intuition, and imagination. The organ is responsible for the production of melatonin that aids in controlling circadian rhythms and reproductive hormones.

  The gland is thought to be a master regulator that controls sleep patterns and sexual development in female and male bodies.


  Zadokites are important for the study of the New Testament because the history and experience of the Zadokites elucidate why the Jews at the time of Jesus Christ rejected Jesus as their Messiah. Thus, the Zadokites provides the important background information regarding the relationship between Jesus the Christ and the Judaism at the time of Jesus Christ's ministry. Why did the Jewish leaders reject Jesus Christ, when there were Old Testament prophecies about Jesus Christ? Why did the Jerusalem Temple priests see Jesus Christ as a threat and wanted to kill Jesus? The historical experience of the Zadokites help explain why Jesus Christ was targeted by the Jewish religious and political leaders during His life and ministry. Nothing happens in a vacuum. The Jewish rejection of Jesus Christ as the Messiah as described in the New Testament happened in the historical context and socio-political dynamics over time. It was because the Zadokites were forced out of the Jerusalem Temple by the Hasmoneans, descendants of the leaders of Hanukkah (a Jewish religious holiday that is celebrated around the time of Christmas), and replaced by the Hasmoneans that the history of Israel veered off into a direction that created a socio-political environment which was hostile to Jesus of Nazareth. In other words, if the Zadokites were not forced out of the Jerusalem Temple, one hundred and fifty years before the birth of Jesus Christ, Israel would most likely have not rejected Jesus Christ as their Messiah!

  Spirit Guides

  We are all assigned spirit guides but who are they and ultimately, what is their main purpose? Is it possible that they are merely representatives for those who have kept us looped within these perpetual cycles of incarnations?

  According to the Wes Penre Papers :

  I am not very keen on many of the ‘spirit guides’ who come and get you after you have departed from your body at body death; most of them are Sirian Helpers, such as non-physical Vegans and Grays. Be particularly on your guard if they tell you to follow them ‘into the light’ or ‘to the tunnel’, or go see relatives. If you choose to go with them, you will end up in the Sirian recycling system again with full amnesia, and then being shot down into a new body here on Earth.

  Schumann Resonance

  You may be thinking, "How is it possible for a Gray to show love by being a spirit guide?" Please keep in mind that they are using technologies beyond our comprehension in order to wipe out our previous life's memories. The Schumann Resonance on Earth has been at 7.83hz for what many people believe to be thousands of years. Recently, the resonance has been rising as high as 8.15 cycles per second. You may be thinking, “What if the tunnel of light was capable of creating a resonance of 1,000, 10,000 or even 1,000,000 cycles per second? What if the Grays were impervious to the Schumann Resonance or were programmed to appear as spirit guides, upon death of the physical vessel, to convince us to enter the tunnel of light? At this point in time, you would feel immense love and would innately trust them, based on an artificial program designed to keep you trapped into the recycling system of reincarnation. Ultimately, it’s not love that one would feel; it’s just another artificial system of control to keep us locked in to this current system of negative energy.

  How to Exit the Reincarnation System

  Just by having this knowledge upon death, you can to opt out of the reincarnation process without being persuaded to come back for having to repay negative karmic debts. Many of those who have predeceased us have already bought into the system but if they have not yet reincarnated or have made a soul contract, then they may also be saved from having to do this, yet again. It’s a truly a brilliant strategy by the archons to use the energy of love against us in order to keep us coming back as economic slaves to a system that feeds off of our energies.

  Remember the Hermetic wisdom, “As above, so below”. Just about everything we upon death, we take what we have learned, including our personality. We also vibrate at a certain level, so as you increase your vibration now you will take all of your hard work with you. Remember to connect with your over-soul before entering the tunnel of light or ask your guide to help you to connect to your over-soul. If you wish, you could tell people about the tunnel of light before they enter it. What we have been taught is a lie, including why we need to constantly incarnate into a system of economic subservience.

  Upon death, we ta
ke what we have learned, including our personality. We also vibrate at a certain level, so as you increase your vibration now you will take all of your hard work with you. Remember to connect with your over-soul before entering the tunnel of light or ask your guide to help you to connect to your over-soul. If you wish, you could tell people about the tunnel of light before they enter it.

  If you enter the tunnel of light, do not allow any council to convince you that you need to repay any karmic debt. Any perceived karmic debt was part of what you decided to experience. This doesn’t mean that you should have no guilt for intentionally harming someone because ultimately, we should love everyone and respect everything.

  If you do decide to come back to help this planet, do not agree to come back to this 3rd dimensional reality of systemic control through a “soul contract”. Come back on your own terms, which includes the remembrances of all previous lives and everything you have learned throughout your incarnations as well as on the other side of the veil.

  Ref used :

  Sun healing

  Scientists refer to the pineal gland as the ‘atrophied third eye’. Indeed, it, along with the pituitary, is the third eye chakra or energy centre, better referred to as dormant rather than atrophied. According to Max Heindel’s Rosicrucian writings, in the distant past, man was in touch with the inner worlds through an activated pineal and pituitary gland. Considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy available to humans, the third eye has always been important in initiating psychic powers (clairvoyance and seeing auras etc).

  To activate the ‘third eye’ and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal and the pituitary must vibrate in unison, which is achieved through meditation or sun gazing. When a correct relationship is established between the personality operating through the pituitary, and the soul operating through the pineal, a magnetic field is created. The pineal can generate its own magnetic field because it contains magnetite. This field can interact with the earth’s magnetic field. The solar wind at dawn, charging the earth’s magnetic field, stimulates the pineal gland. This is why many spiritual teachings claim that the period between 4 and 6 am is the best time to meditate and why sunrise is the best time to sun gaze. At these times, the pineal stimulates the pituitary to secrete Human Growth Hormone. That is why sun gazers often experience rapid nail and hair growth, restoration of hair colour, and general rejuvenation. Cleopatra used to place a magnet on her forehead to stimulate the pituitary to restore her youth and good looks. She did not know she already had a magnet in her head.

  The technique of sun gazing demands no more than time and attention, and is very simple. One should gaze at the sun only in the morning or evening hours, about one hour or less after sunrise or before sunset. Look at the rising or setting sun once a day. On the first day, look at the sun in a relaxed manner for a maximum of 10 seconds. On the second day, look at it for 20 seconds, adding about ten seconds every succeeding day. After ten continuous days of sun gazing you will be looking at the sun for about 100 seconds. The eyes can blink or flicker and don’t need to be steady. To receive the main benefits of sun gazing, you need to increase the duration in the above manner until you reach three months. This brings you up to the length of 15 minutes of gazing at a time.

  At this stage, the sun energy of the sun’s rays passing through the human eye will be charging the hypothalamus tract – the pathway behind the retina leading to the human brain. As the brain increasingly receives extra power through this pathway, you will find a drastic reduction of mental tension and worries. With access to this additional source of energy, you are likely to develop a more positive mindset and increased self-confidence. If you suffer from anxieties and depression, you will find that these go away. Sadness and depression are known to increase with reduced or lack of exposure to sunlight. With fewer worries and fears, your brain may use the saved and additionally supplied energy for healing and improvement of mental and physical wellbeing.

  One of the most frequently reported benefits of regular sun gazing is improvement of eyesight.

  Life giving, golden rayed, the eternal watchful eye, called ‘the beginning’ and ‘the ultimate truth’ by wisdom, the Sun is also the earliest acknowledged doctor of mankind. We have turned to him for healing since ages – since our very beginnings.

  This is an excerpt from the book HEAL YOURSELF WITH SUNLIGHT

  By Andreas Moritz

  The Caduceus (Symbol of Thoth and Hermes), Kundalini and Chakras are all different words for the same idea.

  The Chakras are all connected by the Vagus Nerve one of the largest in our body that originates in our skull. The Vagus Nerve is stimulated by meditation.

  There is a sacred secretion from the Claustrum in brain to the bottom of the spine [see my book Christ is within]. It is the knowledge of raising your frequency so the oil ascends the spine to the pineal that is called the Kundalini [enlightenment].

  The Vagus Nerve

  With eyes closed, tuned into an awakened pineal gland and attuned to the fires of consciousness from the dark space behind shut eyelids, yogis were able to describe the highly tuned and finely orchestrated physiology of the human body when functioning at optimal performance. This “yogic” state of being is one where physical, mental and spiritual aspects of a person have combined into one, and are therefore not seen or experienced as separate entities.

  The description of one experiencing consciousness from within the human body, “viewing the self,” may seem illusive and even incomprehensible to one who has not yet crossed the same threshold of awareness, but to the awakened mind the cues and signposts are but artistic and magical interpretations which allow the secrets of the universe to remain hidden only to those who will not close their eyes in order to access the inner eye.

  The mystical kundalini has been described by many as the life force energy that travels up the spine, activating chakra centres and firing up the pineal gland, allowing the practitioner to experience higher states of consciousness. The practice of yoga, especially “kundalini yoga” (which I taught for many years) is aimed at awakening this mystical channel and merging the qualities of the masculine and feminine natures in the body (Ha-Tha: pingala and ida/sun and moon) and therefore harmonizing the left and right hemispheres of the brain for total consciousness.

  Kundalini, when awakened and activated, travels up the spine and both purifies and turns-on the seven main vortexes situated along the spine known as chakras . Along the way, kundalini helps to bring prana to the various organs and glands located along this vital channel, helping to maintain the pristine health of the body/mind.

  The Vagus nerve is the 10th cranial ventricle, which extends from the colon to the brain with mostly upward firing neurons. It reaches from the position of the first chakra up to the crown. The function of the Vagus nerve (which is interestingly enough really a pair of nerves referred to as One) is to “collect data” from all the organs and glands of the body, including the stomach and heart, thymus and thyroid, and bring this information to the brain for deduction. Sounds a lot like the role of the kundalini energy!

  In truth, the Vagus Nerve could very well be what the sages of old saw “lit up” in deep Samadhi as the fiery serpent running up the spine to the brain, for yoga helps to regulate the nervous system and therefore activate the wonders and health of this vital nerve. With a healthy Vagus Nerve one feels relaxed, centered, calm and able to navigate life with a sense of trust and feelings of empowerment.

  With a disengaged, inactive or impaired Vagus nerve one tends to feel anxious, self-conscious, and to experience a variety of physical symptoms such as stomach disorders, heart irregularities, thyroid dysfunction and various other nervous disorders. It is clear that the Kundalini “serpent” when active and functioning is akin to the Vagus Nerve in full working order. They may be one and the same . By knowing the power of a
healthy Vagus Nerve and how to strengthen it, we are suddenly equipped with very real, grounded information about how to activate our spiritual centres and our life-force energy. They are intimately connected. In fact, there is no way to separate them, as we are realizing through the integration process of Ascension.

  As we cross the threshold collectively, through the gates of unity consciousness, and learn to see our bodies as aspects of our spirits, and not separate, then we find ourselves more fully equipped to “live” in an integrated world, one with higher values expressed and deeper love experienced.

  Let us look for a moment at the similarities of Kundalini with the Vagus Nerve side by side:

  The Vagus Nerve is two nerves recognized as one.

  The Kundalini serpent is two psychic channels (ida and pingala) which, once purified and awakened, function as One (the sushumna channel). [electro-magnetism within the body]

  The Vagus Nerve runs from the colon to the brain.

  The Kundalini rests in the first chakra, found in the pelvic floor at the base of the spine and rises to the pineal gland in the centre of the brain.

  Both run through the spinal cord.

  Both touch and interact with the organs and glands along the spine.

  The Vagus Nerve takes information from the stomach and an impaired Vagus Nerve will result in stomach problems. The Kundalini has a main psychic centre in the Navel – Manipura . When this centre is not activated, the result can be digestive and stomach issues as well as feelings of disempowerment.

  The heart is in great communication with the brain through the Vagus Nerve. They are closely connected, as is the heart chakra and the pineal gland, which are interacted with through the kundalini life-force energy.

  The similarities and connections are unending between these two aspects of self. It has become clear that the Vagus Nerve is simply the physical manifestation of the Life-force energy known by sages of old as Kundalini Shakti. The Shakti is akin to the fires of our nervous system and as we begin to open ourselves more and more to the increase in cosmic energies coming onto the planet we will all begin to see how prepared our physical bodies are for this increase in Shakti.


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