Christ Is Within Us

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Christ Is Within Us Page 11

by Adrian Bonnington

  The original Madonna was born from a Virgin.

  There is no proof of the use of the cross by Christianity until after the 6th Century AD.

  The cross existed long before this and was associated with an understanding of the Zodiac [see my book on the Age of Aquarius].

  The mountain of Abeignis (The Vault).

  The initiated knowledge of this interpretation is said to open the vault of the Adepts — the tomb of Christian Rosencreutz deep within the mountain of Abeignis .

  What appears to be the mouth of a cave, with trees growing above it, leading underground to the Qabalistic source of Light and “the eternal centre of Life”. It shows the lovers of Divine wisdom rising seven steps up the mystic ladder. The gate contains 7 pieces of advice on dealing with the celestial powers. The symbolism of the mountain and the cavern played an important role in the Rosicrucian teachings of the Golden Dawn. In the Adeptus Minor ritual it states that the tomb of Christian Rosencreutz is symbolically situated in the centre of the Earth [The Heart where the sacred secretion is born Bethlehem], in the Mountain of the Caverns, the Mystic Mountain of Abiegnus. This is the mythical mountain that is both heavenly and subterranean. Mt. Abiegnus symbolizes the spiritual journey of the Initiate—who must scale its heights and also find the spiritual treasure deep within the mountain. In Latin, Mons Abiegnus means “fir-tree covered mountain.” [Pine-cones on top – thus Pineal] However, the Golden Dawn gave the name Abiegnus a much more elaborate meaning involving a complex word-play of Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. In the Adeptus Minor Ritual it states: The meaning of this title of Abiegnus — Abi-Agnus, Lamb of the Father. It is by metathesis Abi-Genos, Born of the Father. Bia-Genos, Strength of our race. And the four words make the sentence: ABIEGNUS ABIAGNUS ABI-GENOS BIA-GENOS. ‘Mountain of the Lamb of the Father, and the Strength of our Race.’ I. A. O. YEHESHUA. Such are the words.

  Yeheshuah is the divine name of Jesus associated with the Christian Qabalah—it is the divine name of the God of the Old Testament, YHVH, with the Hebrew letter Shin, signifying spirit, and transforming the Tetragrammaton or “four-lettered name” of God, into the Pentagramaton, or “five-lettered name” of the Redeemer. In the Golden Dawn system I.A.O. is a reference to the cycle of life, death, and resurrection from death.

  Within the system of Thelema , the Night of Pan, or N.O.X., is a mystical state that represents the stage of ego-death in the process of spiritual attainment.

  The playful and lecherous Pan is the Greek god of nature, lust, and the masculine generative power. The Greek word Pan also translates as All, and so he is “a symbol of the Universal, a personification of Nature; both Pangenetor, "all-begetter," and Panphage, "all-devourer" (Sabazius, 1995). Therefore, Pan is both the giver and the taker of life, and his Night is that time of symbolic death where the adept experiences unification with the All through the ecstatic destruction of the ego-self. In a more general sense, it is the state where one transcends all limitations and experiences oneness with the universe.

  Above Christ

  I N R I

  Combined with Gnostic name of Jehovah yields the key to the central mystery of the Hermetic code.

  I N R I

  Yod, Nun, Resh, Yod

  Virgo Isis Mighty Mother

  Scorpio, Aphophis, Destroyer

  Sol, Osiris, Slain and Risen

  Isis, Aphosis, Osiris = IAO

  Further recommended reading

  The Bible Fraud : An Untold Story of Jesus Christ by Tony Bushby (ISBN: 9780957900714)

  Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence by Stephen Knapp (ISBN: 9781439246481)

  My other books on Amazon:-

  Consciousness creates reality

  What is consciousness? [Information on important chemicals within our body]

  Everything you think you know is a lie

  - Has more on the Anunnaki story.

  Satanists rule over us (Saturn was Earths first Sun)

  Using Sounds and Frequencies to heal.

  - Book also covers health benefits of various spices and herbs and ORME’s.

  The United Nations [A stepping stone to a New World Order]

  We are all dead

  The Book of Numbers

  Looking at how numbers can explain if a creator was behind the intelligence of the universe. Secret Societies.

  When Saturn ruled the Sky – what the ancient Sky looked like and how it explains the ancient gods.


  [email protected]

  I love to get feedback and will research ideas that you want more information on. We are here on earth to evolve as Spiritual beings not become corrupted and selfish. The occult gets its name from the occuli the nerve of the third eye. Occult also means to keep in the dark. The elite want to keep this knowledge hidden from us and them the only people in the know. The Pope has a pinecone on his staff and there is a large pinecone outside the Vatican. Major religions on Earth have always known this knowledge. They also paint Christ in Orion with Jacob’s ladder leading to Orion. The word origin contains Orion. It is the place our soul returns to if deemed pure enough. Yet Orion looks like human brain when looked through a telescope they are good at deceiving people – Christ truly is within our brain and the men at each side of Christ as painted on the crucifixion paintings are our eyes blinding us to the obvious truth staring us in the face. Christ is showing us where to look – not with our eyes but with the hidden middle eye.

  Secrets hidden within Pyramid design.

  The Eye of Horus.

  You can see from the above image of the crucifixion that Christ is revealing the truth. The Thieves on each side of him are your eyes stealing the truth from you. Christ is pointing at where to look. You must use your internal eye the third eye and travel to the land of Peneal.




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