Nothing To Lose: A Lesbian Romance

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Nothing To Lose: A Lesbian Romance Page 16

by Clare Lydon

  Kissing Scarlet naked, bare flesh to bare flesh was so much more erotic than with clothes on. Exquisite tingles rippled up and down Joy’s body as Scarlet trailed her tongue along Joy’s bottom lip, before sliding it into her mouth, at once rough but also gentle. Scarlet’s kisses were scrambling Joy’s senses and she could think of nothing else but the here and now. Of making love to Scarlet. Her mind was a blank page, and Scarlet’s tongue was writing a new story with every second that passed. Joy was in heightened emotional territory, somewhere she’d never been before. But she wasn’t scared — not one bit.

  She wanted to open her arms, then her heart, then her legs. She didn’t think she’d be able to open them wide enough. She wanted to open up, and offer Scarlet whatever she wanted. Joy was ready — so ready.

  Then Scarlet was easing off Joy’s trousers, then her own, all the while her heated gaze never leaving Joy’s face.

  Joy’s blood was still rushing around her entire being, her head in the zone. When Scarlet placed a hand on her butt cheek and squeezed, Joy gushed. When she then lowered her to the floor and poured her naked body on top of her, Joy sagged with longing. Scarlet’s hands were all over Joy, branding her body like no other ever had before.

  Nobody else in the whole wide world.

  “If you don’t touch me soon, I might die,” Joy said, the words sounding odd, like they were in a different language.

  Scarlet smiled on top of her, nibbling her way around Joy’s earlobe, settling a thigh between Joy’s legs. “I wouldn’t want that,” she said, pressing down between Joy’s legs.

  Joy closed her eyes as her clit pulsed.

  And then Scarlet was travelling south, licking and kissing her body as she went, before she arrived between Joy’s legs, her breath hot overover Joy’s centre. When Scarlet ran her wet tongue under the edges of Joy’s knickers, Joy trembled. She reached out to hold onto something, but there was nothing to hand, only the white rug, so she clung to that. She doubted it was going to be enough, however. Not when Scarlet eventually reached her destination.

  Scarlet’s mouth was pressing through the cloth of her knickers, her mouth hot over Joy. Joy was woozy with desire, she’d been waiting so long — but with Scarlet’s tongue on her body, she didn’t need anything else. Scarlet on Joy was seamless, like they were already moulded into one.

  When Scarlet discarded her own knickers and gently pulled down Joy’s, Joy finally spread herself fully, opening herself up to new possibilities, to new experiences. But she wanted to do it with Scarlet, not have it done to her. She wanted to feel Scarlet, taste Scarlet, to love her all at the same time. So she told her so.

  Scarlet’s face registered surprise, but also distinct pleasure.

  “You’re in charge, we can do whatever you want to do,” she whispered, slipping a tongue inside Joy’s mouth and pressing her lips onto Joy’s, claiming her rapidly.

  Joy whimpered, then nodded. “I want this to be us: both of us.” And then she gushed again. Joy was so wet. So ready.

  With that, Scarlet reversed her body so that Joy could reach her, her knees planted on either sides of Joy’s shoulders, before parting Joy’s legs and lowering her head.

  Joy tensed as Scarlet’s breath was hot and heavy over her pussy. Seconds later, Scarlet guided her tongue into Joy, easing through her slick folds. Then she trailed her tongue slowly, deliberately from top to bottom, swirling around Joy’s clit. Joy’s brain almost short-circuited such was the intensity of pleasure. There was nowhere to hide, but she didn’t want to. Joy let out a piercing moan which dripped with desire, much like Joy herself.

  “Oh, yes!” she said, panting, pushing up her hips to let Scarlet know exactly what she wanted, just in case there was any doubt. Joy wanted her: all of her. When Scarlet responded to Joy’s encouragement by slipping two fingers inside Joy and sucking her clit gently into her mouth, Joy almost came on the spot.

  Holy fucking hell.

  But then she remembered: this was a two-way street. So as Scarlet slid her tongue up Joy and moved inside her, Joy took a deep breath and did the same to Scarlet: sucking her gently into her mouth and pulling her close, revelling in her scent and her very womanliness.

  Scarlet stopped what she was doing and moaned into Joy, the exquisite vibrations exploding all over Joy as she did. This was off-the-scale insane, but Joy was determined to concentrate — she owed them both that. Scarlet tasted delicious: she tasted of Joy’s dreams.

  As Joy dove into Scarlet and greedily sucked her in, she knew this was a life-changing moment. She would never be the same again. She wanted to tell Scarlet she’d dreamed about this moment, but she’d never dared to think it might be this good.

  She was inside Scarlet and Scarlet was inside her. She was making love with Scarlet, to Scarlet, and the women that had come before were instantly erased. This was it. This was what Joy had waited for.

  Joy’s world would never be the same again.


  Being inside Joy was beyond glorious: it felt like a homecoming. Scarlet had pictured it throughout the week, but now, here she was, full of Joy.


  Because if being inside Joy was beyond glorious, having Joy inside her at the same time was too much for words. With every flick of her tongue, Joy drew Scarlet into her web; with every thrust of her finger, Scarlet fell deeper and deeper. And Joy wasn’t holding back or being shy. Far from it, which only made Scarlet warm to her all the more. Who could resist, when Joy had her exactly where she wanted her?

  And having sex with another woman again? Scarlet had been worried she might be a little rusty, but while she hadn’t done this in a while, it was like riding a bike: she still remembered how to peddle and change gears. She could almost feel herself coming back to life with every move, every kiss. It was as if, for the past two years, she’d been in a love coma, refusing all efforts to bring her back to life. But Joy had broken through: she’d taken the time to listen and unlocked the real Scarlet. And now it was time to show Joy how much she appreciated it.

  “Oh my god, Scarlet,” Joy said, as Scarlet trailed her tongue into Joy, then over Joy, exploring every fold and ridge. Scarlet fitted Joy perfectly, like two halves of a magnet being drawn together. And as she sunk into Joy, fucking and sucking her slowly, Joy returned the favour, till the point where Scarlet had no idea what to focus on, and frankly, she didn’t really care. She was in the moment, rocking and rolling to Joy’s glorious rhythm, reflecting it right back. They were orbiting each other perfectly, on a stellar collision course.

  If Scarlet’s intention was to overwhelm Joy, it also had the desired effect on Scarlet, too. She’d been absent from life and from love for too long, but now, she was beginning to colour outside the lines again. Emotion bubbled up inside Scarlet as Joy increased her speed, moving inside her, enveloping her whole.

  “You feel so good,” Joy whispered into Scarlet, her tongue writing the words on Scarlet, her fingers pushing the words right inside her. The effect made Scarlet clamp down around Joy’s long fingers.

  She was on the edge.

  Joy ran her tongue hungrily around Scarlet, before circling her clit expertly. Then, with her fingers thrusting deep inside, giving Scarlet all she had, Joy sucked Scarlet into her mouth once again. And that was all it took to send Scarlet over the edge, her body shuddering as she came on top of Joy, Joy fucking her hard and fast and never letting up. Scarlet was flying high, and the feeling she had? You couldn’t bottle it, but if you did, you’d be a rich woman. It was a five-star moment, off the menu, a unique moment that could never be recreated.

  And as Scarlet came, as she soared high into clouds of ecstasy, Scarlet’s scrambled brain still remembered Joy: so she gave Joy what she needed, too. As Scarlet’s orgasm played out, Joy’s erupted through her, shaking her to the core, encouraging Scarlet on from the sidelines. And Scarlet was ready and waiting, her arms wide open, ready to take Joy with her, to love her fully.

  Neither of them would let up, both
wanting to please the other. Seconds later, they came again, in a blur of tongues and fingers slipping and sliding, heads thrown, glorious moans filling the air. Once more, with feeling, and then they slumped onto each other, still inside each other, twitching, lazy smiles, flushed faces. Eventually, they both withdrew and Scarlet crawled around so her face was level with Joy’s. She kissed her lips, her face, her eyelids.

  And when Joy’s eyes fluttered open, Scarlet gave her the widest smile possible.

  Sometimes this week, Scarlet had wondered if she was going to make it through, but Joy had always been on her side, been there for her. It was Joy who’d made the difference, Joy who’d told her to buck up when she was at her lowest. And look at her now: lying in Joy’s arms. She hadn’t thought it often over the past few years, but maybe life did have something to offer her, after all. Scarlet was coming back to life and Joy was piecing her back together, piece by piece.


  Nobody had ever made Joy come like that, or feel like that. How did she know what to do? She was so on Joy’s wavelength, it made Joy want to weep hot, salty tears of euphoria. Nobody had ever deciphered her code with such aplomb, such ease. It was as if Scarlet had just turned up with a key that spelled ‘Joy’, and started her ignition. And now, Joy’s body was on overdrive, going so fast, everything was vibrating. Her heart, her soul, her everything. Joy let the moment wash over her again and again, never wanting it to end.

  Scarlet covered her now, stroking her, whispering in her ear. She kissed her neck, her face, her shoulders, and Joy was only vaguely aware of it. She was floating away on a cloud of bliss, the only thing holding her down was Scarlet, the woman responsible, so she didn’t mind. If she floated away, she might never come back, and she wanted to.

  Oh, how she wanted to.

  Because the story unfolding had only just begun in so many ways, and Joy didn’t want to miss a thing. And she never wanted to be parted from Scarlet — not if this was what happened every time. She had so much lost time to make up for and she was hungry to make up for it.

  Joy was ravenous.

  She latched onto Scarlet, hoping her kiss told Scarlet just how much that had meant, how much Joy had hungered for her touch all her life. All of her goddamn life.

  When Joy finally opened her eyes, letting the world back in again, Scarlet’s eyes were on her, a smile tweaking the corners of her mouth. Joy had never seen anything so refined, so sexy, so delectable.

  “Hey,” Scarlet said.


  “I’ve got to tell you, you are magnificent.” Scarlet pressed her lips to Joy’s once more.

  Another hot flush of want rolled through Joy.

  She smiled weakly. “I think I should be telling you that after what just happened.”

  Scarlet shook her head. “It’s still fresh in my mind, and you are.” She paused, her eyes trailing down Joy’s body, then back up to her face. “I can’t believe this has finally happened.”

  “In a good way?” Joy was pretty sure, but she just wanted to double-check.

  Scarlet smiled deliciously.

  “Of course,” Scarlet said, cocking her head to one side and kissing Joy again. “Do you really think this is how it goes when things don’t work out?”

  Joy grinned. “I hope not.”

  “Stop trying to deflect compliments. Because I promise you this: you really were magnificent.”

  “Thank you,” Joy replied, reversing their positions, rolling on top of Scarlet and kissing her hard.

  She couldn’t help it. Scarlet had ignited a fire inside her, and she was going to burn from the inside out if she didn’t act on it now. She was sure Scarlet would understand. Joy bit Scarlet’s lip, trailed her tongue along her swollen lips, licked the length of her neck.

  When she drew back, surprise was painted on Scarlet’s face, along with pure desire.

  “Let’s see if I can up my magnificence level a notch further, shall we?” Joy said, slipping two fingers inside Scarlet.

  “I’d like that very much,” Scarlet replied, followed by a sharp intake of breath.


  Scarlet was frying bacon in the pan — she had the eggs on standby, but couldn’t decide whether she should go with fried, poached or scrambled. After some consideration, she decided on fried. She wasn’t worried about calorie intake today: she’d been up half the night having sex with Joy, and she was damn sure that whatever calories she put in her body now, she’d still be playing catch-up. Their first night together had been a riot of sex and emotion, and she was hoping they could do it all over again.

  Very soon indeed.

  She moved the bacon around the pan, and some fat shot up from the pan and hit her hand. “Fucking hell,” she said, just as she heard the slap of Joy’s slippers on the tiles behind her.

  “Good morning to you, too,” Joy said, walking over to Scarlet, putting her arms around her waist and kissing the side of her neck.

  Scarlet’s body fizzed all over, her clit waking up once more — or else, it’d never gone to sleep.

  “Mmm,” she replied, now a little unsteady on her feet. “I could get used to mornings like this.”

  “And I could get used to you making me breakfast like this, too, so we’re both happy.” Joy kissed her neck a final time, then let her go, filling the kettle and retying her dressing gown which had fallen open.

  Scarlet’s eyes were now resting around Joy’s breasts. “Were you trying to have a Carol moment there with your dressing gown?”

  Joy frowned. “A Carol moment?”

  “You know, the bit in the movie where she stands behind Rooney Mara with her dressing gown invitingly open. Just before they have sex for the first time.”

  Joy smiled. “I think that horse has bolted, but I’m happy to roleplay if you like.”

  Scarlet blushed. “Roleplay on day two? We haven’t even had a date yet.”

  Joy let out a laugh as the kettle boiled and she grabbed two mugs to make the tea. “What can I say? And if it makes you feel better, I’ve never offered to do roleplay with anyone else in my life before. You’re the first.”

  “I’m flattered,” Scarlet said with a smile.

  Joy placed a tea beside Scarlet on the counter, then sat down on her stool, swinging round one way, then the other.

  Scarlet could feel her gaze boring into her. She turned and grinned. “So this is a bit different to yesterday morning.”

  “It is,” Joy replied. “For a start, I’m aching in places I’d forgotten could ache.” She paused. “In fact, I think I’m aching in places I’ve never ached before — never ever. And I’ve got you to blame for that.” She sighed contentedly. “And I’m hoping I’ll have you to blame for more of the same later on.”

  “I’m sure it could be arranged.” Scarlet took the bacon out of the pan, then carefully cracked the eggs in. “Fried eggs okay?”

  “Whatever you’re cooking, I’m famished.”

  “Sex is hungry work.”

  “Apparently when it’s done right, yes.”

  Scarlet put a lid on the pan to let the eggs set. “So you’re alright this morning? No regrets? No, ‘what have I done, shagging that Scarlet woman’?” She smiled at her own joke. She hadn’t had a chance to use it for a while. It used to be a favourite of hers back in the day.

  Joy laughed. “Now I know you really are a scarlet woman,” she said. “But no, no regrets.” Joy scratched her nose. “Actually, scrap that, I do have regrets. Regrets that we didn’t meet sooner and do that sooner. But I know, everything happens for a reason. I’m just glad it happened at all.” She took a sip of her tea.

  Scarlet studied Joy for a moment. “How old are you, by the way? I just realised I don’t know for sure. You know I’m 39, but you could be any age.”

  Joy grinned at her. “How old do you think I am?”

  “Oh no, I’m not playing that game, that game only goes wrong.”

  “Spoilsport.” Joy paused pushing a stray hair behi
nd her ear. “I’m 38, which makes you a cradle snatcher.”

  “Excellent, I’ve always wanted to be one of those. One off the bucketlist.”

  Joy’s phone beeped in her pocket, and she got it out. “It’s from Gran, asking if I’m coming in to see her on Saturday and telling me to bring you.” She glanced up at Scarlet. “You think she has a sixth sense? Like she knows something happened?”

  “I wouldn’t put it past her.”

  “She’s going to be overjoyed — there’s nothing my grandma likes more than people getting together. She’s an incurable romantic, as well as being a rampant ho.”

  Scarlet spluttered. “Your cute, sweet grandma is a rampant ho?”

  “Don’t be deceived by the looks — she’s been through the men in that home like you wouldn’t believe.”

  Scarlet laughed as she turned off the eggs. “She won’t be the only one who’s pleased. After initially questioning my decision to move in here, Eamonn is now wholeheartedly behind the ‘Scarlet & Joy’ campaign. He’s dropped so many hints and unsubtle winks, I was thinking he was going to get T-shirts printed and start to campaign around the town. I think he might have, too, but the print shop was flooded.”

  Scarlet walked over to Joy. She needed to kiss her, she hadn’t done it in at least five minutes. “I think you’d look gorgeous on a T-shirt, by the way,” she said, before planting her lips where they belonged.

  Before she knew it, the kiss had escalated, and now Scarlet’s hand were inside Joy’s dressing gown, kneading her breasts, sweeping down in between her legs. Their kissing was haphazard, ragged, intense: Scarlet knew where this was going. She pulled Joy off her stool and tugged off her knickers, then guided her back onto the stool, holding her gaze, telling her what was going to happen.

  Desire clouded Joy’s eyes. “Fuck me,” she panted.

  Scarlet grinned, kissing Joy and pulling her close. The room around her melted to liquid as she parted Joy’s legs as far as she could, then slid two fingers inside her. Joy was so wet already.


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