Viper (Second Wave Book 1)

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Viper (Second Wave Book 1) Page 26

by Mikayla Lane

  It had to be the relics that the Relian’s were looking for on this planet. It had to be why his father had not destroyed it hundreds of years ago. He’d never understood why his father hadn’t relegated the planet for destruction in the same easy fashion he had dozens of others before it.

  Another thought struck him, and he turned to Lara/Abexis. “What happens if these relics get in my brother’s hands and the humans can’t use them during the conversion?”

  “Only one of our kind, a beast species, with the assistance of a conductor and a lost soul, can activate a relic. Or an awakened Prime. Once it is activated, its power can be used by whomever possesses it.” Lara/Abexis admitted, knowing that the intelligent man would quickly realize the seriousness of the situation.

  Memories ran clearly through Traze’s mind, and he knew he needed to speak. “The gold box. On Father’s ship. He gave it to Dagog before his mind became too lost.”

  Grai sucked in a deep breath. “Dagog has a relic. He’s taking our people to find one that can make it work.”

  “Are you sure?” Ivint asked, not doubting Grai so much as he did the Prime.

  Grai shook his head. “There is no doubt at all. There were many things that Kalai never trusted me enough to tell me about. This all makes sense. Too much sense.”

  “Do you know where the relics are?” Grai asked Lara/Abexis, already knowing the answer.

  “I can sense that there are seven that have been recovered and six that are still awaiting the physical earth changes to occur that are necessary in order to uncover them. Or for us to find them.” Lara/Abexis answered honestly, allowing the leaders to come to the same conclusion on their own.

  “How do we find the relics?” Grai asked, watching Lara/Abexis with narrowed eyes.

  “Only the Prime charged with the guardianship of the relic can find it. I can lead you to the Relic of Knowledge.” Lara/Abexis said, surprising everyone.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Grai thought about what Lara/Abexis had said, and it seemed like no matter how much information he learned; it all came back to the ancient Prime inhabiting Viper’s mate. That bothered him more than he wanted to admit.

  “In order to defeat my brother, we need the Prime. To find the relics, we need the ancient ones somewhere among the Prime. To help the humans through the conversion, we need the Prime.”

  “Why is it that all of this, the things we have worked so hard to achieve on this planet for the sake of the humans and our own, all depend on your people now? It seems unlike someone as powerful as the God of Gods, to need to rely so heavily on just one species.”

  “Especially when that one species holds the fate of more than the humans in their hands. Why the hell would all of us be sent here, if all the One God needed was you and your people?” Grai asked bluntly, his skepticism clear in his tone and the way he moved into a more defensive stance.

  Lara/Abexis chuckled. “We are all here because we will all be required in order for us to save anyone, even ourselves. The fact that my people have a particular role to play in this war, does not negate the role each of you must play as well. One is not needed more than another.”

  “Which is why you are here. This is a second chance, for all of our people. For the lost souls, the Valendran people, your people and my own. This world, and the humans, are the last hope for all of us. It belongs to none of us, except the humans.”

  “My people, the Prime, are no different than any other that you saved. We are worldless and have been given a second chance on this planet, along with all of you. For you to believe such a thing is a coincidence is far more unbelievable than realizing that we are loved so well that the One God wishes for all of us to survive and thrive.”

  “My people have been given the duty and honor of assisting the humans through the conversion, and I will do what I must to complete the task given to me. With or without your assistance.”

  “It is up to you,” Lara/Abexis said, looking at each of the men on the other side of the table. “To determine if you will accept our assistance. I will not force my will or my duty on your people.”

  Ivint stepped slightly forward, trying to give Grai a chance to cool his temper. “What is it that you need of us? How can we help each other?”

  Lara/Abexis turned their attention to the Valendran leader. “I need to awaken my brethren here, and we need to send a call to those close to this location to come. Once our numbers increase, we can send out a call with a broader range.”

  “While we wait until the others to arrive, I will need a team of your people and a Tezarian, to help the awakened find those who are captive or who cannot come.”

  “Our hunters are quite skilled in ancient warfare unknown to any species. I have no doubt such skills would be an asset to any battle. Each of us, like your own people, have unique gifts that can be of great help to all of our people.”

  “In return for your assistance on my quest, my Prime would be more than happy to help you in your battles to retrieve our people and defeat your brother.” Lara/Abexis said watching Grai’s reaction carefully.

  Dread rushed to speak the moment Grai looked like he was going to explode. “There is much to take in and to go over.” He began before a commotion outside the room took their attention.

  All they heard through the Shengari’ was that the cats were assembling outside in the garden area, and Gibly was asking to see the Prime.

  “Why the hell do they want to see the Prime?” Reven asked while Lara/Abexis smiled and turned to the door without a word.

  “Where the hell are you going? We’re not done here!” Grai said as Lara walked out of the door, quickly followed by Viper and the others.

  Lara/Abexis walked easily among the people that hadn’t left earlier, following the energy of the cats to find them. Those that had remained in the building followed behind her at generous distance, while Viper ran to catch up to her.

  Lara/Abexis walked out of the double glass doors and smiled broadly as she walked up to the cats lined up in rows behind their leader, Gibly, who stepped forward.

  “Dog’ee has said that you are Prime, is this true?” Gibly asked, tilting his head to the side and looking at Lara as if to determine the truth by sight.

  Lara/Abexis walked right up to Gibly and surprised everyone by bowing before the cats. “My friends, I am glad that you are here. It has been long since my kind have felt the warmth of your friendship.”

  Grai’s mouth dropped open when every single cat bowed before Lara, even Gibly.

  “My friends, do not ever bow for me. We have been through too much together to be anything less than family. Come.” Lara/Abexis said, the affection clear in her voice and actions as she held out her arms.

  Gibly and Dog’ee were the first to rush her and allow her to hug and pet them as they nuzzled her face and hands. The other cats formed a line behind them to wait their turn.

  “What the fuck?” Grai said, watching the animals cuddle the Prime like old friends.

  Gibly and Dog’ee stared at Lara, clearly speaking to one another telepathically for long moments before both cats nodded and moved aside allowing the other cats time with her.

  Grai motioned the two cats over to him and the others who were still standing by the double doors. To keep Grai from angering the cats before they could find out what was going on, Ivint spoke first.

  “Gibly, how do you know the Prime?” Ivint asked, wanting to know as well.

  “We have never met the Prime until now.” Gibly said, his furry smile showing his teeth.

  “How do you know of the Prime then?” Reven asked the cat.

  “It was the Prime who gave my people speech and knowledge when they help your people.” Gibly said, looking at them strangely for not knowing their own history.

  “The Ancient Ones.” Ratoka said with a little awe.

  “Yes! Abexis gave us knowledge when he gave it to your people. He emissary of the One God, we help him too.” Gibly said, his smile getting

  “Wait… you’re telling me, the beast in her, is as old as time? That her beast is one of the beasts of legend that helped to bring about the evolution of my people?” Ivint asked incredulously. The events that Gibly was speaking of happened before his people began recording time, it would make her beast more than hundreds of thousands of years old.

  “Of course!” Dog’ee added bouncing around them.

  “The Keepers of Light were created to be the balance. They are timeless.” Gibly said simply, as if that explained it all.

  “How is that possible? Lara isn’t that old.” Drago said, his confusion evident in his expression.

  “The Prime is immortal.” Dog’ee said, stopping his bouncing in order to stare adoringly at Lara.

  “Our beasts die when our body dies, that is a fact.” Grai said, trying to wade through the truth and myth.

  “It is possible that the beast could have evolved to survive.” Amun said, his face buried in his scanner as he ran through the probabilities.

  “We go back to the earth. The decaying remnants of our host’s body create a cocoon around us, where we hibernate until the One God sends us our next host, and we are called to rise. In Lara’s case, she was drawn to me when she was playing at the beach as an infant and picked me out of the sand. She ate me.” Lara/Abexis said with a huge grin, as if it were the most normal occurrence in the world.

  Every parent among the group could easily understand how that could happen. It was the first thing that Lara said that Grai believed immediately. Even now, at four years old, his son Tristan still tried to pick things up from the floor and eat them.

  “When our leaders find out that the Primes are here to help us, even our old will want to come!” Dog’ee said excitedly, hoping his grandpapa would come. He loved this world, but he missed his grandpapa.

  “No, no, no! Damn it! Would you all get hold of yourselves?! This is bullshit!” Grai said in fury. He was all for believing the legends, but this was ridiculous. And he wasn’t this lucky. It was either bullshit or there was something he was missing.

  “You refuse to believe the words. Believe the actions.” Lara/Abexis said, the glowing flecks in her eyes widening until they encompassed her entire eye sockets.

  Everyone watched, as if rooted to the spot, as Lara lifted her arms and rose several inches off the ground. Holding out both hands, Grai and Ivint began to move toward Lara until they were standing directly in front of her.

  Suddenly, Lara clapped her hands together loudly and the three of them disappeared into what looked to be a dark golden sphere, suspended in the air where they had stood seconds earlier.

  Reven began to step forward when the cats surrounded him and the others. “Don’t worry for them. The Prime is giving them knowledge. They are not being harmed.” Gibly said, swishing his tail back and forth as he looked fiercely at the crowd.

  Several minutes later, the golden sphere was gone, and Lara/Abexis was holding on to Ivint and Grai, helping to steady them as they swayed slightly.

  Looking up at the concerned faces, Grai eased their worry. “We’re fine.” Grai said, although it was a lie.

  His mind felt like it was on fire and ice at the same time, his beast was still reeling as well from the rush of energy and knowledge of the past that had consumed them. He had seen the existence of the Prime, and he now understood.

  Ivint shook off Reven’s concerned hands and turned to look at the gathered group. “We will meet later to discuss how we will begin. You will be told when.” Ivint said dismissively, still trembling from the experience with the Prime.

  When no one made a move to leave, Grai said more roughly. “Go!”

  Those who had followed Lara through the building immediately dispersed while those who had been in the conference room remained.

  “I apologize for the method used to help you understand. It was not my intention to have to resort to that. Although your concern for your people is commendable, in this case, it was interfering with your ability to understand.” Lara/Abexis said honestly, ensuring all of her energy had dissipated from the two men and Traze. She immediately regretted the latter.

  “Holy shit! That was freaking awesome! Did you see the pictures run through your mind?” Traze asked excitedly.

  “Leave it to you to need pictures in your mind to understand.” David said, shaking his head.

  The affectionate smile he gave the boy lessened the impact of his teasing. The boy was growing on him; David thought. Traze was like having a weird little brother.

  “Dude! Seriously man, that hurt. That really hurt. But I’ll let you get away with it because I fear you now that you’re a Prime.” Traze said with a huge grin as he grabbed his chest in mock pain. David grabbed the boy in a headlock and rubbed his head before letting him go, both grinning.

  Grai looked over at David, shaking his head at the thought of the beast who was even now, awakening in his head. Fate was funny he thought. He had known the moment; he met David that he would be a perfect mentor for his outrageous brother; he just didn’t realize at the time how perfect.

  “My energy levels are very low as I have not had time to rest yet. If you will excuse me, I will return later.” Lara/Abexis said before Lara felt him recede in her mind before going silent.

  Viper watched in fascination as Lara’s eyes dimmed until they were once again her beautiful light brown. The golden flecks, no longer glowing with the energy of the Prime.

  No matter what beast she held, or how much power she wielded, the greatest power she held in her hands, was his love. Lara walked over to Viper and took his hands in her own. Viper’s heart flipped over in his chest when she looked up at him the way she used to, with her love and affection for him shining in her eyes.

  “Are you ok?” Lara asked, suddenly feeling shy.

  “I will always be well with you by my side, my love.” Viper whispered, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on her cheek.

  They stood, staring at each other, while everyone else and the cats began to disperse, each going their own way. When Grai and Ivint headed into the door Viper looked deep in Lara’s eyes.

  “I’ll be right back.” He said before running after Grai.

  Lara watched with curiosity as, he spoke quietly with Grai for a few minutes before both men grinned and nodded their heads. They shook arms quickly, and Grai and Ivint continued into the building while Viper returned to Lara.

  “What was that about? You could have used the Shengari’.” Lara said, wondering why he hadn’t.

  “It’s a surprise and there’s no point using the Shengari’ if you can hear what is being said.” Viper said with a grin as he led her around the building to the parking lot. His brothers and Ratoka already left.

  Lara chuckled. “I don’t do that. Abexis does it to ensure everyone is safe, and he is not needed. It seems to be an unconscious thing with him. It feels like it’s been a habit for so long, he doesn’t know how to do otherwise.” Lara explained.

  “It makes sense if he’s a guardian. Besides, I don’t mind. Unless of course, it’s a surprise.” Viper said, squeezing her hand with affection.

  “Where are we going?” Lara asked with a giggle as Viper helped her into the SUV.

  “My favorite place here. I would like to spend some time alone with my mate.” Viper said getting into the vehicle and pulling out of the now half-empty parking lot.

  Lara smiled, her insides shaking with excitement. She had been so worried that Viper would have a hard time accepting her because of Abexis.

  Viper reached across the arm rest and held her hand gently as he expertly guided the vehicle up the winding mountain road. Slowing down around a tight curve, he pulled the vehicle onto a wide shoulder and parked. He was holding her door open for her, before she could wonder where they were.

  Lara allowed Viper to lead her into the woods, following a path that would be hard for an experienced tracker to find. So caught up in their own thoughts they both jumped back when one o
f the Sibiox came bounding in front of them. The cat gave Lara a quick bow before disappearing back into the foliage.

  Viper and Lara looked at each other and giggled, before being startled by another Sibiox, who did the same thing. Knowing something was off, Lara sent out a small energy wave.

  “They’re the ones who were on patrol and couldn’t be at the building with the others. They are saying hello.” Lara said with a sheepish grin at Viper. The first time she was finally alone with Viper, with all her memories intact, and they were going to be interrupted by the well-meaning cats.

  Viper sighed heavily before grinning. “I have a feeling curiosity will be a common occurrence, and I should get used to it. The thing is, I think I could tolerate anything as long as you are here. With me.”

  Lara chuckled as another cat came through and bowed before disappearing again. “I think you may be right. Abexis seems to have quite a following.”

  Viper laughed hard at the biggest understatement he’d heard in ages. “It’s not real often that legend and myth become reality before your eyes. I think I can understand their curiosity and disbelief.”

  “The strangest part of this is, I spent my entire human life not sure what I believed in so I believed in nothing. Now… I know why. If I hadn’t been through everything in the last few days, I would never have believed any of this. It’s all too unreal. So I understand how they feel. How all of you feel.” Lara said as another cat came by.

  Viper sighed, his plan to be alone with Lara completely pointless here. Taking Lara’s hand, he led her back to the vehicle and helped her back inside.

  “I think my brothers and I, even Ratoka, understand a little better than the others. As you know, the Tezarian’s and Zendarian’s are a little more spiritual than the Valendrans. More connected to the energy around us. But it’s still a bit of a shock.” Viper admitted as he pulled back onto the road and headed back to the house. If they weren’t going to be alone, then he’d at least minimize the amount of people around them.


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