Torn: A Dark BDSM Romance Novel (Shattered Lives Book 1)

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Torn: A Dark BDSM Romance Novel (Shattered Lives Book 1) Page 5

by Lexie Syrah

  I tried to get away from him. My instincts screamed for me to run and hide from the pain that ripped through my pussy, but his hands wrapped around my hips. Every time that I tried to move away from his cock, he gripped even harder, and finally I had to give into his strength. I wouldn’t be able to escape from him nor would I escape from the pain that he wielded. This was not what I had expected, and not what I had been asking for. I’d wanted to be fucked, but this was something different, something rawer.

  He shifted his weight slightly and slowed his thrusts. Then his bare chest pressed against my back, and his large hands reached underneath me to grip my breasts tightly. His fingers tightened around each of them, putting an enormous amount of pressure across the entire expanse of each breast. My breathing was ragged as he bent to whisper in my ear.

  “Is this what you wanted, little girl? Is this the kind of discipline that you needed?” His voice was almost a growl, and for added emphasis, he slammed his cock into the back of my pussy, forcing my body forward once again. This hadn’t been what I’d expected. It hadn’t been my fantasy, but through the sobs and pains, a “Yes” filled the air.

  His lips pressed against my neck, sending wave after wave of electricity through my frayed nerves. Those sensations were clear and simple unlike the rest of his motions. I didn’t think I could ever get enough of his lips against my skin, but his cock was another matter. I didn’t know if I could take very much more of the rough pounding. My pussy was on fire, and though I desperately wanted to cum, I didn’t think that it would ever happen with the level of pain that surged through me with every thrust.

  Mr. Sheffield pulled his cock out of my pussy and rolled me onto my back. As he spread my legs to torture my pussy from a different position, I looked at him for the first time since he’d let himself lose control. The face looking down on me was the same as the one that had smiled and been kind to me when I was hungry, but now the expression that covered it was almost inhuman. He was no fantastical creature or villain, though. I stared into the hazel voids that threatened to consume me, and I realized that the only thing that was fantastical about him was how perfectly and absolutely masculine he was.

  Women talk about enjoying a rugged face or strong muscles because they were so masculine, but they knew nothing about the topic. Mr. Sheffield was strong, but he was no body-builder. He had some rough edges, but he was no biker. And yet he was the most masculine person I had met. He had the soul of a primal man, a man who fought for his food, life, and women. Now, I understood the need for the masks. He didn’t belong in this world.

  Now I understood the strange dark emotion that I couldn’t place before. It was the sense of submission for the first time. Every other moment of my life, I’d had some bit of choice in, but in that moment when I’d tried to escape Mr. Sheffield’s grip, I had been left with no choice but to submit to his strength. It was an ancient feeling, as I relinquished my power to the man who had taken it from me with force and strength. This was how it should be.

  Looking at Mr. Sheffield as he maneuvered my body for his pleasure seemed to make something click inside of me. I relaxed, and the fear of pain left me. He laid on top of me, and his chest pressed against my breasts. His hands went to my cheeks, and I looked into his swirling hazel eyes. They hadn’t changed, but there was no anger there, and I began to understand him just a little bit better. This side of him was what he’d tried so desperately to keep me from experiencing.

  He knew what he was like in bed, and he hadn’t wanted to expose me to it. He’d tried so hard to keep it from me, to allow me to keep the innocence he perceived in me. I had pushed him to take me like this, and now that he’d taken the mask off, there was no putting it back on until he finished with me. Although his lack of concern for my body or its pain terrified me, that steadily growing dark strand of submission that wove its way around my senses left my body helpless. I wanted nothing more than to be owned by the feral beast above me.

  One arm wrapped under my back, and the other went under my head, and even as he forced his cock into my aching pussy, I felt cradled like a child. Wings of protection covered my tiny body as Mr. Sheffield’s strong arms supported me, and I couldn’t have felt any safer. I hadn’t felt safe like this since I’d been held by my father as a child. Yet, this was so much more than a father’s affection that covered me. This was a savage wolf or bear guarding its cub against anything that dared to come near.

  He bent down and pressed his lips to mine. In that moment, the world stopped spinning. My hands ran through his hair, and I tasted the slight salt from the beads of sweat that collected above his lip. His tongue explored my mouth softly at first, but he quickly lost what little control he’d found when he’d flipped me over.

  I had tasted many men’s lips, but those had not been kisses when compared to my lips’ embrace with Mr. Sheffield’s. They’d been nothing but a sloppy rubbing of lips while this was passionate, furious, and raw emotion. His attention was undivided as his lips showed me how a real man kissed. And with that kiss, I melted into him.

  My emotions seemed to shatter my body’s ability to understand the world. Only moments ago, I’d been in agony, but now… now it was perfection. His every movement seemed effortless in our dance towards orgasm. I could feel every inch as he slid his cock in and out of me, but there was nothing but pleasure that flowed from it as I relaxed in his embrace.

  His lips moved to my neck, and I could feel the orgasm crashing through the barriers of pain and fear. Every muscle in my body tensed, and I let out a scream as I felt my spirit soar. Moan after moan burst from my lips as Mr. Sheffield worked his way down to my breasts, tasting every inch of me on the way. The waves didn’t seem to ever want to stop, and my body writhed and convulsed in his arms as the electricity of his touch flowed through me continuously.

  His lips found my nipple, and he pulled it gently with his teeth. Quickly, his nibbles turned into bites, and they found their way to the rest of my breasts. I was sure that I would have bite marks and bruises all over my breasts by the time that he was done, and I welcomed the marks and pains that would be reminders of this moment for days to come.

  I could feel his thrusts speed up, and I was filled with satisfaction when the first warm stream of his cum filled me. His breath rushed over my skin in ragged gasps, and he looked into my eyes one more time as that primal creature. The strangest emotion came over me. I had felt safe in that embrace. I had lost myself in that kiss. I had danced a dangerous dance with him, but I didn’t want anyone else. I only wanted him.

  I knew that Mr. Sheffield had saved me from more than destitution. He had brought a fire to my nearly broken soul, and once again, I felt as though life was worth living. I hadn’t known how to repay him for that kindness, but now that I held the proof of his pleasure inside me, I had an overwhelming urge to hold him tightly against me.

  I needed to show him that I wanted him to remove his masks whenever he desired, and that he shouldn’t be worried about hurting me. I don’t know what you’d call the emotion, but I desperately wanted to see more of the true Mr. Sheffield instead of the mask that he wore for the rest of the world. I wanted to be different than the rest of the world, at least to him.

  Mr. Sheffield lay down beside me and was quiet. The only sound filling the room was our ragged breaths as we tried to recover and piece our minds back together. I knew I would have to be the one to break the silence. I moved to his chest and laid my head on it with a soft sigh. His hand ran through my hair, and I smiled to the empty room.

  “Mr. Sheffield… thank you for that. Thank you for letting go and letting me feel that.” I closed my eyes and waited for him to collect his thoughts.

  “I’m sorry if I hurt you, Maggie. Sometimes, I have a hard time controlling myself… I never meant to have sex with you. I hope you know that.”

  “Don’t be sorry, Mr. Sheffield,” I softly told him. “If you feel like that again, don’t be afraid to act on your feelings. From the moment that I t
ook a shower yesterday, I wanted you. It hurt, but it was a good hurt. I want to see and feel you like that again, sir.”

  “You’re an amazing girl, Maggie.” His voice was soft and dreamy. “There are very few people that can enjoy me when I let go like that. I’m very glad that you’re one of them.”

  He was quiet for a few moments before he said, “Do you really want to experience that again?”

  There was no question in my mind. It may have hurt, and I may have been scared, but it had been the most overwhelming and mind-blowing experience of my life. “Yes, sir. I’d be very happy to have you take me like that any time you’re willing to. I don’t want to burden you with trying to make me happy or with a relationship with me, but if you want to use my body, don’t hesitate.”

  He was quiet for some time, and though I was more comfortable and relaxed than I’d ever been on his chest, I knew that I couldn’t sleep here. He didn’t owe me that. I was sure that most women would have forced it on him. I knew that he was not the man that wanted a girl in his bed unless he invited her there.

  “Sir, I think it’s time for me to go to bed. I don’t want to wake up late tomorrow.”

  “Yes Maggie, get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.” I got out of bed and stood up. Mr. Sheffield’s cum began to run down my leg, and I strode quickly to my bedroom. I could feel Mr. Sheffield’s gaze burning into my back the entire way. As soon as I got into the bathroom, I wiped up the leaking fluid and turned on the shower. I was still overflowing with emotions and thoughts, but tomorrow morning would come early, and it was already dark out.

  I let the hot water run over my naked body, and I couldn’t believe what had just happened. Mr. Sheffield had just made love to me. I didn’t normally use those words, but that was what it was in his language. Love for some might be gentle embraces and soft touches, but for Mr. Sheffield, it was raw emotion and primal instincts. It was strength and dominance, and he’d just let me experience it. I didn’t know what it meant or how I should react, but I knew that I was ready for whatever came next. My life was changing so fast that I had a hard time grasping how it was real.

  I finished showering and toweled myself off so that I could get into bed clean and happy. Tomorrow was going to be hard work, but it couldn’t be as hard as today had been. As I curled up with one of the embroidered pillows, I didn’t dream of sexy scenes with Mr. Sheffield. I only thought of the face that I’d seen as he’d cum inside of me and the complete surrender that I’d shown him.

  Chapter 5

  I awoke to the alarm. My eyes opened almost immediately as it filled the room with its incessant beeping. With a yawn, I turned it off and leaped out of bed. The morning ritual of shower, brush teeth, get dressed, and brush hair was quickly finished, and I was in the kitchen fifteen minutes before 6. Eggs and bacon filled the air with their glorious scent as I sipped coffee at the island. Today was going to be perfect, and I was sure that my eyes were beaming with pride as Mr. Sheffield walked out of his room looking slightly groggy.

  I had carefully chosen my clothes from the ones he had put in the closet the day I’d moved in with him. I wanted to be sexy but still functional. I was sure that I’d have plenty of work to do today. I wore a very plain black mini-skirt that barely covered my butt, and a white cotton cropped top without a bra or panties. Even as slutty as I looked, he didn’t even seem to notice me as I bounced around excitedly.

  I made him a cup of coffee, and he mumbled, “Thank you.” I didn’t understand why he was more tired than normal this morning. The bacon was getting to that perfect crunchy point, and I hopped off my stool to pull it off the griddle. The fried eggs looked perfect, and I pulled them off as well. It was 6:15, and I’d finished a perfect breakfast. I handed Mr. Sheffield his food, and I sat down to eat mine. It looked delicious, and I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I quickly ate my serving.

  Mr. Sheffield wasn’t quite as enthused about eating the delicious breakfast that I’d made, though, and he merely picked at the food that I’d cooked for him. “Sir, what’s wrong?” I questioned, worrying that he regretted last night.

  “Oh nothing, Maggie. I just didn’t sleep very well. As soon as I get a second cup of coffee in me, I’ll be fine.” His mood was bringing me down, and I wasn’t happy about it. It wasn’t my place to pry anymore, though, so I just refilled his coffee cup and sat back down next to him. He may have fucked me last night, but that didn’t mean that he owed me any explanations.

  He looked very handsome this morning, and I couldn’t place what it was. He was groggy, but his skin seemed to glow more, and the small wrinkles around his eyes seemed almost non-existent. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a list. My chore list.

  “Thank you for breakfast. Here’s your list of tasks for the day.” He let out a loud yawn and continued, “I hope that you manage them as well as you did yesterday.”

  “I’ll do my best, Mr. Sheffield.” He stood up, and I looked at the list on the counter. It was similar to yesterday’s list, and I knew that I’d have to work hard to get it done, but it was possible.

  Mr. Sheffield walked to the door just like yesterday, except today he turned around and looked at me before walking out the door. I was bubbling with excitement about last night, and unlike yesterday, the horniness that I felt was for the man rather than the act. I loved how I could be this man’s everything when he could have had anything he wanted. I’d seen the women, both young and old, ogle him when we were together at the diner, but he’d chosen to make love to me, not them. Now it was time for me to prove that I was worth it. The thought of seeing his eyes light up with pleasure when I’d finished all of my tasks perfectly set me to work.

  I began going through the list just as I had yesterday and worked up quite a sweat with all of the chores that he had given me: laundry, sweeping, dusting the rest of the house, and taking out the trash. When I finally finished all of the chores, it was already almost 5:00, and I had to start making dinner. I was going to try my hand at making steak and asparagus tonight, and though I was scared, I knew that I would have to learn to cook through trial and error. There would be mistakes, and Mr. Sheffield would punish me for them, but in the end, I would learn how to cook properly and hopefully be rewarded, whatever that meant.

  I put the steaks in a pan and started cooking them. I didn’t know what to season them with, so I decided that bland steaks were better than poorly seasoned ones. I’d have to learn how to season properly some other time. I didn’t know how to tell when they were done either, but I knew that I could cut into my steak to test them. Even if mine wasn’t as good as Mr. Sheffield’s, at least I wouldn’t earn myself a punishment.

  I put the asparagus into a pan with butter and let it cook, stirring occasionally. Everything smelled delicious, and when I cut into my steak, it was slightly undercooked. I let it cook just a few more minutes, and as Mr. Sheffield walked in through the door, I pulled them both off. By the time Mr. Sheffield was walking into the dining room, I was placing the plates on the table. The smell of hot steak filled the room, and Mr. Sheffield gave a big smile when he got a whiff of it.

  “That smells delicious, Maggie. You’ve outdone yourself tonight.”

  His words brought my spirit even higher, and I blushed even as I grinned at him. “Thank you, Mr. Sheffield. I hope you like it! You may need some steak sauce, though. I didn’t know what kind of seasoning to put on it.”

  “That’s fine with me. Is it your first try at cooking steak?” he said as he sat down at the head of the table. I sat down next to him at my place and waited patiently, more excited about watching Mr. Sheffield enjoy the food than about eating it myself.

  “Yes, sir. I’ve never cooked any kind of meat before.” Mr. Sheffield nodded at me and began to cut his steak. It looked almost perfect, and I was proud of myself.

  I waited for him to take a bite. My eyes never left his face as he tasted the first bite, and his face seemed to melt. “This is delicious. Perfectly cooked, but
you’re right, it does need some seasoning.” I was smiling from ear to ear as I bit into my steak. Mr. Sheffield was right. It was nice and crispy on the outside but still juicy on the inside. I couldn’t believe that I’d actually cooked it. I just wanted to jump up and down with excitement, but I knew that Mr. Sheffield was tired from a long day’s work, so I tried to behave myself.

  “So Mr. Sheffield, how was your day? Hopefully it was better than yesterday.” He finished chewing and said, “Oh it was much better. I sealed a major contract today, so even though I’m exhausted, I’m in good spirits.”

  “That’s outstanding, Mr. Sheffield! I’m so glad that you had such a successful day.” I cut another piece of steak.

  I didn’t know what else to say since I didn’t truly understand what Mr. Sheffield did. I would have liked to know more about his business, but it hadn’t come up yet. Everything had happened so fast in the past few days that we hadn’t had very much time for talking about histories.

  “Mr. Sheffield, if we’re going to live together like this, maybe we could get to know a little more about each other. I don’t know anything about you.” I tried not to fidget even though I was nervous about asking personal questions. He sipped the ice water that I’d set at his place.


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