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Nightingale Page 18

by E G Manetti


  The music is excellent, and Lilian enjoys both the performance and opportunity to scan the crowd for others of the Bright Star Consortium. To her delight she notes Leonardo Senior Associate Aidan in the gallery across the courtyard. The designer of the SEV1 propulsion controls is a favorite of hers both for his sharp intelligence and dry wit. Chrys will be thrilled to meet the man in person after all their collaboration on SEV1 Mercium and flexible Vistrite.

  At the interval, Pippa and Sinjin leave them to seek wine and small bites. A few moments later, Master Aidan appears at their seats with another man and woman. The woman Lilian recognizes as one of the Leonardo engineers. The man is Dean of the Fortuna Technical Institute and a kinsman of Aidan’s. All are fascinated with Lilian’s jewels and Chrys is soon in deep discussion with Aidan and the others on Mercium faceting and encoding.

  Accepting wine from the returning Pippa and Sinjin, Nickolas and Lilian seek to discover what they may about flyer racing conditions in the Fourth System. Of the Fourth System’s five planets, only Fortuna is habitable. Its sister planet, Ruin, cannot be settled but is mined for the ore that is used in construction.

  The governor’s militia uses the three outer planets for its flyer training courses. Fortuna’s three moons and Ruin’s two are too low in orbit to be used in training trials that include live fire. Commercial transports remain within well-marked and monitored routes that are far distant from the militia’s restricted areas. The idea of racing among the five moons for sport has never occurred to anyone.

  The warning drum sounds, and the groups separate to enjoy the remainder of the program. The tenor is both attractive and talented, the music exceptional, and the story of Fortuna’s discovery and settlement as exciting as hoped. At Mr. Stefan’s direction and with Lt. Sinjin’s concurrence, Lilian and her friends linger in their seats, allowing the crowd to exit. Unable to sit, Pippa skips over to the gallery rail. “Aidan has left. He is very well regarded by Monsignor Angus. Maman will be so pleased to learn that we had the dean’s company for the interval. One of my cousins wishes a place at the institute. She will be at Sinjin’s reception. Maman, that it is. Our cousin resides in the mountains.”

  “Lady Pallas will be at the reception?” Lilian halts the flow. “I thought your mother objected to our association.”

  “That was before our association provided me with an invitation to the Bright Star reception. Did I not voice it? Monsignor Angus thought you would enjoy the event more with a friend in attendance. Maman is ever so pleased. She insists I have Cousin Dolphin as my escort. The Euphrates Legalists seigneur is to be in attendance and Dolphin is under consideration for a promotion to senior associate in legalistics. Maman wishes to emphasize the strength of our family’s connections. You do not mind, do you? I—”

  “Peace, I am pleased you are to attend,” she says. “Have as escort whoever pleases you and Lady Pallas.”

  The museum has all but emptied. It is time to go.


  The empty chambers are chill in the late afternoon, Lucius’ footfalls loud against the stained wood floor, the faded walls broken by the brighter silhouettes of missing art. A cracked pane in the doors that lead to the patio are another sign of neglect or lack of funds. The riser behind the double staircase to the second storey gives an ominous shudder when the door recesses. Marco steps back and shrugs. “We might do better to use the stairs.”

  The governor’s entertainment was enjoyable, but the martial arts exhibitions seemed tame after the morning’s match between Lilian and Flavia. He was glad to have the excuse of the property review to depart early. The third of the three properties, the blue stone edifice is the best located, on the south side of the bay, between the governor’s mansion and the botanical gardens. The grounds are substantial and easy to secure, and the house commands a view of the bay superior to that of Serenity House. Following Marco and the agent up the stairs, Lucius notes additional signs of neglect in the cracked stone of the rail and patches of damp along the windows. The second-storey guest chambers are well configured with suites at the western and eastern sides, another six large chambers spread between the two. From the layer of dust, it has been some time since any of the guest chambers were used. The freshening closets are dated, the plumbing questionable.

  Rumors of the seigneur’s wagering addiction may well hold truth. The third storey is as faded as all else, but the lack of dust suggests it was in use until the owner vacated a sevenday gone. Reaching the master suite at the western end, Lucius finds well-proportioned chambers with a spectacular view of the bay on one side, the city on another. Glowing gold, the sun touches the horizon, the sky streaked green and turquoise before it rises to a deepening purple that will soon be black. Low in the sky, a single star shines—the satellite that will moor the hull in the day to come. An impossible dream about to become reality.

  “Impossible! A fantasy.” Jurian waves at the wall reviewer. “A handful of scans and you would risk billions.”

  “A bit more than a handful of scans,” Marco replies, glancing down at his slate. “Two habitable planets of five and within a two-month voyage from the Fourth System. It is remarkable.”

  “Industrial metal deposits and precious gems on two of the planets,” Solomon says. With a half smile, he looks over to Lucius. “Socraide favors you. Luck of the First for certain.”

  Luck of the First. Luck of the First that Lucius survived the pirate actions. Luck of the First that the babblings of the dying freighter captain held truth. Luck of the First that the Governing Council agreed to give Lucius and Blooded Dagger exploration rights for that sector of the beaconless expanse as reward for defeating the pirates.

  “Luck of the First will not render the capital for exploration,” Jurian scoffs. “Habitable does not mean profitable. It takes labor and equipment to mine. Water and air will not produce wealth.”

  Marco leans into Jurian’s space. “Water means agriculture at a minimum. Serengeti would do well to control the wealth that comes from the grain oceans of Genji.”

  Jurian flushes and half rises. “A second Genji would overproduce and cut profits in half.”

  “You have no basis for that,” Marco snaps. “If it had been up to you, the Serengeti IX would not have been funded or launched. It has found a new habitable system after a mere two years and you naysay. If I—”

  “A second Genji would mean settlements and soon new cities.” Solomon’s cool tones cut through the mounting tension. “Settlements and cities need Vistrite. Every new system has increased the demand for Vistrite; this can be no different. Add in the metals and gems, and the potential increases.”

  With a gruff sound, Jurian sits back and Marco settles into his place.

  Nodding at Solomon, Lucius says, “Vistrite demand and mining is but the beginning. The probe will be another season in close scans of all five planets and their moons. By the rains, we will have sufficient data to lure investors. What we will gain beyond that, I doubt we can imagine.”

  Gazing at the reviewer and the data plotting the new system, Solomon shakes his head in wonder. “Two centuries since the last system was opened. We have entered the realm of legends, Monsignor.”

  “Monsignor?” Marco asks.

  Swallowing against the tightness in his chest, Lucius says, “I was lost in thought. What say you?”

  Following the direction of Lucius’ gaze, Marco finds the light shining on the horizon. “The hull’s satellite?”

  “The location is right.”

  Tilting his head for better vantage, his smile bittersweet, Marco says, “The gateway to the realm of legend.”

  Tightness rises again, and he squeezes Marco’s shoulder. “Solomon.”

  With a deep sigh, Marco nods. “As you voice.”

  “Monsignor? Seigneur?” The agent asks from behind them. “Did you wish to see the rest?”

  Turning from the window, Lucius shakes his head. “I have seen enough. I will hear what Mr. Geor
ge has to say about the kitchens, servitors’ quarters, and transport bay. You will have my decision by third day.”


  Stefan brings the transport to a halt behind Sinjin’s. Bouncing from her brother’s vehicle, Pippa claims Nickolas’ escort, leaving Chrys with the pleasant duty of escorting Lilian. As with much of Fort Rimon construction, the multidwelling structure is built into the side of a hill. Sinjin’s quarters are an enviable two-storey arrangement of chambers overlooking the Third Hill Warrior Ring. Following Pippa and Nickolas through a gate, they enter a stone patio warmed with several burners that opens off a reception salon, giving Sinjin sufficient space to entertain two score Kailanis and their friends. The music of flutes and strings mingles with the bubbling from the water art that sparkles in the center of the patio. Chrys wonders if Sinjin has also supplemented his funds with wagers on Lilian’s life or if his obvious wealth is but his share of the Kailani fortune.

  Bypassing the fountain, Pippa leads them to a stocky woman of middle years with the Kailani amber eyes. The older woman greets Nickolas with warmth and charm, inviting him to enjoy the reception. When Lilian and Chrys reach her, the warmth evaporates to be replaced by cool reserve.

  Lady Pallas acknowledges them with few words and a pointed glance at the seal on Lilian’s warbelt. The message is clear enough: it is Lilian’s conservator’s seal that is welcome, not its bearer. Chrys, a mere apprentice, is not even worth noticing. Eager to move away from the unpleasant warrior, Chrys is startled when Lilian stops and turns back. Meeting the formidable woman’s gaze, she says, “I regret our friendship has endangered Pippa. It is well to discover that the treasure that is Pippa is so well protected by her family.”

  To Chrys’ inward delight, Lady Pallas blinks before turning away.

  Next to him, Lilian’s face slides into the stoic mask he detests. Frowning at Lady Pallas’ retreating back, he says, “I bet she was all sweetness and light when you had a platinum heir’s signet hanging from your belt. Do you suppose Pippa is a changeling? I can think of no other explanation.”

  Lilian’s stoic mask shatters and she gives a short laugh. “When we were at Mulan’s Temple, Lady Pallas often despaired of Pippa’s frivolity and was certain some fae creature had taken her child’s place.”

  Moving toward the refreshment cart where Pippa is waving, she adds, “And you are correct. Lady Pallas welcomes signets and seals. The people are but bearers.”

  Pleased that Lilian has regained her earlier enjoyment of the day, Chrys accepts wine and mingles among Pippa’s friends and relatives. A few stiffen when they become aware of his low status, but most are indifferent. Conversation ranges from martial training to the latest entertainments to the hull launch, and then speculation as to what may be found in the Thirteenth System. Except for the elegance of the quarters and the lack of cartel intrigue, Chrys finds it as familiar as one of the consortium gatherings at Mr. Hidaka’s. Nor is he fool enough to believe Euphrates intrigue is not being plotted and examined beyond his hearing.


  The lights in milord’s suite are dim when Lilian returns, the moons ruby, amber, and tourmaline gems in the night sky. Releasing her hair and securing the fabulous Mercium ornaments, Lilian dons the sea-green wrap. Curling up on her chamber’s small sofa, she pulls a cream throw over her lap and settles in to review her alerts. Katleen’s missive is as bright as her sister’s curls. With Seigneur Trevelyan in residence Lilian has no concern for her sister’s safety or training. To Lilian’s amusement she discovers that the seigneur is not unfamiliar with food preparation and is willing to participate.

  The alert from Rebecca contains a summary of progress on the Despoiler investigations and an update on Simon’s persistent pursuit of Tabitha. The master associate’s latest assault presented as a quiet dinner at Warriors’ Respite. The alert from Douglas indicates that the Third System media are displaying the visuals from this morning’s encounter with Newton at the warrior ring. As Lilian anticipated, Douglas is impressed by the mind behind Newton’s carefully designed rant.

  The door to milord’s chamber hisses, signaling milord’s return. Putting aside the throw and her slate, Lilian rises and turns to the now-open doorway. Milord’s cream silk tunic hangs open, his slate-gray trousers are without a belt, and his feet are bare. Milord’s eyes are dark with desire, one hand beckoning. When she reaches his hand, she is gathered into a fierce kiss. Responding in kind, Lilian’s wits scatter as milord’s hands mold her close, sending desire coursing through her. Milord’s sex is a hard ridge against her, his mouth and hands demanding. Her hands push past the open tunic to explore the hot satin of milord’s shoulders and back.

  Sea green puddles on the floor. Milord’s hands roam across her back and buttocks, pulling her tight to his groin, lifting her toes from the floor. The sudden, wild passion has her sex heating and moisture flooding between her legs. Milord pivots, walking her to the bed, where he tumbles her back. His trousers drop, and he crawls between her open thighs, his sex long and hard. Falling on her, he snakes an arm under one knee, pulling it up and open. His mouth crashes down as he drives into her.


  “Was it the delight you anticipated?” Milord’s words rumble between Lilian’s breasts.

  Far better. Twentieth stricture. Do not. Drugged by the pleasure of the prior period, concentration is difficult. Milord’s hand caressing her waist and hip further challenges concentration. Arching against the seeking hand and fingers, Lilian finds her voice. “The concert was exceptional. The intelligence collected there and at Lt. Sinjin’s gathering is beyond useful. Lady Pallas served as chaperone.”

  The caressing hand and fingers still. “Does the Lady Pallas not disdain you?”

  “She welcome’s milord’s conservator’s seal and Pippa’s invitation to the Bright Star reception.” Lilian traces a red mark on milord’s shoulder. She does not recall nipping him. “My respect for Monsignor Angus continues to increase.”

  Milord lifts his head, his eyes alight with amusement. “More subtle and effective than Horatio’s attempt to win your confidence through the Matahorn protégés. Are you certain Angus did not recruit her?”

  “I believe it unlikely.” Her breath catches as milord traces the terrain between her hipbones. “The Kailanis have always gone to Euphrates. Leonardo would not have thought to recruit Pippa. Her application would have been unexpected.”

  “An opportunity Angus would be quick enough to exploit.” Milord lowers his head. “Have you returned the compliment?” Milord turns on his side, the distracting hand navigating her ribcage.

  “Sinjin was forthcoming on the topic of Fourth System flyer racing. If milord can alter the course to include the moons of Ruin and Fortuna, it will reduce the Leonardo’s advantage.”

  “Horatio supported the change in the course. Angus yielded with good grace.” Milord teases her nipple with a lock of her hair. “Was there aught else?”

  Unable to resist, Lilian runs her fingers across Socraide’s mark. “Milord is correct. It is not the media management seigneur at Euphrates who designs Newton’s diatribes, it is a master associate.”

  At her words, milord ceases his play and captures her exploring hand with a small growl. It is not well to tease milord. Raising her eyes from his alluring torso, she meets his gaze. “According to one of Pippa’s cousins, the master associate is a woman of fifty years who began her career with Euphrates in the Eighth System. Two years gone she was elevated to master associate and relocated to the Fourth System.”

  “The cousin offered this freely?”

  “The cousin admires her and provided the information that media management has become more creative. I was able to piece together the rest from other conversations.”

  Milord’s eyes hood. “Two years. Someone in Okoth’s organization will be on good terms with the woman. We should be able to acquire her.”

  Milord returns to teasing Lilian with her hair.

  9. Apollo’s Will

  When the Five Warriors stepped into eternity, the Order was expanding into every corner of the Six Systems, fueled by the abundance of food and materials pouring into the Three Systems from the new colonies in the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth. In 105, Socraide’s heir discovered and opened the Seventh System, colonizing Sedona and the two moons of Thor.

  In 122, stellar expansion halted when the governor of Rimon Deuce rebelled against the Order, plunging the Second System into five years of civil unrest and destroying the engineering facility that provided the advanced navigational controls for stellar exploration vehicles. When rebellion spread to the First System, Socraide’s engineering center was destroyed before the Governing Council united and eradicated the rebels. Focused on repairing the damage caused by the rebellion, it was a century before the Six Systems returned to stellar exploration. ~ excerpt from The Foundations of Order, a scholarly treatise.

  Sevenday 131, Day 1

  The stone chamber is vast, the remote walls and ceiling shrouded in shadow. Heavy skirts drag on the floor. Gooseflesh climbs her nude back. Shivering, Lilian wraps her bare arms around herself, peering into the dark, seeking direction. There is whispering near the ceiling. The sound moves closer. A flock of birds swoops out of the shadows, dark phantoms in the gray light. They circle closer, wings rustling . . .

  Awake, Lilian stares at the ceiling, watching it brighten with the morning light. The sound of movement carries through the door from milord’s chamber. What does he? It cannot be happenstance that the door remains open after she is dismissed for the night. Rolling to her side, she swings her legs to the floor. Whatever milord’s purpose, she finds comfort in it. His chamber is silent; he is likely in the freshening closet.

  Moving to the double doors of her patio, Lilian gazes out the bay. In the early morning light it is nearly black, sparks of mauve and rose on gentle swells evidence of the rising sun.

  I am the sum of my ancestors. She stretches into the first attack position.


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