4 Vamp Versus Vamp

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4 Vamp Versus Vamp Page 9

by Christin Lovell

  “Just focus on getting Mel up here,” Kai said.

  I nodded. I slid to face the back of the car, nearly yelping at the sight before me. My panoramic sunroof had thin strips of a hardened substance dripping down and along its edges, the width of it just wide enough to jail us all in. Each of us had bars of black imprisoning us to our spots, but Mel was in the worst position of them all with bars on one side of her, a small window on the other side of her, and the risk of the back windshield caving in on her from behind at any second.

  Kai had repositioned himself to take in the scene with me. Our eyes met, the same concern I was experiencing reflected back at me in his brown eyes. He pressed a button on the side of his watch. “None of us can move.”

  Mel’s heart tripled in speed as Kai’s words echoed through the cramped space.

  “We have no option but to proceed from the back. The engine was running when the substance seeped in. We’re lucky nothing has exploded yet.” I heard the solemn and dread mixed in Kalel’s voice.

  “Drill on the passenger side,” I said. “I’m the only one on this side of the car. Mel’s in the back behind Kai on the driver’s side. Try to drill between the passenger door and back seat.”

  “No,” Kai drove out.

  “Yes.” My voice held not an ounce of doubt. “Listen, we’re running out of time and air. Mel is about to transform in I don’t know how much time now, and we have to get her home to do that. I promised her she’d get out of here safely. I’ll survive just about anything, but she won’t. Kalel, tell them to stop wasting time and drill on the passenger side.”

  Shadows danced across Kai’s face from my phone. His features were taut; he clenched his jaw. I heard the tiny grinding noise from his teeth rubbing together beneath the pressure of his jaw. Anger and desperation showed in his eyes.

  I shook my head at him. “I’m not backing down.”

  A minute passed in silence before I heard the motor of a tool outside my door.

  Vibrations rattled the car. I closed my eyes. I leaned my left side into the back of the passenger seat, my back against any potential shatters.

  Kai grabbed my hand, threading his fingers through mine. “You’re always the brave one.” His voice washed over me, calming me. He lifted our entwined hands and gently kissed my fingers. “You don’t always have to be.”

  “Yes, I do.” My voice was barely a whisper, an admission I didn’t enjoy.

  “Leka, at some point, you’re going to have to ask for help. I’ll be waiting and ready when that day comes, but please don’t let your pride kill you in the meantime. I would miss you.” The plea in his voice crashed through my carefully reconstructed walls.

  Chapter 13

  I swallowed hard. Why was it every time I thought Kellan and I were solid, something or someone interfered? I didn’t love Kai the way I loved Kellan, but he was still able to manipulate the feelings I did have for him at the perfect time.

  Glass shattered down on me. Kai immediately tried to pull me into him, but the hard black goop stopped me. Mel screamed in the back seat; her breathing became labored as sobs wracked her. I couldn’t reach her to touch her, to soothe her.

  “Kai, let go of me, please. I need you to try to calm Mel down. You can reach her; I can’t.”

  He hesitated but finally released me. I winced, sitting back onto a seat of glass. The shards bit into my skin but didn’t slice me, thankfully.

  I heard Kai swish in his seat. Mel shrieked. “It’s okay, Mel. It’s just me, Kai. It’ll just be a little longer before they get us out of here.”

  “I can’t do this. I can’t handle this shit. Lex, I don’t know how you do it. I… I want my dad, I want Craig, I want clean oxygen. I…” A new wave of tears choked her.

  I sighed. I couldn’t believe I was about to do this. I dialed his number. My phone didn’t connect right away, struggling to reach beyond the cover of my car to a satellite. Anxiously, I waited for him to answer; I knew he was who she needed.

  “About time you bellas chimed,” Craig answered.

  “Craig, I need you to calm Mel down. Don’t ask me to explain right now; don’t get Kellan on the phone. Just take care of her.”

  “Always, love.” All the humor had drained from him.

  “Kai, please hold my phone to Mel’s ear.” He took my phone, the light of the screen swirling around in the car until it reached its final destination. Mel’s cries slowed as Craig’s voice soothed her.

  “Don’t beat yourself up over it.” Kai’s voice rang through my thoughts.

  “Sort of hard when I brought her out here.”

  The car began to vibrate, commotion rocking my side of the vehicle.

  A light went off in my head. “Kai! Do you have your dagger?”

  I felt the smooth handle as he placed it in my palm. I immediately turned around in my seat, glass pricking my skin, ripping at my jeans as I faced the broken window behind me. I pressed the gold blade to the hard, black film. It sizzled, liquefying beneath the blade.

  “Oh, my gosh. It’s working!” I dragged the knife slowly along the top of the window, aiming to cut a hole large enough for us to escape.

  The tools cut off and the vibration stopped as I continued cutting our way out. Voices broke through for the first time.

  “They’re coming out. Have the doctor on standby for the human,” a deep, gruff male voice ordered.

  The moment the blade connected with my starting point, I punched the piece I’d sliced out and away. A swarm of men in black uniforms rushed me.

  “Don’t touch me!” I yelled, jerking the dagger up towards the sky so as not to hit anyone accidentally. I knew the damage it could cause.

  “Back up!” the same male commanded.

  I sought the brusque voice calling the shots. His black uniform had the name “Drexel” engraved on it. The black ops–style ensemble hugged his thick frame tightly. His tan skin, shaved head, and the sharp angles of his face gave him a harsh beauty. The moment we made eye contact, he nodded his head once, indicating they would give me my space. I climbed out of the car, glass scattering about in the car and on the concrete road beneath me. I immediately turned and passed the gold dagger back to Kai so he could slice his way out.

  Drexel was at my side the exact second the blade left my grip. “We need to get this glass off you. Allan, dust all the glass off the passenger seat so the others don’t sustain any further injury. Johnson, I want this area swept again for humans. The road block is a mile out in each direction, but check for those on foot slipping past it at the shopping center before the starting block.” He finally turned back to me, leading me towards an SUV with the trunk wide open, a vamp army medic ready to remove the glass from my back. “You okay, Lexi?” I shouldn’t have been surprised that he knew my name. It still threw me for a loop, stopping me in my tracks. “I was previously informed of the names of my entrapment victims. You smell like a vampeen — that’s how I knew you were Lexi.”

  I nodded my head. “Yes, I’m alright. Please make sure my friend Mel gets out okay.”

  “Done. Sergio will take care of you from here, but I’ll be back to check on you.”

  The next ten minutes were a blur as the male EMT removed all the glass slivers from my pants and the few that were caught in my sweater and digging into my back. Kai cut Mel out of the car with his dagger since only a few people could use it. The paramedics immediately checked her. Once she was given the all-clear, Drexel saw to it that their minds were washed of what had happened.

  “You’re all set,” Sergio announced. I watched the soft-spoken vamp clean the trunk. He was short for a male at about five feet, seven inches. His Hispanic heritage gave him a solid tan, dark brown hair, and full rose-colored lips. His body was solid. I could see him being a human army medic before he was changed.

  “Thanks.” I gave him a small smile as he walked away to discard the bowl of glass and bloodied strips.

  “How are you?” Kai asked. He shoved his hands in his pock

  “I’m good. How’s Mel?”


  I frowned, my eyes gazing at the empty road. They’d blocked off traffic a mile away on each end, giving us the chance to get out without causing a commotion. Knowing Auggy, they probably obstructed air traffic overhead, too, so the news crews couldn’t get wind of our incident.

  I shuddered when warm, strong arms encased me. I breathed in the scent of him, the only vamp I could actually smell. I pressed my face into his chest as I wrapped myself around him. Soft lips pressed to my head. Tears stung my eyes. Why did he continue to rattle me? Why did life continue to beat me down? Why did my best friend have to be involved? My mind was yielding to the overflow of questions that I would probably never have an answer to.

  He stood there holding me until I’d pulled myself together; he was my silent strength. I leaned back, staring up at him. I busied my teeth with my lower lip. This was such a hard thing for me.

  “I’m ready to ask for help.” I watched his eyes focus on mine, his full attention on me. “Will you train me to fight hard with and without weapons?”

  He nodded. “Whatever you need.”

  “I need to be better. I’ve become too weak. I’m too easy of a target now, and my friends are, too. It’s not fair to ask them to step up. It’s my job to.”

  “Don’t do this for them, Leka. Do this for yourself.”

  “I am. Believe me, I am.”

  His eyes crinkled in the corners, a small smile lifting his lips. “I own a warehouse downtown beside the old Navy docks. I’ll text you the address. When you’re ready or have time, I’ll meet you there.”

  “Thanks.” He leaned in, but I quickly turned giving him my cheek. “Kai.” I sighed his name. “We can’t — I can’t — ”

  “You keep telling me that, but your body reacts to me every time I’m near. I see you fighting it, but one day, you’ll give in. I’ll be ready when the time comes.”

  I studied the ground off in the distance, unable to face the potential truth in his words. “I, uh, should go check on Mel.” I broke from his grip, determined not to think about him.

  Mel ran to me, throwing herself into me the moment I was within range. “Holy crap, Lex. How do you do this? How do you stay calm when your life is always on the line?”

  I hugged her tight. “I’ve gotten used to it. You can’t stop living because someone threatens you.”

  She yanked herself back. “Lex, these people aren’t just threatening, they’re trying. There’s a big difference!” Her concern was difficult to ignore.

  “I’m not saying it’s something to ignore. I’m saying that I’m not going to drop everything; I refuse to give them that kind of control over me.”

  She looked pensive as she fidgeted in front of me. “You’re so much stronger than I remember. When did you grow up?”

  I chuckled. “I think it happened back in October when I became this.” I gestured toward myself.

  “I don’t know if I have that strength, Lex. I don’t know if I can do what you do.” She shook her head, her eyes watering.

  “No one’s asking you to, Mel. I won’t think any less of you if you walk away.”

  “So, that’s my choice? Give up our friendship and live a normal, mediocre vampeen life without you, or stick by my sister’s side and live life on the edge under constant threat of assassination?” Her brows drew together in anger; she fisted her hands at her sides.

  I sighed. “I wish it was easier, that it was black and white instead of gray. Based off what I’ve experienced so far, though, no one who’s around me is safe.”

  “Lex, I’m not selfish enough to toss our friendship away. I chose you over my own mother, for crying out loud. You need to stop being such a masochist. Fight for what you want, yes, but don’t keep putting yourself down and willingly sacrificing anything and anyone to do it.”

  Where was all this doubt creeping in from? Why was I constantly trying to fight this thing alone when so many were willing to step in and help? They weren’t making uneducated offers, yet I was blocking them every chance I got. I was so wrapped up in trying to control situations I would never have control of, and in the process was ruining my relationships.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I want you in my life. I want us to be looking back a hundred years from now with our great-grandchildren, laughing at all the attempts these pendejos made on our lives. I want us to laugh when they try and try, but get nowhere close to destroying what we have. You’re the Ethel to my Lucy, and I couldn’t survive all the mishaps without you.”

  She smiled, extending her arms out to welcome another hug. “You should consider dyeing your hair red. How fitting would that be?”

  “I don’t know how that would look on me.”

  “Red is for anger; red is for blood. Red is for power. It’s a killer color, and a killer’s color.”

  “I’m going to ignore the accusation in your reference.” I closed the gap between us. “This was one hell of a final human day.”

  “Darn tootin’ fig newton.”

  “You know, the more you hang out with Craig, the more you sound like him. Where did that line come from?”

  She shrugged as she broke away. I heard my phone go off somewhere close, the ring shrilling from beneath a compress. She dug in her pocket and handed the device to me. Kellan’s name and picture appeared on the screen. The moment between Kai and me on the bridge had stolen my focus. How could I let that happen? What was I supposed to tell Kellan? How was I going to tell Kellan?

  I answered on the final ring. “Hello?”

  “Are you alright?” His trepidation caused guilt to drown me.

  “Yeah. How are you?” I kept my voice soft.

  “Better now that I’ve heard your voice.” He sighed.

  I hesitated but knew he deserved the truth as soon as possible. “Kellan, I need to tell you something.”

  “I already know about Kai.”

  I shook my head, flabbergasted. “What? How?”

  “You were on a busy bridge with cars full of people with camera phones. The picture was captured from multiple angles and uploaded to the Internet with many taglines.”

  My body trembled. Breathing became a chore as I fought to shake off my shame. He was so calm; too calm. He was too good to me. I deserved to be yelled at, punished, something.

  “You don’t deserve that, Kellan.” My voice was low.

  “I know.” His tone was cold as ice. He took a deep breath, exhaling hard. “I’m tired of that — ” he grunted rather than give Kai a curse name “ — putting the moves on you. I saw in the pictures that you pushed him off you. At first I thought it was just you pulling back, but I saw the shock in your eyes. I was also watching when you gave him your cheek just a bit ago.”

  My heart sprinted. I frantically looked around, searching for him. Drexel’s voice boomed over the noise of vamps working to cover and tow my car from the scene unobserved. Others were using a jackhammer to remove and then refinish the road where the black substance had connected with it and made it unsafe for cars to drive over its hardened texture. Army personnel were being debriefed on handling anyone caught between here and the borders a mile out. A vamp helicopter was hovering overhead, watching from the sky for what others might miss on foot. From an outsider’s point of view, it probably looked like a national disaster recovery zone. Amidst the commotion, though, I didn’t spot him.

  Finally, he stepped out from behind one of the SUVs. I shoved my phone in my pocket and ran full speed into him. I leapt into his arms, my legs wrapping around his waist as I draped my arms around his neck. He squeezed me tightly to him.

  “How? Where?” I stumbled to connect the dots.

  “Let’s just say Kalel and I have an understanding. He called. I ran out of the house before anyone could ask where I was going.”

  I stared into his emerald eyes, fire blazing in their depths. “How fast did you drive?”

  “I may have run a few car
s off the road before I hopped a ride with the helicopter.”

  “You never cease to amaze me.”

  “Hm. And you never cease to get yourself into a new pot of trouble.” His lips curled up. He kissed the inside of my elbows on either side of his head. “You need to slow down, Lexi. Your grandfather’s not an amateur.”

  I looked back at my car. It was draped in black; its white finish would never be revealed again. “I asked Kai to train me with and without weapons.”

  Kellan tensed. “If he lays another finger on you, I won’t hesitate to decapitate him.”

  I swallowed my serum. I heard the sincerity of his threat; he was playing for keeps with me. While part of me was flattered, the other part was scared to death for Kai. I was learning new things about Kellan every day. He wasn’t the casual submissive vamp I thought he was; he truly was a force to be reckoned with.

  I swung my gaze to his lips. “I don’t think Kai will try anything, but you can tag along if you’re worried.”

  “Look at me, Lexi.” I lifted my eyes. “I’m not your babysitter; I’m your protector. Kai is the least of my worries, but he’s still on my radar, for obvious reasons. Just don’t fall for his tricks. While I think he cares about you, I also think he has hidden agendas no one knows about.” The ferocity of his tone twisted my stomach. He was serious; he sounded close to lethal.

  “I’ll be careful.”

  “Good.” He captured my lips in hungry rage. He was rough, his mouth connecting to mine with a purpose, yet he cared enough to soothe my lips with his tongue after he had his way with them. “Sometimes I feel like I have an ice block around my heart, and you’re the only one who can melt it.”

  I pressed my lips to his once again, savoring the taste of him. “You’re not a cold person, Kellan; you’re a soldier. Sometimes you have to be cold in order to survive. It’s about perseverance, nothing more.”

  “Uh, Lex?” Her voice carried over me.

  I immediately dropped my legs to the ground and spun around to face Mel. She was wringing her hands, shifting from foot to foot. I immediately knew we were cutting it close. “What time is it?”


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