Tycoon's Delicious Debt

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Tycoon's Delicious Debt Page 9

by Susanna Carr

  When she leaned into him, her soft breasts resting against his chest, his body hardened. His erection pressed insistently against her softness. Serena reluctantly pulled away, gulping for air, and he mindlessly followed. He speared one hand through her wavy hair and cradled the back of her head. Tilting her head up, Cooper caught her lips with his and deepened the kiss.

  Wrapping his other arm around her, Cooper gathered Serena closer. He groaned as her tongue teased his. She splayed her hands against his chest and her fingernails lightly dug into his skin. He welcomed the sting as his fingers dipped underneath her bikini bottom.

  As he cupped the rounded curve of her buttocks, Cooper felt the tension coil in her and she abruptly pulled away. He dropped his hands and curled his fingers into his palms as he tried to ignore the call of the hunt that coursed through his blood. Serena looked into his eyes and Cooper wasn’t sure what she saw. He had tried to hide the relentless desire but he knew his fierce expression could frighten.

  Serena looked to the side and took another step away. Cooper stopped her by hooking his fingers over the silver belly chain. She jerked back and glanced down at his hand. Did she see that he was fighting for control?

  “Let go.” Her voice was above a whisper.

  He couldn’t, not when he ached for her like this. Cooper wanted to grab Serena and hook her legs tightly around his hips. He wanted to bury himself deep inside her and watch her face as she climaxed again and again. He wanted to brand her until she knew that only he could give her the ultimate pleasure.

  “Why’d you stop?” His voice was rough.

  She reached down in the water and covered his hand with hers. She tried to remove his hold on the chain but he didn’t move. “This is a bad idea.”

  “No, it’s not.” It was reckless, wild and dangerous. For all he knew, this could be another ploy to lower his defenses before a surprise attack. At this moment, he didn’t care what her reasons were as long as they wound up in bed immediately. But was it a bad idea? Not even close.

  He felt her shiver. “Cold?” He rubbed his fingers against her stomach and smiled when her muscles tightened from his touch.

  She glanced back at the chaise lounge and tried to pull away. “I—I’m going to sit in the sun.”

  “I’ll join you.” He let go of her chain and she automatically took a step back.

  “Why?” she asked as she hurried to the steps.

  He was right behind her. “I still need to convince you that we should work together.”

  She stopped and looked over her shoulder. “Are you still going with that strategy? Don’t waste your time. There are so many reasons why that won’t work.”

  Cooper bent his head close to hers. “You can tell me all about it,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Well, first of all, you are based in Texas...” she began as she strode to her chair and grabbed her sarong. To his disappointment, Serena wrapped the bright red fabric tightly against her waist. When she placed the dark sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, Cooper knew she was putting on full armor.

  He sat on the chair next to hers, willing his body to calm down as she proceeded to give him a list of why his idea wouldn’t work. He had to wonder if she had stayed up all night coming up with excuses but gradually realized her mind was whirring at full speed as she considered every contingency and problem.

  Cooper propped his chin against his hand as he listened. As much as he wanted to gather her close, feel her skin against his, he liked watching Serena while she spoke. He was captivated by her animated expression and the way she punctuated everything she said with her hands. Was she only this way when she discussed a financial deal or business? Was there anything else that captured her imagination or fired her passion?

  Serena’s hands stopped in midair. “Are you listening, cowboy?”

  “Every word, sweetheart,” he promised. Not that he agreed with her list but he would pick his moment to tear apart her excuses. “I have a feeling not many people win an argument with you. You wear down your opponent. Were you always like this?”

  Serena wrinkled her nose. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  “I’m sure your parents just gave in to you every time.” He had no doubt that her parents were weak against her dominant personality.

  A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. “I was a willful child.”

  “Stubborn,” he guessed. “Spoiled.”

  The smile widened. “I was spoiled when I was younger. I didn’t have to ask for anything. My parents were very demonstrative. Lots of hugs and kisses. Lots of concern and attention. I wasn’t the focus of the family but I knew I was safe and loved.” Her smile took a dip and he knew she didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “What about you? Did your parents spoil you? I’m trying to imagine Aaron Brock as a doting father and I just don’t see it.”

  She was correct. His father needed him to be strong, competitive and hungry for success. “I grew up with very strict nannies.”

  “What about your parents?” she asked.

  “I didn’t see them on a day-to-day basis. They were always traveling for business.”

  She rested her head against the back of the chair. “Didn’t you go along with them?”

  He chuckled at the thought. “That would have been very inconvenient. No, I stayed behind in Texas.” He didn’t mind. They had their lives and their interests and he had his.

  “That must have been lonely,” she murmured.

  He shrugged. There had been times when he’d wished he had a strong family connection. When he felt neglected and forgotten. And then when his parents were home, he had often counted the days, eager for when they had to leave. “We weren’t close.”

  “They are very proud of you.”

  “And they take full credit for my accomplishments,” he admitted with a wide smile. He expected nothing else from them. “My parents had very big plans for me and they made sure I was reaching each milestone ahead of schedule. My birthday and Christmas presents were usually of the educational variety.”

  She gave a soft sigh that pulled deep inside him. “At least you got something.”

  “True,” he said with a nod. “Although there were times when it would have been better if they had ignored the occasion. I remember one time I had asked for a baseball bat and mitt. I didn’t think I was going to get it, but I went for it, anyway. The gift I received was for a much younger child and I realized their assistants didn’t even know much about me, let alone how old I was.”

  He grimaced at his words. He didn’t realize how much those gifts had bothered him until now. But he tried to ignore those holidays and special occasions because they were always a reminder that he was not a priority to his parents.

  “I don’t think I can accuse you of being spoiled,” Serena said as she stared straight ahead at the pool. “I get the feeling you learned how to take care of yourself at a very early age. You were the lone cowboy.”

  Cooper watched her carefully. “And you still maintain the glamorous socialite persona. But it’s not the real you.”

  Serena turned toward him and she pressed her lips together. It was as if she wasn’t sure how much she wanted to reveal. He wanted to pluck off her oversize sunglasses so he could see her golden eyes.

  “When we lost everything, my parents were insistent that we kept up with appearances,” she said as she gestured with her hands. “It was important to look successful because people would still believe we had money and power. Our image was the only shield we had to protect us.”

  Cooper frowned. “You have more going for you than your looks, Serena. You are intelligent and hardworking.”

  She sighed and threaded her hands through her hair. “I didn’t know that at the time. My only role up to that point was to be sweet, obedient and pretty. Not necessarily in t
hat order.”

  Cooper wondered if and when she would have discovered her true strengths. She would have found the socialite role confining. The reversal of fortune had shown her what she was capable of at an earlier age.

  “But the image my parents wanted to desperately hang on to was a disadvantage once we were in the slums. It had made us a target and I had learned to change everything about me.” She gave another sigh and slumped back into her chair. “It disappointed my parents but they didn’t see that adapting was a survival skill.”

  Cooper suspected Serena tried to hide the traits that helped her when she was poor. Did she think it was a sign that she had given up? He found her survival skills just as admirable and desirable as her accomplishments in the financial industry. Unlike her father, who didn’t have the courage to stand up for what he believed in, Serena Dominguez’s only goal was to take care of her loved ones.

  “But I found out that being poor meant you were invisible,” Serena explained. “No one gave you a chance. If I wanted to get out of the slums, then I had to pretend that I was from the same world I had been kicked out of years before.”

  He narrowed his eyes as he studied Serena. Cooper couldn’t imagine Serena as invisible. It wasn’t the clothes or the image. Her vibrant energy and sparkling personality always gained attention. “So which one is the real you? The socialite or the street kid?”

  “Both. My parents refuse to acknowledge the influence the street had on me but I can’t erase either persona. However, I knew pretending to be the spoiled socialite meant more opportunity,” she continued, squaring her shoulders back as if she could shrug off the memory. “I had to remember the rules and rituals my mother drilled into me. I had some contacts who had either forgotten what I went through or assumed everything was back to normal. It was a struggle to regain that role. But once I started making money, people conveniently forgot my past. I’m now on invitation lists to celebrate every milestone.”

  “Celebrations are important,” he said softly. “In fact, we should celebrate our truce.”

  Serena slid her sunglasses down her nose. “I beg your pardon?”

  “Have dinner with me, Serena.”

  She sat up and swung her feet onto the ground. “That’s not necessary. I should pack and get ready to leave. My work here is done.”

  Cooper raised an eyebrow. “You’re leaving?” He wasn’t prepared for that. He’d chase her to the ends of the earth if he had to, but he wasn’t going to waste any more time. He was not going to allow Serena to set up more barriers.

  She nodded and stood up. “There’s no reason for me to stay.”

  Cooper grabbed the edge of her sarong knowing that it would take only one fierce tug for it to fall off her. “Don’t you need to talk to the Alves family about the land deal?” he asked, thinking quickly. “You should explain how I suddenly have it after you stole it from me.”

  “You can take care of that on your own,” she insisted. “I’m told you’re very persuasive.”

  “Come on, Serena,” he said in a wheedling tone. “You can’t just walk away from this. We need to come up with a story together.”

  She bit down on her bottom lip as she considered his words. “Fine,” she said tersely. “I can’t wait to see what your idea is for that.”

  Cooper smiled. “I’ll tell you over dinner.”

  * * *

  They had lingered over the seven-course dinner. Every taste had been a celebration to the senses but Serena had a feeling that had more to do with her dinner companion than the world-famous chef. Cooper had been very attentive and charming throughout the night. He had made her feel special and she wished it could continue.

  Why couldn’t it? The thought whispered in her mind and a pulsating throb settled low in her belly. She had given up her revenge. It was hard to remember it, believe it. It was a dizzying, liberating feeling. Every day had been focused on that mission and now that weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She could pursue this relationship now because nothing was holding her back. Cooper Brock was no longer the enemy.

  But he was still dangerous, Serena decided. This was the kind of man who expected more than allegiance and fidelity from a woman. Cooper wanted her to depend on him for everything. That is, until he severed the relationship with cold precision.

  Serena couldn’t do that. She was in charge of her money, her protection and her pleasure. She could not surrender any of that to a man, especially one as powerful as Cooper Brock.

  She glanced around the quiet restaurant. Serena held back a start of surprise when she realized they were the only guests left. It had felt as if no time had passed while she and Cooper talked.

  She watched Cooper as he signed the bill. His black tuxedo emphasized his broad shoulders and lean build. His tanned skin seemed darker against the snowy-white shirt. She liked that his clothing did nothing to soften his edges.

  Serena felt very feminine next to him. All night she was aware of the fragile straps and plunging neckline to her turquoise gown. Her chandelier earrings felt heavy as they swayed with her every move. Anticipation beat hard in her chest.

  She hastily took the last sip of her wine and swiped her tongue along the bottom of her lip as she tried to hold on to the moment. She felt Cooper’s heated gaze on her mouth. Her lips felt full and stinging as she remembered his kiss. She wanted to taste him again but at the same time she wanted to keep her distance.

  “It’s getting late,” she announced. “I need to get ready for my flight tomorrow.”

  Cooper’s gaze clashed with hers. “You can’t leave. We didn’t come up with a plan about the land deal.”

  “We kept getting sidetracked,” she admitted as Cooper helped her from her chair. She didn’t mind. He had regaled her with stories about his misspent youth and she found herself sharing some of the lessons she had learned as a young woman in the big city.

  A sense of unease coiled around her. Serena abruptly turned around and strode out of the restaurant with Cooper at her side. She had lowered her defenses too far with Cooper. It had been a poor choice and not because Cooper had once been her enemy. It was because she never shared anything about herself. She didn’t want her traits and her weaknesses to be used against her.

  They walked silently across the lobby and she was acutely aware of how her dress floated around her legs with every step. Cooper guided her into the elevator. Her tension soared when the door closed. They were alone.

  Cooper pressed her floor button and stepped away. He kept his hands at his sides as he watched her. She got the sense that he was waiting. One word, one look of encouragement, and he would pounce.

  That is, if she didn’t pounce first. Her breath was shaky as she imagined tearing off his clothes and claiming him. She stared at the illuminated numbers as if her life depended on it. “You forgot to press your floor number,” she said hoarsely.

  “I am seeing you to your door.”

  She went still at the determination in his voice. She wanted to invite him into her bed. But she knew she would never be the same once she made love to him. She needed to walk away. After tonight, she would never see him again. Serena closed her eyes as the sense of loss rocked through her.

  Cooper Brock was the only man she had been interested in over the past two years. No other man she had met compared. Maybe she had built him up in her mind. He was larger in life because of what he represented—the end of a quest.

  The elevator doors opened to her floor and they silently walked through the empty corridor. Serena’s fingers fumbled as she opened her evening purse and retrieved her key card. Should she walk away or should she grab this moment before it slipped through her hands? She hated this indecision. It wasn’t like her.

  He was like all other men, wasn’t he? Serena thought. Yes, he was rich and gorgeous. Ruthless. But she was his weakness, she remin
ded herself. She had power over him. And she still had the Alves property and the file on Aaron Brock. She still was the one in charge of this relationship.

  They approached her door and Serena could barely breathe as her chest tightened. She swiped the key card, wrenched the door open and hesitated. She turned around and faced him. He was tense, waiting, holding back.

  If she wanted to go to bed with Cooper Brock, this was the best time to go for it. Because after tonight, she had nothing to hold over him.

  “Good night, Serena.” His voice was soft and low as he bent his head and brushed his lips against her cheek.

  Serena closed her eyes as she felt his shaky restraint. She craved more. Serena turned her head and captured his mouth with hers.


  SERENA KISSED COOPER with a hunger she didn’t recognize. Her blood pumped through her veins as the excitement burned through her. She had been numb for so long. Dead inside. She didn’t even realize it until she had met Cooper. This man had shown her what she had been missing in her life.

  She caught Cooper’s tongue and drew it deep into her mouth. He held her jaw with a light touch but she felt the tremor in his fingers. He was holding back.

  That would not do, Serena decided. She wanted to feel his passion and get a taste of his need. She wanted to hear his groans ripped from his throat and listen to his pleas for more. She wanted everything he had to offer.

  Serena reached for his hand to draw him inside the room. His hand was big and strong. Masculine. She couldn’t wait to feel his hands all over her body.

  He broke the kiss and pulled his hand away. She took a few steps back but he didn’t follow. He remained at the threshold, although it was obvious by his ragged breath that he wanted to follow. His hooded eyes watched her intently. “Tell me what you want.”

  She gave a husky laugh. “Isn’t it obvious?”

  “I have wanted you since the moment I saw you.” His voice was raw as his gaze tracked her. “You have rejected me every step of the way. If I step into your room, there’s no turning back.”


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